2017-Q. Zhou, F. Wang, F. Zhu, Xu Yang-Stress Strain Model For Hollow Concrete Block Masonry Under Uniaxial Compression

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Materials and Structures (2017) 50:106

DOI 10.1617/s11527-016-0975-5


Stress–strain model for hollow concrete block masonry

under uniaxial compression
Qiang Zhou . Fenglai Wang . Fei Zhu . Xu Yang

Received: 15 June 2016 / Accepted: 21 November 2016 / Published online: 24 November 2016
Ó RILEM 2016

Abstract Accurate evaluation of the stress–strain experimental results and better than the predictions
relationship of hollow concrete block masonry is of other models.
essential for the detailed analysis and reliable design
of hollow concrete block masonry structures. This Keywords Hollow concrete block  Masonry
paper presents the results of an investigation of the wallettes  Compressive test  Elastic modulus  Stress–
compressive stress–strain behavior of hollow concrete strain relations
block masonry. Testing was carried out on 23 masonry
wallettes constructed in the laboratory using four
different block/mortar combinations. The failure
mechanism and characteristics of stress–strain curves 1 Introduction
were studied. Simple relationships between the elastic
modulus and corresponding compressive strength Hollow concrete block masonry structures are widely
were identified. The mortar compressive strength, used in many parts of the world in place of traditional
masonry compressive strength, and masonry elastic clay brick masonry because of their many advantages,
modulus were used to predict the peak strain. Finally, a such as its low cost, high bearing capacity, and energy
new model for the stress–strain behavior of hollow efficiency [1]. Because masonry structures are pri-
concrete block masonry was developed and was found marily subjected to compression loading, assessment
to yield predictions in good agreement with the of the compressive behavior of concrete block
masonry plays an essential role in the analysis and
design of masonry structures [2].
In the past few decades, numerous research studies
Electronic supplementary material The online version of
this article (doi:10.1617/s11527-016-0975-5) contains supple- have been carried out to characterize the mechanical
mentary material, which is available to authorized users. properties of hollow concrete block masonry prisms
under axial compression. The failure mechanism,
Q. Zhou  F. Wang (&)  F. Zhu  X. Yang
stress deformation behavior, and strength prediction
School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of
Technology, Harbin 150090, China methods of the prisms have been established in both
e-mail: fl-wang@hit.edu.cn experimental and numerical studies. Cheema and
Klingner [3] described the failure criterion curve for
F. Wang
hollow concrete block masonry prisms using the
Key Lab of Structures Dynamic Behavior and Control of
the Ministry of Education, Harbin Institute of Technology, secant modulus ratio between the mortar/block and the
Harbin 150090, China failure type. Ramamurthy et al. [4] studied the axial
106 Page 2 of 12 Materials and Structures (2017) 50:106

