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From Mother Earth

By: Franchezka G. Bacani

I am Mother Earth
The land living beneath you
The soil where you lay your feet
I am the mother who provides you with food to eat
Every night I slowly turn so that you may rest
But lately my friend, I’m never feeling my best
The wind is my breathe and my tears the rain
The oceans, rivers, and streams my blood and veins
The forests and plains my hair which no longer flows
But now receding

The earthquake's my stomach, thrashing and churning

There are chemicals stuck to most my bones
My star friends around me say you have left me all alone
My friend, I can’t imagine why
You are a part of me
Don’t we live together here and the sky?
But lately I feel we are out of touch with each other
The fact is, I can’t do this alone
I am very tired, ailing, and too far gone
Please help me my friend, we are made of each other
I know we can do this together

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