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pe era No.23(2)/2006-t0.Comrd Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditere ECoont North Block, New Dethi 31" duty 2007 Office Memorandem tion in Intermational Exh ns ete, Comprehensive guidelines and instructions on travel abroad of officers have boon isued from time to time. In recent months, it has been observed thal some Ministies/Depastinents have iniued instnetions/guidelincs at this tel, which are-not in cousonance with those issued by PMO, Cabinet Sectt. ind Méo Finsnes. In supersession of the such guidelines issued by individual Ministries, the following directions are issued, which shall be strictly observed with immectints efter J z 5 (@) The tite for soletionfpaticipation of entreprenouss in international cxhibtionfars should primarily be based on the ‘weality of the prodect to be showcased, wilh eotrepreneues producing superiar quality product: to be yiven prifoconce Gi The practice of participation of officials from the Ministry in such Intemational exhibitions fairs should be discouraged in the interest of sconomy in expe we. Only actual, participants displaying, their products may be depute Gil) ‘The dopsstation of officials should be kept strictly to the minimum, Only the officer zetuaily dealing with the subject should be deputed and no more, 2 Ut has also beed “observed that MinistriovDepartments “are secxiving and accepting invitations from orpanizers for foreign visits on official business ja connection with subjects belonging to other Mélatstries/Departments 2s pec Govermment of India (Allocation of Business) ~ Rules, 1961. . The Cabinet Secretariat hes iner alia directed that the MinistriesDepartments, while considering the issue of acoepting the invitctions, chow!d at first instance examine whether the subject matter of the Ineication pertains fo the business allocated to them and in case it docsn"t the - invitation may be forwarded to the Department concerned uncer intimation tothe . - onganizer(s). a a ‘This isoues with the approval of Secretary(Expendiaure). : Meena’ Joint Secretary w the Government of India To : (@. Secretaries of all Minisuies/Deparimenss Gi) All Financial Advises

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