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Discrepancies in Hearing Thresholds between

Pure-Tone Audiometry and Auditory Steady-State

Response in Non-Malingerers
Heil Noh,1 and Dong-Hee Lee2

Objectives: To evaluate discrepancies between pure-tone audiometry nature, the efficacy of behavioral audiometry is often underes-
(PTA) and auditory steady state response (ASSR) tests in non-malinger- timated in uncooperative patients, especially in cases with sus-
ers and investigate brain lesions that may explain the discrepancies, es- pected conflicts of interest or secondary gain. In such cases,
pecially in cases where the PTA threshold was worse than the estimated many clinicians prefer to emphasize objective, electrophysio-
ASSR threshold.
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logical tests to determine the true hearing threshold. However,

Design: PTA, speech audiometry, auditory brainstem response, ASSR, such tests are byproducts of neural events of the central auditory
and neuroimaging tests were carried out on individuals selected from nervous system (CANS) and can only provide an estimate of true
995 cases of hearing impairment. Among these, medical records of hearing thresholds. As a result, controversy persists over which
25 subjects (19 males, 6 females; mean age = 46.5 ± 16.0 years) with tests are more convincing—behavioral or electrophysiological.
significant discrepancy between PTA and estimated ASSR thresholds
Together with auditory brainstem response (ABR), audi-
were analyzed retrospectively. To define acceptable levels of discrep-
ancy in PTA and ASSR hearing thresholds, 56 patients (27 males, 29
tory steady state response (ASSR) has been used as an alter-
females; mean age = 53.0 ± 13.6 years) were selected for the control native electrophysiological measurement to estimate behavioral
group. Magnetic resonance images, magnetic resonance angiograms, hearing thresholds in individuals (Picton et al. 2003; Stueve &
and positron emission tomograms were reviewed to identify any neuro- O’Rourke 2003; Canale et al. 2006). ASSR tests are increasingly
logic abnormalities. performed because of several advantages over ABR counter-
parts: (1) superior frequency specificity, (2) higher stimulation,
Results: Pathologic brain lesions were found in 20 cases (80%) in the
study group, all of which showed a significant discrepancy in hearing up to 120 dB hearing loss (HL), and (3) independence of sub-
threshold between PTA and ASSR. Temporal lobe lesions were found in jective visual inspection of the tester (Picton et al. 2003; Rance
14 cases (70%), frontal lobe lesions in 12 (60%), and thalamic lesions et al. 1998; Ballay et al. 2005; Vander Werff & Brown 2005;
without the frontal or temporal lobe in 2 cases (10%). On repeated PTA Dimitrijevic & Cone 2014; Gelfand 2016). Although ASSR is an
and ASSR tests a few months later, the discrepancy between ASSR attractive tool in audiology, some evidence indicates that it may
and behavioral hearing thresholds was reduced or resolved in 6 cases not always accurately estimate hearing sensitivity. For example,
(85.7%). Temporal lobe lesions were found in all 3 cases in which the subcortical pathology/neuropathy reportedly can produce over-
estimated ASSR threshold worsened with unchanged PTA threshold, and estimates of hearing thresholds and cortical pathology/neurop-
frontal lobe lesions were found in all 3 cases in which the PTA threshold
athy may lead to underestimates of hearing difficulties.
improved but the estimated ASSR threshold was unchanged. No neu-
rological lesions were found in 5 cases (20%) of patients with a discrep-
Over the past decade, studies of the clinical usefulness of
ancy between ASSR and behavioral hearing thresholds. ASSR tests have shown good correlation with behavioral hear-
ing thresholds, especially in persons with hearing loss (Ballay
Conclusions: Clinicians should not rely exclusively on ASSR, especially et al. 2005; Canale et al. 2006; Ahn et al. 2007; Swanepoel
in cases of central nervous system including temporal, frontal lobe, or & Erasmus 2007; Katz 2014). Despite ASSR’s reliability as a
thalamus lesions. If no lesions are found in a neuroimaging study of a
hearing threshold estimator, clinicians or audiologists often en-
patient with a discrepancy between PTA thresholds and estimated ASSR
thresholds, further functional studies of the brain may be needed. If clini- counter cases where a significant difference is found between
cians encounter patients with a discrepancy between PTA thresholds and ASSR-determined and behavioral hearing thresholds, ranging
estimated ASSR thresholds, an evaluation of brain lesions and repeat from 4 to 34 dB (Aoyagi et al. 1993; Luts & Wouters 2005;
audiologic tests are recommended in lieu of relying solely on ASSR. Swanepoel & Erasmus 2007; Ozdek et al. 2010; Katz 2014).
This discrepancy is important as ASSR often assists in estimat-
Key words: Auditory steady state response, Brain lesions, Discrepancy,
ing unaided thresholds in the fitting process for hard-to-test
Pure-tone audiometry, Malingering.
patients as well as in selecting candidates for cochlear implants.
(Ear & Hearing 2020;41;663–668) From a legal perspective, ASSR can give decisive information
in the form of an objective electrophysiological assessment that
INTRODUCTION can distinguish non-malingering from malingering patients.
When clinicians encounter patients with hearing loss suspected
The nature of hearing sensations is subjective. Behavioral
of possible secondary gain and/or conflicts of interest, they tend to
tests, including pure-tone and speech audiometry, are the gold
trust objective electrophysiological assessment results over those
standards for clinical measurement. Owing to its subjective
of behavioral audiometry. However, even though ABR and ASSR
are objective metrics, they only predict hearing levels based on
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, St. Vincent’s a mathematical algorithm (Ozdek et al. 2010; Hood 2014), and
Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul,
Republic of Korea; and 2Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck
audiologists should consider that an organic pathology other than
Surgery, Uijeongbu St. Mary’s Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic malingering may be involved. Auditory neuropathy is an organic
University of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea. reason for the discrepancy between ASSR and behavioral hearing

