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wtE J lli+ilEll Pasr IfElillll sequence events

Labelthe pictures with the words from the box.


@ Listen and repeat,

f ction

victlm {,




board ng schooI

heart altack


2 Comptete the sentences with the words from the box-
collected examined crime discovered
I . Our school money, clothes and food for the victims of the earthquake.
2. Captain James Cook New Zeatand on 6rh 0ctober, 1769
3. When I got on the bus tate last night, there was only one other

6. The dete.tlve vlsited the scene of the to look for new evidence.

5. The doctor my grandpa carefulty to flnd out what was wrong with h m.

6. At 1 2 midnight, the witness saw the suspect running out of the bank.
and undertine
the spetling "traps'. 7, They found that man of murder and sent him to prison for thirty years


Grammar 'a'.t S:i^.:t?
Write sentences aboutyoursetf using the past Simple and the
phrases given. Then, teL[ the class.

'o'Tx1L9 1. watch a qreat fitm

I worked Id dn r work Drd work? I b/atched a great ftlm last vtegk

ate' didn't eat Did teat? 2. starlschool
. for fin shed a.t ons tn th€ past
We visited o museum lost weekend 3. learn how to ride a bike
. for past hab ts and routines
lwentta the gym ewry day n the post
L. visit a famous city
. for a.tions that happened one after the other
He got up. woshed hisface ond hddbrcakfost.

do a schoolproject
yesterday last week/month/ , two years ago,
in 1984. €t.
6. meet my bestfrend
'Ihe conplete tist aJ tffesular verbs is on page 1gB.

4 Complete the timeline aboutthe famous writerSirArthur

with the verbs given in the Past Simple form.
Conan Doyte Pronunciation . -
_eo. eno nq5

6 Read the Past Simple form of the verbs in

the box and pur them rn rhe correcr column

@ Then, tisten and check your answers.

Can you add one more verb to each column?
; Sir ,\rthur Conan Do'le ... stnpped watked wanted
.iE53 decided smited tived
l,r Edinburgh.
insisted talked moved

: .1s6s 2 to baardiv6 school stopped

: .1881 $rua {edical Schoal 2.

: .1885 h. fi".t wife 3.

B .1886 hs first Sherlock
J Holr€s

.i3oT 6
his seco,rc{ wife.
ldl s.
.i330 7
$ a \^ead dlacl"


@Work with a partner. Look at the timetine about SirArthur Conan

Doyle and take turns to ask and answer questions about his tif€. 9.

Sir Arthur
Wh€n l4,as lk in ,859.
t,l/as born
CoM^ Dogle borh? Wh.h did te ... ?

_.1 0etective Stori ;T,"*-E-
w/E verbs related to cI rne lillllilliEl! Past Cont nuous llIE[El express surprise

1 Match the pictures with the words/phrases from the box.

@ Listen and repeat.

break in(to)


spy on sb/sth


set (thetable)






unsolved 2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

survived illness possible disappeared explanation followed disappearance

concluson 1 . interesting
The scientist gave us an of how earthquakes happen.

2. Alexander had e very seious last year but he is fine now

3. Littte Bitfs - - was a difficult case for detective Frank.
4. lgave the dog something to eat and lt - me aLl the way home.

5. There was a bad accident here last week, but fortunatety, everyone

6. The two men stoLe the oLd lady's bag and inthedark.

7. ls it foryouto meetme atthe cinemaatS:0o?


Past Continuous
G rammar Look at the picture for 30 seconds. Then, cover the
picture and write as many sentences as you can
about what was happenjnq in the park at 12:00
T ?\= yesterday using the Past Continuous. Score one
was work nq lwasn't workrng ] W"t f uro*inOl
Yo! were workng You weren't workng I Were you workinq?

. foractions n progress at a spec f c rrne n the past

We werc hoving dinner at I o cloch yesterday_
for lwo acl ons that \\,ere in progress at the same tim€ in the pasr
While Frcd wds studying, SDtoh wds tdlking on the phDne

at that t r.e/moment, then, white, as, all day yesterday,
from 6:00 to 9:00. etc.

