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Topic 1: Translating and presenting a financial statement

1. Which is the word following defined as a type involved in a financial

A. Balance sheet
B. Personal income tax report
C. Worksheet
D. Personnel state report
2. Which is the sentence following shows fluctuation of figures?
A. Current account is an account at a bank against which checks can be drawn by
the account depositor; a checking account.
B. A fixed asset is a long-term tangible piece of property or equipment that a firm
owns and uses in its operations to generate income.
C. The goodwill increases from about 300 million to over 512 VND during the
D. Accounts receivable (AR) is the balance of money due to a firm for goods or
services delivered or used but not yet paid for by customers.
3. Which word following could be defined that “a figure represents a company's
ability to pay its current liabilities with its current assets. This is an important
measure of financial health since creditors can measure a company's ability to
pay off its debts within a year.”
A. Income statement
B. Working capital
C. Deferred income tax
D. Investing property
4. The short-term investment ......... significantly from over 1.2 million ……. 5.5
billion VND between opening …….. ending of 2018.
A. Decreases/to/and
B. Increases/to/and
C. Increases/to/over
D. Decreases/to/over
5. Translate “Taxes and obligations to State Budget” into Vietnamese
A. Phải thu theo tiến độ hợp đồng xây dựng
B. Thuế thu nhập hoãn lại
C. Thuế và các khoản phải nộp Ngân sách Nhà nước
D. Thuế giá trị gia tăng được khấu trừ
6. Translate “Long-term account receivables from customer” into Vietnamese.
A. Phải thu ngắn hạn của khách hàng
B. Phải thu dài hạn của khách hàng
C. Phải thu theo tiến độ hợp đồng lao động
D. Phải thu từ Ngân sách Nhà nước
7. Choose the answer being suitable with an introduction of a presentation of a
financial statement.
A. Good morning everyone. My name is Truong Kieu Van, a member of Group 2.
Group 2 has 5 members. Firstly, it’s me, the leader, then A, then B, then C, and D.
Today I would like to be here to talk to you about the financial statement of
Thanhnam Co.,ltd in 2014. My presentation is divided into 3 parts. The first is
balance sheet, then income statement, finally cash flows statement.
B. Welcome to the 2019 Global Health Security Index
The GHS Index is the first comprehensive assessment of global health security
capabilities in 195 countries. Read more about the Index and the international
panel that helped it to develop, download the report and data model, and watch our
introductory video.
C. Following a recent agreement by the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers
on a COVID-19 rescue package, Europe is well positioned to maintain liquidity
for the time being. But if it wants to avoid political infighting and set the stage for
a post-pandemic recovery, it will need to go further.
D. Marketing is the act of facilitating the exchange of a given commodity for
goods, services, and/or money to deliver maximum value to the consumer. From a
societal point of view, marketing is the link between a society’s material
requirements and its economic patterns of response. Marketing satisfies these
needs and wants through both the exchange processes and building long-term
8. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in a financial statement?
A. The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity and their
percentage use in five Asian countries in 2005. Generally, the five countries
showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption. Taking nuclear
fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%, with South Korea second at
33%. In marked contrast, Thailand used no nuclear power at all. Turning to Coal
and Lignite, Malaysia and Singapore used this to generate a large proportion of
their electricity (61% and 42% respectively), a much higher percentage than the
remaining countries.
B. Regarding Petroleum products, Thailand produced 36% of its electricity from
this source. In comparison, the other countries only generated 3% or less of their
electricity from this fuel. However, Hydro and Wind reveal another pattern with
South Korea producing almost half of its electricity (48%) this way (over twice as
high as Thailand which had the second highest percentage at 19%). Finally, a
significant amount was produced from other sources with three countries
(Singapore, Thailand and Japan) generating around 40% of their electricity from
other fuels. Overall, it can be seen that there was a significant variation in which
fuels countries used to generate their electricity.
C. I will start with some general information of cash and cash equivalent of ACB
in 2019. That increased sharply From 556 billion To 684 billion during the period.
In such, there was a significantly increase in cash, 556 billion up to 684 billion,
while cash equivalent mostly kept constant at zero for the year. Then, I’ll turn in
the short-term investment in securities. That decreased steadily from 56.442
million to 56.002 million for the period.
D. Fluctuations in stock prices occur due to two main reasons that is demand and
supply. If demand for some stock is more , which means that there are more
buyers than sellers then their prices will definitely rise. And if its demand is low
which means that there are more sellers in market than buyers then prices will be
low. So that is how demand and supply affect prices of stocks.
9. The advances from customer ………….. strongly from 2.501 billion to 4.222
billion VND between opening and ending of 2019.
A. Increased
B. Decreased
C. Keep constant
D. Go
10. Which is the item as following belong to an income statement?
A. Costs of goods sold
B. Current accounts
C. Working capital
D. Long-term assets
11. Which is the item as following belong to an income statement?
A. Taxes and other obligations
B. Gain/(loss) from investing activities
C. Profit/(loss) before corporate income tax
D. Investments in affiliates .
12. Which is the item as following belong to balance sheet?
A. Taxes and other obligations
B. Gain/(loss) from investing activities
C. Profit/(loss) before corporate income tax
D. Withdrawals of investments in other entities
13. Which is the item as following belong to current assets?
A. Investments in affiliates
B. Payable to suppliers
C. Inventories
D. Tangible assets
14. Which is the paragraph as following shows fluctuation of figures in a
financial statement?
A. Cash and cash equivalents refers to the line item on the balance sheet that
reports the value of a company's assets that are cash or can be converted into cash
immediately. Cash equivalents include bank accounts and marketable securities,
which are debt securities with maturities of less than 90 days. However, oftentimes
cash equivalents do not include equity or stock holdings because they can fluctuate
in value.
B. There is a sharp increase in fixed assets, between 102 Billion and 305 Billion
VND respectively, because of purchasing 2 CNC machine in the year. By the
same time, investment property declined significantly from 3510 Billion to 813
Billion due to selling 3 factories in Nhontrach 3 industry part. This causes a great
change in profit/(loss), from minus 8 Billion up to 350 Billion.
C. Short-term investments, also known as marketable securities or temporary
investment, are those which can easily be converted to cash, typically within 5
years. ... Some common examples of short term investments include CDs, money
market accounts, high-yield savings accounts, government bonds and Treasury
D. Overall, the most striking set of statistics relate to approval for student services.
There was a sharp increase in the number of students giving these services a good
rating, particularly in the first five years: from 54 percent in 2005, to 81 percent in
2010, and 95 percent in 2015. There was also an overall improvement in ratings
for teaching quality, though the increase was relatively small (74 percent in 2005
rising to 78 percent in 2015) and there was a decline in the interim (72 percent in
15. Choose terminologies in a financial statement.
A. Gains from stock issuance and capital contributions from shareholders
B. Purchasing production instruments
C. Allowances
D. Marketing mix
16. Choose terminologies in a cash flows statement
A. Dividends and profit already paid to the owners
B. Purchasing production instruments
C. Receivable according to the progress of construction contracts
D. Provision for bad debts
17. Choose terminologies in a cash flows statement
A. Payments to suppliers
B. Historical costs
C. Initial costs
D. Accumulated depreciation
18. Choose terminologies in a cash flows statement
A. Construction-in-progress
B. Net cash flows from operating activities
C. Long – term inter company receivable
D. Accumulated depreciation
19. Choose terminologies in a cash flows statement
A. Investment in business concerns and joint ventures
B. Loans given and purchases of debt instruments of other entities
C. Administrative overheads
D. Intangible assets
20. Choose terminologies in a cash flows statement
A. Provisions for devaluation of long-term investments
B. Receipts of loan interests, dividends and profit shared
C. Gross profit/(loss)
D. Tangible assets
21. Choose terminologies in an income statement
A. Costs of goods sold
B. Deferred income tax
C. Share premiums
D. Sources of expenditure

