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Historical review

Name: Doménica Rivera

The Santo Domingo de Guzmán School was founded on September 15, 1990 by the parish priest Francisco
Villaverde Lamadriz, together with the tenacity, responsibility and audacity of the Dominican Sisters of Santa
Catalina de Sena. It is located on Avenida Circunvalación, entrance to the Blanquita de Pérez sector,
Caraballeda Parish, Vargas state and was attached to Educational District No. 2.

The creation of this school arises from the urgent need to serve a low-income population that lacked an
educational center, since there was only one school (Hilda Vasquez) and with limited space for the existing

The religious Sisters Sr. Carmen Alicia Rodriguez Martinez, Sr. Maria Eugenia Ave Villamizar and Sr.
Yaneth Leon Ramirez were founders of this work. As lay people they had: Olga Maria Pacheco (Secretary);
Angela Herrera, Zulay Marquez, Yesenia Payola (Teachers).

The initial enrollment had 150 students who were distributed from first to third grade in a physical plant
that covered part of the needs since it was shared with girls from the Institute for the care of minors (INAM)
who had a programming and planning different from that of the school, despite this they continued working.

Unfortunately, at the end of the first year of hard work, they were evicted along with all the furniture
they owned by INAM. Sister Carmen Alicia Rodríguez took the initiative to speak with Father Villaverde, so
that he could help them. The new school year was approaching and the enrollment was increasing due to
the educational process that had been developed.

Due to the existing pressure from the representatives at the time, the parish priest was forced to allow
classes in the church while repairs were made to a small house and the father managed the acquisition of
the building where the whole history of the school began. .

In 1994 the great news arrived, the efforts of Father Villaverde were fruitful and they were granted a
loan of the building for the primary headquarters and, in addition, help for the construction of a new high
school headquarters, a job that lasted more than 2 years.

The population became more numerous and the prestige of the school as well. They inaugurated high
school with the seventh grade. The enrollment was already 907 students who were attended by teachers
and professors of high professionalism and work mystique.

5 years passed, and when they thought that the foundations were very solid and everything was working
in perfect condition, the unthinkable happened. The great Vargas landslide, one of the most destructive
tragedies in the country's history. Some 120 people took refuge in the school's primary facilities. The high
school suffered significant damage, the first floor is full of mud, and the laboratories and their materials
were rendered useless.

Two months after the tragedy, the enthusiastic and courageous spirit did not perish and day by day efforts
were added to make this institution what it was again.

The architect Pedro José Mendoza, and Mr. Rafael Núñez, president of the Voluntary Dividend for the
Community, who, helped by other people interested in this work continuing to provide its services, set out
to carry out the pertinent repairs so that this reality could materialize.

This is how the high school was able to reopen its doors for the year 2000-2001.

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