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Gabriela Mistral High School 60% 80 min.

Miss Ximena Guevara Leal score: 46 points

Teacher of English Sept. 15th, 2022.

Written Test – 5th Neruda

“What we eat”

Name: ________________________________________ score: _________ mark: ___________

I Identify the following food / identificar los alimentos marcados (8 ptos.)

II Look at the picture and write sentences about your likes and dislikes / Mire la imagen y escriba oraciones
expresando lo que te gusta y lo que no te gusta (12 ptos.)

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

III Read the sentences and draw / Lea las oraciones y dibuje (6 ptos.)

At morning snack I eat a cake At dinner I eat fish and At afternoon snack I eat cereal,
and I drink soda potatoes. I drink lemonade yoghurt and I drink tea.
III Look at the picture and answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) / Mire la Imagen y marque TRUE (T) o FALSE (F) (14 ptos.)

1 ______ he doesn´t like tomatoes 1 ______ she doesn’t like pizza
2 ______ he likes milk 2 ______ she doesn’t like chicken
3 ______ he doesn’t like pears 3 ______ she likes sweets
4 ______ he likes fish 4 ______ she doesn’t like cheese
5 ______ he doesn’t like cakes 5 ______ she likes fish
6 ______ he likes eggs 6 ______ she likes pizza
7 ______ he doesn’t like bananas 7 ______ she doesn’t like ice cream

IV Look at the picture and write sentences identifying the food for the meals of the day / Mire las imágenes y escribe
oraciones identificando los alimentos para cada comida (6 ptos.)

breakfast lunch dinner

At breakfast, __________________________________________________________________________________

At lunch, _______________________________________________________________________________________

At dinner, ______________________________________________________________________________________

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