22. Choose terminologies in an income statement

A. Cash equivalents
B. Selling expenses
C. VAT deducted
D. Payable to suppliers
23. Choose terminologies in an income statement
A. Other disbursements
B. Profit/(loss) after tax
C. Leasehold assetss
D. Owners’ equity
24. Choose terminologies in an income statement
A. Long – term accounts payable to suppliers
B. Gains from sales of goods and service provisions
C. Profit/(loss) in business concerns and joint ventures
D. Receipts of loans given, dividends and profit shared
25. Choose terminologies in a balance sheet
A. Payments to suppliers
B. Deductions
C. Provision for bad debts
D. Net sales
26. Choose terminologies in a balance sheet
A. Long-term inter-company receivable
B. Deductions
C. Net sales
D. Effects of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates
27. Which is the following paragraph suitable with a definition of “tangible
A. The things are typically physical assets or property owned by a company, such
as equipment, buildings, and inventory. Those are the main type of assets that
companies use to produce their product and service.
B. The thing, also known as net working capital (NWC), is the difference between
a company's current assets, such as cash, accounts receivable (customers' unpaid
bills) and inventories of raw materials and finished goods, and its current
liabilities, such as accounts payable.
C. The thing is an asset that is not physical in nature. Goodwill, brand recognition
and intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, are all
intangible assets. Intangible assets exist in opposition to tangible assets, which
include land, vehicles, equipment, and inventory.
D. The thing is the balance of money due to a firm for goods or services delivered
or used but not yet paid for by customers. They are listed on the balance sheet as a
current asset. AR is any amount of money owed by customers for purchases made
on credit.
28. Which is the paragraph as following shows fluctuation of figures in a
financial statement?
A. Overall, the number of cases fell from a high of 170,000 to almost zero.
However, there were significant fluctuations in the trend. For example, just after
1940, there was a surge in the number of cases from 50,000 to approximately
170,000. Although the figure fell back in the next few years, it peaked again in the
early 1950s and fluctuated considerably until the introduction of a vaccination in
the late 1950s.
B. In early 2000, parking meters were introduced into the city centre, and this had
the effect of virtually halving resident traffic, although non-resident traffic
decreased only slightly. By the end of 2002, the number of resident journeys had
not altered significantly, but non-resident journeys had risen to their 1999 level. At
this point, Westgate Street and Park Lane were pedestrianised. This resulted in a
dramatic decline in non-resident traffic, and a slight decrease in resident traffic.
C. The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity and their
percentage use in five Asian countries in 2005. Generally, the five countries
showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption. Taking nuclear
fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%, with South Korea second at
33%. In marked contrast, Thailand used no nuclear power at all. Turning to Coal
and Lignite, Malaysia and Singapore used this to generate a large proportion of
their electricity (61% and 42% respectively), a much higher percentage than the
remaining countries.
D. I’ll start with some general information of current liabilities of Thanhnam
Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant increase (51 Billion and 122 Billion
respectively) between opening and ending of the year. In such, Short-term debts
and loans rose s steadily from 22 Billion to 22.5 Billion by the same time. Next,
Payable to suppliers increased from 12 Billion to 14 Billion. Then, Advances from
customers kept constant at 503 Million during the period. Next, there was a slight
decline in accrued expenses, with 252 Million and 248 Million respectively.
29. Which is the paragraph as following shows fluctuation of figures in a
financial statement?
A. Overall, the number of cases fell from a high of 170,000 to almost zero.
However, there were significant fluctuations in the trend. For example, just after
1940, there was a surge in the number of cases from 50,000 to approximately
170,000. Although the figure fell back in the next few years, it peaked again in the
early 1950s and fluctuated considerably until the introduction of a vaccination in
the late 1950s.
B. In early 2000, parking meters were introduced into the city centre, and this had
the effect of virtually halving resident traffic, although non-resident traffic
decreased only slightly. By the end of 2002, the number of resident journeys had
not altered significantly, but non-resident journeys had risen to their 1999 level. At
this point, Westgate Street and Park Lane were pedestrianised. This resulted in a
dramatic decline in non-resident traffic, and a slight decrease in resident traffic.
C. The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity and their
percentage use in five Asian countries in 2005. Generally, the five countries
showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption. Taking nuclear
fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%, with South Korea second at
33%. In marked contrast, Thailand used no nuclear power at all. Turning to Coal
and Lignite, Malaysia and Singapore used this to generate a large proportion of
their electricity (61% and 42% respectively), a much higher percentage than the
remaining countries.
D. There is a significant increase in account receivables, with over 147,791 Billion
and over 150,416 billion respectively. In such, Receivables from customers rises
strongly from about 124,105 to over131,438 billion VND while prepayment to
suppliers decreases slightly from about 11,188 billion to about 10,607 billion
VND. Next, other receivables declined sharply from about 14,334 billion to about
10, 93 billion VND. Finally, Provision for bad debts increases from over 1,8
billion to about 2,559 billion VND.
30. Which is the following paragraph suitable with a definition of “working
A. The things are typically physical assets or property owned by a company, such
as equipment, buildings, and inventory. Those are the main type of assets that
companies use to produce their product and service.
B. The thing is the difference between a company's current assets, such as cash,
accounts receivable (customers' unpaid bills) and inventories of raw materials and
finished goods, and its current liabilities, such as accounts payable.
C. The thing is an asset that is not physical in nature. Goodwill, brand recognition
and intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, are all
intangible assets. Intangible assets exist in opposition to tangible assets, which
include land, vehicles, equipment, and inventory.
D. The thing is the balance of money due to a firm for goods or services delivered
or used but not yet paid for by customers. They are listed on the balance sheet as a
current asset. AR is any amount of money owed by customers for purchases made
on credit.
31. Which is the following paragraph suitable with a definition of “goodwill”?
A. The things are typically physical assets or property owned by a company, such
as equipment, buildings, and inventory. Those are the main type of assets that
companies use to produce their product and service.
B. The thing is the difference between a company's current assets, such as cash,
accounts receivable (customers' unpaid bills) and inventories of raw materials and
finished goods, and its current liabilities, such as accounts payable.
C. The thing is an asset that is not physical in nature. Goodwill, brand recognition
and intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, are all
intangible assets. Intangible assets exist in opposition to tangible assets, which
include land, vehicles, equipment, and inventory.
D. It is an intangible asset that is associated with the purchase of one company by
another. ... The value of a company's brand name, solid customer base, good
customer relations, good employee relations, and proprietary technology represent
some reasons why goodwill exists.
32. Which is the following paragraph suitable with a definition of “costs of
goods sold”?
A. Cash and cash equivalents refers to the line item on the balance sheet that
reports the value of a company's assets that are cash or can be converted into cash
immediately. Cash equivalents include bank accounts and marketable securities,
which are debt securities with maturities of less than 90 days. However, oftentimes
cash equivalents do not include equity or stock holdings because they can fluctuate
in value.
B. This refers to the direct costs of producing the goods sold by a company. This
amount includes the cost of the materials and labor directly used to create the
good. It excludes indirect expenses, such as distribution costs and sales force
C. Short-term investments, also known as marketable securities or temporary
investment, are those which can easily be converted to cash, typically within 5
years. ... Some common examples of short term investments include CDs, money
market accounts, high-yield savings accounts, government bonds and Treasury
D. Overall, the most striking set of statistics relate to approval for student services.
There was a sharp increase in the number of students giving these services a good
rating, particularly in the first five years: from 54 percent in 2005, to 81 percent in
2010, and 95 percent in 2015. There was also an overall improvement in ratings
for teaching quality, though the increase was relatively small (74 percent in 2005
rising to 78 percent in 2015) and there was a decline in the interim (72 percent in
33. Which is the following paragraph suitable with a definition of “historical
A. A thing cost is a measure of value used in accounting in which the value of an
asset on the balance sheet is recorded at its original cost when acquired by the
company. The method is used for fixed assets in the United States under generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
B. This refers to the direct costs of producing the goods sold by a company. This
amount includes the cost of the materials and labor directly used to create the
good. It excludes indirect expenses, such as distribution costs and sales force
C. Short-term investments, also known as marketable securities or temporary
investment, are those which can easily be converted to cash, typically within 5
years. ... Some common examples of short term investments include CDs, money
market accounts, high-yield savings accounts, government bonds and Treasury
D. Overall, the most striking set of statistics relate to approval for student services.
There was a sharp increase in the number of students giving these services a good
rating, particularly in the first five years: from 54 percent in 2005, to 81 percent in
2010, and 95 percent in 2015. There was also an overall improvement in ratings
for teaching quality, though the increase was relatively small (74 percent in 2005
rising to 78 percent in 2015) and there was a decline in the interim (72 percent in
34. Which is the following paragraph suitable with a definition of “long-term
A. This, also called current liabilities, is a firm's financial obligations that are
expected to be paid off within a year. It is listed under the current liabilities
portion of the total liabilities section of a company's balance sheet. Sorry, the
video player failed to load.
B. This is debt that matures in more than one year. Long-term debt can be viewed
from two perspectives: financial statement reporting by the issuer and financial
investing. In financial statement reporting, companies must record long-term debt
issuance and all of its associated payment obligations on its financial statements.
On the flip side, investing in long-term debt includes putting money into debt
investments with maturities of more than one year.
C. A thing cost is a measure of value used in accounting in which the value of an
asset on the balance sheet is recorded at its original cost when acquired by the
company. The method is used for fixed assets in the United States under generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
D. This refers to the direct costs of producing the goods sold by a company. This
amount includes the cost of the materials and labor directly used to create the
good. It excludes indirect expenses, such as distribution costs and sales force
35. Translate “accumulated depreciation” into Vietnamese?
A. Thuế giá trị gia tăng
B. Thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp
C. Giá trị hao mòn lũy kế
D. Chênh lệch đánh giá lại tài sản
36. Translate “Differences on assets” into Vietnamese
A. Thuế giá trị gia tăng
B. Thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp
C. Giá trị hao mòn lũy kế
D. Chênh lệch đánh giá lại tài sản
37. Translate “Value added tax” into Vietnamese
A. Thuế giá trị gia tăng
B. Thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp
C. Giá trị hao mòn lũy kế
D. Chênh lệch đánh giá lại tài sản
38. Translate “Corporate income tax” into Vietnamese
A. Thuế giá trị gia tăng
B. Thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp
C. Giá trị hao mòn lũy kế
D. Chênh lệch đánh giá lại tài sản
39. Translate “Bonus and welfare fund” into Vietnamese
A. Quỹ khen thưởng phúc lợi
B. Quỹ đầu tư phát triển
C. Quỹ dự phòng tài chính
D. Nguồn kinh phí và quỹ khác
40. Translate “business promotion fund” into Vietnamese
A. Quỹ khen thưởng phúc lợi
B. Quỹ đầu tư phát triển
C. Quỹ dự phòng tài chính
D. Nguồn kinh phí và quỹ khác
41. Translate “financial reserved fund” into Vietnamese
A. Quỹ khen thưởng phúc lợi
B. Quỹ đầu tư phát triển
C. Quỹ dự phòng tài chính
D. Nguồn kinh phí và quỹ khác
42. Translate “other sources and fund” into Vietnamese
A. Quỹ khen thưởng phúc lợi
B. Quỹ đầu tư phát triển
C. Quỹ dự phòng tài chính
D. Nguồn kinh phí và quỹ khác
43. Translate “purchases and construction of fixed assets and other long-term
assets” into Vietnamese
A. Tiền thu từ thanh lý, nhượng bán TSCĐ và các tài sản dài hạn khác
B. Tiền chi để mua sắm, xây dựng TSCĐ và các tài sản dài hạn khác
C. Tiền chi cho vay, mua các công cụ nợ của đơn vị khác
D. Tiền thu hồi cho vay, bán lại các công cụ nợ của đơn vị khác
44. Translate “Gains from disposal and liquidation of fixed assets and other
long-term assets” into Vietnamese
A. Tiền thu từ thanh lý, nhượng bán TSCĐ và các tài sản dài hạn khác
B. Tiền chi để mua sắm, xây dựng TSCĐ và các tài sản dài hạn khác
C. Tiền chi cho vay, mua các công cụ nợ của đơn vị khác
D. Tiền thu hồi cho vay, bán lại các công cụ nợ của đơn vị khác
45. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in current assets of a
A. The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity and their
percentage use in five Asian countries in 2005. Generally, the five countries
showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption. Taking nuclear
fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%, with South Korea second at
33%. In marked contrast, Thailand used no nuclear power at all. Turning to Coal
and Lignite, Malaysia and Singapore used this to generate a large proportion of
their electricity (61% and 42% respectively), a much higher percentage than the
remaining countries.
B. Regarding Petroleum products, Thailand produced 36% of its electricity from
this source. In comparison, the other countries only generated 3% or less of their
electricity from this fuel. However, Hydro and Wind reveal another pattern with
South Korea producing almost half of its electricity (48%) this way (over twice as
high as Thailand which had the second highest percentage at 19%). Finally, a
significant amount was produced from other sources with three countries
(Singapore, Thailand and Japan) generating around 40% of their electricity from
other fuels. Overall, it can be seen that there was a significant variation in which
fuels countries used to generate their electricity.
C. I will start with some general information of cash and cash equivalent of ACB
in 2019. That increased sharply from 556 billion To 684 billion during the period.
In such, there was a significantly increase in cash, 556 billion up to 684 billion,
while cash equivalent mostly kept constant at zero for the year. Then, I’ll turn in
the short-term investment in securities. That decreased steadily from 56.442
million to 56.002 million for the period.
D. Fluctuations in stock prices occur due to two main reasons that is demand and
supply.If demand for some stock is much more, which means that there are more
buyers than sellers then their prices will definitely rise. And if its demand is low
which means that there are more sellers in market than buyers then prices will be
low. So that is how demand and supply affect prices of stocks.
46. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in current assets of a
A. I will start with some general information of cash and cash equivalent of ACB
in 2019. That increased sharply from 556 billion To 684 billion during the period.
In such, there was a significantly increase in cash, 556 billion up to 684 billion,
while cash equivalent mostly kept constant at zero for the year. Then, I’ll turn in
the short-term investment in securities. That decreased steadily from 56.442
million to 56.002 million for the period.
B. I’ll start with some general information of current liabilities of Thanhnam
Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant increase (51 Billion and 122 Billion
respectively) between opening and ending of the year. In such, Short-term debts
and loans rose s steadily from 22 Billion to 22.5 Billion by the same time. Next,
Payable to suppliers increased from 12 Billion to 14 Billion. Then, Advances from
customers kept constant at 503 Million during the period. Next, there was a slight
decline in accrued expenses, with 252 Million and 248 Million respectively.
C. There is a sharp increase in fixed assets, between 102 Billion and 305 Billion
VND respectively, because of purchasing 2 CNC machine in the year. By the
same time, investment property declined significantly from 3510 Billion to 813
Billion due to selling 3 factories in Nhontrach 3 industry part. This causes a great
change in profit/(loss), from minus 8 Billion up to 350 Billion.
D. There is a significant increase in investments in affiliates, with over 147,791
Billion and over 150,416 billion respectively. Next, investments in business
concerns and joint ventures rises strongly from about 124,105 to over131,438
billion VND while other long-term investments decreases slightly from about
11,188 billion to about 10,607 billion VND. Next, Provisions for devaluation of
long-term investments in securities declined sharply from about 14,334 billion to
about 10, 93 billion VND. Finally, Provision for bad debts increases from over 1,8
billion to about 2,559 billion VND.

47. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in liabilities of a company?