Complete the sentences with the Past Continuousfom of the

verbs given.
A1 V:ao fs1.raot, a ,ra' wos walk'g h's dog
1. Danny (clean) his room at

l2:00 yesterday.

2. (you / prepdre) lunch

from 1 :00 to 1 :30?

3. Simon -,- -- (not lsten)to music

at that moment.

4. (f,lary / work) at the

Write sentences using the Past Continuous End the
bank at the time ofthe murder? phrases given.

5. I _. -"- (wate, theflowers in the

1, Mr Baker:steep / his son: ptay compLrter garnes

garden atlaftemoon.
WhtlelAs tt Baker wos steep,rg, his sarw7s
plalrg comput4 ganes-
6. What- (the suspecLs/ do)
2. the teacher: q ve his presentatton / the studentsrkeep notes
at 1l:15 last night?

4 @Workwith a partner. Take turns to ask and answer

questiohs using the Past Continuous and the phrases given. 3, Mrs Anderson: ron /her husband:reada rn.q.7 ne

I . you / chat / on the lnternet / at 8:00 yesterday

2. you/do/vour _omeworl /at 7:30 yesrerday evenng

3. you / sleep / at 10:00 tast night 4. t: ri r/ -lason:r.r'.r r flrrtre tr!5
4. your father / work / at 9:30 yesterday morning

5. your best friend / wa lk / to your house / at 6:00 yesrerday afternoon

- ar
R 5. mum: aaar / Lou sr slt

.hp t:hie

stories unit, ts-



Past Simpie VS give a report at

Past Continuous the po|ce stat on

Label the pictures with the words/phrases from the box

bald wett-built moustache tattoo beard scar curty hair straiqht hair

@ Listen and repeat.


welt buitt



stra ght





lr ghtened

i of med um herght
2 Comptete the sentences with the words from the box

incident 1 . Everyone Tom because he is so ctever and hard-wo*ing'

admire 2. There was a(n) noise outside and we alL ran to see what it was'

beat 3. l',lv slster is of dogs but my brother loves them

6. .
oo you know anything about last nighds in the town square?

5. Amy fult as she was watking upstairs and 'altherbooks'

6. Theangryotdman the rude shop assistant with his umbrelta'

7. Three men a bank in the city centre lastweek

Unit 3 Detective stories A2. - Bl ] ENGLISHHooD

Past Simpte VS Past Continuous

Past Past Continuous

Use UEe
. for fn shed actions n the past . for actions n progress at a spec f c t me in tho past
PauLa mode a chacalote cake yestetday. PouLa wos mdking a chocolote coke at 1A:AA
. forpast habits and routnes
He woke up late ot weekends . for two act ons thatwere ir progress at the same
',yhen he wos a teenager
. for actions that happened one after the other tlme n the past
lreturned hame, had a bath ond went ta bed. WhiLe Fred was woitingJar the bus, he wds tdtking

!,rh le/as + Past [ontinuous While/As we htere hoving lunctt (action in p@gress), Don affived llnother oction horyenecl).
+ when Dan affived- we werc hoving lunch-

3 Read the sentences, undertine the verbs and write PS for Past Simpte or PC for past tontinuous. Then, match each sentence

I .
with the correct use of the tense,
lt was sno\ding at 1 2:00 last n ght.
2. I went skiing every Sunday in the past.
]cF a.
finished acton in the past
two actions in progress at the same time in the past
3, We were drawing while mum was taking a bath. y' action n progress ata specific time in the past
4. lvatitda sent me an email last week. d. past habivroutine
5. arrived home, had lunchand relaxed onthe sofa F e. actions that happened one after the other
4 Complete the sentences with the Past Simpte or past Continuous form of the verbs given. 6P Work with a partner.
t. Make one true sentence
{you / aiiend)the meetng yesterday morning?
and two fatse sentences
2. The children ._ (not listen)while theirparents about what you were doing
(speak)tothem. yesterdaywhen something
happened. Can your partner
3. (lDhn l eelllunk food when he was a ch ld?
guess which sentence is
4. Simon _ - (ca [t) the restaurant yesterday and true?
lbool)a table.
5. Sarah (not Lrnderstand)the Maths problem. I was sleeitg
6. (the baby/ cry)a[ night yesterday? whe sot]p.orc broke
irto our ftrusa.
5 Write sentences usinq the Past Simple and the past Continuous, as in the example.
EgThen. work with a partner and compare your answers. I was watchitB a fihtt
1. I / jog - it / start to rain ( va$)ogqngLwhen Lt $l,f7ed Ia rq!, wheh I lell aalee?.

