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Process Summary:



Observed non availability of water at the time of

Availability of Water :
Audit .

Availability and working of Observed no flow meters prior Nickel stripping and
Flow meters Pre- etch. Non working of flow meter in stage 11

Etching , Accelerator levels were observed high and

Process Level Vs Rinse level:
inline with the rinse level respectively.

Bath Parameters: Bath Concentration of Etching, Electroless Nickel,

Satin nickel were not inline with the standard range.
Also temperature parameters specially that of Acid
copper were not in range

At the time of Audit, filter 31 found not working,

filter 47 i.e. of BI Ni was found having nickel deposits
upon opening the filter.
Solution not flowing through the weir of the plating
Filtration: tanks.
Satin nickel solution much above the anodes and
overflowing in the Anode baskets and to Improve the
effectiveness of filteration its suggested to use Long
life filteration.

Un trained lab person . Inconsistency in testing

records. Non Availability of hull cell panels.
Inconsistency or non checking of Functional Test.
Non availability of testing chemicals .

SCADA Back to back history of two flight bars had random

timings. Calculated current as shown not matching
with the fed current density. No, current graph.
Random temperature readings.
New jig results for Rear and Lower showed good
results. On the same line jigs for components like FO
Jiggs should be made. No, Jig validation done. Swinging of
Jigs. Level of to components to be maintained wrt
process and rinse level.

Non Avliability of porous Pot

Air blower Requires NRV, as backflow of solution was
seen in one the pipes when opened and placed with
a cloth to check the quality of the air..
AHU should Work to maintain positive air pressure in
Non Avliability of porous Pot
Air blower Requires NRV, as backflow of solution was
seen in one the pipes when opened and placed with
a cloth to check the quality of the air..
AHU should Work to maintain positive air pressure in
Equipment the plant.
Scrubber must have continuous water running to
avoid harmful chemicals evaporate the air.
Height of Full jet after EN and Nickel stripper must be
Working of the Full jet Spray after etching must be

When audited the ETP was not functioning. DM

water showed High Conductivity and presence of
ETP chloride in the water. RO water tank and RO reject
had no cover

Qualitative Red dye and Acetic Acid test not done at

Quality the facility.
Functional testing not done.
Rejection Why Why analysis not recorded.
No, Jig Validation records.
Packaging of the incoming material is of very low
Quality. No improvement wrt masking caps and CTR
component still being loaded in Manual operation.
Non avaliability of limit samples.

Plant audited and Categorized in different colours

Audit Sheet
based on the priority status.
Corrective Action Impact

To Ensure adequate availability of running Inconsistency in results , due to unwanted

water, within the range of TDS i.e. of RO and high TDS in the rinses can lead to pitting,
DM flowmark, skip , miss, dust

To save water and maintain consistency in the

results. And run under maintained LPH values , Inconsistency in results , due to unwanted
high TDS in the rinses
to avoid excess usage of water.

Level indicators must be readjusted and Jigs Inconsistency in results , due to unwanted
should be made accordingly. high TDS in the rinses and Carry over/ drops of
chemicals over components such as Chrome
would lead to the problem of missing.

On time and correct bath Analysis is a must.

Availability of Porous pot must be made ASAP, to Inconsistency in results , in case of satin
avoid high tri valent built-up and basic Shade variation and and functional test
concentration in the Process bath must be failures.

Filters must be checked for continuous

working. Check solution level below the anode
level such that , solution does not flow into the Inconsistency in the results and high
basket. And for better filtration solution must rejection due to dust, pitting, micro
flow through the weir. Long Life Filteration to roughness.
improve the effectiveness and working of the
Satin nickel Tank.

Laboratory is a very important function of the

Directly impact the quality, could lead to
plant, trained person and on time analysis is a
visual and functional failures.
must to ensure proper quality .

