Letter DT 21 05 2020 Honble High Court of Delhi

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Justice Deepak Verma

Former Judge
Supreme Court of India





Date - 21.05.2020


Hon'ble Single Judge

High Court of Delhi
Sher shah Road, Justice SB Marg,
New Delhi- 110503

Most Respectfully Showeth,

1. It is necessary to bring certain facts and developments, which have taken place on

20.05.2020, few hours before, Hearing fixed before me. During the course of the day,

I have received various Whatsapp messages, on my mobile 97173-93521 at 1:26 PM

from Mobile No. 98111-92641. On checking the said number from True Caller, it was

found, this Mobile Number belongs to Mr. Parbhash Saxena, Member of DDCA.

2. The letter already sent by me to the Hon'ble High Court, pertaining to my Retainership

and Hearing Fees, has been challenged by him, on variety of grounds, making wild

allegations, against me, that this is nothing short of loot by me. In my letter addressed

Office: D-19, Third Floor, Geetanjali Enclave, New Delhi-110017

Residence: A-16, Second Floor, Geetanjali Enclave, New Delhi-110017 Page 1of5

T: 011 41064992 I M: +91 9717393521 I +91 9301538508 I E: justicedverma@gmail.com

Justice Deepak Verma
Former Judge
Supreme Court of India

to Ld. Single Judge dt. 29.04.2020, I have already made a Prayer, in this regard in the

following terms:-

''It is humbly submitted that Membe1·s and General Public be restrained

from directly sending any mails, whatsapp or text message etc. to me, as

they have Apex Councils Grievance Redressal Committee to resolve, all

inter-se members disputes."

3. The said Prayer has not been considered so far, by Learned Single Judge of the High

Court of Delhi. Mr. Parbhash Saxena knowing it fully well that such a Prayer made by

Ombudsman is still pending, consideration before Ld. Single Judge of the High Court

of Delhi, still had courage, audacity, strength and bravery to send such type of

humiliating and insulting messages to me. Text of the said Whatsapp is annexed as

Annexure Al, along with this letter.

4. My letter dated 29.04.2020 addressed to Hon'ble High Court, was sent to all the

Directors of DDCA, who in turn had forwarded the same to various other people. For

e.g. DDCA Members Group for sure knew about the contents of the letter and that

same is pending before the Hon'ble High Court.

Office: D-19, Third Floor, Geetanjali Enclave, New Delhi-110017

Page 2 of 5
Residence: A-16, Second Floor, Geetanjali Enclave, New Delhi-110017
T: 011 41064992 I M: +91 9717393521 I +91 9301538508 I E: justicedverma@gmail.com
Justice Deepak Verma
Former Judge
Supreme Court of India

5. I humbly request Your Lordship to take appropriate action not only against Mr.

Parbhash Saxena but also against all those members, who have been sending such type

of Texts to me earlier.

6. At 3:31 PM, DDCA Members Group, has sent another mail making similar type of

allegations against me and has also mentioned that I had been building pressure on Mr.

Rajiv Bansal, Ld. Sr. Advocate, appointed by the High Court, in the Committee to

disburse payments etc., to make payment of my pending Bills too. Along with the

same, Newspaper Clipping, said to have been authored by Mr. Abhishek Tripathi, has

also been sent to me. The mail along with the Paper Clipping is annexed herewith as

Annexure - A2, along with this letter.

7. I would like to point out that, so far, I haYe not contacted Mr. Rajiv Bansal at all. But

it is a fact, my Bills are pending for last more than 2 months, for which Mr. S.N. Sharma

(one of the authorised signatory appointed by Hon'ble High Court) was requested to

do the needful. Nothing beyond that, on my instructions or to my knowledge, was done

by me.