- so.I took a taxi.

2. We /walk home l/ flnd a !,rallet in the street I was doiw
So, m! l,r,/|.' wtF;n
3. /study' / hear a strange noise mg modk phor,z

4. l/ have lunch the eanhquake /happen
/ think tle t rd
-So, semerce is true.
5. / lie in bed someon€ / break the w ndow


We / ratk loudly - the teacher/ come n

;*"*t*;l ,"*
Everyday Engtish - Pronunciation
__ . J
giving a reportatthe police stat on "dld yolr" n quest ons

I -_
1 @ risten to the fotlowing diatogue. 13 @ fi.t"n to tf," fottowing questions and
EThen, act it outwith yourpartner notice the pronunciation of "did you".

What time did the incident happen?

E Then, work with a partner and repeat.

lf l'm not mistaken, it was about 3 o clock l. D(dJu So out wth -Joan last night?
And did you notice what lr nd ofLar thE th ef was driv ng?
I clearly remember that I wirs a btue sports car
2, What did you buy frorn the mallyesterday?

0id you see what hewaswearinq?

lf Iremember correctly, hewas dressed n black.
Thank you, s r lf you remember anything 6lse, please notify us.
'14 Work with a partner lmagine that
you are a witness ata crime scene and
Lis_!e11S / your partner is a police officer. Describe
1 2 @ Li.t"n to ,iti"ss describinq a thief to the potice. Tick the one of your classmates as a suspect, Can
correct boxes "and draw the suspect's face. your partner quess who the suspect is?

E So, can you describe trE suspect?

\es, otficzr. He was A t,ll , thin bo!.

He had short straight brown hair
aN blue eges, H. was wearirg
jeans and a brack T.


MUOSHOl l+nrn ... I know

\u 163 008 0?1?1989 hid lt's krnt

Writing Expression of the day

1 5 / write a story about a crime that ends
l6 Read the dialogue and guess the
with the fotLowing sentences:
mean ng of the highlighted
t/. . l,,t roLceo*lc.r- ,ere;a!,,:] expression. ls there a similar
expression in your language?
ir,r< r',rL,,rCerqr lc' llcrr corr .lerec|vr-:
Are the poLce st lttook nq for
-Srea(r s,rriled .{r"her ,lifficr,t ca.'e ev dence?

-Yes. They have lo find lhe murderer

and put him n prison at aLL costs.

ENGL SHI,OOD A2+ Detective Stories lJnit 3

Prosressr Glsieots
6I -l:j
1 Circte the odd word out. (5x3=15points) 2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (5x3=15points)

l. passenger burglar thief insists admire guitty beat

2. steat foLlow roh 1.MrDixon thathe dldn't steatthe money, but ldon'tbelieve him.
2. ls it true that-lonathan you at chess yesterday?
3, possibte frightened likely
3. The detective rnanaged to find the person and send him to prison.
4, kitl murder escape
4. When the little girl , her parents called the police immedlatety.
5. victlm attacker fiction
5. We stopped by the bridge to the amazing vlew of the river

Circte the correct answer.
(5r4=20points) 5
Everyday Enstish/
Complete the diatogue with the words/phrases from the box.
1. WhiLe Jessica got/ was getting ready, she heard / did you see please notifv us if l'm not mistaken
was hearing a loud noise,
- Miss Harper, canyou telL uswhat happened?
2. I didn't stop /wasn't stopping anywhere as l drove /
was driving to work.
,lnoticed a man walking
just be'ird Ls. Then. - . he rook my
3. He woke up /waswaking up sudden ty and jump-"d / friend's bag and ran awaywith t.
was jump ng out of bed.
- Did you noticewhat the man looked like?
L, lswam / was swimmingwhite J m reLaxed / was relaxing 3
He was ofmedium height, thin and batd. And
on the beach-
, he had a brown beard.
Did you walk / Were you walking in the forest when the -o *hathewas wearing?
rain started / was starting?
tu his long btack coatand grey hat.