0196/0202/2020/413-663/0 • Ear & Hearing • Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved • Printed in the U.S.A.

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
<zdoi; 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000791>
664 Noh and Lee / EAR & HEARING, VOL. 41, NO. 3, 663–668

thresholds, especially in pediatric populations (Rance et al. 2005; to neuroimaging scans, which included at least one of mag-
Dimitrijevic & Cone 2014). Neurologic dysfunction in the brain netic resonance image (MRI), magnetic resonance angiogram
offers another organic explanation for the discrepancy (Dimitri- (MRA), or positron emission tomography (PET) assessment. A
jevic & Cone 2014). Shinn and Musiek (2007) demonstrated that retrospective review of medical records was then performed. All
ASSR and behavioral hearing thresholds exhibited wider discrep- brain images produced in the past were analyzed; if necessary,
ancy in adults with neurological disorders (brainstem, sub-corti- further MRI, MRA, or PET scanning was conducted, and the
cal, and/or cortical lesions) than in those with normal neurologic resulting images were analyzed for patients with head trauma
status. They showed that ASSR tests tended to overestimate the or other neurologic abnormality. In addition, neurological and/
degree of HL compared with actual HL. or psychological evaluations for cognitive disorders were per-
This study aimed to evaluate the discrepancy between ASSR formed by a neurologist and/or psychiatrist, respectively, if nec-
and behavioral hearing thresholds in non-malingerers and to in- essary. Subjects with a history of epileptic events (Matsubara
vestigate explanatory variables for this discrepancy, especially et al. 2019) or psychological disease (Kim et al. 2019) were
in cases where the behavioral hearing threshold was worse than excluded from follow-up.
those estimated by ASSR.
Ethical Considerations
MATERIALS AND METHODS This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board
of St. Vincent’s Hospital (IRB #VC12RISI0134), and the re-
quirement for informed consent was waived because of the ret-
This retrospective study enrolled all persons with hearing loss
rospective nature of the study.
evaluated with pure-tone audiometry (PTA), speech audiometry
(SA), ABR, ASSR, and neuroimaging studies at a university-based,
secondary referral hospital (St. Vincent’s Hospital) from 2008 to RESULTS
2018. Inclusion criteria were: (1) sensorineural HL of 26 dB or Defining the Acceptable Level of Discrepancy in Hearing
greater with a 4-frequency PTA average (average hearing threshold
Thresholds between PTA and ASSR in the Control Group
levels at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz), (2) good reliability dur-
To define an acceptable level of discrepancy in hear-
ing PTA or SA, and (3) a 4-frequency PTA average worse than the
ing thresholds between PTA and ASSR, a control group was
estimated threshold of ASSR. Exclusion criteria were (1) abnormal
designed. Because the general population is of mixed etiologies
auricle, external auditory canal, and tympanic membrane by oto-
that can bias the discrepancies, only confirmed cases of idio-
scopic examination, (2) poor reliability during PTA or SA, (3) a
pathic sudden sensorineural HL were analyzed. A total of 56
discrepancy larger than 10 dB HL in 4-frequency PTA average be-
such patients at the same hospital during the same study period
tween ascending and descending methods, (4) disagreement larger
was selected as the control group (27 males, 29 females; mean
than 10 dB HL after a PTA test-retest, (5) a discrepancy larger
age = 53.0 ± 13.6 years) (Table 1). Idiopathic sudden sensori-
than 10 dB between 4-frequency PTA average and speech-recog-
neural HL was diagnosed only after MRI confirmed the absence
nition threshold, and (6) Stenger test confirmation of malingering
of central brain lesions, including vestibular schwannoma.
(Durmaz et al. 2009) for unilateral hearing impairment.
The study defined the acceptable hearing threshold discrep-
ancy level between PTA and ASSR as: (1) a difference greater
Audiologic Tests than 20 dB HL between the PTA threshold and estimated ASSR
All audiologic tests were performed in a sound-proofed room. threshold at a frequency of 0.5 or 1 kHz, (2) a difference > 25 dB
PTA and SA were performed using TDH 49 supra-aural head- HL between the PTA threshold and estimated ASSR threshold
phones and a calibrated GSI 61™ audiometer. For the ASSR at a frequency of 2 or 4 kHz, and (3) a difference greater than 15
test, the GSI Audera system was used with the “awake” protocol, dB HL between the 4-frequency PTA average of PTA threshold
which involves a sinusoidal stimulus with a combined ampli- and estimated ASSR threshold.
tude modulation of 100% and frequency modulation of 10% of
the carrier frequency of 250 to 8000 Hz, a fixed modulation fre- Factor Analysis of Cases with Significant Discrepancies
quency of 46 Hz, an intensity of −10 to 130 dB HL, and a noise in Hearing Thresholds between PTA and ASSR
criterion of −134.7 dBV. Estimated thresholds of ASSR were de- Using this criterion for significant discrepancies in hear-
termined at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz with a 97% response criterion. ing thresholds between PTA and ASSR, we extracted the study
group from 995 cases of people with hearing loss based on PTA,
Retrospective Data Collection SA, ABR, and ASSR over the last 10 years. The study group
The study group showing significant discrepancies in with significant discrepancies in hearing thresholds between
hearing thresholds between PTA and ASSR were subjected PTA and ASSR comprised 25 patients (19 males, 6 females;