A. I will start with some general information of cash and cash equivalent of ACB
in 2019. That increased sharply from 556 billion To 684 billion during the period.
In such, there was a significantly increase in cash, 556 billion up to 684 billion,
while cash equivalent mostly kept constant at zero for the year. Then, I’ll turn in
the short-term investment in securities. That decreased steadily from 56.442
million to 56.002 million for the period.
B. I’ll start with some general information of current liabilities of Thanhnam
Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant increase (51 Billion and 122 Billion
respectively) between opening and ending of the year. In such, Short-term debts
and loans rose s steadily from 22 Billion to 22.5 Billion by the same time. Next,
Payable to suppliers increased from 12 Billion to 14 Billion. Then, Advances from
customers kept constant at 503 Million during the period. Next, there was a slight
decline in accrued expenses, with 252 Million and 248 Million respectively.
C. There is a sharp increase in fixed assets, between 102 Billion and 305 Billion
VND respectively, because of purchasing 2 CNC machine in the year. By the
same time, investment property declined significantly from 3510 Billion to 813
Billion due to selling 3 factories in Nhontrach 3 industry part. This causes a great
change in profit/(loss), from minus 8 Billion up to 350 Billion.
D. There is a significant increase in investments in affiliates, with over 147,791
Billion and over 150,416 billion respectively. Next, investments in business
concerns and joint ventures rises strongly from about 124,105 to over131,438
billion VND while other long-term investments decreases slightly from about
11,188 billion to about 10,607 billion VND. Next, Provisions for devaluation of
long-term investments in securities declined sharply from about 14,334 billion to
about 10, 93 billion VND. Finally, Provision for bad debts increases from over 1,8
billion to about 2,559 billion VND.
48. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in long-term assets of a
A. I will start with some general information of cash and cash equivalent of ACB
in 2019. That increased sharply From 556 billion To 684 billion during the period.
In such, there was a significantly increase in cash, 556 billion up to 684 billion,
while cash equivalent mostly kept constant at zero for the year. Then, I’ll turn in
the short-term investment in securities. That decreased steadily from 56.442
million to 56.002 million for the period.
B. I’ll start with some general information of current liabilities of Thanhnam
Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant increase (51 Billion and 122 Billion
respectively) between opening and ending of the year. In such, Shor t-term debts
and loans rose s steadily from 22 Billion to 22.5 Billion by the same time. Next,
Payable to suppliers increased from 12 Billion to 14 Billion. Then, Advances from
customers kept constant at 503 Million during the period. Next, there was a slight
decline in accrued expenses, with 252 Million and 248 Million respectively.
C. There is a sharp increase in fixed assets, between 102 Billion and 305 Billion
VND respectively, because of purchasing 2 CNC machine in the year. By the
same time, investment p roperty declined significantly from 3510 Billion to 813
Billion due to selling 3 factories in Nhontrach 3 industry part. This causes a great
change in profit/(loss), from minus 8 Billion up to 350 Billion.
D. There is a significant increase in capital, with over 147,791 Billion and over
150,416 billion respectively. Next, share premiums rises strongly from about
124,105 to over131,438 billion VND while treasury stocks decreases slightly
from about 11,188 billion to about 10,607 billion VND. Next, Differences on asset
revaluation declined sharply from about 14,334 billion to about 10, 93 billion
VND. Finally, Provision for bad debts increases from over 1.8 billion to about
2,559 billion VND.
49. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in owners’equity of a
A. I will start with some general information of cash and cash equivalent of ACB
in 2019. That increased sharply from 556 billion to 684 billion during the period.
In such, there was a significantly increase in cash, 556 billion up to 684 billion,
while cash equivalent mostly kept constant at zero for the year. Then, I’ll turn in
the short-term investment in securities. That decreased steadily from 56.442
million to 56.002 million for the period.
B. I’ll start with some general information of current liabilities of Thanhnam
Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant increase (51 Billion and 122 Billion
respectively) between opening and ending of the year. In such, Short-term debts
and loans rose s steadily from 22 Billion to 22.5 Billion by the same time. Next,
Payable to suppliers increased from 12 Billion to 14 Billion. Then, Advances from
customers kept constant at 503 Million during the period. Next, there was a slight
decline in accrued expenses, with 252 Million and 248 Million respectively.
C. There is a sharp increase in fixed assets, between 102 Billion and 305 Billion
VND respectively, because of purchasing 2 CNC machine in the year. By the
same time, investment property declined significantly from 3510 Billion to 813
Billion due to selling 3 factories in Nhontrach 3 industry part. This causes a great
change in profit/(loss), from minus 8 Billion up to 350 Billion.
D. There is a significant increase in capital, with over 147,791 Billion and over
150,416 billion respectively. Next, share premiums rises strongly from about
124,105 to over131,438 billion VND while treasury stocks decreases slightly from
about 11,188 billion to about 10,607 billion VND. Next, Differences on asset
revaluation declined sharply from about 14,334 billion to about 10, 93 billion
VND. Finally, Provision for bad debts increases from over 1.8 billion to about
2,559 billion VND.
50. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in long-term assets of a
A. The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity and their
percentage use in five Asian countries in 2005. Generally, the five countries
showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption. Taking nuclear
fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%, with South Korea second at
33%. In marked contrast, Thailand used no nuclear power at all. Turning to Coal
and Lignite, Malaysia and Singapore used this to generate a large proportion of
their electricity (61% and 42% respectively), a much higher percentage than the
remaining countries.
B. There is a sharp increase in fixed assets, between 102 Billion and 305 Billion
VND respectively, because of purchasing 2 CNC machine in the year. By the
same time, investment property declined significantly from 3510 Billion to 813
Billion due to selling 3 factories in Nhontrach 3 industry part. This causes a great
change in profit/(loss), from minus 8 Billion up to 350 Billion.
C. I will start with some general information of cash and cash equivalent of ACB
in 2019. That increased sharply From 556 billion To 684 billion during the period.
In such, there was a significantly increase in cash, 556 billion up to 684 billion,
while cash equivalent mostly kept constant at zero for the year. Then, I’ll turn in
the short-term investment in securities. That decreased steadily from 56.442
million to 56.002 million for the period.
D. Fluctuations in stock prices occur due to two main reasons that is demand and
supply.If demand for some stock is much more, which means that there are more
buyers than sellers then their prices will definitely rise. And if its demand is low
which means that there are more sellers in market than buyers then prices will be
low. So that is how demand and supply affect prices of stocks.
51. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in current assets of a
A. The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity and their
percentage use in five Asian countries in 2005. Generally, the five countries
showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption. Taking nuclear
fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%, with South Korea second at
33%. In marked contrast, Thailand used no nuclear power at all. Turning to Coal
and Lignite, Malaysia and Singapore used this to generate a large proportion of
their electricity (61% and 42% respectively), a much higher percentage than the
remaining countries.
B. There is a sharp increase in fixed assets, between 102 Billion and 305 Billion
VND respectively, because of purchasing 2 CNC machine in the year. By the
same time, investment property declined significantly from 3510 Billion to 813
Billion due to selling 3 factories in Nhontrach 3 industry part. This causes a great
change in profit/(loss), from minus 8 Billion up to 350 Billion.
C. I will start with some general information of cash and cash equivalent of ACB
in 2019. That increased sharply From 556 billion To 684 billion during the period.
In such, there was a significantly increase in cash, 556 billion up to 684 billion,
while cash equivalent mostly kept constant at zero for the year. Then, I’ll turn in
the short-term investment in securities. That decreased steadily from 56.442
million to 56.002 million for the period.
D. Fluctuations in stock prices occur due to two main reasons that is demand and
supply.If demand for some stock is much more, which means that there are more
buyers than sellers then their prices will definitely rise. And if its demand is low
which means that there are more sellers in market than buyers then prices will be
low. So that is how demand and supply affect prices of stocks.
52. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in an income statement of a
A. The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity and their
percentage use in five Asian countries in 2005. Generally, the five countries
showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption. Taking nuclear
fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%, with South Korea second at
33%. In marked contrast, Thailand used no nuclear power at all. Turning to Coal
and Lignite, Malaysia and Singapore used this to generate a large proportion of
their electricity (61% and 42% respectively), a much higher percentage than the
remaining countries.
B. There is a sharp increase in costs of goods sold, between 102 Billion and 305
Billion VND respectively, because of strong reduction of inputs in the year. By the
same time, financial income declined significantly from 3510 Billion to 813
Billion due to rending 3 factories in Nhontrach 3 industry part. This causes a great
change in profit/(loss), from minus 8 Billion up to 350 Billion.
C. I will start with some general information of cash and cash equivalent of ACB
in 2019. That increased sharply From 556 billion To 684 billion during the period.
In such, there was a significantly increase in cash, 556 billion up to 684 billion,
while cash equivalent mostly kept constant at zero for the year. Then, I’ll turn in
the short-term investment in securities. That decreased steadily from 56.442
million to 56.002 million for the period.
D. Fluctuations in stock prices occur due to two main reasons that is demand and
supply.If demand for some stock is much more, which means that there are more
buyers than sellers then their prices will definitely rise. And if its demand is low
which means that there are more sellers in market than buyers then prices will be
low. So that is how demand and supply affect prices of stocks.
53. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in an income statement of a
A. The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity and their
percentage use in five Asian countries in 2005. Generally, the five countries
showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption. Taking nuclear
fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%, with South Korea second at
33%. In marked contrast, Thailand used no nuclear power at all. Turning to Coal
and Lignite, Malaysia and Singapore used this to generate a large proportion of
their electricity (61% and 42% respectively), a much higher percentage than the
remaining countries.
B. I’ll start with some general information of current liabilities of Thanhnam
Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant increase (51 Billion and 122 Billion
respectively) between opening and ending of the year. In such, Short-term debts
and loans rose s steadily from 22 Billion to 22.5 Billion by the same time. Next,
Payable to suppliers increased from 12 Billion to 14 Billion. Then, Advances from
customers kept constant at 503 Million during the period. Next, there was a slight
decline in accrued expenses, with 252 Million and 248 Million respectively.
C. Financial income of Thanhnam Co.,ltd increased strongly from about 8.5
billion to about 15.866 billion VND meanwhile Financial expenses reduced
sharply from over 11.646 billion to 4.225 billion between opening and ending of
2014. In which, loan interest expenses also decreased significantly, with over
11.232 billion and 4.102 billion respectively. Besides, selling expenses kept
constant at zero during the year.
D. Fluctuations in stock prices occur due to two main reasons that is demand and
supply.If demand for some stock is much more, which means that there are more
buyers than sellers then their prices will definitely rise. And if its demand is low
which means that there are more sellers in market than buyers then prices will be
low. So that is how demand and supply affect prices of stocks.
54. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in an income statement of a
A. The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity and their
percentage use in five Asian countries in 2005. Generally, the five countries
showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption. Taking nuclear
fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%, with South Korea second at
33%. In marked contrast, Thailand used no nuclear power at all. Turning to Coal
and Lignite, Malaysia and Singapore used this to generate a large proportion of
their electricity (61% and 42% respectively), a much higher percentage than the
remaining countries.
B. I’ll start with some general information of current liabilities of Thanhnam
Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant increase (51 Billion and 122 Billion
respectively) between opening and ending of the year. In such, Short-term debts
and loans rose s steadily from 22 Billion to 22.5 Billion by the same time. Next,
Payable to suppliers increased from 12 Billion to 14 Billion. Then, Advances from
customers kept constant at 503 Million during the period. Next, there was a slight
decline in accrued expenses, with 252 Million and 248 Million respectively.
C. Financial income of Thanhnam Co.,ltd increased strongly from about 8.5
billion to about 15.866 billion VND meanwhile Financial expenses reduced
sharply from over 11.646 billion to 4.225 billion between opening and ending of
2014. In which, loan interest expenses also decreased significantly, with over
11.232 billion and 4.102 billion respectively. Besides, selling expenses kept
constant at zero during the year.
D. Fluctuations in stock prices occur due to two main reasons that is demand and
supply.If demand for some stock is much more, which means that there are more
buyers than sellers then their prices will definitely rise. And if its demand is low
which means that there are more sellers in market than buyers then prices will be
low. So that is how demand and supply affect prices of stocks.
55. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in a cash flows statement of
a company?
A. The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity and their
percentage use in five Asian countries in 2005. Generally, the five countries
showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption. Taking nuclear
fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%, with South Korea second at
33%. In marked contrast, Thailand used no nuclear power at all.
B. I’ll start with some general information of cash flows from operating activities
of Thanhnam Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant decrease (about 2.115
Billion and over 14.272 Billion respectively) between opening and ending of the
year. In such, profit/(loss) before tax reduced strongly from about 9.258 Billion to
over minus 8.151 Billion by the same time. Next, Adjustments decreased from
about 4.328 Billion to 3.988 Billion.
C. Financial income of Thanhnam Co.,ltd increased strongly from about 8.5
billion to about 15.866 billion VND meanwhile Financial expenses reduced
sharply from over 11.646 billion to 4.225 billion between opening and ending of
2014. In which, loan interest expenses also decreased significantly, with over
11.232 billion and 4.102 billion respectively. Besides, selling expenses kept
constant at zero during the year.
D. Fluctuations in stock prices occur due to two main reasons that is demand and
supply.If demand for some stock is much more, which means that there are more
buyers than sellers then their prices will definitely rise. And if its demand is low
which means that there are more sellers in market than buyers then prices will be
low. So that is how demand and supply affect prices of stocks.
56. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in a cash flows statement of
a company?
A. The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity and their
percentage use in five Asian countries in 2005. Generally, the five countries
showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption. Taking nuclear
fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%, with South Korea second at
33%. In marked contrast, Thailand used no nuclear power at all.
B. I’ll start with some general information of increase/(decrease) of accounts
receivable of Thanhnam Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant decrease (about
2.115 Billion and over 14.272 Billion respectively) between opening and ending
of the year. Then, increase/(decrease) of inventories reduced strongly from about
9.258 Billion to over minus 8.151 Billion by the same time. Next,
increase/(decrease) of accounts payable decreased from about 4.328 Billion to
3.988 Billion.
C. Financial income of Thanhnam Co.,ltd increased strongly from about 8.5
billion to about 15.866 billion VND meanwhile Financial expenses reduced
sharply from over 11.646 billion to 4.225 billion between opening and ending of
2014. In which, loan interest expenses also decreased significantly, with over
11.232 billion and 4.102 billion respectively. Besides, selling expenses kept
constant at zero during the year.
D. Fluctuations in stock prices occur due to two main reasons that is demand and
supply.If demand for some stock is much more, which means that there are more
buyers than sellers then their prices will definitely rise. And if its demand is low
which means that there are more sellers in market than buyers then prices will be
low. So that is how demand and supply affect prices of stocks.
57. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in an income statement of a
A. The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity and their
percentage use in five Asian countries in 2005. Generally, the five countries
showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption. Taking nuclear
fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%, with South Korea second at
33%. In marked contrast, Thailand used no nuclear power at all.
B. I’ll start with some general information of increase/(decrease) of accounts
receivable of Thanhnam Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant decrease (about
2.115 Billion and over 14.272 Billion respectively) between opening and ending
of the year. Then, increase/(decrease) of inventories reduced strongly from about
9.258 Billion to over minus 8.151 Billion by the same time. Next,
increase/(decrease) of accounts payable decreased from about 4.328 Billion to
3.988 Billion.
C. Financial income of Thanhnam Co.,ltd increased strongly from about 8.5
billion to about 15.866 billion VND meanwhile Financial expenses reduced
sharply from over 11.646 billion to 4.225 billion between opening and ending of
2014. In which, loan interest expenses also decreased significantly, with over
11.232 billion and 4.102 billion respectively. Besides, selling expenses kept
constant at zero during the year.
D. Fluctuations in stock prices occur due to two main reasons that is demand and
supply.If demand for some stock is much more, which means that there are more
buyers than sellers then their prices will definitely rise. And if its demand is low
which means that there are more sellers in market than buyers then prices will be
low. So that is how demand and supply affect prices of stocks.
58. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in a balance sheet of a
A. The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity and their
percentage use in five Asian countries in 2005. Generally, the five countries
showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption. Taking nuclear
fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%, with South Korea second at
33%. In marked contrast, Thailand used no nuclear power at all.
B. I’ll start with some general information of increase/(decrease) of accounts
receivable of Thanhnam Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant decrease (about
2.115 Billion and over 14.272 Billion respectively) between opening and ending
of the year. Then, increase/(decrease) of inventories reduced strongly from about
9.258 Billion to over minus 8.151 Billion by the same time. Next,
increase/(decrease) of accounts payable decreased from about 4.328 Billion to
3.988 Billion.
C. Financial income of Thanhnam Co.,ltd increased strongly from about 8.5
billion to about 15.866 billion VND meanwhile Financial expenses reduced
sharply from over 11.646 billion to 4.225 billion between opening and ending of
2014. In which, loan interest expenses also decreased significantly, with over
11.232 billion and 4.102 billion respectively. Besides, selling expenses kept
constant at zero during the year.
D. I’ll start with some general information of current liabilities of Thanhnam
Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant increase (51 Billion and 122 Billion
respectively) between opening and ending of the year. In such, Short-term debts
and loans rose s steadily from 22 Billion to 22.5 Billion by the same time. Next,
Payable to suppliers increased from 12 Billion to 14 Billion. Then, Advances from
customers kept constant at 503 Million during the period. Next, there was a slight
decline in accrued expenses, with 252 Million and 248 Million respectively.
59. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in a balance sheet of a
A. There is a sharp increase in fixed assets, between 102 Billion and 305 Billion
VND respectively, because of purchasing 2 CNC machine in the year. By the
same time, investment property declined significantly from 3510 Billion to 813
Billion due to selling 3 factories in Nhontrach 3 industry part. This causes a great
change in profit/(loss), from minus 8 Billion up to 350 Billion.
B. I’ll start with some general information of increase/(decrease) of accounts
receivable of Thanhnam Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant decrease (about
2.115 Billion and over 14.272 Billion respectively) between opening and ending
of the year. Then, increase/(decrease) of inventories reduced strongly from about
9.258 Billion to over minus 8.151 Billion by the same time. Next,
increase/(decrease) of accounts payable decreased from about 4.328 Billion to
3.988 Billion.
C. Financial income of Thanhnam Co.,ltd increased strongly from about 8.5
billion to about 15.866 billion VND meanwhile Financial expenses reduced
sharply from over 11.646 billion to 4.225 billion between opening and ending of
2014. In which, loan interest expenses also decreased significantly, with over
11.232 billion and 4.102 billion respectively. Besides, selling expenses kept
constant at zero during the year.
D. Overall, the most striking set of statistics relate to approval for student services.
There was a sharp increase in the number of students giving these services a good
rating, particularly in the first five years: from 54 percent in 2005, to 81 percent in
2010, and 95 percent in 2015. There was also an overall improvement in ratings
for teaching quality, though the increase was relatively small (74 percent in 2005
rising to 78 percent in 2015) and there was a decline in the interim (72 percent in
60. Which is the paragraph showing state of a part in a balance sheet of a
A. I will start with some general information of cash and cash equivalent of ACB
in 2019. That increased sharply From 556 billion To 684 billion during the period.
In such, there was a significantly increase in cash, 556 billion up to 684 turn in
the short-term investment in securities. That decreased steadily from 56.442
million to 56.002 million for the period.
B. I’ll start with some general information of increase/(decrease) of accounts
receivable of Thanhnam Co.,ltd in 2019. This show a significant decrease (about
2.115 Billion and over 14.272 Billion respectively) betwe en opening and ending
of the year. Then, increase/(decrease) of inventories reduced strongly from about
9.258 Billion to over minus 8.151 Billion by the same time. Next,
increase/(decrease) of accounts payable decreased from about 4.328 Billion to
3.988 Billion.
C. Financial income of Thanhnam Co.,ltd increased strongly from about 8.5
billion to about 15.866 billion VND meanwhile Financial expenses reduced
sharply from over 11.646 billion to 4.225 billion between opening and ending of
2014. In which, loan interest expenses also decreased significantly, with over
11.232 billion and 4.102 billion respectively. Besides, selling expenses kept
constant at zero during the year.
D. Overall, the most striking set of statistics relate to approval for student services.
There was a sharp increase in the number of students giving these services a good
rating, particularly in the first five years: from 54 percent in 2005, to 81 percent in
2010, and 95 percent in 2015. There was also an overall improvement in ratings
for teaching quality, though the increase was relatively small (74 percent in 2005
rising to 78 percent in 2015) and there was a decline in the interim (72 percent in
Topic 2: Making a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a cover letter to apply for a
1. Which is the correct expression?
A. Your CV, short for curriculum vitae, is a social marketing tool used to sell the
employer to prospective employee. It should tell them about you, your
professional history, and your skills; ultimately, it should show why you’re the
best candidate for the job.
B. There are particular sections that employers expect to see on your CV
regardless of industry or job role, so we recommend using the following structure:
Contact details, Personal statement, Experience, Education, Achievements,
Hobbies and interests, References.
C. The other’s personal statement is one of the most important aspects of your CV.
It’s where you give an overview of yours are and inject a touch of personality.
You should tailor it to every job you apply for, highlighting specific qualities that
match you to the role. Aim to keep your personal statement short and sweet, and
no longer than a few sentences
D. A well-crafted cover letter doesn’t go over information on your resume and
expands this information for the reader, taking them on a guided journey of some
of your greatest career and life achievements.
2. Which is the correct expression?
A. The cover letter is a tool to introduce yoursefl in a memorable, personal way
during a job application.
B. The cover letter is your first introduction to the person who may you recruit,
and its goal should be to make you as memorable as possible, in a good way.
C. There is only one “official format” for your cover letter or the information you
include in it, but your cover letter should be visually organized, and orderly in its
presentation of information.
D. A cover letter typically accompanies (phần thêm) each resume you send out.
Employers use cover letters as a way to screen applicants for available jobs and to
determine (xác định) which candidates they would like to interview.
3. Which is the correct sentence applied in writing job description in a CV?
A. Reading, analysing structural drawing and performing as the drawing
B. Read, analyse structural drawing and perform as the drawing
C. I like to read, then analyse, then perform the job as the drawing.
D. I think I can read, analyse and perform the job as the drawing.
4. What is the correct sentence applied in writing qualification in a CV?
A. Using proficiently machines of CNC drill, handing drill, CO¬2/Tig/Mix
welding, gas cutting, flame cutting, …
B. I’m not sure about Autocad, Ms Offices (excel, word, powerpoint,…), internet,