compression capacity of hollow block masonry comparison with other existing models on the basis of
prisms, considering the influences of the mortar experimental stress–strain curves obtained in the
bedding, block–mortar strength combinations, block current study and further research literature.
geometry, height-to-thickness ratio of the block, and
thickness of the mortar joint. Köksal et al. [5] proposed
a nonlinear three-dimensional finite element model to 2 Existing stress–strain relationships for masonry
study the compression behavior and failure mecha-
nisms of concrete masonry prisms. Mohamad et al. [6] A variety of stress–strain relationships have been
found that the Poisson’s ratio of masonry prisms near proposed for different types of masonry subjected to
failure is strongly dependent on the mortar type. More axial compressive loading. These models have
recently, Sarhat and Sherwood [7] conducted a different features in terms of hardening and soften-
thorough review of research on compressive tests of ing branches. In general, the existing empirical
ungrouted hollow concrete block masonry and devel- models can be classified into four categories based
oped a formula for predicting the compressive strength on their mathematical forms, i.e., parabolic, frac-
of ungrouted masonry. Fonseca et al. [8] assessed the tional, logarithmic, and multi-part types. The differ-
deformation and failure mode of masonry through an ent types of stress–strain relations collected from the
experimental program. Zahra and Dhanasekar [9] literature are briefly described in the following sub-
investigated the behavior of masonry using a damage sections. The values proposed by the original authors
mechanics-inspired modeling method. were used for the numerical parameter in the
A comprehensive understanding of the stress–strain corresponding analytical models. To ensure simplic-
behavior is essential in designing and analyzing hollow ity and consistency, axial stresses and strains were
concrete block masonry structures to take full advan- normalized to the peak compressive stress r0 and
tage of the material. However, because of the brittle corresponding strain e0 i.e., r ¼ r=r0 and e ¼ e=e0 ,
failure behavior of hollow concrete block masonry in respectively The ratio of ultimate strain to peak strain,
compression, stress–strain curves are not easy to namely, the ductility factor, l ¼ eu =e0 , may be used as
develop without sufficient controlled experimental a measure of the compressive deformation capacity of
equipment [10, 11]. To the best of the authors’ masonry.
knowledge, little research has been performed on the
stress–strain behavior of hollow concrete block 2.1 Polynomial type of constitutive law
masonry [12–14]. Although many types of empirical
constitutive models have been developed for clay brick/ Turnšek and Čačovič [15] proposed a model based on
block masonry [15–19] and tuff masonry [20], a review regression analysis of the results of tests on fifty-seven
of the literature reveals that the failure behavior of brick masonry walls under axial compression. The
hollow concrete block masonry is completely different model describes the nonlinear behavior of both the
from that of solid brick masonry [10, 21]. Therefore, it hardening and softening stages and is represented by
is of fundamental importance to develop a constitutive Eq. (1):
model for the stress–strain relationship of hollow r ¼ 6:4 e1:17 :
e  5:4 ð1Þ
concrete block masonry in compression.
In this study, the existing stress–strain models for The fourth-order polynomial constitutive model
various types of masonry were reviewed. Experimen- developed by Nazar and Sinha [22] for interlocking
tal tests were then performed on twenty-three speci- grouted stabilized sand–flyash brick masonry is as
mens of masonry wallettes consisting of combinations follows:
of three types of blocks and two types of mortars. The
e4 þ b
r ¼ a e3 þ c
e2 þ d
e; ð2Þ
failure mechanism, stress–strain behavior, compres-
sive strength, elastic modulus, and peak strain char- where a, b, c, and d are the coefficients for the
acteristics of hollow block masonry were reviewed. envelope, common point, and stability point curves.
An analytical model was developed for the nonlinear The values of the four coefficients derived for the
stress–strain relationship of hollow block masonry. envelope curve were estimated as a = -0.1394,
The performance of the model was evaluated by b = 0.9480, c = -2.4224, and d = 2.6158.
Materials and Structures (2017) 50:106 Page 3 of 12 106

