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Wednesday 30th May 8.40 AM

Science - Form III

Working time: 1½ hours

General Instructions Total marks ( 114 )

 Attempt ALL questions This Paper has three sections, Part A, Part B and
Part C
 Calculators may be used
 Write using blue or black pen Part A
Total marks ( 12 )
 Draw diagrams using pencil  Multiple Choice
 Attempt ALL questions
 A Periodic Table is provided at the back
 Allow about 10 minutes for this section
of this paper, and may be removed for
ease of use
Part B
 Write your name and class at the top of Total marks ( 30 )
the Multiple Choice Answer Sheet and  Short Answers
on Part B and in each section of Part C  Attempt ALL questions
 Allow about 20 minutes for this section
 Collection: Remove the centre staple.
Hand in your paper in ONE bundle,
Part C
including your multiple choice question Total marks ( 72 )
sheets and all question papers. DO NOT  Longer Response Questions
re-staple this bundle together.  Attempt ALL questions
 Allow about 60 minutes for this section

Note: You may use either g = 10 m.s-2 or

g = 9.8 m.s-2 for this paper.
Examiners: AAH / PCK / TW / ZI

1 –PCK 3 – ILM 5 – SRW 7 – AKBB/EJS 9 – FHB
Each boy should have the following:
Question Paper 2 – TW
Page 1 of 36 4 – MTK 6 – BED 8 – HCKM 10 – ZI
1 Multiple Choice Answer Sheet
Blank Page

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Form III Science 2018 Half-Yearly Examination


Part A
Total marks ( 12 )
Allow about 10 minutes for this section



Select the alternative A, B, C or D that best answers the question. Fill the response
circle completely.

Sample 2 + 4 =

(A) 2 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 9


If you think you have made a mistake, put a cross through the incorrect answer and
fill in the new answer.


If you change your mind and have crossed out what you consider to be the correct
answer, then indicate this by writing the word correct and drawing an arrow as


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Form III Science 2018 Half-Yearly Examination

1 Which of the following controls homeostasis within an organism?

(A) The endocrine system only.

(B) The external environment.
(C) The nervous system only.
(D) Both the nervous and the endocrine systems.

2 The diagram shows the nervous pathway of a reflex response.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the reflex response?

(A) Neurotransmitters play a part in this response.

(B) The sensory neuron sends a signal directly to the brain.
(C) The interneuron is part of the peripheral nervous system.
(D) The hormones activating this response prepare the individual for fight
or flight.

3 Adrenalin is an important hormone in the human body. What is its function?

(A) Growth during puberty.

(B) Converts glucose into glucagon.
(C) Helps increase heart rate when needed.
(D) Regulates the development of sex organs.

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4 A simple experiment was done to find out whether reaction time was faster for
an auditory (i.e. sound) or visual stimulus. Twenty men and twenty women
performed both visual and auditory tests using computer software and the
average reaction time was calculated. The data is summarised in the following

What can be concluded from this experiment?

(A) The type of stimulus does not affect reaction time.

(B) Reaction time was faster for the visual stimulus.
(C) Men have faster reaction times than women for both the auditory
stimulus and the visual stimulus.
(D) Men respond more rapidly to an auditory stimulus than a visual one,
but women respond more rapidly to a visual stimulus than an auditory

5 Which of the following is the correct formula for the compound caesium

(A) Cs2OH
(B) CsOH
(C) CsOH2
(D) Cs(OH)2

6 In January 2018, 80 L of a sulfuric acid solution leaked from four large

batteries at Royal Adelaide Hospital. Firefighters used one of the following
substances to neutralise the acid. Which one did they use?

(A) sodium carbonate

(B) acetic acid
(C) sodium
(D) magnesium chloride solution

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7 Which of the following solutions will have the highest pH?

(A) hydrochloric acid

(B) tap water
(C) sulfuric acid
(D) vinegar

8 Which of the following substances could you use to produce hydrogen gas?

(A) aluminium hydroxide

(B) magnesium metal
(C) sodium sulfate
(D) potassium carbonate

9 Which of the following simple machines is an example of an inclined plane?

(A) A screw.
(B) A crow bar.
(C) A pair of scissors.
(D) A block and tackle.