C. The employer often defers salary for few months.
D. I don’t think I’m suitable with the position, thus I strongly recommend my best
friend for that.
5. Choose information to be used in job description of a CV?
A. Receiving drawings via email, analyzing , assigning tasks to workers
B. Honest, zealous in both working and joining public activities
C. Date of birth, place of birth, hobbies, habbits
D. Team working, time management skill, 5S skills.
6. Choose appropriate paragraph to be used in a cover letter?

A. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch at the
moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai college of economics and
technology majoring in accounting in Jun 2015.

B. From 2010 to 2013: Student at of Sonadezi College of Technology and

Management. Faculty : Garment Technology.
 Place of graduation : Sonadezi College of Technology and Management
 Faculty: Garment Technology
Degree: Good

C. - Follow up when making counter sample for approval.

- Checking the TOP, shipping sample before sending to the office.
- Checking materials, comparing with the trim cards, …
- Organization PP meeting to clarify all information and the technical from
buyer requestment.

D. - Lean certification for sewing lines implements and maintains good waste
minimization principles.
BIQ (build in quality) certification for sewing lines always create the collective
thought for the quality of the goods is leading.

7. Which is the content describing working experience of an accountant?

A. - Receiving drawings via email, analyzing , assigning tasks to workers,
guiding workers to perform as the drawings and the process, warning
workers of potential mistakes before performing
- Inspecting work-in-progress of constructions, inserts, ubot, bulon neo,…
stage by stage, guiding workers to repair the faults
- Making reports to send the director and customer
- Scheduling meeting with customer to check and take over goods
- Doing quality customer services (responding complains, analyzing faults
of drawings of customers, explaining acceptable margins of goods, making
acceptant summary reports,…)

B. - Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.

- Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of
payment’s clients
- Following up and controlling revenue and expense reports
- Making orders to suppliers
- Doing regular and lawful checking to incomings, then entering data into
ACSOFT then passing ones to the chief accountant to make tax reports.
- Planning purchasing orders monthly.
- Contacting with suppliers to take deals of prices
- Looking for new suppliers to ensure the purchasing progress.

