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NAMA SD Nama :


TAHUN PELAJARAN 2019/2020 No. Absen :
Mata : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : 6 (Enam) Tema 6 Nilai :
Waktu : 90 menit
Tanggal :

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d.

Pililhlah jawaban yang Benar dengan Memberi Tanda Silang (x) pada A,
B,C Atau D!
1. What kind of the trash In the picture below?
a. Organic
b. Inorganic
c. Rubbish
d. Natural

2. What kind of the trash In the picture below?

a. organic
b. Inorganic
c. Rubbish
d. Natural

3. Siti joined …… mother at the village hall on Sunday afternoon.

a. He
b. Him
c. She
d. Her
Read dialog below to answer question number 4,5, and 6!

4. When the cleaning contest between villages was held?

a. Yesterday
b. Tomorrow
c. The day after tomorrow
d. Next week

5. Whose village was chosen to take part in the cleaning contest?

a. Liana’s village
b. Ido’s village
c. Edo’s village
d. Lina’s village

6. What is the garbage can be exchanged for money in a garbage bank?

a. wood
b. Leaf
c. Iron
d. Organic

7. “Care” In Indonesian language means ……

a. Peduli
b. Untuk
c. Lingkungan
d. Sampah
Read the reading below to answer question number 8, 9, and 10
Thursday morning August 17, 2018,
Udin and his friends attended a ceremony
commemorate the Republic of
Indonesia's Independence Day in the
school fields.

8. When ceremony be held?

a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Wednesday
d. Thursday

9. When Indonesian Independence Day celebrated?

a. August 17
b. July 17
c. June 17
d. September 17

10. Where does the ceremony take place in the picture above?
a. School park
b. Canteen
c. School warehouse
d. Schoolyard

11. are - humans - creatures - social

The correct sentence above is ……
a. are Humans social creatures
b. Social creatures are humans
c. Humans are creatures social
d. Humans are social creatures

12. The traditional food from Yogyakarta is ....

a. Rujak
b. Gudek
c. Empek empek
d. Rendang

13. “ Tidur “ in English language is ……

a. Eat
b. Sleep
c. Drink
d. Cooking

14. Father reads the …… in the living room

a. Stick
b. Pen
c. Newspaper
d. Phone

15. A …works in the school

a. Teacher
b. Pilot
c. Seller
d. Fisherman

II. Answer the following question correctly!

1. This is ……… garbage

2. This is ……… garbage

3. She …… fruit every morning.

4. The right letter to complete this word are ….        G A _ _ A _ E —–> (sampah)
5. mother - in - kitchen - the - cooks - my
The correct order is ……
Read the reading below to answer question number 6,7 and 8!

6. What is prosperous society?

7. “ Healthy Life” in Indonesian language means ……
8. What should Lani and Siti do?
9. Mention 2 organic waste!
10. Mention 2 Inorganic waste!
Answer key!

I. Multiple Choice

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. D
11. D
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. A

II. Essay

1. Organic
2. Inorganic
3. Eats
5. My mother cooks in the kitchen.
6. The prosperous society is a healthy society
7. Hidup sehat
8. Make a billboard that invites us to live healthy
9. Leaf, paper, wood, apple, etc
10. Any plastic, iron, fabric trash, etc

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