Unknown trial and error ways would be

employed to troubleshoot any problem,
To ensure proper working of the SCADA . considering the inconsistency shown.
Problems like burning, dust, pitting and
functional test failures

Importance to jig maintenance, manufacturing, Inconsistency in results wrt Functional

and clamping of the jigs. testing and Aesthetic rejection
Jig Validation for all jigs and records must be

To maintain consistency in results the

equipment's must function properly.
Avliability of porous pot to maintain the Tri-
Valent levels.
Sipion Pin or NRV in the Air blower pipe to Inconsistency in the results can cause
To maintain consistency in results the
equipment's must function properly.
Avliability of porous pot to maintain the Tri-
Valent levels.
Sipion Pin or NRV in the Air blower pipe to Inconsistency in the results can cause
avoid back flow of the solution. problems like dust, pitting, roughness ,
AHU To be working, to ensure positive air missing, functional test failers.
Water Wash must work in Scrubber and
running water to avoid polluting the

Inconsistency in the results can cause

ETP must be running Continuously, With proper
running of the RO and DM unit. problems like dust, pitting, roughness ,

Overall improvement in quality. Quality of the

Functional test failure. Working on the
incoming material, must be good.
Stress test Functional test is very important same rejection, even though the problem
occurred earlier.
and must be done on regular basis.

All points to be addressed for controlling the rejection. And target date to be set.
Audit Sheet Atotech- For customer plant CUSTOMER :
Audit by:

Alertness listed
Section Checkpoint NG / OK as per priority Reason for NNG
Packaging quality prior to checking NG 3 components received in bad packaging
gloves valuable , but man power training required as to know why to
Handling with gloves NG 3 wear gloves at all areas loading , unloading and checking
1 Material
Testing for stress in molding, NG 3 Acetic acid and Red dye test are important

Overall appearance of base material loaded OK 1

Jig Contact points NG 3 Console component processed on wrong jigs

Chrome dripping seen on jig hooks due to unclean chrome on flight bar
and Jig height must be calculated according to the process and bath
Jig level from top with plating and rinse tank NG 3 levels

Contact point distance between components NG 3 Seen in FO component components close to each other
2 Jigging Jig Validation records for HCD, MCD , LCD for new
jig NG 3 No, records maintained or done for validation of new jigs

Damage PVC jigs, list with jig number OK 0

Fallen components seen in the tank , and missing components seen on
Loose clipping of components NG 3 jig for rear Component after Acid Copper
JIG swinging NG 3 Most of the jigs swinging, clamping required
Jig hooks observed cleaned, consistency to be maintained to be
Jig hooks cleaning OK 1 checked daily.
Daily bath analysis for pre-treatment record OK 1 Pre-treatment analysis done but consistency to be checked
Weekly bath analysis of plating record OK 1 Pre-treatment analysis done but consistency to be checked
Non availability of hull cell panel
Record of daily hull cell activities NG 3

EN, Etching concentration and Acid copper and Acid dip temperature
Bath Parameter and concentration as per not in range and nickel sulphate in Satin nickel below range
standard 3

Availability of lab chemicals and working of equipment

Availability of lab equipment and chemicals NG 3
Millipore record for process tanks. NG 3 Records to be filed , whenever Millipore is done

3 Lab
Millipore records for rinses tanks & Incoming Check and record incoming water of RO and DM Quality
water DM and RO & NG 3
3 Lab
To have a visual check on the quality of nickel solution in terms level of
Colour test for nickel solutions NG 2 presence of brake down products specially for semi bright solutions
Foil test for ductility and sulphur presence, 15
days. NG 2 Foil samples to be done and sent for testing
CASS , put component and verify result after Component not placed
defined number of hours

Thermal, put component and verify result after

Component not placed
defined number of hours.

