Lang Cog 2 Midterm Notes

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Components of Non Literary Text: text types and forms Main idea : The main idea of a text sums

of a text sums up the overall idea

or theme, or what information the text is trying to convey. Since
Non-literary texts can be classified according to their purpose. non-literary texts tend to be short and succinct, the main idea
These can have the objective of disclosing information, is usually stated early on, in the title or subheading, or in the
explaining an issue, communicating the results of an first paragraph.
investigation or making known how a person acts.
Audience : Who is your target audience and does the
Modes of writing of Non Literary Text rhetorical text suits the audience by considering their gender,
age, location, education,socioeconomic status, beliefs, values,
1. Expository. It is to Inform and facilitate understanding and attitudes (special interest groups)
of a topic.
Ex: Lectures, reports, news, essays, biographies, and
2. Normative. Inform and provide directions or orders TEXT STRUCTURES FOR READING
about how someone should act in a specific context.
Ex: Cooking recipes, instructions, manuals, legislative What is reading?
and legal documents, political constitution, and others.
3. Academic. Communicate or disseminate knowledge Among the four language skills, reading is the possibly the
on a specific matter most extensively and intensively studied skill in experts in the
Ex: Dissertations, theses, academic articles, field of teaching.
encyclopedic entries, monographs, scientific essays,
and others. Theories of Reading:
4. Argumentative. Expressing or communicating a point
of view or opinion with the intention of persuading or 1.Traditional theory, or bottom-up
convincing someone. 2. The cognitive view or top-down processing
Ex: Speeches, philosophical texts, essays, opinion 3.The metacognitive view
articles, advertising messages, and others.
How do you identify a non literary text?
Also called behaviorist approach and skill achievement theory.
Purpose: It is another aspect of non-literary text to consider its Processing, which focused on the printed form of
purpose, or why the author wrote the piece a text.
Example: Example:
1. Interpreting Road Signs For example, if you are given a sentence to read such as "The
dog ran around the corner" you would use your prior
One of the ways that affordances works to support the theory knowledge to anticipate that there will be something else
of bottom-up processing is road markings. Road markings use behind the corner (e.g., another dog). You already know that
several different affordances to communicate speed dogs chase each other so your brain predicts what might
requirements and the direction of the world. As you're driving happen next in order to help you understand the sentence
along a country road, you are not working from the top down - fully.
you are sensing the signs on the side of the road and on the
road to determine where you are going and how fast you are Metacognitive Theory
Which is based on the control and manipulation that a reader
Difference between bottom up and top down can have on the act of comprehending a text, and thus,
emphasizes the involvement of the reader's thinking about
Bottom up is a text based (letters, syllables, morphemes) what he is doing while reading.

Top Down is readers based (own intelligence, and Example:

experience) Is when reading a text asking yourself am I understanding this
or should I go back and read prior paragraphs or chapters so
Cognitive Theory or Top Down this will make more sense? The first part is knowledge of
cognition. The second part, is regulation of cognition to
The cognitive view or top-down processing enhanced the role maximize learning.
of background knowledge in addition to what appeared on the
printed page. "The Cognitive View (top- down processing). It's "As authors write a text to communicate an idea, they will use
the idea that our brains form an idea of a big picture first from a structure that goes along with the idea"
previous knowledge and then break it down into more specific Meyer (1985)
information. We perceive the world around us by pulling from
our perceptual set: past experiences, expectations, and Examples
emotions. Then, we form opinions. Car Crash While Hitchhiking

Denis Johnson's hallucinatory story follows a young,

drug-addled hitchhiker who foresees a terrible car crash but
does nothing to stop it. The interlinked causes of the tragedy ➢ Text structures give the readers a specific purpose for
are catalogued in the first paragraph of the story: "A salesman reading.
who shared his liquor and steered while sleeping. A Cherokee ➢ Helps the reader understand what is important in text.
filled with bourbon. A VW no more than a bubble of hashish ➢ The author usually organized their text so that readers
fumes, captained by a college student. And a family from can clearly see what is important and isn't important.
Marshalltown who head-onned and killed forever a man driving ➢ Can help the readers monitor their comprehension and
west out of Bethany, Missouri." In a fatalistic sense, this web of understanding the meaning of text.
causality is unalterable, but readers are still dragged through
the devastating effects of the crash.
Organization for Writing
Common Text Structures Types of Organizational Pattern in Writing

1. Problem and Solution Types of Organizational Pattern in Writing

2. Chronological order
3. Compare and Contrast ● Chronological Pattern
4. Cause and Effect ● Order of importance
5. Description ● Spatial Pattern
● Cause and Effect Pattern
The Purpose and Advantages ● Compare and Contrast
● Problem and Solution
1. Aids to comprehend the purpose of writing if a text is used
automatically the readers would understand, why is the reader Chronological Pattern
wrote this text in the first place? what is the goal?
This pattern is the generally straightforward manner of writing
2. Helps to pinpoint information without difficulty. where all vital events, dates, or ideas of the authors are
presented in a chronological order that is in increasing order.
3. Helps to develop a common understanding about how to In the case of history, this chronological pattern is always
communicate successfully in every different situation. found to move forward.
Signal words are first, second, later, before, next, as soon as,
What is the Importance of Text Structures? after, then, finally, meanwhile, following, last, during, in, on,
Order of Importance Similarities: both, also, similarly, like, likewise, too, as well as,
resembles, correspondingly, in the same way, to compare, in
Most essays move from the least to the most important point, comparison, share
and the paragraphs are arranged in an effort to build the Differences: unlike, differs from, in contrast, on the other
essay’s strength. Sometimes, however, it is necessary to begin hand, instead, despite, nevertheless, however, in spite of,
with your most important supporting point, such as in an essay whereas, as opposed to
that contains a thesis that is highly debatable.

Signal words are less, more, primary, next, last, most

important, primarily, secondarily
Cause & Effect Pattern
Spatial Pattern
The Cause-Effect Patterns is much helpful for the writers as it
Spatial order means that you explain or describe objects as helps to look back and evaluate the importance of all historical
they are arranged around you in your space. Signal words are events. The writer tries to push a particular action that is
above, below, beside, next to, in front of, behind, inside, generally utilized to solve any critical problem.
outside, opposite, within, nearby Take a look at spatial order
example which describes various layers of a volcano. A Causes: because, because of, for, since, stems from, one
volcano is a beautiful and dangerous natural phenomenon. cause is, one reason is, leads to, causes, creates, yields,
The magma chamber, an extremely hot part which people produces, due to, breeds, for this reason
rarely see, is under the Earth surface beneath the bed’s rock. Effects: consequently, results in, one result is, therefore, thus,
The conduit is running from the volcano’s magma chamber to as a result, hence
the crater which is at the top of the volcano.
Problem & Solution Pattern
Compare and Contrast Pattern
In a sense, this pattern is a variety of the specific-to-general
A comparison and contrast pattern involves discussing the pattern, as it often begins with specific details and moves to a
similarities and differences between two subjects. This somewhat generalized solution. However, rather than evoking
approach works for talking about two different subjects, or in a sense of mystery and suspense, the problem-cause-solution
highlighting a single subject that is easier to discuss in pattern focuses on concrete difficulties; and though a solution
comparison to something else. may appeal to abstract principles, the solution should have a
practical application, enough to solve the real-life problem.

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