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F I G U R E 1 Conceptual figure showing how intraspecific trait variation contributes to complex relationships between traits and the environment,
leading to variation in demographic rates. We expect these relationships will be trait and/or environmentally dependent with the expectation that different
demographic metrics may be driven by different variables. (A) Sampling a functional trait from one or a few populations (red and blue curve) may not
capture the full range (bold curve) of intraspecific trait variation of a species. This trait variation may be driven by differences in genetic variation among
populations, which is known to interact with the environment to influence trait expression. (B) Trait‐demographic rate relationships are sensitive to micro‐
and macro‐environmental gradients (trait × environment interactions) such as across elevation as highlighted here where there is a negative relationship
between the trait and a demographic rate within a high elevation population (red line), but a positive relationship within a low elevation population (blue
line). Different demographic rates may respond in different ways across the same environmental gradient leading to compensatory relationships. (C) These
relationships may be evident by differences in relationships among demographic rates across an environmental gradient. As an example, fecundity is higher
at lower elevations and decreases as elevation increases (solid line), whereas survival rate shows the opposite pattern—higher at higher elevations and
decreasing as elevation decreases (dashed line). Compensation between fecundity and survival along this elevation gradient may contribute to population

complexity involved in understanding current and predict- rates increased, but survival rates decreased, with increasing
ing future regional‐scale population dynamics. They temperature in an alpine plant species, contributing to its
provide a novel framework that incorporates genetic and ability to persist across a broad climatic range through
phenotypic variation, abiotic and biotic factors, and demographic compensation (i.e., opposing demographic rate
demographic components. Together, this recent work trends across populations (Villellas et al., 2015). Furthermore,
builds on previous work to reinforce the context‐ both life‐history plasticity and local adaptation shaped range‐
dependency of demographic relationships within and wide responses to climate suggesting population‐specific
among populations, but also provides frameworks for responses to climate change, which has implications for
incorporating this complexity into predicting emergent distribution across the landscape.
patterns in ecology. Better integration of feedbacks between ecology and
evolution will also lend insight into how traits, environ-
ment, and demography interact to drive population
L O O K I NG FO R W A R D dynamics. We can think of traits as reflecting past contexts
with implications for future responses. For instance,
Integrating these perspectives and approaches is critical in intraspecific trait variation can reflect historical patterns of
the face of anthropogenic change, but does increase the selection across a species range, including local adaptation
complexity of experiments, observations, and data analyses to spatial and temporal environmental variation, which
needed to do so. It will also require incorporation of biotic provides insight into trait variation and its influence on past
and abiotic conditions (Lasky et al., 2020; Swenson and future performance (Oldfather et al., 2021). Further-
et al., 2020). For example, Yang et al. (2020) showed that more, trait values may not be static. As an example, Nguyen
models of individual tree growth rate including climate data, et al. (2016) demonstrated that two invasive species
biotic neighborhood, and multiple trait variables outper- responded to selection on traits characteristic of drought
formed those lacking these contexts. They also showed that escape following a reduced precipitation experiment
individual‐level trait measurements explained more variation simulating future climate change. Studies like these will
than species‐level measurements assigned to all individuals of improve understanding of how changes in climate may alter
a species. Beyond the inclusion of environmental contexts, we selection patterns and shift species’ ranges. Here, we can
need to recognize that different demographic metrics may incorporate perspectives from additional fields because
respond in different ways across the same environmental restoration and invasion ecology have a history of
gradient, and vary in their influence on population growth investigating how traits vary among populations and
rates (Figure 1C). For example, DeMarche et al. (2018) bridging research with practice (Funk, 2021).
showed that temperature can have opposing effects on The largest factor limiting progress in explaining
different demographic rates where mean individual growth intraspecific variation in demographic metrics is missing

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