Step of one component and check step records

NG 3 Lab person acknowledges he does not check on daily basis

Thickness of one component and check records NG 3 Lab person acknowledges he does not check on daily basis
Pore count of one component and check records NG 3 Lab person acknowledges he does not check on daily basis

OK 1
Ni scrubber
Suction Power Sufficient
Running water NG 2 Water not running
OK 1
Suction power sufficient
Cr Scrubber Running water
Di phenyl carbazide test to check fumes NG 2 slow running water, and nozzles were seen blocked.
not checked
Pre-treatment Suction
Scrubber Running water Only two scrubbers for the process line.
Running water
AHU-1 Check for sediments in the water tank.
Cleanliness, check for sediments
Running water 2 Not in use
AHU-2 Check for sediments in the water tank.
Cleanliness, check for sediments
All filters running OK 0
Pre-treatment filter Pressure gauge readings OK 0
Filter condition, open one filter. OK 0
All filters running OK 0
Pressure gauge readings OK 0
Nickel filter
Nickel filter
NG 3
Bright nickel filter opened and seen broken nickel layer deposits in the
Filter condition, open one filter. filter .
All filters running NG 3 Tank 31 filter not running , even though showing green the PLC
Pressure gauge readings NG 3 Pressure gauge meter in tank 33 and 37 not working
Copper filter
3 Along the impeller motor in all filters seen thick copper sulphate
Filter condition, open one filter. NG, not opened deposition though dry, clearly indicating leakages made.
All filters running
Process Running, filter does not and should not run during running of
Satin nickel Pressure gauge readings
satin nickel process when using conventional filtration process
Filter condition, open one filter.
Availability of filter cartridges OK 0

As seen in Bright nickel plating tank, carbon cartridges not having cloth
Condition of plates and cartridges NG 2
cover like other cartridges

Changing frequency records OK 0 Pre-treatment filter cleaned on daily basis and plating filters cleaned

Current reading online VS Plc Copper NG 3 Current reading in report not tallying with calculated current density.

Rectifier Current reading online VS Plc nickel NG 3 Current reading in report not tallying with calculated current density.

Current reading online VS Plc Chrome NG 3 Current reading in report not tallying with calculated current density.
Heating of any electrical wire at both ends of V block OK 0 Should be checked daily.
Rectifier Calibration. NG 3 SCADA recording not showing current graph
Anode Bar Cleanliness NG 2 NO, cover on the anode bar

Cleanliness OK 1 Should be maintained

Cathode Bar
Due to swinging of the jigs the jig hooks have bend hereby creating a
Distance between jig hooks and cathode bar NG 3 distance and eventually would lead to a current loss.
Take out any one anode basket to check the not done , plant running can be done only during maintenance.
condition, in copper Physically checked anode level is okay
Take out any one anode basket to check the
condition, in nickel not done , plant running can be done only during maintenance
Anode basket
Anode basket

Take out any one anode basket to check the

condition, in Chrome not done , plant running can be done only during maintenance
Movement Calibration NG 2 This is to be checked as per recommended in TDS of supplier
agitation Movement Uniformity. OK 0
Air Agitation Etching process NG 3 not uniform
Air agitation rinses pre-treatment OK 0
Air Agitation Air agitation pre-treatment process OK 0

Air agitation plating process OK 0

Rinse level Vs Process NG Level of Etching solution seen high compared to the rinses.
Rinse tank condition preatment, check for dirty rinse OK
Rinse tank condition plating, check for dirty rinses OK 0

Continuous water flow NG 3

Rinse Tanks
Check For any leakages OK 0
TDS of the last rinse in cascade on pre-treatment side NG 3

TDS of Last rinse in Cascades on plating side. NG 3

TDS of last rinse after chrome. NG 3

Discarding frequency of rinses to be checked in Defined in the records

maintenance sheet OK 0

Process level Vs Rinse level NG 3 Etching level high

Seen nickel sulphate spillage outside satin nickel tank and copper
Process tanks. Check For any leakages NG 3 deposit on motor of the filters of Acid copper.

