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Critical Thinking

The Impact of Biology on different professions.

Careers in biology range from jobs in biotechnology and healthcare to forensics,
conservation, education, and more. Some jobs may be field-based, while others may be
focused on research and lab work. The choices are endless, and the best part is that there is
something for everyone, whether you like working alone or as part of a team, indoors or
outdoors, with people, plants, animals, or the environment. Some of them are enlisted below:

Microbiologists spend most of their time at work peering into microscopes and other
advanced scientific equipment studying microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, and
microscopic parasites.
Their main objective is to understand the positive and negative effects of these microbes on
our health, the environment, agriculture, and climate. Others then use studies to solve a range
of issues that affect our health, most importantly diagnosing and controlling infections and
disease. A microbiologist’s work is critical to the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Biological Technician
Biological technicians specialize in performing data analysis through lab tests and
experiments. These specialists are usually employed by pharmaceutical firms, the R&D
sector of manufacturing companies and non-profit research organizations. Advanced
education is also necessary to take up a college teaching position.
Biological technicians usually work as a part of a team of technicians who then report back to
the biologist leading that particular study. This job requires a high level of precision and
careful attention to detail as there is no room for error in these studies.

Genetic Counselor
Genetic counselors are experts in the behaviour of genes in living organisms. They use this
knowledge to evaluate the genetic composition of individuals. They then educate others on
the potential risks of transmitting genetic diseases or disabilities to their children.
Genetic counselors must have a thorough knowledge of genomics, speciation, bacteriology,
and human evolution. They must also know how to use advanced information systems and
research methodologies to gather, measure and assess genetic data.

Research Scientist
Becoming a research scientist is an excellent choice for someone who has an inquisitive mind
and enjoys planning and conducting all kinds of experiments. Research scientists usually
work in hospitals, commercial or government laboratories, and higher education institutions.
They are responsible for conducting experiments and analysing the results of these
experiments. Others may use these studies to develop new products, processes or
applications, or enhance scientific understanding in general.

Forensic Scientists
Forensic scientists specialize in analysing evidence for DNA, organic matter and other
biological clues. Thus, they play a pivotal role in criminal investigations. Forensic scientists
can choose from two main branches of this specialty—crime scene investigation and data
analysis. Both divisions require a strong background in laboratory work and report writing.

Biology Teacher or Professor

Choosing a career in teaching is a great way to pass your knowledge of biology on to future
biology students. To teach biology at the high school level you will need to have a bachelor’s
degree in science education, as well as a state teaching license. As a high school biology
teacher, you teach students below 18 years of age. If you are interested in teaching biology at
the college level, you will need to earn a doctorate to qualify. As a biology professor, you
teach students aged 18 and above.
Whether you are working as a high school biology teacher or a college professor, you must
be familiar with the full suite of teaching methods. That includes lectures, tutorials, e-
learning, seminars, fieldwork, practical demonstrations, and assorted multi-media

If you are interested in a career in healthcare, a major in biology is an excellent starting point.
No matter which healthcare field you choose to pursue, after you graduate, you will also have
to enrol in a specialty program to gain the knowledge and expertise to work in that particular
area. The duration of these programs differs widely, depending on the field you want to work
in. Some specialties require just a few months of learning. Others may require more extensive
study, which could take a few years. Whether you want to be a dietician, nutritionist,
radiologist, pharmacist, doctor or dentist, it all starts with a biology major.

Environmental Scientist
There is a huge demand for environmental scientists today and that demand is growing every
day. If you are passionate about environmental conservation, this may be just the role for you.
Not only will you be doing something you love, but you will get paid highly for it too.

As an environmental scientist, you will spend most of your time gathering data and conduct-
ing experiments. You’ll study how certain negative factors such as pollution, natural disas-
ters, and overpopulation impact natural resources and living organisms, including plants, ani-
mals and the environment. Environmental scientists are often consulted before developing
laws and regulations for the protection of natural resources. Senior positions often require a

Health Communications Specialist

Health communications specialists educate others about various health issues,
especially public health concerns such as healthy living, health management, and
communicable diseases. Various healthcare facilities and healthcare companies
employ them. Health communications specialists coordinate community
involvement and spearhead marketing strategies and public relations campaigns.

Name: Kanhaiya Kr Singh

Roll No: 20051895
Branch: CSE(B29)

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