10 A simple machine has a mechanical advantage of 4. Which of the following

statements about the machine is correct?

(A) An effort force of 4 N is required to move the load.

(B) The machine will be 25% efficient.
(C) The force of friction acting on the load is 4 N.
(D) A load of 200 N can be moved with an effort force of 50 N.

11 If an object weighs 40 N then its mass is closest to:

(A) 4 kg
(B) 40 kg
(C) 400 g
(D) 400 kg

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12 A boy of mass 60 kg sits on one side of the see-saw shown below, at 200 cm
from the fulcrum. His sister, of mass 45 kg, sits on the other side of the see-
saw, at a distance X from the fulcrum.

Girl = 45 kg Boy = 60 kg

X 200 cm

If the see-saw balances, what is the value of X?

(A) 150 cm
(B) 200 cm
(C) 250 cm
(D) 267 cm

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Part B
Total marks (30) Class
Attempt All Questions
Allow about 20 minutes for this part Name

Answer the questions in the spaces provided

Show all relevant working in questions involving calculations

Question 13 (3 marks) Marks

The brain includes the cerebrum, cerebellum and medulla oblongata.

(a) Clearly label these three parts of the brain on the diagram below.

(b) Outline the function of the cerebellum.

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Question 14 (3 marks) Marks

Our eyes adjust to different levels of light intensity in our environment. When we move
from a darkened room to a bright corridor, the iris of our eyes expands and it looks like our
pupils contract.

Dark room Bright corridor


Iris muscles

For this situation, identify:

i) the stimulus.

ii) the effector.

iii) the response.

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Question 15 (4 marks) Marks

Construct a table to compare the nervous and endocrine systems. Make sure to mention
three features for comparision.

Question 16 (4 marks)

Complete the following table by filling in the appropriate name or formula for each






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Question 17 (3 marks) Marks

Balance the following chemical equations.

(a) KOH(s) + H2SO4(aq) → K2SO4(aq) + H2O(l)

(b) CuO(s) + CH3COOH(aq) → Cu(CH3COO)2(aq) + H2O(l)

(c) TiCl4(l) + H2O(l) → TiO2(s) + HCl(aq)

Question 18 (3 marks)

Complete the following word equations by writing the names of the products. No
states are necessary.

(a) lithium + water →

(b) calcium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid →

(c) potassium hydrogencarbonate + nitric acid →

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Question 19 (4 marks) Marks

Calculate the mechanical advantage of the following systems. (You can assume
that no friction acts on any of the ramps and that the levers have negligible mass).

Calculations / Answer
(i) 0.2 m 0.6 m

Load Force

(ii) Effort Force


Load Force

10 m


Effort Force

Load Force

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Question 20 (3 marks) Marks

Calculate the unknown effort force or load force required in the following
situations. (You can assume, in each case, that the pulley wheels are frictionless and
have negligible weight.)

Calculations / Answer

Effort Force
= 30 N



Effort Force
= 50 N



Effort Force

= 90 N

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Question 21 (3 marks) Marks

(a) The diagram below shows a pair of pliers / wire-cutters. Label the diagram to
show the positions of:

(i) the fulcrum (F)

(ii) the load force (L)
(iii) the effort force (E)

(b) Identify the class (i.e. 1st class, 2nd class or 3rd class) of this type of lever.

Class of lever : 1

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Part C
Total marks (72)
Attempt All Questions
Allow about 60 minutes for this section

Answer the questions in the spaces provided.

Show all relevant working in questions involving calculations.

Coordination – 24 marks

Question 22 (4 marks) Marks

There are various receptors found on the skin, which may be stimulated.

(a) In terms of the type of skin receptors activated, compare the situation where a
fly is walking on your arm to a bee stinging you on the arm.

(b) Certain regions of the skin, such as the fingertips, are very sensitive. Others,
like the middle of the back, are much less sensitive. Explain what this says
about the distribution of skin sensors around the body, and suggest a reason
why humans might have evolved in this way.