2.2 Fractional type of constitutive law accurate modeling of the ascending branches of the
stress–strain curves. Based on the general expression
The constitutive model developed by Sargin [23] for developed by Kent and Park [26] for concrete,
concrete was modified by Cavaleri et al. [24] to charac- Priestley and Elder [27] proposed a stress–strain
terize the compressive behavior of calcarenite block model for unconfined concrete masonry in compres-
masonry. The model has the following general form: sion. This model incorporates a rising parabolic curve
followed by a falling linear branch and a final
e þ ðD  1Þ
r ¼ ; ð3Þ horizontal plateau (representing constant stress) at
1 þ ðA  2Þ
e þ De2
20% of the peak compressive stress. The model can be
where A and D, the values of which are to be expressed as follows:
determined from experimental results, are the two (
parameters affecting the ascending and post-peak 1:6005 e2 if e 2 ½0; 1
e  0:6002
r ¼ ; ð6Þ
descending branches, respectively. In general, for 1  Zm ð
e  1Þ if e 2 ½1; l
masonry, the first parameter falls in the range of [2, 3],
while the second parameter falls in the range of [0, where Zm is a strength decrease factor that is defined
2(A-1)]. Based on experimental test results, values of as:
2.8 for A and 1.2 for D seemed to be appropriate to 0:00075
characterize the constitutive model. Zm ¼ 3þ0:29r0
145r0 1000
2.3 Logarithmic type of constitutive law Kaushik et al. [17] used the Kent–Park model to
develop a parabolic stress–strain model for clay brick
Shi [16] used the results of tests on clay brick masonry masonry in uniaxial compression. The model, which
specimens in axial compression to propose a constitu- describes the ascending branch and the part of the
tive model of the following general logarithmic form: descending branch that corresponds to a 10% strength
1 decrease, can be expressed as follows:
e ¼  pffiffiffiffiffi lnð1  rÞ;
n r0
e  e2 if e 2 ½0; e0:9 ;
r ¼ 2 ð7Þ
where n is a coefficient to be calibrated using
where e0:9 is the normalized strain corresponding to
experimental data and is assumed to be 460 for clay
90% of the peak stress on the descending branch. The
brick masonry. However, this model is defined in terms
remaining part of the descending branch can be
of stress control; the post-peak softening behavior of
simplified as a straight line up to 20% of the peak
masonry in compression cannot be simulated.
stress, according to the following equation:
2.4 Multi-part type of constitutive law
r ¼ 0:9  ð
e  e0:9 Þ if e 2 ½
e0:9 ; l; ð8Þ
l  e0:9
A multi-part model consists of two or three equations
that describe the ascending and descending branches where the ductility factor l is assumed to be 2 for
of stress–strain curves separately. Arya and Hegemier mortar without lime and 2.75 for mortar with lime.
[25] proposed the following two-part model for the
stress–strain response of concrete block masonry. The
3 Experimental program
model contains a linear branch up to the peak
compressive stress and an upward parabolic branch
3.1 Material properties
with a ductility factor l of 2.56.
< e if e 2 ½0; 1
> 3.1.1 Hollow concrete block
r ¼ e  1 2 : ð5Þ
:1  if e 2 ½1; l The specimens were constructed using hollow con-
crete full and half blocks, the dimensions of which
In later studies, the various stress–strain relationships were 390 mm 9 190 mm 9 190 mm and 190 mm 9
proposed for masonry were improved by more 190 mm 9 190 mm (length 9 height 9 thickness),
106 Page 4 of 12 Materials and Structures (2017) 50:106

respectively. Figure 1 illustrates the dimensions of the compressive tests on three cubic specimens with 70.7-
blocks. The end webs and face shells were approxi- mm edge dimensions. The specimens were cured
mately 30 mm thick. The core percentage of the before testing in a standard curing room at a temper-
blocks was approximately 46%. Blocks of three ature of 20 ± 5 °C and 95% humidity. The compres-
different strength grades were used. To ensure sive strength tests on the mortar specimens were
consistency in the strength of the blocks, the half conducted in accordance with the experimental pro-
blocks were made using the same mix proportions as cedure given in the Chinese Standard JGJ/T 70 [29].
the full blocks. The specimens were cured before The mean compressive strengths of mortar I and
testing in a standard curing room at a temperature of mortar II were 6.31 MPa with a COV of 10.67% and
20 ± 5 °C and 50 ± 15% humidity. To evaluate the 15.55 MPa with a COV of 5.84%, respectively.
compressive strength of the block, five full blocks and
five half blocks were tested by means of a hydraulic 3.2 Specimens
press under force control with a loading rate of 4.0 kN/
s for each block grade, in accordance with the Chinese Four different combinations of blocks and mortars
Standard GB/T 4111 [28]. The mean block strength (designated as SS1, SS2, SS3, and SS4) were used to
was computed by averaging the strengths of the two assess the stress–strain behavior of hollow block
types of blocks geometries. The mean compressive masonry in compression. In accordance with the
strengths of block I, block II, and block III were Chinese Standard GB/T 50129 [30], the test masonry
14.08 MPa with a coefficient of variation (COV) of wallettes were 590 mm in length, 990 mm in height,
4.71%, 25.72 MPa with a COV of 9.91%, and and 190 mm in thickness. These wallette dimensions
31.18 MPa with a COV of 8.83%, respectively. corresponded to five courses of blocks vertically, one
and a half blocks horizontally, and one block trans-
3.1.2 Mortar versely. The specimens were constructed in running
bond with full bedding. The head and bed joints were
Two different types of ordinary cement mortar were 10 mm thick (Fig. 2).
used in the tests. Mortars I and II were mixed from Six specimens were cast for each combination. To
Portland cement, sand, and water in proportions by improve the surface evenness and ensure a uniform
weight of 1.00:5.53:0.89 and 1.00:4.52:0.73, respec- distribution of axial load during the compression
tively. Each type of mortar was characterized by testing, each specimen was capped with a layer of

