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Uro-surgery Final 2022

Dr. Nehme Raad

1. Some of the questions came from lectures not explained this year and were explained in previous years. So
study all questions. Questions are more like session 19-20.
What is the most common testicular tumor?
A: Seminoma
B: Yolk sac tumor
C: Teratoma
D: Choriocarcinoma

2. Which of the following NSGCTs spreads hematogenously?

a. Choriocarcinoma
b. Teratoma
c. Pure Embryonic Carcinoma
d. Yolk Sac Tumor

3. What is the half-life of α-FTP?

A: 36 hours
B: 4 days
C: 6 days
D: 10 days

4. AFP is never elevated in case of seminoma

5. All of the following are true except:

A: Any testicular mass is considered malignant or suspicious until proven otherwise.
B: Any paratesticular mass is considered suspicious until proven otherwise
6. Injury at L2 will lead
A: Hyporeflexia
B: Hperreflexia with sphincter dyssenergy
C: Hyperactivity without sphincter dyssenergy

7. What happens to bladder and internal sphincter if the sympathetic nerve was stimulated?
A: relaxation of bladder and relaxation of sphincter
B: relaxation of bladder and contraction of sphincter
C: Contraction of bladder and relaxation of sphincter
D: Contraction of bladder and contraction of sphincter

8. Characteristics of organic erectile dysfunction. Choose correct answer

A: Acute onset, varying course, situational and no morning erection
B: Gradual onset, constant course, global and no morning erection
C: Gradual onset, varying course, global and no morning erection
D: Acute onset, constant, situational and no morning erection

9. Priapism is prolonged erection for more than:

A: 1 hour
B: 2 hours
C: 4 hours
D: 6 hours

10. Case 1: Patient comes after 10 years from diagnosis of bladder cancer and loss of follow up. Stage pT2 and
highly invasive transitional cell carcinoma if found. What is the next step?
A: re- TURBT (TURBT second look)
B: Radical cystectomy
C: BCG therapy
D: Cystoscopy
11. Case 2: Patient T1D2 what is next step?
A: re- TURBT (TURBT second look)
B: Radical cystectomy
C: BCG therapy
D: Cystoscopy

12. Case abt a 60s years old patient with bladder cancer // patient undergone TURB// recurrence
What to do?
A) bcg
13. Same question but younger patient w/o recurrenc
Case of patient with tumor of size 3.5 cm in renal pelvis of right kidney and atrophied (or absent left kidney),
what is the best management:
A: Partial nephrectomy
B: Complete nephrectomy and start on dialysis machine
C: Open pyelotomy for resection of tumor
D: Approach through ureter and laser ablation of tumor

14. What is most common type of penile cancer?

A: Squamous cell carcinoma
B: Adenocarcinoma
C: Transitional cell carcinoma

15. What causes bladder stones:

A- Protein-rich diet
B- Sedentary lifestyle
C- Benign prostatic hyperplasia
D- Hyperoxaluria
Dr. Antoine Njeim

16. What is the most common zone affected by prostate cancer?

A: Peripheral
B: Central
C: Transitional
17. What to examin in DRE?

18. What is the role of PSA secretion?

A: It has no known role
B: It is responsible for liquefaction of sperm in semen

19. Patient with prostatic cancer, Gleason score is 3 + 3 = 6 and PSA levels = 12 ng/mL. What is the risk of
progression of disease?
A: Mild
B: Moderate
C: severe

20. IPSS score is 22 is categorized as:

A: Mild
B: Moderate
C: Severe
21. Gleason=6 , PSA=12, severity?
-very high

22. Characteristics of cystine stones, choose the correct answer

A: It represents 10% of urinary tract stones
B: It dissolves at pH > 7.5
C: They are radiolucent
D: Caused by hereditary autosomal dominant disease

23. Which of the following stones contain phosphate?

A: Cystine
B: Struvite
C: pruvite

24. Which of the following stones arise in acidic medium?

A: Cystine
B: Struvite
C: calcium phosphate

25. Extra corporeal lithotripsy is not contraindicated in the following cases, choose correct answer
A: Pregnancy
B: Arterial aneurysm
C: Untreated urinary tract infection
D: Child age < 3 years

26. Which of the following is wrong about management of renal colic?

-Not affected by position
-ct is the best image technique ymkn
-iv morphine tx of choice

27. Which of the following is not a voiding symptom?

A: Hesitancy
B: Intermitency
C: urgency
D: sensation of incomplete voiding

28. Which of the following represents low bladder compliance?

A: low bladder pressure with low volume
B: high bladder pressure with high volume
C: high bladder pressure with low volume
D: uninterrupted bladder contractions during filling

29. Pde5 inhibitors are contraindicated with which of the following?

A: betta blockers
B: a blockers
D: nitrates

30. What defines CIS of bladder:

A: superficial with low grade
B: superficial with high grade
D: cancer localized to mucosa and is highly undifferentiated

31. What hormone is responsible for hyperplasia of prostate gland?

A: testosterone
B: dihydrotestosterone
C: Epiandrostenedione
D: estradiol

32. What is the enzyme responsible for conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone?
A: 5α-reductase
B: Peroxidase

Dr. Mohammad Mousa

As much as I remember, Dr. Moussa did not bring questions at all from his lectures or what is marked in red or
from previous sessions.

