Millennials and Filinials Word

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Pressured- They wish to be ahead of many

things, successful and take advantage of
ETHICAL CHALLENGES AND opportunities but avoiding taking risks.
RESPONSES 7. Achieving- They are known to be of many
Millennials are the demographic cohort directly achievements as youngsters. These can be
following the Generation X. It is also known as associated with their being proactive in life.
‘Generation Y’ or the ‘Net Generation’
Ethical Outlook and Cultural Identity
 They are also called Boomerang
Generation or Peter Pan because of their
perceived tendencies for delaying some rites
of passage in adulthood for longer periods
than most generations before them and for
living with their parents for longer periods
than previous generations.
 Generation Y are very cheerful and
enthusiast and more open to change than
In Filipino terms, Millennials are called Filinials as older generations.
adapted from Filipino.  Most millennials of every religion, race, and
• They commonly characterized by an ethnicity support access to affordable
increased use and familiarity with contraception. Some connotes that choosing
communications, media, and digital an abortion is the most responsible decision
technologies. that a woman can make.

• Advanced generation in terms of technology In 2013, 2014 researches resulted the following:
utilization a. Some Millennials say that marriage is old
• In work they are known to be non-linear fashioned and out of date while most of them
individuals which the traditionalists disagree.
sometimes misunderstand. They are also b. Millennials belong to four-way split:
marked by an increase in a liberal approach
to politics, economics, and morality, ● pro-life ● pro-choice ● no both pro-life and choice
although this claim is disputed. ● equal by pro-choice and life.

Seven Basic Traits of Millennials c. few of them are either lesbian, gay, bisexual, or
1. Special- They are the most educated generation
on record.

2. Sheltered- Since birth, they are known to be

from many forms of protection. They are the most
protected generation since their birth.

3. Confident- They are known to be less religious,

less serve the military yet as the most educated
generation. 4. Team-oriented (disputed trait)- They
like to band together to socialize in groups. In
schools, they prefer working with groups rather than

5. Conventional- They take pride in their improving

behavior. Their taste to arts and music is less
extreme than the previous generations.

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