8. I would also like to draw Your Lordship's attention towards the fact that although

various emails and reminder emails have been sent to the Members/Directors and

certain employees of DDCA to attend the hearing(s) before me, however 6 so called

Directors/Members (namely Mr. Rajan Manchanda, Mr. Apurv Jain, Mr. Alok Mittal,

Office: D-19, Third Floor, Geetanjali Enclave, New Delhi-110017

Page 3 of 5
Residence: A-16, Second Floor, Geetanjali Enclave, New Delhi-110017
T: 011 41064992 I M: +91 9717393521 I +91 9301538508 I E: justicedverma@gmail.com
Justice Deepak Verma
Former Judge
Supreme Court of India

Ms. Renu Khanna, Mr. Nitin Gupta and Mr. Sudhir Kumar Chaudhary) still remained

absent, along with other employees of DDCA, even though they were noticed not only

on 14.05.2020 but again on 19.05.2020, vide Reminder notice sent to all, by my Office.

9. Now, I fail to understand, despite notices, they still prefer to remain absent before me,

how do I proceed in the matter. Hearing was scheduled today for taking up various

remaining Agenda (which has been mentioned in my previous submission to Hon'ble

High Court dated 18.05.2020), however even today none of the aforesaid members

mentioned above appeared before me. Thus, I had to hear the Arguments of all those

Ld. Advocates, who were present before me.

10. I am fully aware of a particular group, which is creating all these hurdles, in my smooth

working as Ombudsman, for the simple reason that they do not want me to clean up

the mess caused/ created in the DDCA but want to have their own say, so that they can

continue with their nefarious activities as before, rather than to promote the game of

Cricket. I, therefore, request Ld. Single Judge to look into my Prayers/Reliefs and to

grant the same to me, for this act of kindness, I shall ever remain obliged.

11. It is pertinent to mention here that I had never quoted my Fees or Expenses to DDCA.

The same was offered to me by DDCA, which I accepted. Copy of my Appointment

Letter by DDCA (which also includes the amount of remuneration to be paid to me)

is annexed hereto as Annexure A3 for Your Lordships kind reference. In the light of

Office: D-19, Third Floor, Geetanjali Enclave, New Delhi-110017

Page 4 of 5
Residence: A-16, Second Floor, Geetanjali Enclave, New Delhi-110017
T: 011 41064992 I M: +91 9717393521 I +91 9301538508 I E: justicedverma@gmail.com
Justice Deepak Verma
Former Judge
Supreme Court of India

the aforesaid developments, and my prayer already made vide my letter dt. 29.04.2020

necessary and appr6ptiate Directions/Order be passed in this regard against DDCA

and all its Members.


12. After all, I am not doing any charity as every Meeting is lasted for more than 2 hours

or so, then necessary Orders, too are to be passed. All this consumes lot of my time

and energy.

I am extremely sorry to have bothered Your Lordship for this.

With Kind Regards & Best Wishes

Justice Deepak Verma (Retd.)
Former Judge, Supreme Court of India
Ombudsman, DDCA
Address -A-16, 2nd Floor, Geetanjali
Enclave, New Delhi-110017
Ph.-+91-9301538508, 9717393521
Email - justicedverrn.f.l_@gmail.com

Office: D-19, Third Floor, Geetanjali Enclave, New Delhi-110017

Page 5 of 5
Residence: A-16, Second Floor, Geetanjali Enclave, New Delhi-110017
T: 011 41064992 I M: +91 9717393521 I +91 9301538508 I E: justicedverma@gmail.com
11nne_"'° 41e -- If J_

Dear friends .. .In the continuing legal saga in DDCA, one group has filed a writ petition in
High Court, praying for restitution of subsidy and other birthright privileges due to them.
Legal eagles have got used to huge legal fees, which requires at least Rs 10 crs in the next
12 months. Standard heads like civil construction and professional expenses including legal
fees will help defalcate DDCA funds. Cricket, for which BCCI provides subsidy, will
continue to be starved of funds. Clubs and cricketers/ support staff have not been paid
their dues for ages. Lawyers, engaged in friendly duels, never had it so good. We appeal to
right thinking, and cricket loving public to stand up to this loot. We appeal to the concerned
lawyers to do some work in courts rather than ruining DDCA and cricket in Delhi. May
God save Delhi cricket


Please send a mail to Sanjay Bhardwaj(with copy to Ombudsman) asking him how is he
paying the huge fees of Lawyers? He was represented by Chidambaram on 1.5.20 in HC.