C. - Follow up when making counter sample for approval.

- Checking the TOP, shipping sample before sending to the office.
- Checking materials, comparing with the trim cards, …
- Organization PP meeting to clarify all information and the technical from
buyer requestment.
- Follow up all comments from the customer for improvement in
- Follow up production proceed
- Work closely with Tech Team and Factory in case there are bulk fabric
- Making report and checking random the garment before give to buyer
review real in factory.
- Communication with buyer,meeting with costumer, audit supplier

D. - Skills of Communication, negotiation, presentation, rapid adaptability.

- Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
- Have a high sense of discipline, responsibility, independence, self-
confidence, creativity,
- Have an activeness in working, clear work arrangement.
- Can use a lot of Microsoft office like Word, Excel, Power Point,
- Soft skills (friendliness, optimist, teamwork skill, time management…)
- Speaking and writting English fluently, can read major document well.
8. Which is the content describing skills and qualification of an mechanician?
A.. - From 2010 to 2013: Student at of Sonadezi College of Technology and
Management. Faculty : Garment Technology.
- Place of graduation : Sonadezi College of Technology and Management
- Faculty: Garment Technology
- Degree: Good
B.. - Looking for a job with friendly but competitive environment
- Really into working under pressure and coping new things
C.. - Using proficiently machines of CNC drill, handing drill, CO¬2/Tig/Mix
welding, gas cutting, flame cutting, …
- Good at Autocad, Ms Offices (excel, word, powerpoint,…), internet,…
- Applying English in the major is fairly good
- Getting acquainted quickly with new technology and environment
- Problem solving, time management
- Both team-working and independent working
D.. - Controlling in-out in line to catch shipment schedule
- Study detail procedure each orther before start sewing and clearly all
- Arrange job for each worker focus on capaciti to reasonable
- Sellect on garments when start new order to make one sample use for line
- Perform BIQ (build in quality) project to training for worker about the
quality is the most priority.
- Perfrom Lean project in factory to avoid superflous job.
9. Which is the correct expression?
A. You shouldn’t try to fit your whole career and life into the space of a cover
Your cover letter should be a carefully curated selection of stories from your
career that gives the reader a clear idea of who you are and how you can add value
to their company.
B. A well-crafted cover letter doesn’t go over information on your resume and
expands this information for the reader, taking them on a guided journey of some
of your greatest career and life achievements.
C. Your CV, short for curriculum vitae, is a social marketing tool used to sell the
employer to prospective employee. It should tell them about you, your
professional history, and your skills; ultimately, it should show why you’re the
best candidate for the job.
D. The other’s personal statement is one of the most important aspects of your CV.
It’s where you give an overview of yours are and inject a touch of personality.
You should tailor it to every job you apply for, highlighting specific qualities that
match you to the role. Aim to keep your personal statement short and sweet, and
no longer than a few sentences
10. What is the correct expression?
A. You shouldn’t try to fit your whole career and life into the space of a cover
Your cover letter should be a carefully curated selection of stories from your
career that gives the reader a clear idea of who you are and how you can add value
to their company.
B. The cover letter is your first introduction to the person who may you recruit,
and its goal should be to make you as memorable as possible, in a good way.
C. There is only one “official format” for your cover letter or the information you
include in it, but your cover letter should be visually organized, and orderly in its
presentation of information.
D. A cover letter typically accompanies (phần thêm) each resume you send out.
Employers use cover letters as a way to screen applicants for available jobs and to
determine (xác định) which candidates they would like to interview.
11. What is the correct expression?
A. You shouldn’t try to fit your whole career and life into the space of a cover
Your cover letter should be a carefully curated selection of stories from other’s
career that gives the reader a clear idea of who you are and how you can add value
to their company.
B. Your resume is intended to lay out the facts, but your cover letter is meant to
convey more personality. The cover letter is your first introduction to the person
who may hire you, and its goal should be to make you as memorable as possible,
in a good way.
C. There is only one “official format” for your cover letter or the information you
include in it, but your cover letter should be visually organized, and orderly in its
presentation of information.
D. A cover letter typically accompanies (phần thêm) each resume you send out.
Employers use cover letters as a way to screen applicants for available jobs and to
determine (xác định) which candidates they would like to interview.
12. Which are contents added in a CV?
A. The personal information of the candidate?
B. The personal information of your family’s members?
C. The personal information of your all friends?
D. The personal information of anyone you known?
13. Which are contents added in a CV?
A. The education information of your family’s members?
B. The education information of the candidate?
C. The education l information of your all friends?
D. The education information of anyone you known?
14. Which are contents added in a CV?
A. The working experience information of your family’s members?
B. The working experience information of the candidate?
C. The working experience l information of your all friends?
D. The working experience information of anyone you known?
15. Which are contents added in a cover letter?
A. The education information of your family’s members?
B. The education information of the candidate?
C. The education l information of your all friends?
D. The education information of anyone you known?
16. Which are contents added in a cover letter?
A. The working experience information of your family’s members?
B. The working experience information of the candidate?
C. The working experience l information of your all friends?
D. The working experience information of anyone you known?
17. Which is the correct sentence applied in writing job description in a CV?
A. Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts
B. Checkgoods receipt notes, track client and supplier debts
C. I like to check goods receipt notes and to track client and supplier debts
D. I think I can check goods receipt notes, and track client and supplier debts
18. Which is the correct sentence applied in writing job description in a CV?
A. Recruiting employees to the company, drafting employment contracts
B. Recruit employees to the company, draft employment contracts
C. I like recruiting employees to the company, drafting employment contracts
D. I think I can recruit employees to the company, and draft employment contracts
19. Which is the correct sentence applied in writing a cover letter for finding a
A. Today I would like to be here to talk to you about my family and my best
friend, being very important to me.
B. I graduated the degree of associate majoring accounting in Dongnai college of
high technology in 2020.
C. Hi everyone. What’s going on today? I’ll talk to you about myself in some
D. My best friend graduated the degree of assoiciate majoring accounting in
Dongnai college of high technology in 2020.
20. Which is the correct way applied in writing a cover letter for finding a job?
A. Today I would like to be here to talk to you about my family and my best
friend, being very important to me.
B. After graduating, I have worked in a variety of fields like personnel,
purchasing, and accounting.
C. Hi everyone. What’s going on today? I’ll talk to you about myself in some
D. My best friend graduated the degree of assoiciate majoring accounting in
Dongnai college of high technology in 2020.
21. Which is the correct sentence applied in writing qualification part in a cover
letter for finding a job?
A. After graduating, I have worked in a variety of fields like personnel,
purchasing, and accounting.
B. Today I would like to be here to talk to you about my family and my best
friend, being very important to me.
C. I can use MS office and internet proficiently. Besides, I’m able to verbal
English very good
D. I would like to look for a job relating to my major and having a professional
22. Which is the correct sentence applied in writing working experience part in
a cover letter for finding a job?
A. After graduating, I have worked in a variety of fields like personnel,
purchasing, and accounting.
B. Today I would like to be here to talk to you about my family and my best
friend, being very important to me.
C. I graduated the degree of assoiciate majoring accounting in Dongnai college of
high technology in 2020.
D. I would like to look for a job relating to my major and having a professional
23. Which is the correct way applied in writing education part in a cover letter
for finding a job?
A. After graduating, I have worked in a variety of fields like personnel,
purchasing, and accounting.
B. My name is Nguyen Van B. I live in Long Thanh district, Dong Nai province at
the moment.
C. I graduated the degree of assoiciate majoring accounting in Dongnai college of
high technology in 2020.
D. I would like to look for a job relating to my major and having a professional
24. Which is the correct way applied in writing career objective part in a cover
letter for finding a job?
A. After graduating, I have worked in a variety of fields like personnel,
purchasing, and accounting.
B. Today I would like to be here to talk to you about my family and my best
friend, being very important to me.
C. I graduated the degree of assoiciate majoring accounting in Dongnai college of
high technology in 2020.
D. I would like to look for a job relating to my major and having a professional

25. Which is the content describing working experience of a mechanic staff?

A. - Receiving drawings via email, analyzing, assigning tasks to workers,
guiding workers to perform as the drawings and the process, warning workers of
potential mistakes before performing
- Inspecting work-in-progress of constructions, inserts, ubot, bulon neo,…
stage by stage, guiding workers to repair the faults
- Making reports to send the director and customer
- Scheduling meeting with customer to check and take over goods
- Doing quality customer services (responding complains, analyzing faults
of drawings of customers, explaining acceptable margins of goods, making
acceptant summary reports,…)

B. - Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.

- Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of
payment’s clients
- Following up and controlling revenue and expense reports
- Making orders to suppliers
- Doing regular and lawful checking to incomings, then entering data into
ACSOFT then passing ones to the chief accountant to make tax reports.
- Planning purchasing orders monthly.
- Contacting with suppliers to take deals of prices
- Looking for new suppliers to ensure the purchasing progress.
C. - Follow up when making counter sample for approval.
- Checking the TOP, shipping sample before sending to the office.
- Checking materials, comparing with the trim cards, …
- Organization PP meeting to clarify all information and the technical from
buyer requestment.
- Follow up all comments from the customer for improvement in
- Follow up production proceed
- Work closely with Tech Team and Factory in case there are bulk fabric
- Making report and checking random the garment before giving to buyer
review real in factory.
- Communication with buyer,meeting with costumer, audit supplier
D. - Skills of Communication, negotiation, presentation, rapid adaptability.
- Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
- Have a high sense of discipline, responsibility, independence, self-
confidence, creativity,
- Have activeness in working, clear work arrangement.
- Can use a lot of Microsoft office like Word, Excel, Power Point,
- Soft skills (friendliness, optimist, teamwork skill, time management…)
- Speaking and writting English fluently, can read major document well.
26. Which is the content describing working experience of a garment employee?
A. -Receiving drawings via email, analyzing , assigning tasks to workers, guiding
workers to perform as the drawings and the process, warning workers of potential
mistakes before performing
- Inspecting work-in-progress of constructions, inserts, ubot, bulon neo,… stage by stage,
guiding workers to repair the faults
- Making reports to send the director and customer
- Scheduling meeting with customer to check and take over goods
- Doing quality customer services (responding complains, analyzing faults of drawings of
customers, explaining acceptable margins of goods, making acceptant summary reports,

B. - Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.

- Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of payment’s clients
- Following up and controlling revenue and expense reports
- Making orders to suppliers
- Doing regular and lawful checking to incomings, then entering data into ACSOFT then
passing ones to the chief accountant to make tax reports.
- Planning purchasing orders monthly.
- Contacting with suppliers to take deals of prices
- Looking for new suppliers to ensure the purchasing progress.
C. - Follow up when making counter sample for approval.
- Checking the TOP, shipping sample before sending to the office.
- Checking materials, comparing with the trim cards, …
- Organization PP meeting to clarify all information and the technical from buyer
- Follow up all comments from the customer for improvement in production.
- Follow up production proceed
- Work closely with Tech Team and Factory in case there are bulk fabric problem.
- Making report and checking random the garment before giving to buyer review real in
- Communication with buyer, meeting with costumer, audit supplier
D. Skills of Communication, negotiation, presentation, rapid adaptability.
. Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
. Have a high sense of discipline, responsibility, independence, self-confidence,
. Have activeness in working, clear work arrangement.
. Can use a lot of Microsoft office like Word, Excel, Power Point,
. Soft skills (friendliness, optimist, teamwork skill, time management…)
Speaking and writting English fluently, can read major document well.

27. Which is the content of skills in a CV?

A. - Receiving drawings via email, analyzing , assigning tasks to workers, guiding
workers to perform as the drawings and the process, warning workers of potential
mistakes before performing
- Inspecting work-in-progress of constructions, inserts, ubot, bulon neo,… stage by stage,
guiding workers to repair the faults
- Making reports to send the director and customer
- Scheduling meeting with customer to check and take over goods
- Doing quality customer services (responding complains, analyzing faults of drawings of
customers, explaining acceptable margins of goods, making acceptant summary reports,

B. - Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.

- Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of payment’s clients
- Following up and controlling revenue and expense reports
- Making orders to suppliers
- Doing regular and lawful checking to incomings, then entering data into ACSOFT then
passing ones to the chief accountant to make tax reports.
- Planning purchasing orders monthly.
- Contacting with suppliers to take deals of prices
- Looking for new suppliers to ensure the purchasing progress.
C. - Follow up when making counter sample for approval.
- Checking the TOP, shipping sample before sending to the office.
- Checking materials, comparing with the trim cards, …
- Organization PP meeting to clarify all information and the technical from buyer
- Follow up all comments from the customer for improvement in production.
- Follow up production proceed
- Work closely with Tech Team and Factory in case there are bulk fabric problem.
- Making report and checking random the garment before giving to buyer review real in
- Communication with buyer,meeting with costumer, audit supplier
D. - Skills of Communication, negotiation, presentation, rapid adaptability.
- Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
- Have a high sense of discipline, responsibility, independence, self-confidence,
- Have activeness in working, clear work arrangement.
- Can use a lot of Microsoft office like Word, Excel, Power Point,
- Soft skills (friendliness, optimist, teamwork skill, time management…)
Speaking and writting English fluently, can read major document well.

