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Senior High School

Principles of Marketing
Quarter 2 – Module 11:
Managing the Marketing Effort
The Marketing Process

Teacher II-SHS Natividad High School,
Cluster II
JANE P. VALENCIA, EdD – Math/ABM Supervisor
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the subject Principles of Marketing. The scope of this module permits
it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes
the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using

After finishing this module, you are expected to:

 Analyze Marketing Opportunities (The Micro/Macro Environment)

 Selecting Target Markets
 Organizing,Implementing,and Controlling the Marketing Effort

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter that
corresponds to your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. _____ is the set of benefits a company promises to deliver it’s consumers

to satisfy their needs.
a. An attribute
b. A money-back guarantee
c. A value proposition
d. Good customer service
2. Building, keeping and growing profitable value-laden relationship with all
customers of a company is called_____.
a. Customer relationship management
b. Customer lifetime value
c. Customer perceived value
d. Societal marketing
3. Consumer research, product development, communication, distribution,
pricing and service are all core_____ activities.
a. exchange
b. customer relationship management
c. marketing
d. production
4. Customers buy from stores and firms that offer the highest _____.
a. Company image
b. Concern for society’s interest
c. Customer perceived value
d. Level of customer satisfaction

5. Frequent flyer programs offered by airlines are an example of a _____.
a. Basic customer relationship
b. Club marketing program
c. Consumer relationship management technique
d. Frequency marketing program
6. Greater consumer control means that companies must rely on
marketing by _____ and than by _____.
a. Inspiration, competition
b. Interaction, intrusion
c. Interruption, involvement
d. Producing, selling
7. In addition to attracting new customers and creating transactions, the
goal of marketing is to _____customers and grow their business.
a. Educate
b. Encourage
c. Entertain
d. Recognized
8. The product concept says that a company should _____
a. Devote its energy to making continuous product
b. Focus on the target market and make products that meet
those customer’s demands.
c. Improve marketing of its best products
d. Make promoting products the top priority
9. The ultimate aim of customer relationship management is to
a. A reliable database
b. Customer equity
c. Market share
d. Profits
10. Whch of the following has not contributed to the deeper more interactive
nature of today’s customer relationship?
a. E-mail
b. Online social network
c. Traditional advertising
d. Web sites

Test II: DIRECTION: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if
it is not.
_____________1. According to the text, marketing means “selling” or
_____________2. Marketing plays an essential role in creating customer
_____________3. Marketing discourages the development and spread of new
ideas, goods, and services.
_____________4. Actually making goods or performing services is called
_____________5. Marketing is both a set of activities performed by
organizations and a social process.

Lesson Managing the Marketing
1 Effort
(The Marketing Process)
As you proceed to this module, you will understand the definitions of the
different scope of marketing analysis (SWOT Analysis), marketing planning,
marketing implementation, marketing control

Let us rewind and freshen up your

brain by arranging the marketing vocabulary
on our previous lesson. Write your
answer on a clean sheet of paper.

What’s In

Notes to the Teacher

This module is good for one week and it will discuss the
Managing the Marketing Effort (The Marketing Process) and
its classification. Please inform students/learners to be
extra careful in dealing with the activities so as not to fail
the subject.

Look at the following jumbled words. Rearrange the letters to form the correct
and proper word by looking and analyzing the questions below the jumbled

1. NTCMOIOTIEP _________________________
2. SPLSUPIER _________________________
3. SPULIBC _________________________
4. POTNITOPRUIES _________________________
5. TGERAT TAMKER _________________________
6. NATCIO SNALP _________________________
7. GAMRINKTE NPAL _________________________
8. SCUSROTME _________________________
9. GNMARIKET SSPCERO _________________________
10. INGTERMAK STFOFRE _________________________

1. A new product’s competitive position in the market can be determined

through the use of marketing tools.
2. To provide necessary raw material at the required quantity, price and time
should also be considered.
3. This are important in order to anticipate societal expectations.
4. It may emerge from the increasing consumer disposable income,.
5. A perceptual map can be used to determine the specific segmentit should
target, in comparison to exesting competitors.