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Question 23 (7 marks) Marks

The diagram below shows the microscopic view of a neuron.

(a) Identify the structures labelled A and B.

A: 2


(b) Explain how messages are transmitted to this neuron from another neuron.

Question 23 continued on next page.

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Question 23 continued. Marks

(c) A person who consumed a large amount of alcohol was seen staggering down
the street. Using your knowledge of the nervous system, suggest why the
person was struggling to walk, and justify your answer.

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Question 24 (4 marks) Marks

The diagram below shows the action of a hormone on a cell.

(a) What is a hormone?

(b) Outline the mechanism by which this hormone interacts with this cell.

(c) Not all cells respond to the presence of a specific hormone. Using a diagram,
explain why this hormone might have no effect on a different cell.

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Question 25 (3 marks) Marks

Nervous and endocrine mechanisms control the secretion of gastric juices. The gastric
juices are mostly composed of hydrochloric acid and pepsin (an enzyme, which
chemically breaks down proteins in the stomach).

The flow diagram below outlines the chain of events for the production of gastric juices.

Using the information above, discuss how the nervous and endocrine system work
together to prepare you for a meal, if you were to walk past a hot dog stand.

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Question 26 (6 marks) Marks

An experiment was conducted where either hot air or cold air was blown
continuously onto a student’s legs while the temperature on the student’s arm was
being measured. The graph shows the change in skin temperature on the arm of the
student for each experiment over a period of 30 minutes. During the experiment, the
student’s core body temperature was found to remain constant at 37 oC for both

(a) Identify the dependent variable in this experiment.

(b) There was no control set up for this experiment. Outline an appropriate
control for the experiment.

(c) Making reference to the graph, and to your understanding of homeostasis, explain
why the student’s core body temperature remains the same for both situations.

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Acids, Bases and Salts – 24 marks



Question 27 (8 marks) Marks

(a) Identify the two products of the reaction between magnesium and dilute nitric

(b) Identify two reactants that you could mix to produce carbon dioxide gas and a
solution of sodium chloride.

(c) Outline and explain one observation you would make if solid calcium
carbonate is added to dilute nitric acid.

(d) Balance the equation below, for copper reacting with concentrated nitric acid.
(NB: this is different from the reaction you have learned between metals and
dilute acids!)

Cu(s) + HNO3(aq) → Cu(NO3)2(aq) + NO2(g) + H2O(l)

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Question 28 (4 marks) Marks

The selenate ion, SeO42−, has the same formula as sulfate (SO42−) but with the sulfur
atom in sulfate replaced by a selenium atom. Sodium selenate is a sodium salt formed
from selenic acid.

(a) Write the formula for sodium selenate.

(b) Outline how you might prepare an aqueous solution of sodium selenate, given
an aqeuous solution of selenic acid.

(c) Selenic acid decomposes when heated above 200 °C, giving selenous acid
(H2SeO3) and oxygen gas.

Write a balanced chemical equation for the decomposition of selenic acid to

selenous acid and oxygen gas.

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Question 29 (12 marks) Marks

When solid zinc metal is placed into a test tube containing a solution of sulfuric acid a
chemical reaction takes place.

(a) Outline two observations you might make.

(b) Varying masses of solid zinc are added to separate 10 mL samples of sulfuric
acid and the mass of the zinc that remains is measured. The measurements are
displayed in the table below.

Initial mass of Volume of Mass of zinc

zinc added (g) sulfuric acid (mL) remaining (g)
0.0 10 0.0
0.5 10 0.0
1.0 10 0.0
1.5 10 0.3
2.0 10 0.8
2.5 10 1.3
3.0 10 1.8

(i) Plot a graph of mass of zinc remaining (on the y-axis) against initial mass
of zinc (on the x-axis).

Question 29 continued on the next page

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Question 29 continued. Marks

(ii) Estimate the mass of zinc remaining if 0.8 g of zinc was added to 10 mL
of the same sulfuric acid solution.