28. Which is the content of skills in a CV?

A. - Receiving drawings via email, analyzing , assigning tasks to workers, guiding
workers to perform as the drawings and the process, warning workers of potential
mistakes before performing
- Inspecting work-in-progress of constructions, inserts, ubot, bulon neo,… stage by
stage, guiding workers to repair the faults
- Making reports to send the director and customer

B. - Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.

- Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of payment’s clients
- Doing regular and lawful checking to incomings, then entering data into ACSOFT
then passing ones to the chief accountant to make tax reports.
C. - Work closely with Tech Team and Factory in case there are bulk fabric problem.
- Making report and checking random the garment before giving to buyer review real
in factory.
- Communication with buyer,meeting with costumer, audit supplier
D. - Good at computer skills: word , excel , power point, internet
- Foreign language skill : fairly good at English , fair at Chinese

29. Which is the content of personalities in a CV?

A. - Receiving drawings via email, analyzing , assigning tasks to workers, guiding
workers to perform as the drawings and the process, warning workers of potential
mistakes before performing
- Inspecting work-in-progress of constructions, inserts, ubot, bulon neo,… stage by
stage, guiding workers to repair the faults
- Making reports to send the director and customer

B. -Having inquiring, creative and humorous mind & love to join social activities &
- Dynamic, enthusiasm, enterprising and having sense of responsibility & good at
leadership and team work.
-Strong analytical thinking.
C. - Work closely with Tech Team and Factory in case there are bulk fabric problem.
- Making report and checking random the garment before giving to buyer review
real in factory.
- Communication with buyer,meeting with costumer, audit supplier
D. - Good at computer skills: word , excel , power point, internet
- Foreign language skill : fairly good at English , fair at Chinese

30. Which is the content of personal details in a CV?

A. Full Name: Trần Xuân Mai Gender: Female
Date of birth: 28/08/1995 Place of birth: Nghệ An province
Nationality: Việt Nam . . . .

B. - Having inquiring, creative and humorous mind & love to join social activities &
- Dynamic, enthusiasm, enterprising and having sense of responsibility & good at
leadership and team work.
- Strong analytical thinking.
C. - Work closely with Tech Team and Factory in case there are bulk fabric problem.
- Making report and checking random the garment before giving to buyer review
real in factory.
- Communication with buyer,meeting with costumer, audit supplier
D. - Good at computer skills: word , excel , power point, internet
- Foreign language skill : fairly good at English , fair at Chinese

31. Which is the content of working experience in a CV?

A. Full Name: Trần Xuân Mai. . Gender: Female
Date of birth: 28/08/1995 . . Place of birth: Nghệ An province
Nationality: Việt Nam . . . .

B. - Having inquiring, creative and humorous mind & love to join social activities &
- Dynamic, enthusiasm, enterprising and having sense of responsibility & good at
leadership and team work.
- Strong analytical thinking.
C. - Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.
- Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of payment’s
- Following up and controlling revenue and expense reports
D. - Good at computer skills: word , excel , power point, internet
- Foreign language skill : fairly good at English , fair at Chinese

32. Read following cover letter and choose the correct content below that.
DEAR Ms. Huynh Anh,
. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch at the
moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai college of economics and
technology majoring in accounting in Jun 2015. After graduating, I have some
working experience in a variety of fields like personnel, purchasing and
accounting especially accounting. Moreover, I can use MS offices (Word, Excel,
Power point), internet proficiently. Also, i’m able to apply well some major
softwares like ACSOFT, FAST ACCOUNTING. Besides, I have been trained in
Excel accounting, tax declaring, MISA, etc. Furthermore, I can be verbal fairly
good in English and Chinese.
. As far as I known via www. , ACCOUNTING Co.Ltd is
recruiting employees for accountant position . I have read the recruitment. Thus I
do realize that I’m really suitable for the position. In addition, I’m so impressed by
the company’s introduction. So I’m looking for a chance to get an employee of
yours. I hope that you would like to consider my CV in attached file and get me a
chance. Thank you so much.
Yours sincerely,
A. According to the letter above, the sentences “My name is …at the moment” is
summary of the personal details.

B. According to the letter above, the sentences “My name is …at the moment” is
summary of the working experience.

C. According to the letter above, the sentences “My name is …at the moment” is
summary of the skills and qualification.

D. According to the letter above, the sentences “My name is …at the moment” is
summary of the personalities.

33. Read following cover letter and choose the correct content below that.
DEAR Ms. Huynh Anh,
. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch at the
moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai college of economics and
technology majoring in accounting in Jun 2015. After graduating, I have some
working experience in a variety of fields like personnel, purchasing and
accounting especially accounting. Moreover, I can use MS offices (Word, Excel,
Power point), internet proficiently. Also, i’m able to apply well some major
softwares like ACSOFT, FAST ACCOUNTING. Besides, I have been trained in
Excel accounting, tax declaring, MISA, etc. Furthermore, I can be verbal fairly
good in English and Chinese.
. As far as I known via www. , ACCOUNTING Co.Ltd is
recruiting employees for accountant position . I have read the recruitment. Thus I
do realize that I’m really suitable for the position. In addition, I’m so impressed by
the company’s introduction. So I’m looking for a chance to get an employee of
yours. I hope that you would like to consider my CV in attached file and get me a
chance. Thank you so much.
Yours sincerely,
A. According to the letter above, the sentences “After graduating … especially
accounting” is summary of the personal details.
B. According to the letter above, the sentences “After graduating … especially
accounting” is summary of the working experience.
C. According to the letter above, the sentences “After graduating … especially
accounting” is summary of the skills and qualification.
D. According to the letter above, the sentences “After graduating … especially
accounting” is summary of the personalities.

34. Read following cover letter and choose the correct content below that.
DEAR Ms. Huynh Anh,
. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch at the
moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai college of economics and
technology majoring in accounting in Jun 2015. After graduating, I have some
working experience in a variety of fields like personnel, purchasing and
accounting especially accounting. Moreover, I can use MS offices (Word, Excel,
Power point), internet proficiently. Also, i’m able to apply well some major
softwares like ACSOFT, FAST ACCOUNTING. Besides, I have been trained in
Excel accounting, tax declaring, MISA, etc. Furthermore, I can be verbal fairly
good in English and Chinese.
. As far as I known via www. , ACCOUNTING Co.Ltd is
recruiting employees for accountant position . I have read the recruitment. Thus I
do realize that I’m really suitable for the position. In addition, I’m so impressed by
the company’s introduction. So I’m looking for a chance to get an employee of
yours. I hope that you would like to consider my CV in attached file and get me a
chance. Thank you so much.
Yours sincerely,
A. According to the letter above, the paragraph “Moreover, I can use … English
and Chinese.” is summary of the personal details.

B. According to the letter above, the sentences “Moreover, I can use … English
and Chinese.” is summary of the working experience.

C. According to the letter above, the sentences “Moreover, I can use … English
and Chinese.” is summary of the skills and qualification.

D. According to the letter above, the sentences “Moreover, I can use … English
and Chinese.” is summary of the personalities.
35. Read following cover letter and choose the correct content below that.
DEAR Ms. Huynh Anh,
. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch at the
moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai college of economics and
technology majoring in accounting in Jun 2015. After graduating, I have some
working experience in a variety of fields like personnel, purchasing and
accounting especially accounting. Moreover, I can use MS offices (Word, Excel,
Power point), internet proficiently. Also, i’m able to apply well some major
softwares like ACSOFT, FAST ACCOUNTING. Besides, I have been trained in
Excel accounting, tax declaring, MISA, etc. Furthermore, I can be verbal fairly
good in English and Chinese.
. As far as I known via www. , ACCOUNTING Co.Ltd is
recruiting employees for accountant position . I have read the recruitment. Thus I
do realize that I’m really suitable for the position. In addition, I’m so impressed by
the company’s introduction. So I’m looking for a chance to get an employee of
yours. I hope that you would like to consider my CV in attached file and get me a
chance. Thank you so much.
Yours sincerely,
A. According to the letter above, the paragraph “I graduated the degree of
associate at Dong nai college of economics and technology majoring in accounting
in Jun 2015” is summary of the education.

B. According to the letter above, the paragraph “I graduated the degree of

associate at Dong nai college of economics and technology majoring in accounting
in Jun 2015” is summary of the personal details.

C. According to the letter above, the paragraph “I graduated the degree of

associate at Dong nai college of economics and technology majoring in accounting
in Jun 2015” is summary of the personalities.

D. According to the letter above, the paragraph “I graduated the degree of

associate at Dong nai college of economics and technology majoring in accounting
in Jun 2015” is summary of the working experience.
36. Which is the paragraph below showing the personal information, education
of a cover letter?
A. After graduating, I have some working experience in a variety of fields like
personnel, purchasing and accounting especially accounting.
B. Moreover, I can use MS offices (Word, Excel, Power point), internet
proficiently. Also, i’m able to apply well some major softwares like ACSOFT,
C. I would like to look for a job relating to my major and having a professional
D. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch at the
moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai college of economics and
technology majoring in accounting in Jun 2015.

37. Which is the paragraph below showing the skills and qualifications of a
cover letter?
A. After graduating, I have some working experience in a variety of fields like
personnel, purchasing and accounting especially accounting.
B. Moreover, I can use MS offices (Word, Excel, Power point), internet
proficiently. Also, i’m able to apply well some major softwares like ACSOFT,
C. I would like to look for a job relating to my major and having a professional
D. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch at the
moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai college of economics and
technology majoring in accounting in Jun 2015.

38. Which is the paragraph below showing the career objective of a cover letter?
A. After graduating, I have some working experience in a variety of fields like
personnel, purchasing and accounting especially accounting.
B. Moreover, I can use MS offices (Word, Excel, Power point), internet
proficiently. Also, i’m able to apply well some major softwares like ACSOFT,
C. I would like to look for a job relating to my major and having a professional
D. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch at the
moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai college of economics and
technology majoring in accounting in Jun 2015.

39. Which is the content of skills in a CV?

A. - Receiving drawings via email, analyzing , assigning tasks to workers,
guiding workers to perform as the drawings and the process, warning workers of
potential mistakes before performing
- Inspecting work-in-progress of constructions, inserts, ubot, bulon neo,…
stage by stage, guiding workers to repair the faults
- Making reports to send the director and customer

B. - Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.

- Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of
payment’s clients
- Doing regular and lawful checking to incomings, then entering data into
ACSOFT then passing ones to the chief accountant to make tax reports.
C. - Work closely with Tech Team and Factory in case there are bulk fabric
- Making report and checking random the garment before giving to buyer
review real in factory.
- Communication with buyer,meeting with costumer, audit supplier
 Skills of Communication, negotiation, presentation, rapid adaptability.
 Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
 Have a high sense of discipline, responsibility, independence, self-
confidence, creativity,

40. Which is the content of job description in a CV?

A. - Controlling in-out in line to catch shipment schedule
- Studying detail procedure each orther before start sewing and clearly all
- Arranging job for each worker focus on capaciti to reasonable
B. From 2010 to 2013: Student at of Sonadezi College of Technology and
Management. Faculty : Garment Technology.
 Place of graduation : Sonadezi College of Technology and Management
 Faculty: Garment Technology
Degree: Good
C. - Work closely with Tech Team and Factory in case there are bulk fabric
- Making report and checking random the garment before giving to buyer
review real in factory.
- Communication with buyer,meeting with costumer, audit supplier
 Skills of Communication, negotiation, presentation, rapid adaptability.
 Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
 Have a high sense of discipline, responsibility, independence, self-
confidence, creativity,

Topic 3: Job interview

1. Could you tell me something about yourself?

A. The question above is for asking someone to introduce himself/herself
B. The question above is for asking someone to create an email box
C. The question above is for asking someone to make a CV
D. The question above is for asking someon to introduce his/her friends

2. What do you do in your current job?

A. The question above is for asking someone to describe his/her current tasks.
B. The question above is for asking someone to create an email box
C. The question above is for asking someone to make a CV
D. The question above is for asking someon to introduce his/her friends

3. Which is the question below for asking someone to introduce himself/herself?

A. How much would you like us to pay for you?
B. Why do you want to leave the current job?
C. Which skills and qualifications have you accumulated?
D. Would you like to tell me something about yourself?