6. Conventionally use the marketing mix as the foundation of
7. A document describing the current market position of a business and
strategies designed to accomplish its objectives.
8. A person or organization that buys goods and services.
9. A series of steps that allow organizations to identify customer problems.
10. The resources a company dedicates to promoting its products and

What’s New

DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter that
corresponds to your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. _____ is the task of selecting an overall company strategy for long-run

survival and growth.
a. Annual market planning
b. Advertising
c. Short-term planning
d. Strategic market planning
2. What is your business? Who’s our customer? What do our customers
value? What should our business be? All these simple-sounding
questions define a firm’s _____.
a. Business portfolio
b. Marketing and functional strategies
c. Mission statement
d. Objecitves and goals
3. A _____ defines a business in terms of satisfying basic customer needs.
a. Annual plan
b. Market oriented mission statement
c. Operational plan
d. Strategic plan
4. The collection of business and products that make up a company is
called _____.
a. Business portfolio
b. Mission statement
c. Operational factors
d. Strategic plan
5. The purpose _____ is to find ways in which the company can best use its
strength to take advantage of attractive opportunities in the
a. A market
b. Operational planning
c. Strategic planning
d. Short-term planning
6. Making more sales to current customers without changing a firm
products is _____.
a. Industry attractiveness
b. Market development
c. Market penetration
d. Product development

7. The process of dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers with
different needs characteristics, or behaviors is called _____.
a. Market extension
b. Market sewgmentation
c. Marketing strategy
d. Target marketing
8. For Hyundai Corporation, customers who care about price and operating
economy make up the firm’s _____.
a. Customer extension
b. Market segment
c. Position
d. Value network
9. Increasingly in today’s marketplace, competition takes place between the
a. Entire value-delivery network of firms.
b. Large and small competitors
c. Market leaders only
d. Number 1 and number 2 spots firms
10. Disney is identifying and developing new markets for its theme parks.
Disney is exploring possibilities for _____.
a. Diversity
b. Market development
c. Market penetration
d. Product development

What is It

The MARKETING PROCESS is the process of discovering unfilled

customers needs. It involves identifying opportunities, target market, designing
and planning market strategies and programs and organizing, implementing,
monitoring and controlling the result.
1. Analyzing marketing opportunity
2. Selecting target analysis
3. Designing Marketing Strategies
4. Planning Marketing Programs
5. Organizing, Implementing and Controlling the Marketing Effort

To be successful in any business, the company must look closely to the

environment and market. On the other hand, constraint are those factors that
will reduce profit or limit the expansion of the business. In order to evaluate the
opportunities and constraint SWOT Analysis (strength, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats) is to be conducted. SWOT analysis is a managerial
tool to assess the environment. Strength and weaknesses are internal in an
organization. While opportunities and threats exest in the external environment.

Designing Marketing Strategies
After selecting the target market, Metro Corporation must select the
marketing strategies to employ. These are selected with the objective of
increasing awareness, revenue and profits. The selected strategies can be applied
during the product’s introduction into the market.
Marketing strategies can be defined as comprehensive programs of action
involving the use of organizational resources to achieve marketing objectives.

Planning of Marketing Programs

The planning of marketing programs involve developing and implementing
action plans or tactics under each strategy. Action plans or tactics conventionally
use the marketing mix as the foundation of implementation.
Place variables may also be involved. The company may decide to utilize its
existing distribution network (coverage), but include the use of independently
owned local dealers (channels) who shall be responsible for stocking the product
inventory to service various product retailers and eliminate stock outs.
The fourth P (promotion) assumes a major role in the implementation of the
company’s market penetration strategy. Product advertising (advertising) may be
released and broadcast in advance to create and sustain new product awareness.
There will be product sampling (consumer promotion) during the first three
weeks of the product launch. A social media account will be created (social
networking) to harness the influence of the internet on the new products target
Separate budgets would be allocated to these marketing mix variables. These
are limitless possible combinations and budgetary allocations for each marketing
mix variables. To a large extent the success of the company’s marketing program
would depend on the proper selection of the variables to be used and the financial
support extended to each of the variable.

What’s More

Activity No. 1 Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word or group of
words in the box. Writer the correct answer on the space provided before the

Competition Publics Marketing Efforts

Suppliers Action Plan Marketing Plan
Brand Customer Opportunities
Durable goods Target Market Marketing Process

__________1. A person or organization that buys goods or services.

__________2. This are important in order to anticipate societal expectations.
__________3. A perceptual map can be used to determine the specific segement it
should target, in somparison to existing competitors.
__________4. A new product’s competitive position in the market can be
determines through the use of marketing tools.
__________5. A document describing the current market position of a business
and strategies designed to accomplish its objectives.
__________6. A series of steps that allow organizations to identify customer
__________7. Conventionally use the marketing mix as the foundation of
__________8. The resources a company dedicates to promoting its products and
__________9. To provide necessary raw materials at the required quantity, price
and time should also be considered.
__________10. It may emerge from the increasing consumer disposable income.

Activity No. 3 Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE
if it is not.