Fig. 1 Dimensions of blocks (all dimensions are in mm)

Materials and Structures (2017) 50:106 Page 5 of 12 106

high-strength gypsum. Because the strength of the 4 Results and discussion

gypsum capping was greater than that of the mortar
joints, the capping was expected to have no effect on The tests conducted in this study were carried out to
the uniaxial deformation behavior of the specimens. determine the masonry specimens’ (1) compressive
All of the specimens were constructed by a profes- failure patterns, (2) stress–strain curves, (3) compres-
sional mason and cured in a laboratory environment sive strengths, (4) elastic modulus–compressive
for 28 days prior to testing. strength relations, and (5) peak strains. The key test
results for the masonry wallettes are summarized in
3.3 Test set-up and instrumentation Table 1 in terms of the compressive strength (fm0 ),
elastic modulus (Em), and peak strain (e0m ). It should be
The specimens were tested in uniaxial compression noted that one specimen in group SS1 was broken
using a 10,000-kN electrohydraulic servo–controlled during the testing.
machine. To capture the post-peak behavior of the
masonry wallettes, the loading was conducted under 4.1 Failure pattern
displacement control at a constant displacement rate
of 0.003 mm/s. As Fig. 2 shows, two 25-mm-thick In general, the failure modes were similar for all
steel plates were used to produce similar boundary specimens. Figure 3 illustrates the typical failure
conditions for the upper and lower faces of the pattern of a hollow concrete block masonry wallette
specimens. Six linear variable displacement trans- subjected to axial compression. Cracking began
ducers (LVDTs) with gauge lengths of 400 mm were mainly at the interface between the blocks and the
used to measure the axial deformation and two head joint mortar. The reason for this is that the lower
LVDTs with gauge lengths of 300 mm were used to elastic modulus of the mortar resulted in it being more
measure the lateral deformation. The vertical LVDTs deformable than the blocks. The lateral expansion of
were attached at the mid-height on each specimen to the mortar induced high tensile stresses in the masonry
eliminate the restraint effect of the plates. The blocks. The initial cracks were fine and short. During
average measured value was determined to eliminate the loading process, the cracks in the frontal face
any potential eccentricities in the height and thick- propagated vertically along the head joint and through
ness directions of the specimens. The loads and the top and bottom full blocks (Fig. 3a). In the lateral
displacements were measured and recorded using a face, cracking also appeared in the middle of the
data acquisition system. transverse web and extended through the height of the
masonry wallette (Fig. 3b). However, vertical cracks
developed soon after the maximum bearing capacity
was reached. Finally, face-shells detached from the
transverse webs in some specimens. During the face-
shell and web cracking that occurred as the load
magnitude approached the peak load, mortar crushing
was also observed at the head joints of the masonry
wallettes. This confirmed that the predominant failure
mode of the hollow concrete block masonry wallettes
was vertical cracking of the blocks and crushing of the

4.2 Stress–strain characteristics

The compressive stress–strain curves of the masonry

wallettes are shown in Fig. 4. These curves represent
the behavior of the wallettes to the point of conven-
Fig. 2 Test set-up and instruments (all dimensions are in mm) tional failure, i.e., when the compressive strength
106 Page 6 of 12 Materials and Structures (2017) 50:106

