Theme 3 Technology Writing

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- Vocabulary related to ‘Technology’
- VSTEP Writing Task 2: Cause-effect essays
+ Functional language
+ Practice

Communication technology
Study the following words and phrases related to the theme of communication technology. After
finishing the exercises, make your own sentence with each of the words and phrases.
No. Words / Phrases Meanings Example sentences
1 revolutionize cách mạng hoá

2 accessible dễ dàng tiếp cận

3 in an instant ngay lập tức

4 regardless of time zones bất kể múi giờ và khoảng

and physical distance cách vật lý

5 physical barriers rào cản vật lý

6 socially anxious lo lắng xã hội

7 online harassment quấy rối trực tuyến

8 technology-driven tương tác dựa trên công

interaction nghệ

9 social contact sự tiếp xúc xã hội

10 traditional face-to-face gặp gỡ trực tiếp truyền

encounters thống

Task 1: Fill in the blanks to complete the paragraphs. You may change the word form if
1. Communication technology has become more (1) ____________ than ever before with the
advent of social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. It is now possible to connect with
one another (2) ____________, bridging the gaps that once existed due to geographical barriers.
Whether through video conferencing, instant messaging, or social media, technology has made it
easy for people to stay connected and maintain (3) _____________, no matter where they are in
the world. Technology-driven interactions have become an irreplaceable part of the modern life.

2. (4) _______________ are no longer the only means of communication. Online communication
has (5) ________________ the way people connect with one another. With just a few clicks,
people can now communicate with each other (6) ____________, breaking down (7)
________________ and transcending geographical limitations.

3. Regarding TikTok, there have been concerns about (8) _________________ in the form of
hateful comments or messages. The impacts these can have on users, particularly those who are
(9) _______________, are extremely alarming. While TikTok has taken measures to combat
online harassment, it remains a concern for many users.

Task 2: Make sentences with the following phrases. You can change the word forms if needed.
1. traditional face-to-face encounters / modern communication technology / in an instant
2. social media / revolutionize
3. social networking sites / online harassment
4. the ease of communication technology / socially anxious

5. video calls / instant messages / physical barriers

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education

Study the following words and phrases related to the theme of STEM education. After finishing
the exercises, make a sentence with each of the words and phrases
No. Words / Phrases Meanings Example sentences
1 skilled professionals chuyên gia lành nghề

2 critical rất quan trọng

3 advance technology and thúc đẩy công nghệ và đổi

innovation mới

4 create economic growth tạo ra tăng trưởng kinh tế

and prosperity và thịnh vượng

5 STEM professionals chuyên gia về khoa học,

toán học, kỹ thuật, toán
6 demystify làm sáng tỏ

7 underrepresented thiếu được đại diện

8 stereotypes khuôn mẫu

Task 3: The phrases in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write the correct phrase next to
each sentence.
1. STEM fields require stereotypes who possess a strong foundation in science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics, and are able to apply their knowledge to solve complex problems
and drive innovation.

2. Efforts to advance technology and innovation STEM fields by making them more accessible
through education and media representation has inspired more people to pursue a STEM career.
3. Wealthy countries in the West that are leaders in STEM research and development have a
significant competitive advantage, thus being able to demystify.
4. STEM education is underrepresented to preparing the next generation of innovators who will
tackle some of the world's most pressing issues and drive progress in fields ranging from climate
change to space exploration.
5. Skilled professionals and biases can discourage certain groups, particularly women and
minorities, from pursuing STEM fields, highlighting the need for targeted efforts to address these
issues and promote diversity in STEM.
6. To create economic growth and prosperity in STEM fields, it is crucial to foster collaboration
and knowledge sharing among industry experts and academic institutions.
7. Efforts to increase diversity and inclusion in STEM fields are crucial for ensuring that critical
groups, such as women and minorities, have equal opportunities to pursue and excel in STEM

Task 4: Translate the following sentences into English. Use the phrases in the table above for
the phrases in bold:
1. Phim ảnh và chương trình truyền hình cần có thêm các nhân vật ở các nhóm thiếu được đại
diện như phụ nữ hay người da màu làm việc trong các ngành khoa học, công nghệ, kỹ thuật, và
toán học.
2. Khuôn mẫu là phụ nữ thì không nên theo đuổi ngành khoa học công nghệ đã dần được phá bỏ,
chính vì thế càng ngày càng có nhiều nhân lực nữ làm việc ở các lĩnh vực này.
3. Các chuyên gia lành nghề trong lĩnh vực khoa học, công nghệ, kỹ thuật, và toán học chính là
những nhân tố rất quan trọng dẫn đến sự phát triển về kinh tế và sự thịnh vượng của một quốc
4. Để thúc đẩy công nghệ và đổi mới, các quốc gia như Nhật Bản, Hàn Quốc đã trao nhiều học
bổng để khuyến khích sinh viên theo học các ngành khoa học, công nghệ, kỹ thuật, và toán học.