__________1. One advantage of SWOT analysis is that it helps managers to,

identify strengths that are almost always sources of competitive
advantages that are sustainable.
_________2. Value chain analysis assumes that a firm’s basic economic purpose
is to create value and it is a useful framework for analyzing a firm’s
strengths and weaknesses.
_________3. Stockholders value means the same thing as customer value.
_________4. In value chain analysis, value is measured by market value of the
total stock outstanding of the company.
_________5. Support activities provide support for primary activities.
_________6. Establishing a customer service hotline to handle customer
complaints would be considered a primary activity in value chain

_________7. Technology development is much broader concept than research
and development.
_________8. In value chain analysis, general management is considered part of
a firm’s infrastructure.
_________9. Information system can create advantages that deter entry by
competitors into an industry.
_________10. A firm’s intangible resources refer to its capacity to deploy tangible
resources over time and leverage those resources effectively.

What I Have Learned

The most important elements of the marketing process is the process of

discovering unfulfilled customer needs. It involves identifying opportunities,
targeting markets, designing and planning marketing strategies and programs,
and organizing, implementing, monitoring and controlling the results.
Identifying the market requires extensive and intensive research to figure out
the appropriate marketing approach. Analysing marketing opportunities the
micro-environment is the internal organization or the company is assessed. This
is to determined the availability of resources for a new product development.
It should be noted as well that other participants in the industry may also be
developing similar products. They could be doing so at a faster and more efficient
rate. The extent of the competition and their resources should also be
The ability of suppliers to provide necessary raw materials at the required
quantity, price, and time should also be considered.
Publics are important in order to anticipate societal expectetions.
A study of micro-environmental factors can generate areas of strengths and
weaknesses for the company. Some possible strengths are superior financial
resources, wide distributions coverage, and a strong marker need for the new
The macro-environment is the economic situation is reflective of the general
business climate.
Target market a perceptual map can be used to determine the specific
segment it should target, in comparison to existing competitors.
Marketing strategies can be defined as comprehensive programs of action
involving the use of organizational resources to achieve marketing objectives.
The planning of marketing programs involve developing and implementing
action plans or tactics under each strategy. Action plans or tactics conventionally
use the marketing mix as the foundation of implementation.
A marketing plan is a document describing the current market position of a
business and strategies designed to accomplish its objectives. It serves as one
of the major roadmaps for a business enterprise in achieving its financial,
operational, and societal goals.

What I Can Do

DIRECTIONS: Read the following questions carefully. Your answers will be

evaluated using the rubrics shown below.
In a series of career books (Careers in Financiaal Services, Careers in
Marketing, and Careers in Retailing) presented a series of questions to assist
individuals in doing a proper personal assessment. This is an adaption of those
Treat your answers SERIOUSLY!
Grading Rubric (25 points)

1. What is your greatest strengths?

2. What is your greatest weaknesses?
3. What is your long-term career goals in terms of job advancement? In
terms of earnings?
4. How important is career success to you? Will your career more important
than anything else?
5. Would you rather work in a large or a small company?

Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points POINTS

Explanation A complete Good solid Explanation is Misses key
response with response with unclear points
a detailed clear
explanation explanation

Demonstrated Shows Shows Response Response

Knowledge complete substantial shows some shows a
understanding understanding understanding complete lack
of the of the of the problem of
questions, problem, understanding
ideas and ideas, and for the
processes processes problem
Requirements Goes beyond Meets the Hardly meets Does not meet
the requirements the the
requirements of the problem requirements requirements
of the problem of the problem of the problem


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter that
correspond to your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Why is it important for companies to evaluate managerial decisions using

a SWOT Analysis?
a. It analyzes strengths, weaknesses, obligations, and threats.
b. It analyzes strong points, weak points, opportunities, and threats.
c. It analyzes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threaths.
d. It analyzes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and time.
2. Which of the following statements regarding strategy formulation and
strategy implementation is the most accurate?
a. Neither strategy formulation,nor strategy implementation can succeed
without the other.
b. Strategy formulation is more important than strategy implementation.
c. Strategy implementation is more important than strategy formulation.
d. Neither strategy formulation,nor strategy implantation can have
significant impact on firm performance.
3. Which of the following is not a limitation of SWOT
(Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunity,Threaths) analysis?
a. Organizational strengths may not lead to competitive advantage
b. SWOT gives a one-shot vies of a moving target
c. SWOT’s focus on the external environment is too broad and
d. SWOT overemphasizes a single dimension of strategy
4. Which of these requires a firm to established annual objectives,devise
policies and allocate resources?
a. Strategy formulation
b. Strategy implementation
c. Strategy evaluation
d. Strategy manipulation
5. A marketing department that promises delivery quicker than the
production department’s ability to produce is an example of a lack of
understanding of the
a. Interrelationships among functional areas and firm strategies
b. Need to maintain the reputation of the company
c. Organizational culture and leadership
d. Synergy of the business units
6. Which of the following is not one of the three fundamental questions
addressed by corporate strategy?
a. In what business will we compete
b. How can we as a corporate parent add value to our various lines of
c. How will diversification on our entry into a new industry help us to
compete in our industries?
d. How can we best position our operations to compete against present
and future rivals with a particular business?