Very surprising to learn that the present ombudsman is being paid 5 lakhs per month plus
6.5 lakhs per hearing whereas the earlier ombudsman was being paid only 2 lakhs per

Additional 6.5 lakh per hearing it's loot without the approval of the appex council as u are
write the previous ombudsman was getting 27 lakh per year including his supporting staff
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Gmail Deepak Verma <justicedverma@gmail.com>

Payment of legal charges

1 message

DDCA Members Group <ddcamembersgroup@gmail.com> Wed, May 20 , 2020 at 3:31 PM

To : Ombudsman@ddca .co, Deepak Verma <justicedverma@gmail.com>

May 20, 2020

Justice Deepak Verma(retd)

New Delhi

Dear Sh Verma,

We are deeply pained to read in the newspapers an interview given by Mr Rajiv

Bansal, Sr Advocate, on subject of payment of legal fees to yourself & lawyers Mr
Ankur Chawla & Mr Gautam Datta.

He has stated that he has telephonically conveyed to you that your bills cannot be
paid by him, in keeping with the mandate of the March 13 order of the Hon'ble High
Court. Still you have pressurised him on more than one occasion for making these
payments. He has stated that he is pained that such pressure has been put on him
even by other people on behalf of the recipients.

While you are aware of all of it, it is to being again brought to your notice that the
services of Mr Datta has been discontinued by the Apex Council of DDCA. Still you
continue to entertain him and, in fact, fight for his cause. We wonder what is your
special interest in this gentleman.

Further, Mr Ankur Chawla is no more authorised to appear for DDCA and he has
no authority to represent DDCA. Still, on 12.5.2020 you have entertained him to
represent DDCA and, in fact, your order mostly speaks about what he has argued
before you and you have accepted all his avverments, which are full of falsehoods &
misrepresentation. As you are watching the Court cases of DDCA quite closely, you
would be aware that the same Mr Chawla has appeared in the Hon'ble High Court
against DDCA, on behalf of 2 Respondents . How you have allowed him to thereafter
represent DDCA before you is a very loud question, which speaks for itself. Ideally,
you should have made a compliant to the Bar Council of Delhi against his unethical
conduct and sought cancellation of his enrollment. We wonder what is your special
interest in this gentleman also.

It has come to our knowledge that an application has been filed in the Hon'ble
High Court seeking modification of the March 13 order to enable payment of legal
bills, including yourself. This appears to be a coordinated exercise after Mr Bansal
has refused payment. Those present in Court on March 13 must have informed you
that a request was made to the Hon'ble judge for payment of bills of the Ombudsman
& advocates but this request was specifically declined by the Hon'ble Judge.
Of course, niceties of proper signing etc of applications have been given a
complete go by when it concerns the people who approach you regularly and are
entertained at lightening speed. Applications are not signed on behalf of the party
and it is not mentioned in the opening paragraph as to on whose behalf the
application is being moved. There must be a reason behind such madness.

We hope & request that such efforts should be desisted from, as your conduct
has, probably, breached levels of propriety and is being frowned upon by your peers
& contemporaries.

With kind regards,

DDCA Members Group

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Tel.: 23319323, 23312721 , 2375266"1
CIN: U9241'1DL1909NPL000407
Website : wwvv.ddca.in


Ref No391/DDCA/2020 Date: 03 Jan 2020

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Hon'ble Mr. Justice Deepak Verma
Retired Judge of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India


~\ '

Respected Sir,

At the very first instance, we at the DDCA wish to express our gratitude to you
for having agreed to act as· Ombudsman for resolution of disputes that has arisen
or may arise in future.

We hereby, have agreed that, the DDCA shall be making the following payments
towards ·availing your valuable services: -
--·'~'·" - · ·'°-·-· ·,-·..""·~_, . . ,, ..._
.. li. : ' lfofaTne. rs·n-1~µ · · 0rR:s. s·lakh Per -month.
B. For per day hearing (Irrespective of Number of Complaints) -A lump Sum
...._., payment of Rs. 7 Lakhs per day .

I hope this meets your kind approval.

() Thanking you.

_. · Your Sincerely.

· ~~~
. c--- ~-------­
Rakesh Bansal
(Acting President)_ (Secretary)

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