Check for solution being filtered properly NG 3 Solution must be passing through the weir of the tank for effect filtration
Check For any leakages OK 0
Process tank transfer cleaning to be checked in
maintaintenece sheet OK 0 As on today, the maintenance is done on weekly basis and recorded
Air filter quality OK 0 Filters changed monthly and cleaned on daily basis with air gun
Air blower-1
Air blower-1 Unable to check , as solution flow back seen in the pipes, no NRV
NG 3
Incoming air quality present
Air filter quality OK 0 Filters changed monthly and cleaned on daily basis with air gun
Air blower-2
Unable to check , as solution flow back seen in the pipes, no NRV
Incoming air quality NG 3 present
Charging / MGF feed Pump running Not checked
Pressure at Sand filter Not checked

PH NG 3 PH meter not calibrated

49, as seen the conductivity meter placed could not verify with the
TDS NG 2 portable meter as it was not calibrated.
Presence of chloride
COD value records
BOD value records Must be chaeked from the local labs and recorded
Charging / MGF feed Pump running NG 3 Charging started only after observation was made of high conductivity.
Pressure at Sand filter Not checked
DM UNIT TDS NG 3 24.4, as seen on the conductivity meter
Presence of chloride NG 3 Seen presence of Chloride
COD value records
BOD value records Must be chaeked from the local labs and recorded
ETP Continuous running of the ETP NG 3 ETP not running
RO Tank Cleanliness NG 3 No cover raw and RO tank near the ETP
DM TANK Cleanliness OK 0
Flight bar history- 5nos NG 3 showing missed immersion timings in the load report
Rectifier Graph 5 nos. NG 3
Calibration Vs calibration in the PLC
Dosing unit
copper Cleanliness of the dosing unit
Chemical mixture ratio
Calibration Vs calibration in the PLC
Dosing unit Semi
bright Cleanliness of the dosing unit
Chemical mixture ratio
Calibration Vs calibration in the PLC 2 Not yet Started
Dosing unit
Bright nickel Cleanliness of the dosing unit
Chemical mixture ratio
Calibration Vs calibration in the PLC
Cleanliness of the dosing unit
Dosing unit MPS
2 Not yet Started

Dosing unit MPS

Chemical mixture ratio

Flight bar numbering OK 0
Flight bar Flight bar history , for a flight bar causing most
rejection NG 3 Scada missing immersion timings
Cleanliness OK 0 Should be maintained
V block Cooling OK 0 Should be maintained
Check For gaps, placing visiting card OK 0 should be maintained
Temperature as listed in process flow sheet NG 3 Required heaters in Acid copper and strike copper
Heater Temperature calibration of the heater OK 0
Temp. listed in the display Vs manual Vs PLC NG 3 Temperature not matching and not showing in some tanks.
Working OK 0
Chiller running along all plating tank V blocks OK 0
Ph. as listed in process flow sheet OK 0
Ph. Ph. meter Calibration NG 3
Ph. listed in the display NG 3
Working OK 0
Top jet sprays Throwing power OK 0
Working NG 3
Throwing power OK 2
Full jet sprays
In EN and Stripping side, the similar changes to be made as done after
Height of the spray WRT to components NG 3 Etching

Working of the flow meter NG 3 Flow meters must be working and in Stage 11 flow meter to be replaced
Flow meters
Flow meter Calibration

Set values for LPH in flow meter NG 2

Breakdown history for transporter OK 1 Record must be maintained even for stoppages less than a minute
Transporter drip tray condition NG 3 Drip tray either to work properly or to be removed
Transporter Hoist Calibration.
Observe Grease along the pedestal line. NG 2
Porous Pot Working. NG 3 Tri valent values increases, gone beyond the asked range

NG 3 Scada to be made to work properly, refer 2018/1/13-5

Plant stoppage
Records Check for flight bar history during breakdown
Check rejection record as per flight bar OK 0
Check rejection record as per component OK 0
Check components for different rejections in
separate rejection bins NG 3
Check for Analysis done for different rejections OK 0

Check for WHY WHY Analysis record of each flight bar NG 3 WHY WHY analysis done , but must be recorded
Check for number of flight bars plated vs plant
5 Quality capacity. Avg of 30 flight bars
Limit Samples for each component and each defect, Sign off limit samples for each component must be present at the present
signoff NG 3 facility

Online inspection and Daily rejection sharing
No changes in the Masking caps.
NG 3 CTR component still being loaded and plating under Manual operation.