TABLE 1.  Difference between pure-tone audiometry thresholds and estimated threshold of auditory steady state response at 0.5, 1,
2, and 4 kHz in the control group

4-frequency PTA
0.5 kHz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz average
Mean ± SD (dB HL) 9.9 ± 8.1 9.9 ± 9.1 13.7 ± 11.3 13.0 ± 11.4 8.1 ± 6.7

The 4-frequency PTA average was calculated as the average of hearing threshold levels at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz.
HL, hearing loss.

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Noh and Lee / EAR & HEARING, VOL. 41, NO. 3, 663–668 665

mean age = 46.5 ± 16.0 years; range = 10–69 years). Results was larger in the contralateral temporal lesion in 2 cases and in
of audiologic tests and radiologic studies of their CANSs are the ipsilateral lesion in 2 cases. Unilateral frontal and bilateral
summarized in Table 2. In members of the study group show- temporal lesions were found in 2 cases, in which the discrep-
ing significant discrepancy in hearing threshold between PTA ancy was larger in the contralateral frontal lesion (Table 3).
and ASSR, pathologic lesions in the central brain were found Of these 20 cases, 2 had lesions involving the thalamus but
in 20 cases (80%), each of which was confirmed by radiologic not the frontal or temporal lobes, and both showed a larger
studies. discrepancy in the contralateral brain lesion, case #8, right
Of these 20 cases, 14 (70%) had lesions of the temporal lobe. periventricular-thalamic lesions, and case #17, right parietal
Of 12 cases with unilateral temporal lobe lesion, the discrep- lobe-thalamic region lesions. One case had a right frontal-both
ancy in hearing threshold between PTA and ASSR was larger in temporal lobe-right thalamus lesion, which showed a larger dis-
6 cases of contralateral lesions and 6 cases of ipsilateral lesions. crepancy in the contralateral frontal and thalamic lesions (case
Case #12, with both temporal lobe-right and frontal-right tha- #12) (Table 3).
lamic lesions, showed a larger discrepancy in the left ear, while In 7 of 25 cases in the study group, PTA and ASSR tests
case #20, with both temporal-left frontal lobe lesions, showed were repeated with the same protocol a few months later, and
larger discrepancy in the right ear (Table 3). three patterns were evident. On follow-up tests, 1 case (#22)
In 12 (60%) of 20 cases with lesions in the frontal lobe, 10 showed the same difference in hearing threshold between PTA
had frontal lesions associated with temporal lesions, and 2 had and ASSR. However, in 3 cases (#2, #4, and #13), the estimated
no associated temporal lesions. Two cases with frontal lobe ASSR threshold was worse, with unchanged PTA threshold
lesions but no temporal lesions showed a larger discrepancy be- and decreased difference in hearing threshold between PTA
tween PTA and ASSR in contralateral lesions. Unilateral frontal and ASSR. In 1 case (#13), the initial discrepancy in hearing
and temporal lesions on the same side were found in 4 cases, threshold between PTA and ASSR was resolved on follow-up at
and the discrepancy was larger for the contralateral lesion in 2 2 months. In fact, the PTA threshold improved as time passed
cases and the ipsilateral lesion in 2 cases. Among 4 cases with and matched the ASSR threshold in 3 cases (#5, #10, and #15).
bilateral frontal and unilateral temporal lesions, the discrepancy Three cases in which the estimated ASSR threshold worsened

TABLE 2.  Summary of audiologic tests and radiologic studies on central auditory pathways in the study group

Right ear Left ear

Case Follow-up
No. Age Sex Site TN Etiology PTA ASSR PTA ASSR test Central lesion in the brain
1 55 M L + trauma 94 81 93 68 − Right temporal-frontal lobe
2 42 M B + trauma 45 16 120 31 + Right temporal lobe
3 38 M B − trauma 59 35 94 74 − Right temporal-both frontal,
parietal lobes
4 50 F L + trauma 19 24 80 20 + Right temporal-frontal lobe
5 39 M L − trauma 23 30 65 29 + Right temporal-both frontal lobes
6 51 M R − trauma 60 15 38 31 − Right temporal-cerebellum
7 30 M L − trauma 8 −1 113 70 − Left cerebellum
8 69 M B + infarct 88 64 120 40 − Right periventricular-thalamus
9 53 M B + trauma 76 19 120 69 − Right temporal-frontal lobe
10 56 F B + trauma 53 31 84 31 + Left temporal lobe-frontal lobe
11 62 F L + tumor 35 28 65 50 − Right temporal-parietal lobe
12 59 M L + trauma 23 69 103 58 − Right frontal-both temporal lobes-
right thalamus
13 49 M R + trauma 93 48 34 48 + Right temporal lobe
14 42 M R + trauma 65 50 31 44 − Left frontal lobe-superior
frontal gyrus
15 74 F B + trauma 120 95 120 76 + Left temporal-both frontal lobes
16 40 M L + infarct 24 15 60 45 − Right putamen-left posterior
putamen, corona radiata
17 55 M L − infarct 20 21 96 74 − Right parietal lobe-thalamus
18 58 M B − trauma 68 15 60 44 − Left frontal-right parietal
lobe-left cerebellum
19 60 F L − trauma 53 53 45 30 − Right temporal-both frontal lobes,
corpus callosum
20 52 M R + trauma 79 60 11 10 − Both temporal lobes-left
frontal lobe
21 47 M R + trauma 111 60 21 48 − −
22 15 M L + trauma 120 101 95 41 + −
23 15 F L + trauma 8 13 78 45 − −
24 42 M B + trauma 71 25 78 38 − −
25 10 M R + trauma 86 20 0 24 − −

ASSR, auditory steady state response; F, female; L, left; M, male; PTA, pure-tone audiometry; R, right; TN, tinnitus.

