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Senior Reflection

Well I am done with this senior project. I am so glad it's over and it was very stressful and

I do not want to be part of it anymore. There have been a lot of presentations in class, and mine

was on Wednesday the second to last day. I practiced along with my note card and I did pretty

well, and I am kind of relieved that I did well because I was a bit nervous and was just ready to

get it over with. As time and time gets closer to graduating it's kind of exciting but also scary

since we are all growing up and getting on with our lives but we cannot stop time. Back to the

senior project the fact that is basically over there is this sense of relief that we won't need to do

anything again about this. Although yes I am kind of thankful for this "experience" but I just

need a break and we are so close to getting this with summer. Now that I am writing this

reflection I am glad that I chose this topic because I just felt proud of sharing this topic with my

class. Even though I did have second thoughts on this topic I am just glad that I was able to stick

with it and have part of my family on it too. Looking back to the start of the semester I never

thought that I would have made it right now and right here, the days after all the presentations. It

is just crazy to think about all this time that has passed and all the things that have happened.

Like I turned 18!!!!! That is huge all my life. I have been waiting for this and now that it's here,

what happens now, because I have no idea. Yes I am now considered an adult but I don't feel like

it and I HATE it when they throw that into our faces on how "we are adults' ' because we can't

just become adults like that, with a snap of a finger. It takes time and people don't seem to realize

that. Along with this project I was surrounded with the idea of mental health and how it should

be very prioritized in people. It is very important to take care of yourself, but sometimes it's hard

to find something that can help. High school is hard, everyone gets that and everyone is always

told that, but when we are in it we realize it's not hard in the way we think it is. For me it was


hard for my social life. It's hard to see the bad and good in some people. It's hard to find yourself

and it's hard to decide what you want to do with your life. And it's ESPECIALLY hard to decide

what you want to do for the rest of your life at the age of 17 and 18. But guess what, some people

solve it and some others and then there are the people who are just living and going where the

wind takes them. And I want to be that person (I just need the money haha). I know I did the best

I could do with this project and with high school, and even though I do not know everyone in my

senior class I will be sad not because I will never see them ever again but because a part of my

life is going to be closed and gone forever. I will never be a high schooler again, I will never

walk the hallways as a senior again. Everything in my high school career is going to be gone and

everything would just become a memory to look back on. But again that’s life and we can’t stop

it. That’s all folks. We are done. I am done. I will see myself on the stage walking toward my


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