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Impacts of Teenage Pregnancy on Academic Performance

of Students in Granby Colleges of Science and Technology

Baraga, Camille F.
De Ocampo, Aileen Jane
Esmaña, Estela
Montecillo, Cielo B.
Navora, Edvien Clarrise
Puerto, Aizel Malou S.

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

in Practical Research 2

Ms. Laileneth Joy D. Dejan

Practical Research 2 Adviser

January 2023

Impacts of Teenage Pregnancy on Academic Performance
of Students in Granby Colleges of Science and Technology

Baraga, Camille F.
De Ocampo, Aileen Jane
Esmaña, Estela
Montecillo, Cielo B.
Navora, Edvien Clarrise
Puerto, Aizel Malou S.

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

In Practical Research 2

Ms. Laileneth Joy D. Dejan

Practical Research 2 Adviser

January 2023

The aim of this study was to find out the impacts of teenage pregnancy on the academic performance of female
students in Granby Colleges of Science and Technology. The problem statement relies on understanding what are
the impacts of teenage pregnancy on academic performance of female students in Granby Colleges of Science
and Technology.

The research design used was a survey. A quantitative research method was used in this study and 20
respondents were surveyed. The findings showed why teenagers get pregnant as follows: lack of support and care
from parents, poor peer guidance, lack of knowledge about sex education, influence of drug and alcohol abuse,
peer pressure and sexual abuse, media influence, early engagement of sexual activity and curiosity.

According to our respondents, the impact of teenage pregnancy on academic performance of female students
includes poor academic performance after pregnancy, frequent absenteeism and increased dropout because of
pregnancy related issues.

We, the researchers tallied the answer and concluded that teenage pregnancy really had a negative-effects in
academic performance of female students.


We, researchers, are extending our thanks to those who trust and believe in us doing this research study, and
we also gave our greatest gratitude and biggest thanks to all of those who help us doing this study.

First, our sincere gratitude to the Almighty God for granting us good health and wisdom to undertake this
study and complete it safely.

We would like to thank Dr. Mercurio G. Villanueva, the president and founder of Granby Colleges of Science
and Technology and Mr. Prudencio S. Deausen, the executive vice president of Granby Colleges of Science and
Technology for allowing us to conduct surveys related to our study.

To Ms. Laileneth Joy D. Dejan, research adviser for guiding us in doing this research study, for helping us, for
checking the grammar, for checking our manuscript, for her consistent guidance, patience, understanding, and
encouragement throughout the process.

To our respondents who share their insights about our study and for spending their time answering our survey.

Lastly, to our beloved parents who are supporting us in the beginning up to the end of our study.

The Researchers
Camille F. Baraga
Aileen Jane De Ocampo
Estela Esmaña
Cielo B. Montecillo
Edvien Clarisse Navora
Aizel Malou S. Puerto


Front Page························································································································· i
Title Page··························································································································ii
Abstract ···························································································································iii
Table of Content················································································································· v
List of Tables·····················································································································vi
List of Graphs····················································································································vi

A. Background of the study
B. Statement of the Problem ····································································································2
D. Significance of the study·····································································································3
E. Scope and Delimitations······································································································3
F. Review of Related Literature ································································································4
G. Definition of Terms···········································································································7
H. Conceptual Framework ······································································································8

Result and Discussion··········································································································11
Summary and Conclusion······································································································26
Biographical Sketch ············································································································45
Success Calendar················································································································52

Table Number 1                                                                                                                      Question Number 1
Table Number 2                                                                                                                      Question Number 2
Table Number 3                                                                                                                      Question Number 3
Table Number 4                                                                                                                      Question Number 4
Table Number 5                                                                                                                      Question Number 5
Table Number 6                                                                                                                      Question Number 6
Table Number 7                                                                                                                      Question Number 7
Table Number 8                                                                                                                      Question Number 8
Table Number 9                                                                                                                      Question Number 9
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Table Number 11                                                                                                                    Question Number 11
Table Number 12                                                                                                                    Question Number 12
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                                                                   LIST OF GRAPHS

Graph Number 1                                                                                                                      Question Number 1

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Graph Number 3                                                                                                                      Question Number 3 
Graph Number 4                                                                                                                      Question Number 4
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Graph Number 7                                                                                                                      Question Number 7
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