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She sat there, arms crossed, pinned to the table with a heavy mind, staring at the sunset lighting up the sky, but
her skies were as gloomy as never before. A singular cloud was shading out any exposure to the warm sunshine,
leaving only the bitter wind in her world.
He was staring at the sunset, too. Sitting by the window sill, his coffee still warm and emitting fog.
Torn, that's how he felt, wanting to console her while still angry with her. The sun sank a few degrees lower,
clouds started to turn pink and bright orange. In the end, he made up his mind. Finishing his coffee with one last
gulp, he stood and walked out of their bedroom to the kitchen. On his way, he glanced at her. Her hair flowing
down her shoulders which slumped against the table. Her entire aura, lifeless.
He could remember when that the same body was less than inches away from his, her scent surrounding him
and comforting him, calming him down. At that time, there were both full of life, but what she did was
unforgivable, he thought to himself.
He turned coldly, and opened the fridge. His gaze landed on the bottles of his favourite beer, he grabbed a
bottle and stared at it. She had hauled an entire box of them all the way home, just because he said he felt quite low
that day. She hadn’t asked for help because she wanted it to be a surprise, probably because she didn't need any.
Now she made a mistake and had her heart shattered by some idiot. He turned, facing the balcony, his eyes
Then his eyes hardened again. Ain't his fault, she had her heart shattered, she almost cheated!
But she never really loved the guy didn't she? She was just distracted, he had been away for quite a while, and
she needed company. Frustration overcame him and he slammed the fridge door shut.
The noise jolted her and she lifted her head, looking straight at him, but her eyes looked red and swollen
fogged up by tears. And he wondered whether she was only seeign vaguly. A few seconds of eye contact later, she
returned to her slump.
His heart ached to see her like this, he wanted to forgive her, of course he did, but his pride kept holding him
back. His tongue twisted itself into a devil's knot.
“I'll protect you, always.”
“Always, mi amor.”
That was his promise, let it go to hell, he cursed, his knuckles on the beer whitening. Mumbling to himself, he
left the kitchen, but his her eyes haunted him, causing his heart to threaten to burst with too much pain. He grabbed
an extra cherry soda and strode to the balcony, plopped down beside her and placed the pink can and straw in front
of her. She glanced at him, but didn't move otherwise. He popped open the soda, placed the straw, and held it to her
lips. She took one sip, but even her favorite soda can't enlighten her up now. This only made his heart ache even
more, it kills him how her mind makes her feel so unworthy.
He ran his hands through her hair as silence ran along time. Finally, she lifted her head again and stared into
his eyes glistening with tears as she bit her lip.
He felt as if his heart was plunged into acid. Holding back ends here, his heart roared. With a lunge, he
wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into an embrace. A few seconds later, tears were soaking down
his back, her entire body was shuddering
Guilt, regret, and hurt, all washed away along with her tears, disappearing as they dried up, leaving only her
love for him stronger than ever before, but most importantly alongside his love.
They didn't break apart, watching the sunset in silence, carassing each other, enjoying the comfort of each
others embrace. Sharing wet and salty kisses every minute or so, eyes glistening with tears of laughter now. The
sadness evaporating as the sun went down hill, smiling at the couple, taking the day with it.

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