4. Which is the question below for asking someone to talk about current job?
A. How much would you like us to pay for you?
B. What’re your tasks in the current work?
C. Which skills and qualifications have you accumulated?
D. Would you like to tell me something about yourself?

5. Could you please introduce yourself?

A. “People typically write themselves into the letter with ‘I’m applying for X job
that I saw in Y place.’ That’s a waste of text,” says Lees. Instead, lead with a
strong opening sentence. “Start with the punch line — why this job is exciting to
you and why you’re right for it,” says Glickman. For example, you might write,
“I’m an environmental fundraising professional with more than 15 years of
experience and I’d love to bring my expertise and enthusiasm to your growing
development team.” Chances are the hiring manager or recruiter is reading a stack
of these, so you want to catch their attention. But don’t try to be funny.
B. Before you start writing, find out more about the company and the specific job
you want. Look at the company’s website, its executives’ Twitter feeds, and
employee profiles on LinkedIn. “Do some research beyond reading the job
description,” says Lees. Find out what challenges the company is facing and how
your role would help address those. Knowing the company better also helps you
decide on the right tone to use in your cover letter.
C. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch Town,
Dong Nai Province at the moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai
college of high technology majoring in accountingin Jun 2015. After graduating, I
have some working experience in a variety of fields like personnel, purchasing and
accounting especially accounting. Moreover, I can use MS offices. Also, i’m able
to apply well some major softwares like ACSOFT, FAST ACCOUNTING.
Besides, I have been trained Excel accounting, tax declaring, MISA, etc.
Furthermore, I can be verbal fairly good in English and Chinese. I would like to
look for a job relating to accounting with professional environment and good
welfare policies so that I’m able to improve my major and develop my career in
D. At the moment I work in Choongnam Vietnam Limited Company as a
purchasing staff. My current tasks could be listed as following: (Hiện tại tôi đang
làm việc tại Cty TNHH Choongnam Vietnam với vị trí nhân viên thu mua. Các
công việc của tôi có thể được liệt kê như sau: )
•. Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.
•. Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of payment’s
•. Following up and controlling revenue and expense reports Making orders to

6. Would you like to tell me about yourself?

A. “People typically write themselves into the letter with ‘I’m applying for X job
that I saw in Y place.’ That’s a waste of text,” says Lees. Instead, lead with a
strong opening sentence. “Start with the punch line — why this job is exciting to
you and why you’re right for it,” says Glickman. For example, you might write,
“I’m an environmental fundraising professional with more than 15 years of
experience and I’d love to bring my expertise and enthusiasm to your growing
development team.” Chances are the hiring manager or recruiter is reading a stack
of these, so you want to catch their attention. But don’t try to be funny.
B. Before you start writing, find out more about the company and the specific job
you want. Look at the company’s website, its executives’ Twitter feeds, and
employee profiles on LinkedIn. “Do some research beyond reading the job
description,” says Lees. Find out what challenges the company is facing and how
your role would help address those. Knowing the company better also helps you
decide on the right tone to use in your cover letter.
C. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch Town,
Dong Nai Province at the moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai
college of high technology majoring in accountingin Jun 2015. After graduating, I
have some working experience in a variety of fields like personnel, purchasing and
accounting especially accounting. Moreover, I can use MS offices. Also, i’m able
to apply well some major softwares like ACSOFT, FAST ACCOUNTING.
Besides, I have been trained Excel accounting, tax declaring, MISA, etc.
Furthermore, I can be verbal fairly good in English and Chinese. I would like to
look for a job relating to accounting with professional environment and good
welfare policies so that I’m able to improve my major and develop my career in
D. At the moment I work in Choongnam Vietnam Limited Company as a
purchasing staff. My current tasks could be listed as following: (Hiện tại tôi đang
làm việc tại Cty TNHH Choongnam Vietnam với vị trí nhân viên thu mua. Các
công việc của tôi có thể được liệt kê như sau: )
•. Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.
•. Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of payment’s
•. Following up and controlling revenue and expense reports Making orders to

7. Tell me something about your current job.

A. At the moment I work in Choongnam Vietnam Limited Company as a
purchasing staff. My current tasks could be listed as following: (Hiện tại tôi đang
làm việc tại Cty TNHH Choongnam Vietnam với vị trí nhân viên thu mua. Các
công việc của tôi có thể được liệt kê như sau: )
•. Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.
•. Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of payment’s
•. Following up and controlling revenue and expense reports Making orders to
•. Doing regular and lawful checking to incomings, then entering data into
ACSOFT then passing ones to the chief accountant to make tax reports.
•. Planning purchasing orders monthly.
•. Contacting with suppliers to take deals of prices
•. Looking for new suppliers to ensure the purchasing progress.
B. I find myself a very creative person. It’s very easy for me to think of new and
different idea at the same time. Everytime when I read something new and special,
I always notice down and always try my best to figure out a way to make it even
I think my weaknesses that I always try to complete everything. I want everything
to be perfect so I have to spend more time on the task than necessary … but I
realized that I’m losing much time and indeed that’s not necessary. Besides that, I
work too hard sometimes so I feel tired and stress. But eventually, I figured out a
time management scheme to balance the rest and work.
C. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch Town,
Dong Nai Province at the moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai
college of high technology majoring in accountingin Jun 2015. After graduating, I
have some working experience in a variety of fields like personnel, purchasing and
accounting especially accounting. Moreover, I can use MS offices. Also, i’m able
to apply well some major software like ACSOFT, FAST ACCOUNTING.
Besides, I have been trained Excel accounting, tax declaring, MISA, etc.
Furthermore, I can be verbal fairly good in English and Chinese. I would like to
look for a job relating to accounting with professional environment and good
welfare policies so that I’m able to improve my major and develop my career in
D. “People typically write themselves into the letter with ‘I’m applying for X job
that I saw in Y place.’ That’s a waste of text,” says Lees. Instead, lead with a
strong opening sentence. “Start with the punch line — why this job is exciting to
you and why you’re right for it,” says Glickman. For example, you might write,
“I’m an environmental fundraising professional with more than 15 years of
experience and I’d love to bring my expertise and enthusiasm to your growing
development team.” Chances are the hiring manager or recruiter is reading a stack
of these, so you want to catch their attention. But don’t try to be funny.

8. Tell me about your weaknesses and strengths?

A. At the moment I work in Choongnam Vietnam Limited Company as a
purchasing staff. My current tasks could be listed as following:
•. Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.
•. Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of payment’s
•. Following up and controlling revenue and expense reports Making orders to
•. Doing regular and lawful checking to incomings, then entering data into
ACSOFT then passing ones to the chief accountant to make tax reports.
•. Planning purchasing orders monthly.
•. Contacting with suppliers to take deals of prices
•. Looking for new suppliers to ensure the purchasing progress.
B. I find myself a very creative person. It’s very easy for me to think of new and
different idea at the same time. Everytime when I read something new and special,
I always notice down and always try my best to figure out a way to make it even
I think my weaknesses that I always try to complete everything. I want everything
to be perfect so I have to spend more time on the task than necessary … but I
realized that I’m losing much time and indeed that’s not necessary. Besides that, I
work too hard sometimes so I feel tired and stress. But eventually, I figured out a
time management scheme to balance the rest and work.
C. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch Town,
Dong Nai Province at the moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai
college of high technology majoring in accountingin Jun 2015. After graduating, I
have some working experience in a variety of fields like personnel, purchasing and
accounting especially accounting. Moreover, I can use MS offices. Also, i’m able
to apply well some major softwares like ACSOFT, FAST ACCOUNTING.
Besides, I have been trained Excel accounting, tax declaring, MISA, etc.
Furthermore, I can be verbal fairly good in English and Chinese. I would like to
look for a job relating to accounting with professional environment and good
welfare policies so that I’m able to improve my major and develop my career in
D. “People typically write themselves into the letter with ‘I’m applying for X job
that I saw in Y place.’ That’s a waste of text,” says Lees. Instead, lead with a
strong opening sentence. “Start with the punch line — why this job is exciting to
you and why you’re right for it,” says Glickman. For example, you might write,
“I’m an environmental fundraising professional with more than 15 years of
experience and I’d love to bring my expertise and enthusiasm to your growing
development team.” Chances are the hiring manager or recruiter is reading a stack
of these, so you want to catch their attention. But don’t try to be funny.

9. What are your strengths?

A. The question above is for asking someone to describe his/her current tasks.
B. The question above is for asking someone to talk about his/her strong points
C. The question above is for asking someone to make a CV
D. The question above is for asking someon to introduce himself/herself
10. What are your weaknesses?
A. The question above is for asking someone to describe his/her current tasks.
B. The question above is for asking someone to talk about his/her strong points
C. The question above is for asking someone to talk about his/her disadvantages
D. The question above is for asking someon to introduce himself/herself

11. What do you know about our company?

A. The question above is for asking the candidate to talk about what he/she
researched the company applying for.
B. The question above is for asking the candidate to talk about his/her strengths
and weaknesses.
C. The question above is for asking the candidate to talk about his/her previous
D. The question above is for asking the candidate to talk about his/her current job

12. Which are contents below used to answer the question of candidate’s
introduction in a job interview?
A. Fulname, address, age, education, working experience, skills of the candidate
B. Fulname, address, age, education, working experience, skills of the employer
C. Fulname, address, age, education, working experience, skills of the candidate’s
best friend
D. Fulname, address, age, education, working experience, skills of the employer’s
best friend

13. Which are contents below used to answer the question of candidate’s
working experience in a job interview?
A. Fulname, address, age, education, working experience, skills of the candidate
B. Company, position, tasks description, working period
C. Skill of typing, foreign language qualification, hobbies, habbits
D. Schools, training courses, career objective, reference

14. Which are contents below used to answer the question of candidate’s
strengths and weaknesses in a job interview?
A. Fulname, address, age, education, working experience, skills of the candidate
B. Company, position, tasks descrition, working period
C. Advantages, disadvantages, solutions of disadvantages
D. Schools, training courses, career objective, reference
15. How would you describe yourself?
A. The question above is for asking the candidate to talk about what he/she
researched the company applying for.
B. I’ve always been interested in E-Commerce/Marketing/and your company
excels (is one of the best) in this field.
C. People typically write themselves into the letter with ‘I’m applying for X job
that I saw in Y place.
D. I consider myself
hardworking/reliable/dependable/helpful/outgoing/organized /honest/cooperative.

16. Why did you leave your last job?

A. I was laid off/made redundant, because the company relocated/downsized
/needed to cut costs.
B. I’m responsible for the recording and conveying messages for the departments.
C. I have worked as a Sales Representative for several years.
D. I’ve always been interested in E-Commerce/Marketing/and your company
excels (is one of the best) in this field.