Thank you, N4iss Harper lf you remember anything eLse,

4 Complete rhe sentences wirh the time eypressions

when (x 2) atl day yesterdav three davs aqo while

1. d d Harry depart forAustr a?

2. od rro. / pdp
" "r,
3, was !.raLer ng the fLowers saw G
a strange man n oLr qarden. Review AGAIN
tess than 18
L. )!dy was runn ng for the b!s.
less than 24
she slipped on a banana skin.
[loooo bss than 15
5. We n rL r, d,lq"r ,h" o " J r,erydav
1 !trt![

teatures of anc ent civiLlzations EEffiE u'tlcte. IM E askrormoretime

Labetthe pictureswith thewordsfrom the bor.
agricutture Pottery astronomy architecture sculpture

focus 1.
@ Li"ten and repeat.













explorer L.

2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

stone btock


l. Thieves broke into my house last n ght and stole my valuable go[d

z. The anc ent Romans had one ofthe rnost cvilizat ons Ln history.
3. We were div ng along a mountain whpn w-" saw a lLtlte brown bear.
4. A localchar ty sent food and med caI for the viclims of lhe earlhquake.

5. Robert Scort and Roatd Amundsen were famoLrs

<D Now,
6. The anc ent Egyptian pyramlds are ln Giza, nearthe rnodern cty of Ca ro.
listen aqain
and underline mytatent as an actor
7. Jolning a drama ctub wiLlhelp rne to
the speltinq 'traps".

Unit 4 Ancient Civilizations 42+ - B1 ENGLISHHOOD

Grammar le4sle __

. There is d bLock
. fhe whircf shlttismine. (someth ng spec fic) . rrilri 1.",.5.iJ1..!
. We sow a mawe last nigha fhe moyie ,ros qreot (someth ng lts better to add honey ta your
house. (something already meni oned) teo. (pluralor uncolntabie nouns
- nrentioned for the ' the Jacksons (f:mi[y name) when we are talking about
firsttime) . the Alps (mountarn rirnge) something generatly)
. the Moldives (groLrp of lslands) . Helen (name)
(job) . Lake Victaria (:lake),
. the Untted States af Anerico, the Untted Kingdamkio\rntr es that
M t Ki l im a nj a ro lfi ountair),
have $€ words 'Slalc" or "K ngdam" n the r names)
Madogascar \island)
. the Pdcilic lacean), the Mediterroneon Gpa). the Mississippi lt '.!et)
. London (ci!y), Fronce (country),
. tl,s Eorth (somelh ng uniquE)
. tie ,990s (decade), the 7Af certury (cenrLrry)
. Moths (school sLrbject),
.the British, the nch ladjecl ve referrinq ro a r\lhote grolp of people)
Iurklsh (tanguage), tennis (sport)
. the yaungest bay l.L)pelative adte.t ve) . by troin, by cor

3 Complete the sentences with a/an, the or zero articLe. 5 Complete the textwith a/an, the orzero article.

I Then, clrcte the coffect opt on.

ir,' til'rl
The Aztecs created
rit 'ttr iiri,'fl
to plan their t me betler.
a ao.uGGnIai

H/h slory is my

favourite school subjec!

we learn about

differentciv li2ations Yesterday,

t vrdaJ

- Cleopatra Vll / Tutankhamen was the

we learnerl about
2 Mayas.
last pharaoh of ancient Egypt. r
They developed amazing
The Vikinqs travelLed across ndian/ civ lzat on around 1000 BCE, n the area
Atlant c 0cean.
Mexico is located today,
The Celtic civ lizat on developed ln and lt was one of most important
Europe / America. civ lizat ons n
5 an. Ent wortd They created
7 r,r tlng syslem with symbots. Eai h symbol
Parthenon / Coliseunr was one ofthe
greatest buildings of the Roman empire. was d fferent word However, the f.4ayas became

less powprf! I afi-or 800 CE end th.o r.vilTation ended

The ancient Chin€se invented ptasllc /

5 eWork with a partner Read the sentences and match

them with the answers given using the or zero articLe.