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
666 Noh and Lee / EAR & HEARING, VOL. 41, NO. 3, 663–668

TABLE 3.  Analysis of significant discrepancies in hearing thresholds between PTA and ASSR according to brain lesion

Side of larger discrepancy in hearing thresholds

Lesions Number of cases between PTA and ASSR Case No.
Temporal Unilateral lesion in 12 cases Ear contralateral to brain lesion in 6 cases 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 19
Ear ipsilateral to brain lesion in 6 cases 3, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15
Bilateral lesions in 2 cases 12, 20
Frontal Comorbid with temporal lesion in 10 cases 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 15, 19, 20
 Unilateral frontal and unilateral temporal Ear contralateral to brain lesion in 2 cases 1, 4
lesions in the same side in 4 cases Ear ipsilateral to brain lesion in 2 cases 9, 10
 Bilateral frontal and unilateral temporal Ear contralateral to temporal lesion in 2 cases 5, 19
lesions in the same side in 4 cases Ear ipsilateral to temporal lesion in 2 cases 3, 15
 Unilateral frontal and bilateral temporal Ear contralateral to frontal lesion in 2 cases 12, 20
lesions in the same side in 2 cases
Without temporal lesion in 2 cases Ear contralateral to brain lesion in 2 cases 14, 18
Thalamus Without frontal or temporal lesion in 2 cases Ear contralateral to brain lesion in 2 cases 8, 17
With frontal or temporal lesion in 1 case Ear contralateral to frontal and thalamus lesions 12
in 1 case

ASSR, auditory steady state response; PTA, pure-tone audiometry.

(two males and one female; mean age = 47.0 ± 4.4 years) in- of their study, they included cases in which major lesions
volved younger patients than 3 cases in which the PTA threshold were found far from the CANS (pons, internal capsule, and
improved (one male and two females; mean age = 56.3 ± 17.5 striatocapsular).
years). However, there was no difference in age or sex among The ASSR to frequencies near 40 Hz has been the method
these three patterns (one-way analysis of variance; p = 0.113 of choice for estimating hearing thresholds in adults, but such
and 0.605, respectively). responses are unstable or absent in sleeping infants and chil-
dren. The ASSR, recorded using a frequency modulation of
DISCUSSION 46 Hz, is believed to be generated by mechanisms similar to
the auditory middle latency response (Cone-Wesson et al.
For many years, ABR has been the gold standard for esti- 2002). The auditory middle latency response is derived from
mating hearing threshold as it can assess frequency-nonspe- the inferior colliculus, the medial geniculate body of the thal-
cific (click ABR) or specific (tone burst or tone pip ABR) amus, and the primary auditory cortex, which has been used
hearing thresholds. However, the main limitation of this pro- to assess auditory cortical function. Because the temporal
cedure is the difficulty and subjectivity involved in interpret- lobe is mainly auditory cortex, and the cortical sources of
ing the responses. In addition, because results of the ABR ASSR are more active at slower rates of stimulation (Herd-
are only byproducts or epiphenomena of neural events that man et al. 2002), we assume that any lesions of the temporal
underlie hearing, and ASSR relies on sophisticated statistics- lobe results in decreased ASSR at a 46-Hz frequency modu-
based mathematical detection, neither are direct hearing tests lation rate. This assumption was also demonstrated by Shinn
(Ozdek et al. 2010; Hood 2014). This study clearly demon- and Musiek (2007), but our study showed more heterogenous
strates actual discrepancies between behavioral test results and and complex results according to type of brain lesion. Of 4
estimated ASSR thresholds in some cases in which the CANS cases of unilateral temporal lobe lesion alone, the discrep-
is injured or dysfunctional. In patients with such a discrepancy, ancy in hearing threshold between PTA and ASSR was larger
it is important for audiologists to remember that their role is than that in contralateral lesions in 2 cases and larger than
to measure the degree of organic HL rather than determine the ipsilateral lesions in 2 cases.
precise reason for the nonorganic results (Martin 2002), and Of 8 cases of a unilateral temporal lobe lesion with a frontal
they should not make a hasty diagnosis of malingering based lobe lesion, the discrepancy was larger than contralateral tem-
solely on responses to behavioral tests. poral lobe lesion in 4 cases and larger than ipsilateral lesions in
This study demonstrates that estimated ASSR thresholds 4 cases. Although the contralateral effect in the auditory system
seem to be better than PTA thresholds in patients with neu- is well-known, our study failed to show any agreement between
rological damage, and that indiscriminate trust in ASSR the laterality of the temporal lobe lesion and that of larger dis-
will underestimate the actual severity of HL as well as the crepancies, which is consistent with previous reports (Musiek
underlying disability. Discrepancy in hearing threshold be- et al. 1999; Herdman et al. 2002). Middle and late auditory-
tween PTA and ASSR was previously reported by Shinn and evoked potentials including ASSR can show weak contralateral
Musiek (2007), but their results differed from ours. After ear effects, and tests that yield the strongest contralateral effect
matching age and behavioral hearing levels between con- in patients with one compromised auditory hemisphere include
trols and cases with neurological impairment of CANS, dichotic listening, which was not included in our study (Musiek
they found that an ASSR test will overestimate the actual & Pinheiro 1985; Musiek & Chermak 2014). Another expla-
degree of HL. In their study, most cases of neurological im- nation for this disagreement is that ipsilateral effects in unilat-
pairment involved infarct of the pons and internal capsule. eral temporal lobe lesions may be absent because the remaining
However, our study analyzed cases of more diverse lesions temporal lobe generates a response that can be recorded from
of the central nervous system (CNS). Despite the hypothesis the midline vertex (Herdman et al. 2002).