Daily check sheet Process pameters and daily check list sheet attached

Previous MOM / Daily MOM NG 3 Points still pending from MOM 05.01.18

Process review

NG 3 In the daily check sheet

6 Review
Preventive maintenance Schedule is as on date made weekly, at month end
Preventive maintenance review the data must be summarized and accordingly the monthly schedule is to be

Priority Order
Colour Codes


Component name Timings FREQUENCY
Parts to be checked for molding defects Daily
Loading Inspection
Mark NG for poor cleaning of flight bar/racks etc. Daily
Flight bar and V blocks To Cheak all V blocks and flight bars are clean Daily Clean
Millipore Activities SATIN NICKEL before start of the process Daily Done
Avliability and quality of incoming water RO and RO TDS AND PH & Chloride No water availablity at the time of audit & TDS
DM DM TDS AND PH & chloride Daily meter not Callibrated
Uniform Air agitation
Air agitation and Mechnical movement continous mechnical movement. Daily Air agitation was not uniform in Etching 1

Stage 31 & 37 filters were not running while Stage

Filters Fliters running
Daily 33 filter's pressure gauge was not working. Heavy
Pressure gauge reading of the filter. Copper sulphate deposition was found on pumps
at stage 32&33
Brakedown time
Plant brake down Flight bar history during brakedown Daily NG
Concentration Super Soak (40-60 gms/ltr) 6'49" 50 36.9
1 2 Soak Clean
Temp. 40-50oC 46 45 Every 3 Hrs 43
2 3 Cascading Rinse 13"
NG No flow meter, No water flow
3 4 Cascading Rinse Flow rate LPM (2-4) 2'35" 2Times/Shift
4 5 Pre Etch H2SO4 (25-35 gpl) 9'35" 30 Once per Shift
Chromic Acid (390-410 gpl) 9'2" 400 Once per Shift 371.7
Concentration H2SO4 (380-400 gpl) 390 Once per Shift 344.5
5 6 Etching 1 Chrome (III) <15 Twice in a Week 19.1

Temp. 68-72oC 68 70 Every 3 Hrs 67

Process level of Etching 1 was high which will
Air Agitation Mild and Uniform air agitation NG lead to contaminate the solutions of next
Chromic Acid (390-410 gpl) 6'32" 400 Once per Shift 395 processes
Concentration H2SO4 (380-400 gpl) 390 Once per Shift 382.1
6 7 Etching 2 Chrome (III) <15 Twice in a Week 27.8
Temp. 68-72oC 69 70 Every 3 Hrs 67
Air Agitation Mild and Uniform air agitation
7 8 Dragout Density 12" <2*Be NG Process level was high
8 9 Full Jet Spray Rinse Water flow 11" NG Full jet spray was not working
9 10 Cascading Rinse Water flow 3'47" NG Water flow meter was not working in stage-11
10 11 Cascading Rinse + Top spray Water flow rate LPM (2-4) 12" 2Times/Shift NG thats why water flow was not running
Concentration Futuron Ultra Reducer CR (40-50ml/lit) 2'35" 45 Once per Shift 75.1
HCL (90-110 ML/LTR) 91.1
11 12 Neutralizer
Temp. 25-35 oC 29 30 Every 3 Hrs 25
Time 2-5Min. 2:30 Min
12 13 Cascading Rinse Water flow 11" NG

