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Northgate High School Senior Project Project & Mentor Verification Form Name of Student Estelle Derviex Period 2 Mentored Project, Mural As a Senior Project mentor, your final responsibilty is to verify completion of your student's work and to pass his/her project. This is due by Thursday May 20, 2021. Mentors may write additional comments on the back of this sheet 1. Pipa check fou have soon tha fofowing documents: (our student's Letter of Intent ~ explains plans for Senior Project. ZA Mentor Agreement -- explains your responsibilities. ZA copy of your student's Senior Project Research paper. Comments: 2. Please list dates you have met with student: Date__2/18 __ Reason for Meeting Initial email Date___2/26 Reason for Meeting Taerview Date 4/15 Reason for Meeting Ser ique form Additional meeting dates: _ 4/23 Comments 3. How did the project stretch or challenge the student's abilities? Please assess the quality of the project. Please make additional comments on the back if necessary: Very well researched and documented. Estelle went into the physcis of light and color. 4. Please verify that your student spent at least 20 hours on the project: Yes No

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