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Noh and Lee / EAR & HEARING, VOL. 41, NO. 3, 663–668 667

This study found that 2 cases with only thalamic lesions hospital or undergo functional studies, such as functional MRI,
showed discrepancies between PTA and estimated ASSR thresh- brain single-photon emission computed tomography, or electro-
olds. This coincides with the findings of Spydell et al. (1985), and magneto-encephalography (Mayer et al. 2015). Three of the
who reported that the auditory 40-Hz response is reduced in five cases without a neurological lesion were children or ado-
patients with brainstem or thalamic lesions. Firsching et al. lescents. Because our exclusion criteria were sufficiently strict
(1987) found that the auditory 40-Hz response is usually ab- to rule out malingering even in pediatric populations, we cannot
sent in comatose and brain-dead patients, consistent with the guarantee absence of bias.
crucial role of the upper brainstem in generating this response. Of 7 cases who underwent repeated PTA and ASSR using
Therefore, the 40-Hz ASSR can help assess the integrity of mid- the same protocol a few months later, the discrepancy between
brain structures. Our 2 cases of thalamic lesions demonstrated ASSR and behavioral hearing thresholds was smaller or re-
an ipsilateral rather than contralateral effect on ASSR, which solved in 6 cases. Neurological lesions of the temporal lobe
is in accordance with Baran and Musiek (1999). This can be were found in 3 cases in which the estimated ASSR threshold
explained by lack of crossover of most ascending fibers in the worsened while the PTA threshold remained unchanged (right
lower brainstem to the other side, and a large portion of the temporal lobe in case #2, right temporal-frontal lobe in #4, and
fibers are therefore ipsilateral rather than contralateral. right temporal lobe in #13). Furthermore, 3 cases in which the
Two cases with only a frontal lobe lesion were included in PTA threshold increased but the estimated ASSR threshold re-
our study. Considering that the frontal lobe is not a part of the maining unchanged included frontal lobe lesions (right tempo-
central auditory pathway, this finding is interesting, but previous ral-both frontal lobe in case #5, left temporal lobe-frontal lobe in
reports suggest that frontal lobe lesions can involve the hear- case #10, and left temporal-both frontal lobe in case #15). These
ing and auditory processes or influence the recording of ASSR. cases suggest that the estimated ASSR threshold worsened in
Reyes et al. (2004) found that lesions involving the cingulate cases with temporal lobe lesions because ASSR includes activ-
and frontal lobes may be specifically involved in generating the ities from the temporal lobe of the CANS, and that the change
ASSR. Rosemann and Thiel (2018) reported that changes in ac- in PTA threshold in cases with frontal lobe lesions may result in
tivation of frontal areas (as seen in functional MRI) influenced changes in cognitive task performance because performance in
audiovisual speech processing in patients with mild to moderate behavioral hearing tests can depend on frontal lobe function. To
hearing loss, changes of which were modulated by degree of generalize this hypothesis, further study is needed.
HL. Another explanation is that ASSR recording may be influ- This study has several limitations. Even though we aimed
enced by technical aspects because it is involves the midline to determine the variables characterizing the discrepancy be-
vertex. tween PTA and estimated ASSR thresholds in patients with neu-
