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“Squid game” is a multiplayer game, and the game is divided into two teams, offensive and

defensive, usually each consists of 3 players. There are two main purposes, either for the
attackers to achieve the purpose of the attack, or for the teams to annihilate each other.

The home bases for each of the teams are called "houses". The top circle is the house for the
offensive team, the bottom rectangle is the house for the defensive team, and the middle
triangle is the neutral ground between them.

The objective for the offensive team is to leave their house and move outside the figure
around to the bottom of the defensive house (shown "open" on the diagram above), then pass
through the figure back into the offensive house.

Attacking players are required to move only by hopping on one foot until they "promote" by
either reaching area 2 having passed through area 3; or by hopping over the thin part of the
figure between the two areas marked 4. Once promoted, they may use both feet.

The defensive team tries to eliminate the members of the offensive team by pushing them
across a line of the figure they are not permitted to cross. This usually means pushing players
who have entered the figure out or pushing players attempting to hop over the figure at 4 into
the triangle. Defensive team members who leave the figure are also eliminated, so it is
possible for the attackers to win by pushing all defenders out of the figure.

Diagram showing playing field. It consists of five areas:

(1) Offensive house
(2) Promotion area for the defence
(3) Defensive house
(4) Promotion area for the offense
(5) Out of boundary

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