Read the sentences and corred the mistakes. 1. They eat spaghettiand pizza. e a. Sun
. -thc
1. Th s summer, we re going on hotiday wthlRogers.
2. The Earth moves around t. b. m lk

3. It s the tongest river ln the wortd. c. UK

2. Most people know that the oranges are turtlofvitamin C
L. A lot of peopte drink t in the morning d. N le
I go sw mming lhree t mes the week
It s the h ghest mounta n n the wortd. y' tatlans
4, My sister i5 English t€:cher
t is a country ln Europe. f. Mount

5. One of our schootclubs helps poor in ou r ne ghbourhood.

5. Kate thinks that the Science is a very interesting subject.

ffi Ancient Civilizations I Unit 4

n the ElEl?iliiEr u:cd to

Labelthe pictures with the words/phrases from the box.

ocabulary block of flats highway town hall traffic light pavement
@ usten "na repeet.
block of flats


town hatl

traffic tight



take a look





well-tit 2 Comptete the sentences with the words/phrases from the box.
take a look social difference safe took up pubtic

pubtc 1. There isa beautiful library in the centre of the city.

2, This area is only [o'cyclisl. and


3. Doyou wantto atthe photos of mytrip to Spain?

4. This used to be a quiet neighbourhood, but now it doesn't feel anymore.

5. lneedto the meaninq ofthls word ln the dlctionary

6. What's the between an African and an lndian etephant?

and LnderLine
tho spollinq 'traps . T,ourschoolorganlsesseveral events each year,

Unit 4 CiviLizations MteiFN,GLrsH"ooD

used to
Grammar 4 LJ Work with a partner. Look at the pictures and
taketurns to talk about what people used to do
twentv vears aqo but don't do anv more.

used to work didn't Lrse to work Did I use to work?

. for past hab ts or states
lused to dtinkmilk in the morning when lwos a chiLd. search for phone numbers
My s6ter didn't use to hove mony t'riendsyeoB aga. onlne

habits or states'
r,rl"."J* u." tf," putt slrnpte to tatk aboutpast
ir)t/lanoca veors asa
I ti.a,nr**o v"*'oga' = lused to live
p!t photos in atbLrms save photos on rnobile phoneE

Fitlin with the correctform ofused to and the v6rbs given to

make the sentenc€s true for you.
l. I qsedldrdnl! gse 14 fi-de (rde)a bike when lwas fttte.

2. | (draw)pictures when wasa child. ends on soclaLmedia sites

3. | (own) a mobile phone when lwas

in primaryschoot.

4. | (beLieve) in magicwhen was littte.

Lsten io mus. onwaLkmans t 5ten to mus c on [,1P4 players
5. My grandparents

5. Mymum i' n,-",lons ha r when

7. My parents (ra.dl stories to me

every night when was a ch ld.

8. My besttrend llf.l in Turkey

years ag0.

5 @ work with a partner. Take turns to ask Remember when you were in primary schoot. Write sentences
and answer qu€stions about things that about things you used to do at that time. You can use phrases from
wer€ true when you were a primary schooI exercises 3, 4 and 5 and/or your own ideas. Then, tell the ctass.
student. Use used to and the phrases given. tf
t. lJher t vr'tl; rr trn|a1.! sanrri, / .,'rdf't *e la 9el o lol hatrewotk..
1. get a lot of homework 2.
Did yau use to gst
2. be late for school 3.
whcn gou vara a
3. ptay in the street 11.
prifiarg scrtool
4. do sports 5.

