Methodology Effectiveness of Differentiated Teaching Techniques On Alternative Learning System

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Effectiveness of Differentiated Teaching Techniques on Alternative Learning System (ALS)Program in

Selected School / Area in Rizal


A survey instrument was developed and validated to assess the component and different parts of the
curriculum of the school. In this project study , it explored why teachers were implementing
differentiated instructional model in their classroom instruction. In the subsections that follow, I include
(a) the research design and approach, (b) a description of the qualitative tradition, (c) the participant
selection, (d) the data collection methods, and (e) the analysis of data. The research question (RQ)
designed for this study was : RQ: What are the teachers’ perceptions about the parts of the curriculum
in implementing the differentiated Techniques. The study used the descriptive-correlational method to
obtain relevant information regarding the level of implementation of Alternative Learning System. The
descriptive method of research is a fact-finding study with accurate and adequate interpretation of the
findings. The respondents who participated were the District ALS implementers and Teachers of Calawis
elementary school. The primary data were collected using a structured questionnaire on ALS
Implementation developed and validated by the researchers and expert teachers. The instrument used a
four -point Likert scale with 4 as the highest and 1 as the lowest. . A four-point Likert is used because
the researcher needs to employed that the respondents must provide a clear opinion without being
neutral.  A Likert scale is a rating scale used to measure opinions, attitudes, or behaviors. It consists of a
statement or a question, followed by a series of five or seven answer statements. The four-point Likert
Scale is suitable for the cases when a specific opinion is required and Suitable to collect opinions for
recently used products/services. The researchers explained the purpose of the study to the selected
respondents in order to extract the needed and reliable information. Finally, at the end of the survey
period, all data were collected. The data gathered were classified, tallied, tabulated and subjected to
statistical tools and analyses utilizing descriptive statistics such as mean to elaborate the data gathered
in the rational and operational aspects of the implementation of Alternative Learning System. Mann-
Whitney U Test and

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