Ghost Stories Work On Me

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Discovery channel has been 1 of the few channels in India to provide knowledge & education about the world

to the masses. It has been on air for quite some time & is still popular among the masses. That is primarily because of its wide range & variety of programs based on various topics. Subjects vary from the animal kingdom to cultures of various nations, war , space, kids programs, lifestyle, world & many more. Discovery also keeps adding new programs to its list quite often. These programs are either of the same categories as mentioned above or are absolutely new ones such as The Haunting which began few years ago and is based on true life supernatural experiences of certain people. Apart from that, I still watch Future Weapons, Extreme Engineering & Discovery Showcase which always have something different to offer. I would recommend it to people,especially to kids & teenagers as it is very informative and improves a persons General Knowledge. Pryvett Rawgers, spoke of Discovery Channel program. One morning, I watched the Discovery Channel documentary about the case of demonic haunting. The eldest son in an upstate Newyork family of six had cancer and received life-sustaining treatments at hospital in Connecticut. The long drives to and from the hospital took a toll on him, so the family decided to move closer to the hospital. They looked for homes in the area, but most were too expensive to buy or even to rent. Except for one house. As the mother and her husband took a final look around before signing on the dotted line, they mase their way down to the basement, which was seperated into two areas by a set of double doors. Beyond the double doors, they found a stainless stell table and counter, large knives and small saws and industrial-strength tongs, as well as yards of coiled rubber hosting and a counter-top pump. It did not take long for them to realize they had found embalming eqipment. They quickly figured out that the house had once been a funeral home and this was the room where the bodies were prepared. There was even an old walking freezer where the bodies were stored. Not a dresser, nor a chair, nor even a magazine had been left behind by the previous tenants, but expensive embalming equipment had been. Much was made of the large homes inexpensive price, so it seemed the realtor had some troble renting the property and thus had lowered the price of its history as a mortuary. The parents made two decitions with their newfound information: they would hide the houses history from their children, and they decided that the basement area would make a great bedroom for their sick son and his younger brother. Surely a basement in old house in connecticut would be the perfect healing environment for a child with cancer. The mother stopped by one day with her eldest son after one of his treatments. She was going to do some cleaning and wanted him to have a chance to see the place and accimilate himself. As it turned out, the boy got a real welcome from the house a voice emanating from the basement called him by name. Duly freaked-out, he ran to find his mother. She was in the kitchen dealing with her own problems. As ahe mopped the kithchen floor, the mop water

turned to a red, blood like substance on the linoleum. The more she mopped, the more the mess spread. The realtor waas on hand to help clean this up, and luckily the women sopped up the last of the red mess just as the frightened boy came running in. Untroubled by the mysterious blood on the kitchen floor or the house calling her son by name, the mother reassured the boy that the family would be very happy in their new home. So, backward hospitals of New York unsuitable to treat their son's cancer, the family moved to rural Connecticut where there stood a top flight cancer hospital amid. The former mortuary quickly turned into home. Since the family was so large, the mother bought large quantities of food in bulk, storing it in the large, walk-in freezer in the basement - the one that, presumably, had housed dead bodies in the past. A legion of national surgeons general could assure me that, with a proper cleaning, there would be nothing wrong in storing one's food in a freezer that had once dead bodies. And so the requisite aspects of a haunting unfolded apparitions appearing to the children, voices calling the eldest son's name, figures seen moving around behind the double doors in the basement in the middle of the night, the youngest daughter going to the basement one night and flicking the lights off and on, even though the light sockets contained no light bulbs. Even the mother had a supernatural experience beyond the blood-mopping: after setting the table, she turned to answer the phone and when she turned back to the table, the dishes were gone. If only the entity in the house could do that after each meal, rather than before. Even so, the mother didn't believe her children's reports of odd happenings. The good news, though, was by that time the eldest son's cancer had gone into remission. He was saved. There was no longer any reason to remain in the odd home where the children were becoming increasingly creeped-out. Actually, as often and with as much intensity as his children reported being frightened by strange happenings and visitations by frightening, ominous beings. The parents had endless energy for dismissing their children's concerns and fears Following one too many haunting occurrences, the family sought to have the house exorcised. How far the pendulum swings! Unfortunately, by that time, the eldest son had confronted the demonic voice in the house that summoned him nightly. And the proprietor of the demonic voice filled the boy's head with innumerable ideas of horrible acts to perpetrate upon his family. The boy didn't act on any of these preternatural suggestions, but he recorded them in a journal that would later be found, and would cement in his parents' minds his seamless insanity. Also at that time, the eldest son took to dressing in dark clothing and became morose around the family. Truly strange, unnatural and unusual behavior for an adolescent boy!

Events in the house escalated in a way that was painfully predictable and oddly boring, culminating with the discovery of the eldest son's incriminating journal and his hospitalization in a mental ward. Much as his parents believed that would be the end of their children's frightening experiences in the house, things only got worse. Paranormal investigators were called in and more predictable, banal acts of haunting and demonstrations of the demonic took place. It was assembly line terror by that point. Finally, the local branch of the Catholic Church agreed to do an exorcism. Which brought one of the most comic aspects of this improbable story - the priest's method of dealing with overt manifestations of evil: to ignore them. It seemed that method had worked so well in the Church's efforts to combat the problem of pedophilia among its priestly ranks, that it enlisted this method when dealing directly with the devil. The exorcism was performed, during which a few books were knocked from a bookshelf - which everyone conspicuously ignored - and the house was finally freed from its demonic occupant. Once the home was finally rid of the diabolical presence, the family moved out of the house - such was their tremendous faith in the success. Clearly A Haunting in Connecticut is not only a lie, a myth, a fantasy, it's a poorly conceived story, with more red flags than something with a ton of red flags. As a person who is inclined to take such stories on-board and to then be freaked out when alone in my own house, I found this story laughable, implausible and frankly, quite dull. The supposed family members who endured these bogus events were all interviewed in silhouette in the documentary, presumably in case their former demonic housemate watched The Discovery Channel, and recognized them talking about him. If nothing else, the actor who played the demon had an awesome beard.

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