Study the following words and phrases related to the theme of teleworking. After finishing the
exercises, make a sentence with each of the words and phrases.

No. Words / Phrases Meaning Example sentences

1 video conferencing tools công cụ hội nghị qua video

2 project management phần mềm quản lý dự án

3 be physically present có mặt ngoài đời

4 telecommuting làm việc từ xa

5 shift to remote work chuyển dịch sang làm việc

từ xa
6 limited by geography bị hạn chế bởi địa lý

7 a sense of isolation and cảm giác bị cô lập và mất

disconnection kết nối
8 virtual team meetings họp nhóm trực tuyến

Task 5: Fill in the blanks to complete the paragraphs. You may change the word form if
1. In the past, in order to participate in meetings or events, it was necessary to (1) ______________
in the meeting room. However, with the development of (2) ________________ such as Zoom or
Skype, individuals can now participate in real-time discussions and events from virtually anywhere.
Without being (3) _______________, more people choose to work from home.
2. The (4) ________________ has prompted the adoption of (5) _______________ like Slack or
Notion. This kind of software allows teams to track tasks, share files, and monitor progress,
ensuring that everyone stays on the same page.

3. "GlobalTech" is a cutting-edge technology company that embraces (6) ______________ as part
of its corporate culture. The company understands that the shift to remote work can create (7)
________________, which may cause mental health issues for employees. That is why they often
carry out various (8) ________________ to ensure that employees feel connected and be part of
the team.

Task 6: Write sentences with the correct form of the words given. Use the phrases in the
table above for the phrases in bold:
1. Những đại dịch lớn như COVID-19 là một trong những yếu tố thúc đẩy sự chuyển dịch sang
làm việc từ xa.
2. Sự phát triển của các phần mềm quản lý dự án khiến các công ty cho nhân viên cơ hội được
làm việc mà không cần đến cơ quan.
3. Dù có họp nhóm trực tuyến, nhân viên khi làm việc tại nhà cũng không tránh khỏi cảm giác
cô lập và mất kết nối vì họ không được tương tác trực tiếp với đồng nghiệp.
4. Chính vì có thể làm việc mà không bị giới hạn bởi địa lý, nhiều nhân viên đã chọn lối sống
du mục kỹ thuật số, vừa đi du lịch nước ngoài vừa làm việc qua mạng.
5. Dù không bằng việc có mặt và làm việc ở ngoài đời, các công cụ hội nghị qua video vẫn đảm
bảo được chất lượng công việc của nhóm ở một mức độ chấp nhận được.

The VSTEP exam can ask you to write an essay about both the causes and effects of a phenomenon,
or only the causes or only the effects of a phenomenon.

1. BOTH causes and effects

Introductory Lead-in - It is true that …
paragraph - These days, …
Thesis - This phenomenon is caused by several factors, namely …,
statement and it can result in effects such as …
Body Topic - [The phenomenon] stems from several causes.
paragraph sentence - There are several possible reasons for [the phenomenon]
1: Causes Explanations, - In fact, … / To be more specific, … / This is because…
examples - For instance, … / This can be evidenced by …
Body Topic - [The phenomenon] can result in dire consequences.
paragraph sentence - [The phenomenon] has both positive and negative effects.
2: Effects Explanations, - In fact, … / To be more specific, … / … leads to …
examples - For instance, … / This can be evidenced by …
Concluding Summary - To summarize, …/ In summary, …
paragraph - To conclude, … / In conclusion, …

2. ONLY causes or ONLY effects

Introductory Lead-in - It is true that …
paragraph - These days, …
Thesis - This phenomenon is caused by several factors, namely …
statement - This phenomenon leads to several effects / consequences,
such as …
Body Topic - [The phenomenon] stems from [the first cause]
paragraph sentence - [The phenomenon] is a possible reason for [the first effect]
1: Cause 1 Explanations, - In fact, … / To be more specific, … / This is because…
(or Effect 1) examples - For instance, … / This can be evidenced by …

Body Topic - In addition, [the second cause] may also contribute to [the
paragraph sentence phenomenon]
2: Cause 2 - Another significant effect of [the phenomenon] is [the
(or effect 2) second effect]
Explanations, - In fact, … / To be more specific, … / … leads to …
examples - For instance, … / This can be evidenced by …
Concluding Summary - To summarize, …/ In summary, …
paragraph - To conclude, … / In conclusion, …

