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Mohamed Ghouse S Mobile: +91- 9894490687

Assistant Professor - III Email:
School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.


I am extremely pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Mr. Sridharan Priyadharsen, who has been one
of the most outstanding students I have had the pleasure to teach and mentor at SASTRA Deemed University,
Thanjavur. I strongly recommend him for the pursuit of his Master's program in Engineering Management at your
esteemed university.

I have been his faculty mentor during his undergraduate program and have had the opportunity to teach him the theory
courses namely Electromagnetic Field Theory in undergraduate level and Modeling & Simulation of Power
System Components in postgraduate level. I also supervised the laboratory course titled Linear Integrated Circuits
Laboratory during his undergraduate program, which was completed by him with great dedication and skill.

What distinguishes Priyadharsen from his peers is his consistent excellence in both academic and extracurricular
activities. He has an outstanding academic record, maintaining a CGPA that places him in the top percentile of his
class. He was awarded the prestigious Dean's Merit Scholarship Award in terms of academic performance for securing
rank under top 2% in the Electrical & Electronics Engineering department during the 3rd and 4th years of his
undergraduate program.

In addition to his academic achievements, he has also demonstrated exceptional leadership and teamwork skills, as
evidenced by his participation in various student clubs and events. He has consistently shown initiative and dedication
in organizing and participating in a range of extracurricular activities, including workshops, technical competitions,
and conferences. His involvement in these activities has helped him develop excellent interpersonal and
communication skills, which will be an invaluable asset in his future academic goals and professional pursuits.

Furthermore, I have been impressed with Priyadharsen's positive attitude, excellent behaviour, and commitment to
academic excellence. He has always been respectful to his peers and faculty members, displaying the utmost
professionalism in all his interactions. His intellectual curiosity, critical thinking skills, and desire to learn more have
always been evident, and he has consistently displayed an exceptional work ethic and willingness to take on

I am confident that Priyadharsen will excel in his Master's program and will make a valuable contribution to your
academic community. His academic achievements, leadership skills, and exceptional work ethic make him an ideal
candidate for your program. I wholeheartedly recommend him to your esteemed institution and am confident that he
will thrive in his academic and professional pursuits. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further
questions or require additional information about his recommendation.


Dr. Mohamed Ghouse S

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