13 14 Cascading Rinse + Top spray Water flow LPM (2-4) 2Times/Shift

Water flow was not running due to non
12" NG availability of RO water
Concentration HCl-(240-280ml/lit) 1'34" 260 Once per Shift 308.7
14 15 Pre-Dip
Time 60-120 Sec. 90
Pd -(20-40 ppm) 3'45" 30 Once per Shift
Concentration Tin-(1.5-4.5 gpl ) 3 Once per Shift 1.95
15 16 Activator HCl-(220-280ml/lit) 260 Once per Shift 340.3
Temp. 28-32oC 35 30 Every 3 Hrs 32
Time 3-4Min.
16 17 Cascading Rinse Water flow 10"
17 18 Cascading Rinse NG
Water flow was not running due to non
Water flow 26"
availability of RO water
18 19 Cascading Rinse + Top spray Water flow LPM (2-4) 14" 2Times/Shift
Accelerator (50-70 gpl) 2'34" 60 Once per Shift 51
Sulphuric Acid (40-50 gpl gm/l) 45 Once per Shift 45.5
Temp. 40~48oC 48 Every 3 Hrs 42
Time 2.5~3Min
20 21 Cascading Rinse Water flow 13" Rinse level was equal to Accelerator level
21 22 Cascading Rinse + Top spray Water flow LPM (2-4) 2Times/Shift
13" Rinse level was equal to Accelerator level
Ni U1 (37-46) 10'6" 42 Once per Shift 19.6
Ni U2 (33-36) 35 Once per Shift 20.5
22 23 Eelectroless Nickel pH 8.8~9.2 9 Every 3 Hrs 8.86
Concentration of NiU1/NiU2 was found below the
range which may lead to skip/missing problem.
Temp. 30~35oC 35 35 Every 3 Hrs 34
Time 8~10Min. 9
23 24 Full Jet Spray Rinse Spray 13"
24 25 Water Rinse 13" Water flow was not running due to non
25 26 Water Rinse 2'30" availablity of RO water
Concentration Sulphuric Acid (2%) 47" Once per Shift
26 27 Acid dip
27 28 Water Rinse + Top spray 2'40"
28 29 Transfer Shuttle 50"
Copper Metal - 0.48- 1.28 gpl. 46" 0.8 Once in a week 1.27
Sulpuric acid - 1.1 - 5 gpl. 3 Once in a week 2.45
29 30 IMMERSION COPPER Operating at low temp.
Temp. 27~33oC 21 30 Every 3 Hrs 22
Time 30~90Sec. 60
CuSO4-(120~180 gm/l) 4' 150 Once in a week 159.8
Concentration H2SO4 -( 100-160 gm/l) 120 Once in a week Chloride concentration could'nt checked due to
112.7 unavailability of Mercuric oxide Red & weighing
Chlorides 60- 100 ppm 80 Once in a week Not checked machine
30 31 Strike Copper
Current Density 1.0- 2.5 AMP./dm²
Temp. 32~38 oC 33 Every 3 Hrs 32
Time 3.0- 7.0 Min.
CuSO4-(200~220 gm/l) 41' 210 Once in a week 224.7
Concentration H2SO4 -( 65-75 gm/l) 70 Once in a week 64.6
Chlorides 90- 140 ppm 120 Once in a week Not checked
Current Density 2.5-5.0 AMP./dm²
31 32 Acid Copper 1 Temp. 23~27 oC 24 Every 3 Hrs 20
Time > 40.0 Min.
Dosing/KAH Part A: 70 ml
Dosing/KAH Part B: 50 ml
Dosing/KAH Make Up: 100 ml
Hull Cell Analysis Uniform brightness/levelling acroos the panel Once per Shift
CuSO4-(200~220 gm/l) 40' 210 Once in a week 234.7
Concentration H2SO4 -( 65-75 gm/l) 70 Once in a week 69.5
Chlorides 90- 140 ppm 120 Once in a week Not checked
Temp. sensors are not working, all acid copper
baths are being operated at low temp. Chloride
Current Density 2.5-5.0 AMP./dm²
concentrations could'nt checked due to
Temp. 23~27 oC 22 Every 3 Hrs 20
32 33 Acid Copper 2 unavailability of Mercuric oxide Red & weighing
Time > 40.0 Min. machine.
Dosing/KAH Part A: 70 ml Presently, filtration is running from tanks, need
Dosing/KAH Part B: 50 ml to be started through pocket also.
Dosing/KAH Make Up: 100 ml
Hull Cell Analysis Uniform brightness/levelling across the panel Once per Shift
CuSO4-(200~220 gm/l) 40' 210 Once in a week 227.2
Concentration H2SO4 -( 65-75 gm/l) 70 Once in a week 71.5
Chlorides 90- 140 ppm 120 Once in a week Not checked
Current Density 2.5-5.0 AMP./dm²
33 34 Acid Copper 3 Temp. 23~27 oC 23 Every 3 Hrs 19
Time > 40.0 Min.
Dosing/KAH Part A: 70 ml
Dosing/KAH Part B: 50 ml
Dosing/KAH Make Up: 100 ml
Hull Cell Analysis Uniform brightness/levelling across the panel Once per Shift
34 35 Water Rinse Water flow 8"
35 36 Water Rinse + Top spray Water flow 2'19"
Concentration H2SO4 -( 100-120 gm/l) 33" Once per Shift
36 37 Acid Dip Temp. 30~40 oC 35 23
Recommended Uniclean 665 in place of Sulphuric
acid to avoid any chance of peel off
Time 30 Sec. - 50 Sec.