It is generally accepted that the ASSR has multiple genera- rological impairment of the CNS, we did not have access to
tors in the brain and the contribution of the generators varies vast clinical data as a result of the retrospective study design.
with modulation frequency. The ASSR at rates <20 Hz is gener- Second, we did not test central auditory processes including
ated mainly by activity in the primary auditory cortex. When auditory pattern/temporal ordering tasks, monaural separation/
ASSRs are elicited by stimuli between 20 and 60 Hz, the un- closure tasks, binaural separation tasks, or binaural integration
derlying neural generators are located mainly in the primary tasks (Schow et al. 2000). Third, the study lacked functional
auditory cortex, auditory midbrain, and thalamus. In addition, elements, such as functional MRI, brain single-photon emission
an ASSR elicited by stimuli at rates >60 Hz are generated pri- computed tomography, or electro- and magneto-encephalogra-
marily by contributions from the superior olivary complex, phy. Fourth, too few cases in which PTA and ASSR were re-
inferior colliculus, and cochlear nucleus. As for other cortical peated in the long-term were included. Although we found three
evoked responses, ASSRs at low modulation rates show later- patterns on follow-up of PTA and ASSR, the number of cases
ality toward the hemisphere contralateral to the stimulated ear, was too small for our findings to be generalized.
although 40-Hz ASSRs show evidence of right-hemispheric
dominance (Ross et al. 2005).
No neurological lesions were found in 5 cases with a discrep-
ancy between ASSR and behavioral hearing thresholds. Follow- Clinicians generally rely on electrophysiological tests for
ing mild traumatic brain injury or common post-concussive hearing if they suspect malingering, meaning that they tend to
brain injury, auditory symptoms such as speech-in-noise com- trust the results of electrophysiological tests more than behav-
plaints can occur (Hoover et al. 2017). ASSR evokes oscillatory ioral hearing tests because the latter are subjective and vulner-
responses that are entrained to the frequency and phase of tem- able to conflicts of interest or secondary gain. ASSR is superior
porally modulated stimuli, and some reports have demonstrated to ABR in those cases because of its frequency specificity. How-
that ASSR originating from different regions of CANS can ever, this study demonstrated that clinicians should not rely ex-
be influenced by dysfunctional brain connectivity (O’Donnell clusively on ASSR, especially in cases of CNS lesions. This
et al. 2013; Ying et al. 2015), which means disorganization of applies to situations in which lesions of the temporal lobe or
brain activity correlation between different neurons or neural thalamus are found by neuroimaging studies as well as when
dyssynchrony in CANS. This hypothesis suggests that clini- any lesion is found in the frontal lobe and not a part of the
cians should not automatically suspect malingering in patients central auditory pathway. It is therefore important to conduct
with a normal MRI showing discrepancy between ASSR and malingering tests and to validate the reliability of behavioral
behavioral hearing thresholds. In cases with a discrepancy be- hearing tests.
tween ASSR and behavioral hearing thresholds, and if other au- If lesions are not found in neuroimaging studies of patients
diological methods fail to prove malingering and the brain MRI with a discrepancy between PTA thresholds and estimated
is normal, patients should be transferred to a higher referral ASSR thresholds, further functional studies, such as functional