Table 1 Compression test results for the specimens

Specimens fb/MPa fj/MPa fm0 =MPa Em/MPa e0m

SS1 14.08 6.31 8.63 (0.11) 8000 (0.21) 0.00152 (0.18)

SS2 25.73 6.31 13.97 (0.08) 14,200 (0.13) 0.00183 (0.19)
SS3 25.73 15.55 14.17 (0.07) 14,333 (0.14) 0.00132 (0.21)
SS4 31.18 15.55 19.71 (0.11) 22,037 (0.20) 0.00143 (0.15)
Numbers in parentheses are coefficients of variation, Em was evaluated using the secant modulus at 40% of the ultimate strength

steeper and could not be fully determined for

specimens with higher peak strengths.

4.3 Compressive strength

The results of the compressive strength tests (the

mean values for the six specimens in each group) are
summarized in Table 1. The results show that an
increase of approximately 80% in the block com-
pressive strength corresponded to an increase of
approximately 60% in the masonry compressive
strength. On the other hand, an increase of approx-
imately 150% in the mortar compressive strength
corresponded to an increase of only approximately
2% in the masonry compressive strength. These
results indicate that the mortar compressive strength
Fig. 3 Typical failure pattern of masonry wallettes. a Cracking has only a slight effect on the masonry compressive
in frontal face, and b cracking in lateral face strength, which is consistent with the results of
previous studies [10, 11].
decreased to approximately 30% of its maximum To predict the compressive strength of masonry, the
value. The following observations were made: Masonry Standards Joint Committee (MSJC) [31] and
(1) The stress–strain behavior was very similar for CSA S304.1 [32] codes use tabulated values to
each set of specimens in the ascending branch, estimate the compressive strength of hollow concrete
whereas there was some scatter in the descend- block masonry from the block strength and mortar
ing branch. type. The Eurocode 6 [33] code presents the following
(2) The specimens exhibited linear stress–strain formula for the characteristic compressive strength of
behavior up to approximately 80% of the peak masonry as a function of the block and mortar
stress. Thereafter, nonlinear behavior was compressive strengths:
observed up to the peak stress, which may have
fm0 ¼ Kfbla fjb ; ð9Þ
been due to the expansion of a large number of
micro cracks inside the specimens. where K, a, and b are constants. The K value depends
(3) After the peak load, sudden vertical cracking on the shape of the concrete block and is equal to 0.52
caused the load capacity to decrease dramati- when the void ratio of the blocks is within the range of
cally, and the masonry wallettes exhibited 20–60%. The values of a and b are 0.7 and 0.3 for
brittle failure behavior with little deformation. masonry constructed with typical mortars. fbl is the
(4) The wallettes exhibited more brittle failure as normalized mean block compressive strength.
the peak strength increased, so the descending Moreover, in order to transform the characteristic
branches of the stress–strain curves became compressive strength into the mean compressive
Materials and Structures (2017) 50:106 Page 7 of 12 106

Fig. 4 Observed stress–strain curves for specimens

strength, the characteristic compressive strength was Sherwood yields the most accurate predictions of
multiplied by 1.2 as suggested by the European law compressive strength for hollow concrete block
EN 1052-1 [34]. masonry.
Based on a large database of axial compressive
experimental results for hollow concrete block 4.4 Relationship between elastic modulus
masonry prisms collected from the literature, Sarhat and compression strength
and Sherwood [7] determined values for the constants
K, a, and b from regression analysis and proposed the The elastic modulus of masonry is typically deter-
following model: mined from the secant modulus of the linear part of the
fm0 0:886fb0:75 fj0:18 : ð10Þ compressive stress–strain curve, which is typically
defined at a stress level equal to 40% of the ultimate
Figure 5 illustrates the relations between the compressive strength. Alternatively, the masonry
experimental and predicted compressive strength elastic modulus can be evaluated using the chord
values. As the figures shows, the MSJC model modulus of elasticity taken between 5 and 33% of the
overestimates the average compressive strength of ultimate compressive strength, in accordance with the
the masonry wallettes, whereas the CSA S304.1 and prism test method. For the sake of convenience in
Eurocode 6 models underestimate the strength to design, a predictive expression relating the elastic
different degrees. The formula proposed by Sarhat and modulus to the compressive strength of masonry was
106 Page 8 of 12 Materials and Structures (2017) 50:106