3. Sample essay topic:

Read the following extract from an article about online learning:
Online learning has since become increasingly popular all over the world. According to a study
by the National Center for Education Statistics, during the 2018-2019 school year, 43% of
public schools in the United States offered some form of online learning opportunities to their

Write an essay to discuss the causes and effects of the popularity of online learning.
Sample answer:
It is true that online education has gained more prominence in recent times. In this essay, I
will discuss the causes and effects of the rising popularity of this form of learning.
The rise of online classes results from several causes. One of the main factors is the
increasing use of technology in education. With learning platforms such as Moodle and
Blackboard, educators have found new ways to deliver course content and engage students. Virtual
learning provides a flexible and accessible approach to education, allowing students to learn at
their own pace and access course materials regardless of their location or time zone. Another
reason to explain why e-learning is favored by many institutions is the need for cost-effective and
scalable education solutions. This mode of learning allows schools to optimize their resources and
reach a wider audience, without compromising on the quality of education. This is particularly
important in developing countries, where access to education is limited.
The effects of virtual learning are numerous. One of the most significant effects is the
improvement in student engagement and achievement. An online classroom allows for more
personalized and interactive learning experiences, which can lead to increased motivation and
academic performance. Additionally, online education can help to reduce the achievement gap

between students from different socio-economic backgrounds, by providing access to high-quality
instructions and materials regardless of geographical location.
In conclusion, the growing popularity of online learning programs is due to the increasing
use of technology in education and the need for cost-effective and scalable education solutions.
The effects of this phenomenon include improved student engagement and achievement, as well
as increased access to quality education.

Task 7: Read the following essay topic. Then follow the instructions below.
Read an extract from an article about communication technology.
Communication technology has significantly impacted the way people interact with one another,
especially in recent years. From social media platforms to video conferencing software,
technology has provided people with new and innovative ways to communicate and stay

Write an essay to discuss the effects of communication technology.

Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least 250
words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary
and Grammar.
Step 1: Read the list of ideas. In the space next to each idea, write Positive (P) if the idea is a
positive effect and Negative (N) if the idea is a negative effect.
___________ 1. It is now possible to communicate with people across the globe in an instant,
regardless of time zones or physical distance.
___________ 2. Online interactions may lack the emotional depth of face-to-face
___________ 3. People who would otherwise have limited social interaction (e.g. people
with disabilities, socially anxious people) now have the option to be part of
online communities.
___________ 4. Communication technology facilitates online dating.
___________ 5. Children are now particularly vulnerable to harassment online.
___________ 6. Communication technology has contributed to the rise of cyberbullying.

Step 2: Choose 01 positive effect and 01 negative effect from the list above, then write 1-2 more
sentences to extend each idea. Use relevant explanations or examples.
Step 3: Write a full essay to respond to the Writing Task. Use the essay structure and language in
Part B. Brainstorm ideas in the table below.

Thesis ___________________________________________________________
Body 1: Main idea: __________________________________________________
- Supporting idea 1:
- Supporting idea 2:
Body 2: Main idea: __________________________________________________
- Supporting idea 1:
- Supporting idea 2:

Conclusion: ___________________________________________________________

Task 8: Read an extract from an article about STEM education.
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the popularity of STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects in schools. Schools and educational
institutions have responded to this demand by increasing the availability of STEM courses and
extracurricular activities, as well as investing in STEM-related resources and technology.
Write an essay to discuss the causes of the rising popularity of STEM subjects in school.
Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least 250
words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary
and Grammar.
Brainstorm ideas in the following table then write a full essay.

Thesis ___________________________________________________________
Body 1: Main idea: __________________________________________________
- Supporting idea 1:
- Supporting idea 2:
Body 2: Main idea: __________________________________________________
- Supporting idea 1:
- Supporting idea 2:

Conclusion: ___________________________________________________________

Task 9: Read an extract from an article about teleworking.
The trend of teleworking, or working remotely from home, which has become increasingly
popular in recent years. Many companies have adopted teleworking policies. As a result, the
number of people teleworking has increased dramatically, and it is expected that this trend will
continue even after the pandemic subsides.

Write an essay to discuss the causes and effects of the rising popularity of teleworking.
Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least 250
words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary
and Grammar.
Brainstorm ideas in the following table then write a full essay.

Thesis ___________________________________________________________
Body 1: Main idea: __________________________________________________
- Supporting idea 1:
- Supporting idea 2:
Body 2: Main idea: __________________________________________________
- Supporting idea 1:
- Supporting idea 2:

Conclusion: ___________________________________________________________


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