37 38 Cascading Rinse Water flow 7"

38 39 Cascading Rinse Water flow LPM (2-4) 7" 2Times/Shift
39 40 Water Rinse 7"
Nickel sulphate 220 - 275 g/l 250 244.5
Once in a week
Nickel Chloride 45- 55 g/l 50
Once in a week 48.7

Boric Acid 40- 50 g/l 48

Once in a week 48.2

3.8-4.1 3.9 Every 3 Hrs 4.2

40 41 Semi Bright Nickel 1 Current Density 2.5-5.0 AMP./dm²

Temp. 52~58 oC 54 Every 3 Hrs

Time 15~30Min.
Dosing/KAH Mark 901: 20ml/KAH
Dosing/KAH Mark 902: 150ml/KAH Process level of both tanks were observed low,
Dosing/KAH Mark 904: As required need to maintain optimum level. Presently,
Nickel sulphate 220 - 275 g/l 250 Once in a week 275.4 filtration is running from tanks, need to be
started through pocket also.
Nickel Chloride 45- 55 g/l 50 55.8
Once in a week
Boric Acid 40- 50 g/l 48
Once in a week 48.2

3.8-4.1 3.9 Every 3 Hrs 4.05

41 42 Semi Bright Nickel 2 Current Density 2.5-5.0 AMP./dm²

Temp. 52~58 oC 54 Every 3 Hrs

Time 15~30Min.
Dosing/KAH Mark 901: 20ml/KAH
Dosing/KAH Mark 902: 150ml/KAH
Dosing/KAH Mark 904: As required
42 43 High Sulphur Nickel NA
Nickel sulphate 480 - 510 g/l 10" Once in a week 466
Nickel Chloride 30- 40 g/l Once in a week 38
Boric Acid 40- 50 g/l Once in a week 48.8
Satilume Plus P1 5-7 ml/l
Once in a month
Satilume Plus P2 13-22 ml/l
Once in a month

43 44 Satin Nickel 3.6-4.0 Every 3 Hrs Nickel metal was found 106.7 gms/ltr which should be
pH 3.65
maintain between 110-120 gms/ltr.
Current Density 3.0-6.0 AMP./dm²
Temp. 48~53 oC Every 3 Hrs 47
Time 10- 15 Min.
Initial Dosing 0.4-0.6 ml/Ltr
Dosing/KAH Satilume Plus P1: 50-100ml/KAH
Dosing/KAH Satilume Plus P2: 100ml/KAH
Hull Cell Analysis Uniform brightness/levelling across the panel Once per Shift
44 45 Cascading Rinse Water flow 4"
45 46 Cascading Rinse + Top spray Water flow LPM (2-4) 8" 2Times/Shift
Nickel sulphate 225 - 300 g/l 251.3
Nickel Chloride 50 - 70 g/l 52.3
Boric Acid 40- 50 g/l 48.8 A lot of Big particles of nickel layer were found in Bright Nickel
A5 (2x) 15 - 25 ml/l filter, there may be some doposition in nickel tank, decantation
46 47 Bright Nickel
SA 1 2- 6 ml/l needed. Presently, filtration is running from
Supreme Plus Brightener 1-3ml/l tanks, need to be started through pocket also.
4.0~4.4 4.56
52~58 oC 55 53
47 48 Drag Out
Nickel sulphate 225 - 300 g/l 2'32" 275 Once in a week 228.9
Nickel Chloride 50 - 70 g/l 75 Once in a week 57
Boric Acid 40- 50 g/l 45 Once in a week 51.3
A5 (2x) 10 - 25 ml/l
Once in a month

