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Queenie Joy N.

Assignment Chapter 1 (continuation)

1. Enumerate and Explain the simple ways of self-leadership. (20 points)

1. Know your values and stick to them - means understanding what's

important as a leader and consistently acting in ways that align with
those beliefs, even in challenging situations.
2. Move towards purpose - means taking intentional steps to align the
actions with the aspirations and dreams kept it that requires focus,
determination, and a willingness to change. To create a fulfilling life that
is purposeful and not mundane.
3. Keep improving yourself - means consistently working on personal
growth and development to become the best version of leadership. It
involves a commitment to lifelong learning, a willingness to step outside
of the comfort zone, and developing a growth mindset that embraces
challenges and failures as opportunities for growth. Through self-
improvement, it can increase the confidence, resilience, and overall
well-being, but it requires patience, perseverance, and a dedication to
the journey of personal growth.
4. Make mistakes but never make the same mistake twice - means that
it's okay to make mistakes as long as we’re learn from them and avoid
repeating them in the future. It emphasizes the importance of taking
responsibility for our actions, being willing to learn from our failures, and
using those lessons to make better decisions moving forward.
5. Lead by example - means demonstrating the behavior and qualities
that self-leadership want others to follow. It involves modeling the
values and actions that believe are important, rather than just telling
others what to do. Leading by example requires integrity, authenticity,
and a willingness to hold ourself accountable to the same standards
that we expect from others. By setting a positive example, we can
inspire and motivate those around us to adopt similar behaviors and
2. Describe the difference between a LEADER and a BOSS. (20 points)

A leader and a boss are two different types of individuals who play a
vital role in an organization or team. While both positions require
authority and responsibility, there are some fundamental differences
between them.

A leader focuses on people and their needs. A leader motivates,

inspires, and develops people, whereas a boss controls, directs, and
manages tasks. A leader influences people to achieve a common goal
by using their interpersonal skills, communication skills, and expertise. A
leader takes a long-term perspective and considers the impact of their
decisions on the future. A leader works collaboratively with their team,
shares information, and involves them in decision-making processes. A
leader earns credibility through their personal qualities, such as
integrity, trust, and empathy.

In contrast, a boss takes a short-term perspective and focuses on

immediate results. A boss focuses on tasks and their completion. A
boss exercises power and authority to get work done by using their
position and control over resources. A boss creates a hierarchy, assigns
roles, and expects their team to follow their instructions. A boss earns
credibility through their position and authority.

In summary, a leader and a boss have different approaches to

achieving results. While a boss focuses on tasks, power, and hierarchy,
a leader focuses on people, influence, collaboration, and credibility. A
leader inspires their team to work towards a common goal, whereas a
boss instructs their team to complete tasks.
3. Which is good for a leader? To INFLUENCE or to be INFLUENCE?
Why? (10 points)

As a general rule, it is better for a leader to have the ability to influence

rather than being influenced.

Influence is a key trait of effective leadership. Leadership is about

guiding others towards a common goal, and influence is a vital aspect of
this. Leaders who can influence others through their vision,
communication, and actions can inspire their team to follow them
towards the achievement of a shared goal. Influence allows leaders to
create change. The ability to influence enables leaders to create change
and drive progress within their organization. By persuading others to
adopt new ideas and behaviors, leaders can implement new strategies
and initiatives that benefit the organization as a whole. Being influenced
can undermine a leader's authority, if a leader is easily influenced by
others, it can undermine their authority and ability to lead effectively. A
leader who is overly swayed by others' opinions or perspectives may
struggle to make tough decisions, which can erode their team's trust
and respect.

That being said, it's important for leaders to remain open to feedback
and input from others. Being receptive to feedback and other
perspectives can help leaders make more informed decisions and
ensure they remain aligned with the needs of their team and
organization. However, ultimately, it's important for leaders to have a
strong sense of direction and the ability to influence others towards a
shared vision.

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