Table 2 Masonry elastic modulus–strength models of various

forms and their coefficients of determination
Masonry elastic modulus–strength model R2

Em ¼ 872fm0 0.76
Em ¼ 53fm2 þ 2335fm0  8820 0.72
Em ¼ 1410fm0:8 0.69

obtained using the MSJC and CSA S304.1 models are

non-conservative, whereas the predictions obtained
using the Eurocode 6 model are conservative.

4.5 Peak strain

Fig. 5 Comparison of compressive strengths from analytical
models and experimental results The peak strain corresponding to the peak stress is an
essential parameter in the determination of a stress–
derived. Although the relationship between the two strain curve. Table 1 shows that the peak strain for
material parameters is theoretically irrelevant, it does masonry lies between 0.001 and 0.002. In general, the
have some practical value. In general, the elastic peak strain is considered to be constant for conve-
modulus and compressive strength of masonry are nience of use [36]. However, as Table 1 shows, the
linearly related. The MSJC [31] suggests that the specimens in group SS2 exhibited mean compressive
elastic modulus be estimated as 700 times the strengths similar to those in group SS3 but more
compressive strength, while the Canadian masonry ductile behavior. The peak strain was observed to
code CSA S304.1 [32] and Eurocode 6 [33] recom- increase as the mortar compressive strength decreased.
mended ratios of the elastic modulus to the compres- This indicates that the deformation characteristics of
sive strength of 800 and 1000, respectively. Some masonry are strongly influenced by the mortar prop-
authors [6, 16] have proposed nonlinear relationships erties, which contradicts the findings of Mohamad
between the elastic modulus and compressive strength et al. [6] and Haach et al. [11].
of masonry. The equation proposed by Kaushik et al. [17] was
Additional data regarding the elastic modulus of adopted for prediction of the peak strain. This model
hollow concrete block masonry was also gathered predicts the peak strain as a function of the mortar
from the literature [6, 10, 14, 35] (see Online compressive strength, the masonry compressive
Appendix A). These data were used in a regression
analysis to assess the relation between the elastic
modulus and the compressive strength. Various linear,
multiple linear, and power model forms were used to
obtain representative formulas. The adequacy of these
models was assessed on the basis of the coefficient of
determination (R2). Table 2 shows various formulae
obtained via regression and their R2 values. Because of
the limitations of the data available for analysis, the
following linear model was judged to perform better
than the other models.
Em ¼ 872fm0 : ð11Þ
Figure 6 shows a comparison between Eq. (11) and
other popular models (MSJC, CSA S304.1, and Fig. 6 Predictions from proposed equation versus predictions
Eurocode 6). The results show that the predictions from code equations
Materials and Structures (2017) 50:106 Page 9 of 12 106

