Classwork Celeste Agudo

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Celeste Agudo

Introduction to Language Course
CLASSWORK #1 (90 pts)

A. Analyzing Word Structure. (16 pts)

Provide tree diagrams for the following words. Put I or D under each affix to indicate whether it
is inflectional o derivational.

enslaved V

Af (D) N Af (I)
⃒ ⃒ ⃒
en slave ed

unkindness N

Af (D) A Af (D)
⃒ ⃒ ⃒
un kind ness

naturalized V

N Af (D) Af (D) Af (I)

⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒
nature al ize ed

carefully Adv

N Af (D) Af (D)
⃒ ⃒ ⃒
care ful ly

B. Free and Bound Morphemes. (20 pts)

List the morphemes in each word below, and state whether each morpheme is free (F) or bound

1. creating create (F) -ing (B) 6. unhealthy un- (B) health (F) -y (B)
2. seaward sea (F) -ward (B) 7. waiter wait (F) -er (B)
3. wastage waste (F) -age (B) 8. reconsider re- (B) consider (F)
4. poetic poet (F) -ic (B) 9. keys key (F) -s (B)
5. modernize modern (F) -ize (B) 10. incompletion in- (B) complete (F) -ion (B)

C. Derivational and Inflectional Affixes. (20 pts)

For each word below, indicate whether the word is morphologically simple (S), includes an
inflectional affix (I), or includes a derivational affix (D).

1. rider (D) 6. reader (D)

2. colder (I) 7. redder (I)
3. silver (S) 8. radish (S)
4. lens (S) 9. redness (D)
5. legs (I) 10. rotation (D)

D. Cree. (14 pts)

Cree is an Algonquian language which is spoken primarily in Canada. There are approximately
100,000 native speakers, who can be found from the Rocky Mountains in Alberta all the way to
James Bay in northern Quebec.

Pronouns: Verbs:
I: ni see: wapahten
You: ki cut: machishen
We: ni an sit: tapin
You (pl.): ki awaw

E. Word-Formation Processes. (20 pts)

Name the word-formation process exemplifies by each of the following derivations.

1. Graphical User Interface → GUI (acronyms)

2. professor → prof (clipping)

3. information + commercial → informercial (blending)

4. drink → drank (inflection-internal change)

5. sandwich (named after John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich!) (eponyms)
6. un- + rely + -able → unreliable (affixation)

7. wind + shield → windshield (compounding)

8. orientation → orientate (backformation)

9. good → better (inflection-suppletion)

10. a process → to process (conversion)

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