(iii) Estimate the mass of zinc remaining if 2.3 g of zinc was added to 10 mL
of the same sulfuric acid solution.

(iv) Estimate the mass of zinc remaining if 3.0 g of zinc was added to 20 mL
of the same sulfuric acid solution.

(c) Bromothymol blue is an indicator that is yellow below pH 6, blue above pH

7.6 and various shades of green in between.

What colour would bromothymol blue turn if added to the final mixture after
reaction of 10 mL of the same sulfuric acid solution and 0.5 g of zinc? Justify
your answer.

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Simple Machines – 24 marks

Question 30 (6 marks) Marks

(a) A boy running at a speed of 6.0 ms-1 has a kinetic energy of 800 J. Calculate
the mass of the boy.

(b) A 2 kg bird sits in a tree 4.5 m above the ground. Calculate the bird’s
gravitational potential energy.

(c) A postman is pushing a 20 kg parcel across a horizontal floor. The parcel starts
at rest, and the postman pushes it 7 m with a force of 100 N. After he has
pushed it 7 m, the parcel has a speed of 3.5 ms-1.

i) Calculate the work done by the postman.

ii) Calculate the amount of energy lost due to friction.

iii) Calculate the average force of friction acting on the parcel.

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Question 31 (7 marks) Marks

(a) The diagram below shows a four-wheel block and tackle system. The pulley
wheels are very light, so their mass does not affect the effort force required to
lift the load.

Force = ?

2000 N

The pulley system is used to lift a load of 2000 N.

Predict the effort force required to lift the load using this pulley, and justify
your answer.

(b) When the block and tackle is used to lift the 2000 N load a distance of 4 m, it
is found that the efficiency of the block and tackle is only 80%.

(i) Calculate how much work is done lifting the 2000 N load 4 m upwards
without using the block and tackle.

Question 31 continued on next page.

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Question 31 continued. Marks

(ii) Hence, calculate how much work is done lifting the 2000 N load 4 m
upwards using the block and tackle.

(iii) Hence, estimate the average force of friction acting within the block
and tackle.

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Question 32 (5 marks) Marks

(a) In the diagram below, an effort force of 50 N is required to lift a trolley of

mass 25 kg is to the top of the inclined plane shown.

Height, H

i) Calculate the weight of the trolley.

ii) Calculate the height of the inclined plane, H.

Question 32 continued on next page.

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Question 32 continued. Marks

(b) An engineer performs an experiment into the friction acting between a box of
weight W and an inclined plane, as shown in the diagram below.

H= 2.0 m

The engineer hypothesises that the force of friction acting on the box depends on its
weight. Based on the diagram above, she develops an equation for the effort force
required to lift the box up the inclined plane:

𝐹𝐸 = 𝑊 ( + 𝑘)

In this equation, k is a constant that is related to the friction acting.

She varies the mass of the box, by filling it with sand, and measures the effort force
required to lift it up the ramp. Her results are shown in the graph on the next page.

Question 32 continued on next page.

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Question 32 continued. Marks

Graph of Effort Force v Weight


Effort Force Required (N)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Weight (N)

From the graph, determine:

i) the effort force required when the weight is 24 N.

ii) the value of the constant, k.

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Question 33 (6 marks) Marks

NB – in all parts of this question, you can assume that the lever is very light, so its
weight does not affect the calculations. The levers are not drawn to scale.

(a) Calculate the effort force required to lift the load in the diagram below.

1.5 m
600 N

0.50 m

(b) Using the 2.0 m long lever shown below, an effort force of 200 N is required
to lift a load of 800 N.

Length, L = 2.0 m

800 N

Calculate the distance, x, of the load from the fulcrum.

Question 33 continued on next page.

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Question 33 continued. Marks

(c) In the diagram below, a boy finds he need to apply a force of 300 N at the end
of the lever to lift the load. However, when he applies the effort force 0.5 m
from the end of the lever, he needs to apply a force of 400 N.
Length, L

0.5 m

0.5 m

Calculate the length of the lever and the weight of the load.

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