strength, and the masonry elastic modulus. The basis to satisfy the following boundary conditions: (1)
function can be expressed as follows: when e¼0 and r¼0,  the stress–strain curve passes
through the origin, and the initial tangent elastic
e0m ¼ : ð12Þ modulus E = dr/de; (2) when 0\ e\1 and
fj a Emb
2 2
 e  0, the slope of the ascending branch
d r=d
Regression analysis was used to determine the remains constant or decreases monotonically, and
values of the constants K, a, and b. In addition to the there is no inflection point; and (3) when e ¼ 1 and
experimental results obtained in this study, data from  e ¼ 0, the curve reaches the maximum strength
other experimental tests [10, 14] (see Online Appendix point and is unimodal.
A) were included in the analysis. The following In the present study, the parabolic expression
equation was obtained via nonlinear regression: proposed by Kent and Park [26] was used as a basis
for describing the nonlinear behavior of the ascending
0:21fm0 branch. Considering the brittle failure behavior of this
e0m ¼ 0 : ð13Þ
fj 0:2 Em0:8 type of masonry, a simple linear relation was adopted
to describe the softening behavior of the descending
Figure 7 presents a comparison between the exper-
branch. The model can be expressed as follows:
imental results and predicted values. It can be seen that
Eq. (13) provides predictions of masonry peak strains e  e2 if e 2 ½0; 1:
r ¼ 2 ð14Þ
with an R2 of 0.67.
ð1  gÞ
r ¼ 1  ð
e  1Þ if e 2 ½1; l; ð15Þ
5 Proposed stress–strain model
where g is the ratio of the residual stress to the
compressive stress. In this study, after calibration with
5.1 Development of the model equation
experimental results, the values of g and l were
obtained as 0.2 and 2, respectively, i.e., the descending
Various mathematical forms for constitutive models to
branch was truncated at 20% of the compressive stress
describe the stress–strain behavior of masonry were
with a ductility factor l of 2.
reviewed in the previous section, including single-part
nonlinear model forms and multi-part model forms
5.2 Comparison with other models
with various linear and nonlinear components. After
and experimental results
careful examination of the different forms of these
models, a two-part constitutive law was adopted for
To verify the applicability of the proposed constitutive
hollow concrete block masonry. The constitutive
model to the prediction of hollow concrete block
model was developed primarily on a curve fitting
masonry stress–strain behavior in axial compression,
the proposed model was compared with: (1) experi-
mental curves obtained in the present study, (2)
experimental curves proposed in the published liter-
ature [14], and (3) existing analytical models
[15–17, 22, 24, 25, 27].
Figure 8 shows a comparison of the dimensionless
results obtained with the proposed model and existing
analytical models. For most of the cases considered,
the model proposed by Shi [16] for clay brick masonry
does not yield satisfactory agreement with the exper-
imental data at a given strain because the compressive
stress is greatly overestimated in comparison with the
measured value. This model also cannot predict the
descending-branch behavior because the strain tends to
Fig. 7 Comparison of predicted and experimental peak strains infinity when the normalized stress is equal to 1.
106 Page 10 of 12 Materials and Structures (2017) 50:106

Fig. 8 a Comparison of the proposed model with the present experiments. b Comparison of the proposed model with experimental
results [14]. c Comparison of the proposed model with the models from literature

The other models yield fairly good predictions of the and with the other models along the ascending branch.
stress–strain behavior up to the peak load. However, Because the proposed model describes the softening
because the descending branches of the stress–strain behavior for a low level of strain ductility in a different
curves for different types of masonry are quite different, way, it fits the experimental data better (R2 = 0.818)
the existing models yield poor predictions for the than the analytical models from literature. Therefore,
descending branches of the stress–strain curves. These the proposed analytical model is considered suit-
models are unable to accurately predict the relatively able for use in the design and numerical analysis of
limited deformation exhibited by hollow concrete block hollow concrete block masonry structures.
masonry beyond the peak load. By using the sets of
experiments from both the present study and Mohamad
[14], the values of R2 for the models proposed by 6 Conclusions
Turnšek and Čačovič [15], Kaushik et al. [17], Nazar
and Sinha [22], Cavaleri et al. [24], Arya and Hegemier This paper presents the results of an experimental and
[25], and Priestley and Elder [27] are 0.541, 0.701, analytical investigation of the compressive behavior
0.221, 0.243, 0.442, and 0.676, respectively. of hollow concrete block masonry. A total of 23
The analytical model proposed in the present study masonry wallettes with four different block/mortar
yields good agreement with the experimental results combinations were tested under displacement control
Materials and Structures (2017) 50:106 Page 11 of 12 106

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