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
668 Noh and Lee / EAR & HEARING, VOL. 41, NO. 3, 663–668

MRI, brain single-photon emission computed tomography, or Luts, H., & Wouters, J. (2005). Comparison of MASTER and AUDERA
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essential for patients with a discrepancy between PTA thresh- Matsubara, T., Ogata, K., Hironaga, N., et al. (2019). Monaural 40-Hz au-
olds and estimated ASSR thresholds. ditory steady-state magnetic responses can be useful for identifying ep-
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mayer, A. R., Hanlon, F. M., Dodd, A. B., et al. (2015). A functional mag-
netic resonance imaging study of cognitive control and neurosensory
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. deficits in mild traumatic brain injury. Hum Brain Mapp, 36, 4394–4406.
Musiek, F., Charette, L., Kelly, T., et al. (1999). Hit and false-positive rates
Address for correspondence: Dong-Hee Lee, Department of for the middle latency response in patients with central nervous system
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Uijeongbu St. Mary’s Hospital, involvement. J Am Acad Audiol, 10, 124–132.
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Street, Uijeongbu City, Gyeonggi-do, 11765, Republic of Korea. E-mail: disorder: Auditory neuroscience and diagnosis. San Diego, CA: Plural
leedh0814@catholic.ac.kr. Publishing.
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of central auditory dysfunction. In M. L. Pinheiro, F. E. Musiek (Eds.),
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