Dr. Hussein Issa

33. Types of incontinence, choose correct answer

A: Stress incontinence
B: Urge incontinence
C: Overflow incontinence
D: All of the above

34. What injury is responsible for autonomic dysreflexia?

A: Above T6
B: Below T6
C: Above C5
D: Below C5

35. Which of the following is not an indication for urodynamic testing?

A: Stress Incontinence
B: Failed surgical treatment
C: Unpredictable leakage
D: Pelvic irradiation

36. Treatment of stress incontinence. Choose correct answer:

A: Behavioral
B: Pharmacological
C: Surgical
D: All of the above

37. Which of the following is not a cause of urge incontinence?

B: Idiopathic
C: Psychogenic
D: Smoking

38. Which of the following is considered third line treatment of urgency incontinence?
A: Behavioral
B: Bulking agent (or botox injection ??) injected in bladder
C: Antimuscarinics
D: None of the above

Dr. Mohmmad Ajrouch

→ All the questions are from previous session
39. What is true about spermatogenesis?
A: 72 days
B: the first stage in formation of sperm occurs in epididymis
C: Meiosis is continued in epididymis
40. Choose the correct answer:
A: Oligospermia: increase in number of sperm cells in the ejaculate
B: Azoospermia: no sperm cells in the ejaculate
C: Asthenospermia: increase in sperm motility
D: Teratospermia: low sperm count

41. Most common cause of uncomplicated UTI:

A: Klebsiella
B: Proteus
C: Escherichia coli
D: Enterococcus
E: Pseudomonas aeruginosa

42. In case of Pyuria without bacteriuria, which of the following can be a possible etiology?
A: Tuberculosis
B: Stones
C: Cancer
D: All of the above

43. Most common route of urinary tract infection:

A: Ascending route
B: Hematogenous route
C: Lymphatic route
D: Direct extension
44. About semen composition:
A: Seminal vesicle produces 60% of seminal fluid
B: Prostate produces 5% of seminal fluid
C: Testicles are responsible for 20% of seminal fluid production

45. Most common etiology of male infertility:

A- obstruction
B- cryptochidisim
C- idiopathic
D- varicocele
E- endocrinopathy

46. Infertility: 1 year of unprotected intercourse without conception, choose correct answer
A: 10-15% of couples are affected
B: 40-50% are affected

47. One year of sexual intercourse without protection, but no conception. What is the probability of infertility ?
- 10%
- 60%
- 80%

48. When are we sure that a female has cystitis?

A: E. coli > 1,000 CFU/ml
B: E. coli > 10,000 CFU/ml
C: E. coli > 50,000 CFU/ml
D: ……….
E: E. coli > 100,000 CFU/ml
49. All factors suggest complicated UTI except one:
A: Elderly patient
B: 29 years old female
C: Male gender
D: Pregnancy

50. what is true about UTI?

a)ascending route is the most common
b)hematogenous route is the most common
c)lymphatic route is the most common
d)direct excision is the most common

51. All statements about Gonococcal Urethritis are true except one:
A: It is sexually transmitted disease
B: Neisseria Gonorrhea, a diplococcus Gram negative is the pathogen responsible
C: Whitish urethral discharge
D: Direct exam of Urethral swap can diagnosis 95% of cases

Dr. Walid Alameh

52. Fourneir’s Gangrene characteristics (I think he needed the false):

A: caused by aerobic and nonaerobic bacteria
B: affects upper abdomen
C: life threatening
D: Crepitation of scrotum
E: Imaging shows subcutaneous air

53. Management of kidney injury, which of the following is false?

A: All blunt traumas should be explored surgically
B: trauma to posterior axillary line leads to parenchymal injury
C: Most common is penetrating injury
D: Gross hematuria in 80% of cases

54. Concerning blunt trauma to the kidney, all are correct except :
a) grade 5 should be explored
B) trauma to posterior axillary line cause parenchymal disrubtion
C) gross hemuturia without hypotension is not idicative for surgery
D) when flank hematoma suspect renal injury

55. Blunt trauma with normal pressure does not require imaging

56. Trauma to the testicles, which of the following is false:

A: The testicles are protected by cremasteric reflex
B: conservative management leads to necrosis
C: 75% of cases caused by blunt trauma
D: It leads to egg plant deformity

57. Penile fracture, all of the following are true except:

A: Immediate surgical repair is associated with faster recovery rates
B: Penile ultrasound is most useful for ruling out penile fracture in patients
C: the rupture of bucks fascia leads to eggplant deformity
D: Immediate surgical repair decrease the risk of penile curvature formation

58. Penile amputation, choose the correct answer:

A: Penile amputation is usually the result of genital self-mutilation
B: Up to 50% patients are psychotics
C: The surgery achieves very good results
D: A and C are correct
E: A, B, C are correct

59. Bladder Injury, choose correct answer:

A: Bladder injury is in 83% of pelvic fratcures
B: Pelvic fracture is most common cause of injury

60. CPPS, which of the following is false?

A: Pain is most commonly localized to perineum, suprapubic area and penis
B: Pain is most prominent before and after ejaculation
C: Storage and urinary symptoms are present
D: It presents only as urinary symptoms

61. Irreversible damage to testicles due to torsion occurs after:

A: 1 hour
B: 2 hours
C: 4 hours
D: ?

62. Choose the false answer.

A: microscopic hematuria yields diagnosis of malignancy in 1.8 to 4.3 % of cases
B: Gross hematuria is caused by cancer in 50% of cases
D: BPH represents the most common cause of gross hematuria in men > 60 years of age.

63. Priapism, choose wrong answer:

A: there are 3 types of priapism: ischemic, stuttering, non-ishemic
B: Ischemic priapism is considered emergency
D: Stuttering requires intervention within 4 hours


64. What is a characteristic of superficial transitional cell carcinoma of bladder?

A: characterized with recurrence

65. A case of patient presenting with severe testicular pain, fever. What is most likely diagnosis?
A: Epididymo-orchitis
B: seminoma

66. Question (in the bottom of first page of exam) with prostatic hyperplasia as answer

67. Absolute contraindication for phosphodiesterase inhibitor?

a- alpha blocker
b- beta blocker
c- nitrate

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