5. have a friendLy teacher
6, take computer lessons
ENGL SHI]OOt] A2* 81 Ancient CiviUzations

Prepositions of
Ptace @ lulovement
@ check that your
Istener understands
1 Look at the map and match the ptaces with the continents and oceans from the box

b. North America c. South America d. Asia e. Africa f. Austratia

i. Parific Ocean j. Arctic 0cean Ocean
@ Listen and repeat.




last (for a month)








hoLd (a competltion)


sufioundlngs 2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

knowledge tasted equal held knowtedge advanced invention sick

religious 1 . his
With of maths and foreign languages, Patrick found a job easity.

2. Dorothyfeets , so she has to stay in bed today.

elbow 3, The theatrlca t play for over three hours and the chiLdren qot bored.

hawesl 4. Which do yoLr thlnk is a more usetul , the computer or the teLephone?

<r) Now, 5. lt's wrong to say one person is better than another. We are atl
Listen again 6. We a big charityeventat ourschoolat the end ofthe schootVear
and underline
the spelting "traps". ?. Dave speaksspanish veryweltatready, so he's inthe ctass.

lJnit 4I Ancient Civilizations A2- - B1 ENGL SHHOOD

Prepositions of Ptace @ Movement
I in, on, at
wilhverbs llke be, sfay,live, sif,lie, etc
More Prepositions of Place
Laak at thase clauds above usl
We stay inside the schoaL on rany doys.
n +colrntr es/c lles/vltLages l\4y causin hves in Burso meet vau outside the cinemo
n + ndoor or enclosed places We are sitting in the clossrcom. Fronk 6 stttngbeside/by the poal.
on + means of transport l'mon the bus ta l\4onchestet. sandy E standinq between her nun ond dad.
Tna is lyng on the beach naw. Laok ot thot little hDuse omong the trees.
at + par! cular envlronrnents/b!itdings GeDrge is stoying at d hotel I patked my cot opposite the rcstauront

There ore o lat oJ shaps b)round the squore

More Prepositions of Movement

1sow Ken as he vr'oswalkinq up/down the stotrs
with v€ rbs L ke so cone JLy , traveL, \talk, run, drive , nove , etc.
Jocke cone into/out oJ the shap tenmnutesaqa.
We go to school every day.
The dag ron towards tts awnet.
The\/ \rerc driving along a beoutifuL nauntoin raad.
| @ ''^eoi'e no,," NOl
I m gaing to hane.
I'm (stdying) dt home today.
lnn dcross the streetandnet Joe an the athet side.
The tatjunped through the open \,r'indaw.

3 Comptete the sentences with the correct prepositions in, on, at or to.

t, Ryan was studying hls room allday yesterday. 6. The Louvre, one ofthewortd's mostfamous museums,
2. We're ftying Melboume next week. is Paris.

3. Peter isn'there. He's thegym, 7. Iy'y cousn is moving Germany next month.
4, lwas listening to music the train yesterday. 8. love lying the sofawhiLe l'm watching TV
5. Where is lvark? - He's home today. 9. Leo drves work early in the morning.

4 Elwork with a panner. Take turns to ask and 5 circle the correct answer.
answer the fottowlnq questior
l, Kelty's newftat is above/along ours.
1. Where !.rereyou born?
2. When littte Lla saw hermother, she ran happlly byl towards her
2. Where do you tve?
3, There's onlyone pen between/among aI these penc ls.
3. Where are yoLr now?
4. Where are yo!r parents nol,r? 4, There are a lot of trees and flowers around / towards our house.

5. Wh-"r-" d. you Lslally have lun.h? 5. The burgtar got lnto the office alonq / throuqh the window.

6. Where do you usuatly go afler schooL? 6. A car hit Mrowenswhlle hewas walking across/out ofthe road.

7. lbooked a hotel beside/ nsidethe sea forour summerholidays.

8. We often gojoggng atong/ nto the river

6E Work with a partner. Look at the pictures and make sentences aboutthem. Can your partner guess where you are?

ftcre ar. a lot of

people h.r.. ffu! ar.

ENGL SHI]OOD 42+ B] An.ient Civilizations I Unit 4

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