Teaching Mathematics in Intermediate Grades

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Sherwin P.

Batistil BEEd 2 May 2, 2023

Teaching Mathematics in Intermediate Grades

1. What questions could be asked to your students that would engage them to ask questions?

First, I will make my classroom environment a safe place for questions and praise students who ask
questions – by these two simple steps I helped my students to ask what’s on their mind. The questions that I
will use to engage them to ask their questions are; after the discussions – is it clear? If they say yes, I will
clarify it by asking again, is it crystal clear or clear as mud?; did you get it? G?

2. What are the possible drawbacks to collaborative activities? What can you do to address these

Drawbacks Response
Someone may try to take over the group Make sure that in every grouping must have
different set of leaders; give chance to others to
lead; give time for others to bloom their leadership
Quiet people may not feel comfortable Make sure that the classroom environment is safe
for everyone and is welcoming to any opinions – no
discriminations at all. Tell the leader to take
care/value the opinions of the group/each individual
in the group. Help them to appreciate that small
idea can make the whole great concept.
Sometimes people just don't get along In a class that is very diverse – collaborative
strategy is very challenging, but there is always
way(s) how to cope up diversity and achieve
collaboration that is, but not limited to, give
students freedom and flexibility – teacher act as a
facilitator and encourage conversation and healthy
debate between diverse opinions. Group
assignments are also a great way to expose students
to diverse perspectives, allowing them to work
together to explore and solve a problem.

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