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School Project

Date: 26/04/2023

We are facing a shortage of

resources such as food, water
Contamination of the air, water and fuel to sustain the rising
global population The production of carbon dioxide
and soil caused by plastics, heavy
causes the oceans?acidity to rise,
metals and nitrates, gases released
which has a negative impact on
by factories, combustion of fossil
marine life.
fuels, and industrial waste.

Pollution acidification


Loss of biodiversity Public health issues

Ozone Layer Depletion

Species and habitats are

Lack of clean water is
becoming extinct due to human
one of the leading
activity. This causes an imbalance in
environmental problems
natural processes like pollination and Pollution caused by currently. Pollutants in the air
poses a threat to ecosystems ? coral chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in also cause issues such as
reef destruction is particularly the air creates a hole in the ozone respiratory disease and
affected. layer, which protects the earth cardiovascular disease.
from harmful UV radiation.

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