48 49 MPS Nickel SA 1 2- 6 ml/l

Once in a month

pH 4.4~4.8 Every 3 Hrs 4.36

Current Density 2.5-5.0 AMP./dm²
Temp. 52~58 oC 56 Every 3 Hrs 55
Time 1.5~3.0Min.
49 50 Drag Out 13"
50 51 Cascading Rinse Water flow 13" Water flow was not running due to non
51 52 Cascading Rinse Water flow 12" availablity of RO water
52 53 Cascading Rinse + Top spray Water flow LPM (2-4) 12" 2Times/Shift
Temp. 13" Every 3 Hrs
53 54 Chrome Activation
Time 45- 75 Sec.
CR 843 addive (20-40 g/l) 30 Once in a month
Concentration Sulphuric Acid -(1.0~1.2 gm/l) 1.1 Twice in a Week Not ckecked
Trivalent Chrome(2.5-5.5) 3.5 Once in a week
Chromic Acid (260~300 gm/l) 280 Twice in a Week 258.3
Current Density 7.0-12 AMP./dm²
Temp. 38~44oC 40 Every 3 Hrs 39
Time 3-5 min
55 56 Chrome Drag Out Density <2 *Be 56"
56 57 Water Rinse 12"
57 58 Full Jet Spray Rinse
Time 3' Water flow was not running due to non
Water flow Continuous availablity of RO water
Time 35"
58 59 Chrome Neutralizer
Water flow
59 60 Water Rinse Water flow Continuous 4'52" Water flow was not running due to unav. of RO water
60 61 D M Water Rinse Water flow 35"
61 62 Hot Water Rinse Water flow 35"
62 63 Transfer Shuttle 1'
63 64 Hot Dryer Temp. 60~65 oC 11'15"
64 65 Unloading
64 66 Stripping 1(Chrome) Sodium Hydroxide : 50-60gms/ltr 4' Once in a week
66 67 Water Rinse 13"
Concentration 200-300 gms/ltr 9'17" 250 Once in a week 231
67 68 Stripping 2 pH 6.0-7.0 6.5 Every 3 Hrs 7.2
Temp. 30~40oC 26 35 Every 3 Hrs 26
68 69 Nitric Acid Concentration Nitric Acid-30%vv 35" Once in a week
69 70 Cascading Rinse Water flow 9'35" Water flow was not running due to non
70 71 Cascading Rinse Water flow LPM (2-4) 35" 2Times/Shift availablity of RO water
71 72 Full Jet Spray Rinse 3'18"
72 73 Water Rinse 36"
Thickness ( component name) Not Checked
Material Testing Step test ( component Name) Daily
Pore count ( component Name) Not Checked
Back to back flight bar history is not maching as
Flight bar history with current graph from SCADA Daily process timings are diffrent for the same process
Rejection Analysis Reason for rejection for diffrent lots
Particular rejection in excess and reason for that.

1 No jigs should be loaded with components unless the contact areas are completely stripped ad the mating surface of the hook is clean.
2 Flight bar end and V blocks on tanks to be cleaned on a weekly basis due to the in ability to clean when plant is operational. It is advantageous to smear the contact areas with Copper conducting paste after thorough cleaning. This improves contact by filling small
imperfections in the V blocks and flight bar ends and prevents arcing if the rectifier fails to switch off before loading or unloading.
3 All V Blocks, flight bars and jigs should be clean before starting the loading,
4 All water rinses should be clean and Top Spray & Full Jet Spray should be functioning when called into operation from the PLC
5 All filters should be in running position, make sure for cleanliness of cartridges and pressure should be 0.2-0.5 kg/cm2,
6 Auto Dosing should be calibrated on daily basis (Presently dosing are being done manually)
7 Air agitation should be uniform in all process tanks.

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