7. XYZ Corp. is centering on the objective low cost, high quality on-time
production by curtailing idle productive facilities and workers. The XYZ
Corp. is taking advantage of a system.
a. First In, First Out (FIFO)
b. Highly mechanized
c. Just-In-Time (JIT)
d. Last In, First Out (LIFO)
8. __________is the process by which a firm manages the formulation and
implementation of its strategy.
a. Economic Logic
b. Micro Management
c. Strategic Management
d. Total Quality Management
9. The term __________is used to strategy formulation,implementation and
evaluation with __________referring only to strategy formulation.
a. Assessment; planning
b. Management cycle; brainstorming
c. Strategic management; strategic planning
d. strategic planning; strategic management
10. The two most critical questions that strategy must address are how
a company will achieve its objectives today, when other firms may be
competing to satisfy the samecustomer’s needs and how the firm plans to
compete in the future.
a. Business
b. Corporate
c. Functional
d. Operational
11. All of these are pitfalls an organization should avoid in strategic
planning except;
a. Failing to involve key employees in all phases of planning.
b. Hastily moving from mission development to strategy formulation.
c. Using plans as a standard for measuring performance.
d. Using strategic planning to gain control over decisions and resources.
12. The competencies or skills that a firm employs to transform inputs
into outputs are;
a. Intangible resources
b. Organizational capabilities
c. Reputational resources
d. Tangible resources
13. __________are the individuals who are most responsible for the
success or failure of an organization.
a. Consultants
b. Ethics Officers
c. Operatives
d. Strategies
14. The “advance work” in the strategic management process is
comprised of
a. Strategy analysis
b. Strategy formulation
c. Strategy implementation
d. Strategic posturing

15. Which of these involves comparing a firm against the best firms in
the industry on a wide variety of performance-related criteria?
a. Adaptation
b. Benchmarking
c. Completion Base
d. Deliveration

Additional Activity

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if

the statement is wrong.
__________1. Primary activities contribute to the physical
creation of a product or service, its sale and transfer to the
buyer, and its service after the sale.
__________2. The value chain concept assumes that both
primary and supportactivities are capable of producing value of
__________3. Performing a value chain analysis provides a
complete assessment of the firm’s strength and weaknesses.
__________4. Support activities provide support primary
activities, but not each other.
__________5. Tangible resources are assets that are relatively
easy to identify such as financial and physical assets.
__________6. Products and services that are difficult to imitate
help firms sustain their profitability.
__________7. Path dependency has no impact on the
inimitability of resources.
__________8.capabilities that are usually ambiguous are difficult
to imitate.
__________9. The resource-based view of the firm focuses on the
internal analysis of a firm’s operation and competencies.
__________10. Managers should focus their attention on
interrelationships among value chain activities within the firm
not on relationships among activities within the firm and other
organizations (such as suppliers and customers).

Answer Key

10. Opportunities
9. Suppliers
Efforts T 5.
8. Marketing F 4.
7. Action Plan T 3.
Process F 2.
6. Marketing F 1.
5. Marting Plans TEST II
4. Computations 10.C
3. Target Market 9. D
2. Publics 8. B
1. Customer 7. B
6. A
What’s More 5. C
4. D
3. C
2. A
1. B
12.D What I Know
9. C 10. F
8. C T 9.
7. D T 8.
6. B T 7.
5. A T 6.
4. C F 5.
3. C F 4.
2. A
F 3.
1. C
T 2.
Assesment F 1.
Activity No. 2


Real C. So & Oscar G. Torres (2016).Principles of Marketing, pp. 67-74

Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2014) Principles of Marketing (15th edn).
Harlow: Pearson Education
Lindgreen, A., Hingley, M., Grant, D. and Morgan, R. (2012) ‘Value in
Business and Industrial Marketing: Past, Present and Future’,
Industrial Marketing Management, 41, pp. 207–14
Payne, A. (1994) ‘Relationship Marketing: Making the Customer Count’,
Managing Service Quality, 4 (6), pp. 29–31

Development Team of the Module

Editor: JANE P. VALENCIA, Ed.D – EPS – Mathematics
Reviewer: JANE P. VALENCIA, Ed.D – EPS – Mathematics
GRACELA R. LABOS- MT-I Potrero National High School
Layout Artist:
Language Reviewer:

Management Team

ZENIA G. MOSTOLES, EdD, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent

LEONARDO C. CANLAS, EdD, CESE. Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
ROWENA T. QUIAMBAO, CESE, Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
JANE P. VALENCIA, Ed.D, Education Program Supervisor, Mathematics
JUNE E. CUNANAN, Education Program Supervisor/ Language Editor
RUBY M. JIMENEZ, Ph.D., Education Program Supervisor, LRMDS


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