17. What are your weaknesses/negative traits?

A. I’m a perfectionist and I may be too hard on myself or my co-workers
sometimes. I might need to learn to be more flexible when things are not going
according to plan. I occasionally focus on details instead of looking at the bigger
picture. I’m learning how to focus on the overall progress as well.
B. I find myself a very creative person. It’s very easy for me to think of new and
different idea at the same time. Everytime when I read something new and special,
I always notice down and always try my best to figure out a way to make it even
C. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch Town,
Dong Nai Province at the moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai
college of high technology majoring in accountingin Jun 2015. After graduating, I
have some working experience in a variety of fields like personnel, purchasing and
accounting especially accounting.
D. At the moment I work in Choongnam Vietnam Limited Company as a
purchasing staff. My current tasks could be listed as following:
•. Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.
•. Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of payment’s

18. What are your strong points?

A. I’m a perfectionist and I may be too hard on myself or my co-workers
sometimes. I might need to learn to be more flexible when things are not going
according to plan. I occasionally focus on details instead of looking at the bigger
picture. I’m learning how to focus on the overall progress as well.
B. I find myself a very creative person. It’s very easy for me to think of new and
different idea at the same time. Everytime when I read something new and special,
I always notice down and always try my best to figure out a way to make it even
C. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch Town,
Dong Nai Province at the moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai
college of high technology majoring in accountingin Jun 2015. After graduating, I
have some working experience in a variety of fields like personnel, purchasing and
accounting especially accounting.
D. At the moment I work in Choongnam Vietnam Limited Company as a
purchasing staff. My current tasks could be listed as following:
•. Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.
•. Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of payment’s

19. What do you do in your current job?

A. I’m a perfectionist and I may be too hard on myself or my co-workers
sometimes. I might need to learn to be more flexible when things are not going
according to plan. I occasionally focus on details instead of looking at the bigger
picture. I’m learning how to focus on the overall progress as well.
B. I find myself a very creative person. It’s very easy for me to think of new and
different idea at the same time. Everytime when I read something new and special,
I always notice down and always try my best to figure out a way to make it even
C. My name is Phan Thi Hương. I’m 22 years old. I live in Nhơn Trạch Town,
Dong Nai Province at the moment. I graduated the degree of associate at Dong nai
college of high technology majoring in accountingin Jun 2015. After graduating, I
have some working experience in a variety of fields like personnel, purchasing and
accounting especially accounting.
D. At the moment I work in Choongnam Vietnam Limited Company as a
purchasing staff. My current tasks could be listed as following:
• Checking goods receipt notes, tracking client and supplier debts.
• Making out receipts and invoices as the company and collection of payment’s
20. How would you describe yourself?
A. The question above is for asking the candidate to talk about what he/she
researched the company applying for.
B. I’ve always been interested in E-Commerce/Marketing/and your company
excels (is one of the best) in this field.
C. People typically write themselves into the letter with ‘I’m applying for X job
that I saw in Y place.
D. I’m a team-player/an experienced team-leader/a seasoned (experienced)
professional/a dedicated worker.

Topic 4: Practice with business communication situations

1. ______ you want to receive additional information regarding the services we

offer, please log onto our website at today.
A. If
B. Despite
C. For
D. Whether

2. Sandy Duncan was handpicked by the general manager to head the next
project because of ______ experience in this field.
A. her
B. herself
C. hers
D. she

3. The changes made in the working conditions at our company resulted in

remarkable improvements in all aspects of our business and _____more so in
the morale of our employees.
A. all
B. any
C. even
D. although
4. All commuters ______the main highway to get to the center of the city will
face delays of up to an hour today because of on-going contruction.
A. use
B. used
C. using
D. Will use
5. In order to become a member of country club, applicants have to meet the
strict ______ set by the club president.
A. require
B. requires
C. requiring
D. requirements

6. The outcome of our meeting today with the board of directors will _____ the
course of action we will take this year.
A. determine
B. determines
C. determining
D. determination

7. Read the advertisement and answer the question below it:

Pump It
special offer
Look your best this summer with our state of the art equipment and a tailor-made
program made specially for you by one of our top-rated personal trainers.
If you are having a difficult time getting motivated, Pump It is where you want to
With a personal trainer assigned to you, you’ll be placed in a tailor-made program
that will make you look your best in just 12 weeks.
With our program, you will get the full benefits of…
• Our one-on-one support and expert guidance by the top trainer in our industry
• The use of the most updated fitness equipment money can buy, including free
weights, treadmills, bikes, and even a his and hers sauna
• Ongoing group classes, from aerobics to yoga to dancercise to ‘abs-butts-thighs’,
just to name a few
• For the time being, absolutely no joining fee and a very affordable monthly
membership rate
So come for a free consultation, and get started today!
Don’t miss out!
Offer is good until this Friday
310 St. George Street, Suite 601, Chicago
T: 755-3422 W:
Who does this advertisement mainly target?
A. Anyone who failed at dieting during the summer
B. People without much time on their hands
C. Athletes training for upcoming competitions
D. People who need a little nudge at getting into shape

8. Read the letter and answer the question below it:

October 20, 2006
Mr. Joe Fernandez
1385 Midland Ave.
Detroit, Michigan
Dear Mr. Fernandez,
As the president, I am proud to announce that this Friday marks the 30th
anniversary of our long and successful running country club. This, of course, calls
for a night of celebration. And for this reason, we have reserved the Grand Hall at
the Falcon Hotel this Friday at 7 p.m. for a night of fine dining and dancing.
On this special evening, the newest members of our club will get an opportunity to
listen to the thoughts of our older members and exchange ideas in an informal
atmosphere. The newest members, who will be carrying on our tradition, should
hear what the older members have to say.
Further, the food will be superb. I’ve had a chance to dine at the hotel several
times in the past in other functions, and it was the food that convinced me to hold
our event there. I am quite certain that all of our members will share my feeling.
Anyhow, I am looking forward to this Friday when all of our members can let
loose and have some fun.
Therefore, this is a letter officially to invite you and your spouse or significant
other to joint us on this memorable evening.
Please let us know if you can attend.
Yours sincerely
Jeff Connelly
What is the main purpose of this letter?
A. To provide information about the club’s history
B. To notify the members of a yearly meeting
C. To welcome the newest member to the club
D. To invite the members to an upcoming event

9. The announcement of John Stanton’s retirement was not well received by

most of the staff members, but Leslie, his long-time friend and colleague, was
extremely ______ to hear that Mr. Stanton will now be able to enjoy some
leisure time
A. happiest
B. happily
C. happier
D. happy

10. Because many of the warehouse workers were out sick today, Mr. Miller had
to stock the goods on the shelves ______.
A. itself
B. himself
C. herself
D. themselves

11. Please accept our _____ apology for the inconvenience this delay is causing
all the passengers here at Pearson International Airport.
A. sincere
B. original
C. estimated
D. completed

12. The majority of the contract ______ that took place during the year were
handled by lawyers from a local law firm.
A. negotiate
B. negotiations
C. negotiable
D. negotiator

13. The new sports complex will accommodate an Olympic-sized swimming pool
and other, _____ including a fitness center and a spa, to name just a few.
A. facilities
B. categories
C. qualities
D. supplies

14. Our new product will be put through a number of _____tests before being
released to the public.
A. dependent
B. founded
C. withhold
D. stringent

15. Mr. Chan’s main role in the company for the next two weeks is to look
_____ the right person to take over Mr. Shaw’s position when he leaves at the
end of the month.
A. In
B. over
C. for
D. from

16. People unanimously agreed that John would have performed a great deal
better under more ______ circumstances.
A. favorable
B. favorably
C. favorite
D. favor

17. After a long and difficult strike, the plant workers will show up the work
_____ Monday.
A. starting on
B. afterwards
C. Instead
D. Outside

18. Scarborough General Hospital has two ______ for certified x-ray
technicians to start immediately.
A. open
B. opener
C. openings
D. Openness

19. Mark’s Warehouse Clearance Store is having a sale with saving of up to 40

percent off on all clothing this weekend _____celebration of its 25th
A. how
B. when
C. What
D. Which
20. The automobile parts we requested for our customer got here on ______.
A. authority
B. condition
C. schedule
D. appointment

21. The advertisement printed in this magazine do not _____ imply

endorsement by the management.
A. highly
B. barely
C. gradually
D. necessarily

22. The newly installed alarm system, which is directly connected to the police,
will go off if the correct security code is not entered _______ 60 seconds of
touching the keypad.
A. only
B. under
C. within
D. directly

23. Several of Canada’s largest banks have decided to decrease their mortgage
rates. Royal Bank revealed its plan to cut key mortgage rates by a tenth of a
percentage point across the board, while TD Canada Trust will decrease its rates
by the same margin except forits 10-year rate. The Bank of Montreal will also
lower its fixed-rate mortgages on four-year terms and longer by a tenth of a
percentage point.
And lastly, Vancouver Trust has also jumped on the wagon by announcing that
it is planning to ______ its rates, but the exact numbers are still unknown.
However, insiders are predicting that the reduction rates will be similar to those
of other banks.
A. turn down
B. shorten
C. reduce
D. narrow

“A net worth of $2.5 million
in just 4 years using London Life’s
simple wealth strategy”
- Jane Booth and Glenda Jackson – Investment Advisers
If you’re looking to get on the path to financial freedom but aren’t sure of what
steps to take or if existing investment portfolio is not doing its job and needs a
major shake up, then we can help. Many middle-incomes earners have
expressed their opinion on how difficult it is to get honest, straightforward, and
unbiased advice that supports their financial goals. According to one couple,
they are working hard as teachers and never thought that they could get ahead
on their ____ until they discovered London Life’s simple yet effective investing
techniques. By following our simple strategy, we were able to amass a small
fortune for the couple! Now, we can show you how you can, too.
A. Costs
B. Prices
C. Charges
D. wages

Promoting Cycling in our City
An essential element of the transportation system in many of the cities around the
world is cycling. The city of Buffalo recognizes this and has developed a 10-year
plan to promotemore cycling in our city
The city’s development plan includes the addition of more cycling ______ to our
A. Admission
B. Entrance
C. Access
D. pass

26. From: . . Jonathan

Sent :. . Monday, October 27 2007 11:07 AM
To:. . John Devereux; Steve Tracey; Brian Kibble
Cc:. . Alfredo Chen; Jenny Lee
Subject:. Visit to Global Logistics
On behalf of Alfredo Chen and Hydetransport Taiwan, I would like thank you
for your warm hospitality during our visit to Global Logistics. It was a pleasure
meeting all of you and seeing your operations and setup. We were very
impressed with your ______ facility and your investment in technology.
A. Secure
B. Secured
C. Securely
D. to secure

27. From. : . . Wayne Thomas []

To. :. .
Cc. :. . Karen Russell []
Sent. :. . Tue, March 07, 2007 14:11 PM

I believe you should by now have received the copy of our company profit that
we ____in our last meeting. In it you will find the necessary information you
requested. If you still haven’t received it, please feel free to contact me.
Anyway, to keep the ball rolling, our Chairman, Mr. Langley would like to have
a meeting with Ms. Russell and/or you in Detroit on any date form March 20th
to March 24th to have a further discussion on the feasibility of our cooperation.
Those dates have been chosen since Mr. Langley will be traveling extensively in
both March. and April , However, if our suggested dates do not suit Ms. Russell,
then please let us know your preferred date for the meeting.
Best regards,
A. are discussing
B. had discussed
C. were in discussion
D. will be discussing

London’s premier classical music magazine, 3D Symphony, is seeking a
designer to join our team.
The ideal candidate is someone ______ qualifications must include a working
knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite 2 (Indesign, Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop and
Illustrator) on a MAC OSX platform. An understanding of magazine layout,
press ad design, and pre-press will be highly regarded The position is part-time
from Wednesday to Friday, and the person must be able to work to the pressure
of strict deadlines. The candidate must also be reliable and possess a keen eye
for detail. If selected, you’ll have the advantage of working within a young and
dynamic team environment. Expressions of interest can be emailed to
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Whose
D. which
29. Pet Dislikes of Urban Life
According to a survey conducted by the city of Boston, traffic, pollution and
noise were found to be the least ______ aspects of living in the city. The survey ,
administered as part of the city’s local action plan, ask the citizens of Boston
about their likes and dislikes of their surroundings.
The result of the survey communicated proximity (27.02 percent) and
community character/ village feel (11.54 percent) to be at the top of the list of
things most liked about city life.
The respondents felts the protection or enhancement of heritage (16.1 percent)
and open space (15.59 percent) were the two things they most desired the city to
On the other hand, traffic (10.22 percent), general noise (9.98 percent), and
parking (7.52 percent) within the main core of the city were the least attractive
parts of living in the city.
A. Desirable
B. Erectable
C. Seasonable
D. Permissible

30. Editor’s Welcome

Welcome to Street Life’s live and intimate celebration of the 200th edition of
______. In the next few pages, we have a special feature to let you meet the
luminaries who have many great contributions to our magazine. These special
people will also entertain you this Friday October 27, at the Street Life 200th
Edition Gala Celebration at Queen’s Quay, Toronto. If you can’t physically be
there tonight, settle back, and enjoy our magazine, and try to catch some of
these talented artists the next time they are in your area. So as the curtains go
up on the night of nights – Street Life’s celebration of 200 fabulous editions –
please raise your glass to Toronto’s most popular magazine.
Here’s to another 200 editions!
Carl Stevens
Carl Stevens
A. Publish
B. Publishing
C. to publish
D. to be published

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