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Create a web page using HTML as shown below

Heading no. 1

Heading no. 2

Heading no. 3

Heading no. 4

Heading no. 5
Heading no. 6

2. Create Text level tags and Block level tags

3. Create a web page for implementing different types of tags:Lists- ordered list, unordered
list as shown below
4. Create a web page for implementing different types of tags: Table tags with its attributes.

5. Create a web page for implementing different types of tags: Frame tags & IFrames Tags
6. Create a web page to link- A different web page of same site.

7. Create a web page to link- ii) A different location on same web page.

8. Create a web page that inserts images on the webpage using various attributes
9. Create a web page to implement different types of advanced HTML tags. a) Audio tags.
b) Video Tags.

10. Create a web page to implement different types of advanced HTML tags. a) Audio tags.
b) Add a YouTube video link.

11. Create a web pages to implement a) Form tags with its elements b) Form Input types and

12. Create a web pages to implement a Modal Login Form

13. Create web pages for demonstration of CSS with its types and properties.

14. Create web pages for any website using HTML & CSS.(for given topic)

15. Create a website with 2-3 web pages and host it on any free domain

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