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Lesson Plan in English 7

Writing Skill

The learner demonstrates writing competence through his/her understanding of
literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and
The learner demonstrates an understanding of a literary form as a means of self-
expression; coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style
are appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience to meaningfully share
personal experiences.
At the end of the 60 minutes class, 75% of the students are expected to:
a.) Determine what is personal essay
b.) Identify the element of personal essay; and
c.) Share their life experience through a personal essay applying its elements.


TOPIC: Personal Essay
Domain Competence (based on K-12 Curriculum)
Elements of A Personal Essay
Retrieved April 6, 2022,
center/pdf/new/elements-of-a personal essay.pdf
Curriculum Guide Code: EN7WC-IV-a-2.8.4 (page 173)
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation and YouTube Video

A. Learning Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review of the previous lesson
B. Motivation
The class will be divided into 5 groups and every student is going to share with
their group an exciting or memorable time in their lives. After sharing, each group
will have a representative to share in the class the most meaningful/inspiring
experience that their groupmates have shared.
C. Presentation of the lesson
The teacher will explain why the students were grouped and instructed to share
their memorable experiences and would start to introduce their new lesson.
D. Lesson Proper
1. The teacher will discuss what is a personal essay and its elements. (Allowing
students to read each definition and asking random questions for an
interactive class discussion). Also, examples will be presented.

2. Students will watch a YouTube video tutorial on how to write a personal essay
for more understanding and techniques that they can apply in writing their own.
3. Activity
The students will be given a quiz. The teacher will read to the class specific
paragraphs of an essay and they are going to identify and write in a 1⁄4 sheet of

paper if it is an example of a personal essay or not. The teacher will be the one to
check the answers and the scores of the students will be announced on their next
E. Generalization
The teacher will ask her students on who can recap what talks about personal
essays, its importance, and role in literature. This serves as their oral recitation.

Students are instructed to write their personal essays applying its elements. Their
writing may involve their culture, beliefs, etc.

Rubrics in checking the students’ outputs:

Content - 50% The essay is meaningful, interesting, and able to apply the
elements of A Personal Essay.
Style - 15% Writer’s voice, and audience awareness.
Reflection - 25% Traces the process of idea development, making connections
between beliefs and experiences.
Conventions - 10% Grammar, punctuations, and editing.
Students are going to study the essay entitled Love of Writing and they are going
to identify its elements and justify each.

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