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U.S. v. Vivar | G.R. 9298 | 11 Feb 1915  Article 445 of the Penal Code (now Art.

445 of the Penal Code (now Art. 342, RPC) punishes

Araullo, J. | Castillo, A.R.L. by reclusión temporal the abduction of a woman against her will
and with lewd designs
Facts:  Elements
o The person kidnapped must be a woman. Immaterial
 Teodora Bondoc, a 22 y.o. unmarried woman, was living at the whether she be a widow, a married woman, or virgin
railroad station with her father who was the station’s agent o The crime must be committed against her will.
 She was being courted by Benigno Indiongco, an employee of the o It must be committed with unchaste designs that is, with
same railroad company the intention of lying with the woman
 Vivar, who was one of the said company's train conductors, served  Teodora Bondoc lost her liberty from the moment defendant
as an intermediary between the lovers opposed her returning home; it was against her will that she was
 Bondoc left her house and, accompanied by defendant who was taken by defendant into the sugar cane
waiting for her outside, went to a spot near a growth of sugar cane, o Commencement of the abduction with violence and
a short distance from the station against her will
o Believing her lover was awaiting her there for the purpose  If defendant had then left her free, the crime committed by him
of joining her and eloping with her, the plan for which might perhaps have been classified as rape, because then the
Vivar led her to believe deprivation of her liberty would have been but brief and only for
 Bondoc asked where Indiongco was when she saw he wasn’t there, the purpose of his lying with her
to which Vivar replied that before delivering her to Indiongco she  But, considering:
should be for Vivar o That defendant retained her overnight at the sugar cane,
 She attempted to return home, but Vivar caught her by the hand, and three days more afterwards; and
slapped her, and dragged her to the sugar cane o The deprivation of liberty of the aggrieved party during
 Threatening her with a dagger in hand, he overcame her resistance all of that time; in connection with
and succeeded in lying with her o The unchaste designs which defendant entertained toward
 Vivar kept her among the sugar cane, then took her by force in a her and which were the motive of his abducting her:
cart through the fields to the house of his relative in the woods  ALL THE ELEMENTS OF FORCIBLE
 They were alone for three days, he taking advantage of her ABDUCTION ARE MET. HE GUILTY!
helplessness and intimidating her, laying with her several times,  Abduction: kidnapping of a woman by removing her from her
until, as a result of the search and inquiries made by her father and home, or from whatever place she may be, to take her to some
brother, she was found in the said house and freed from Vivar’s other, for the purpose of her abductor’s marrying her or corrupting
control her


1. W/N Vivar is guilty of forcible abduction. YES.


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