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Title no. 108-S15

Plastic Hinge Lengths in High-Rise Concrete Shear Walls

by Alfredo Bohl and Perry Adebar

It is commonly assumed that the maximum inelastic curvature in a Tall Buildings Structural Design Council.7 This involves
wall is uniform over a plastic hinge length (height) lp equal to making more accurate estimates of inelastic demand using
between 0.5 and 1.0 times the wall length lw (horizontal dimension). three-dimensional (3-D) nonlinear response history analysis.
Experimental and analytical results indicate that inelastic curvatures Some analysis programs use fiber models to determine the
actually vary linearly in walls; however, the concept of maximum flexural deformations of a concrete wall due to the applied
inelastic curvature over lp can still be used to estimate the flexural axial load and bending moment; however, these models do
displacements of isolated walls. Based on the results of nonlinear not account for the influence of shear on the spread of
finite element analyses using a model validated by test results, an inelastic strains, and the user is free to choose input parameters
expression is proposed for lp as a function of wall length, moment- that will influence the predicted spread of inelastic flexural
shear ratio, and axial compression. A procedure to account for the strains. Thus, the plastic hinge length lp is still needed in
influence of applied shear stress on lp is also presented. In high- these cases to obtain a reliable estimate of maximum curvatures
rise buildings, walls are interconnected by numerous floor slabs, from maximum plastic hinge rotations.
resulting in a complex interaction between walls with different lw. High-rise concrete shear walls are typically subjected to a
Longer walls generally have larger shear deformations near the level of axial compression stress that is less than in building
base because their higher relative flexural stiffness and flexural
columns but greater than in bridge columns and beams. The
strength attracts a larger portion of the total shear force. More
slender walls correspondingly have larger flexural deformations concrete geometry and reinforcement is very different in
near the base to maintain compatibility of total deformations at the walls than in columns and beams. Thus, lp determined from
floor levels. An expression is presented for estimating maximum beam and column tests may not be appropriate for walls.
curvatures in systems of walls with different lp where the actual Walls in buildings are interconnected by floor slabs at
linear variation of inelastic curvatures must be accounted for. numerous levels, which results in a complex interaction
between different length walls that influences maximum
Keywords: concrete walls; cracking; displacement; finite element method; curvature demand.
flexure; inelastic curvature; nonlinear analysis; plastic hinge; rotation;
seismic design; shear walls. RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
The objective of this study is to investigate the profile of
INTRODUCTION inelastic curvatures that should be used to estimate the flexural
An important part of the seismic design of concrete wall displacement capacity of high-rise concrete walls. As very
buildings is ensuring that the flexural displacement capacity limited test results are available for high-rise concrete walls,
of the walls is greater than the flexural displacement demand. the methodology is to use a state-of-the-art nonlinear finite
The inelastic (plastic) portion of flexural displacement results element model validated by the available test results. Analyses
from a concentration of inelastic (plastic) curvatures near are conducted on a range of isolated walls with different wall
the base of a wall. For simplicity, the inelastic curvatures φi lengths, maximum bending moment-shear force ratios, axial
are usually assumed to be uniform over a height called the compression or axial tension force levels, and shear stress
plastic hinge length lp. Thus, the inelastic flexural levels; and the results are used to develop a simple expression
displacement capacity Δi of a cantilever wall with a height for plastic hinge length. Additional analyses are used to
hw above the fixed base is study the interaction between walls of different lengths
connected by floor slabs at numerous levels, and a simple
Δi = φi lp(hw – lp /2) (1) model is presented for estimating maximum curvature
demands in such interconnected wall systems.
Based on beam tests, it has become common practice1,2 to
assume that the plastic hinge length lp of a concrete wall PREVIOUS WORK ON PLASTIC HINGE LENGTH
Beams and columns
varies from 0.5 to 1.0 times the larger horizontal dimension Chan8 suggested that the plastic hinge length is equal to
of the wall called wall length lw. Thus, 0.5lw is used as a the length over which reinforcement is yielding in a member.
lower-bound estimate of lp to make a safe estimate of To differentiate from the length of equivalent uniform
displacement capacity from curvature capacity. It was used3 inelastic curvature, this length is denoted herein by lp*. For
to derive the expression in ACI 318-99 4 for maximum a member subjected to constant shear (linear bending moment)
compression strain depth in a wall without confinement
reinforcement, and was used5 to develop CSA A23.3-046
provisions that define when confinement reinforcement is
needed in cantilever walls. ACI Structural Journal, V. 108, No. 2, March-April 2011.
MS No. S-2007-294.R4 received February 12, 2010, and reviewed under Institute
The seismic design of high-rise concrete wall buildings is publication policies. Copyright © 2011, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved,
sometimes done using more sophisticated procedures such including the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
Pertinent discussion including author’s closure, if any, will be published in the January-
as those prescribed in the procedure suggested by the L.A. February 2012 ACI Structural Journal if the discussion is received by September 1, 2011.

148 ACI Structural Journal/March-April 2011

the critical section; and 0.022 has units of mm2/N. Based on
Alfredo Bohl is a Structural Engineer with Westmar Consultants in North Vancouver,
BC, Canada. He received his MASc degree from the University of British Columbia, a database of 875 tests on mostly beams and columns,
Vancouver, BC, Canada. Panagiotakos and Fardis19 proposed that the mean plastic
hinge length for cyclic loading is given by
Perry Adebar, FACI, is a Professor of structural engineering at the University of
British Columbia. He is a member of ACI Committee 374, Performance-Based Seismic
Design of Concrete Buildings, and Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 445, Shear and Torsion. lp = 0.12z + 0.014db fy (6)

They recommended that lp be increased by 50% for

monotonic loading and that the second term in Eq. (6) be
l p * = z ( 1 – M y ⁄ M max ) (2)
eliminated in cases where pullout of longitudinal steel is
not possible.
where z is the shear span (distance from maximum to zero Hines et al.20 presented a rational model to estimate the
bending moment), My is the bending moment at first yield of length lp* over which inelastic curvatures vary linearly in a
reinforcement, and Mmax is the maximum bending moment. variety of bridge piers from simple columns to complex
Baker9 observed from tests that a safe estimate of plastic hollow piers that include wall segments. The model includes
hinge length in columns is between 0.5h and 1.0h, where h is a component proportional to z that depends on the bending
the column dimension perpendicular to the axis of bending. moment increase after the first yield of vertical reinforcement
Cohn and Petcu10 tested small-scale continuous beams to and a component proportional to d that depends on the shear
confirm the validity of Eq. (1). They observed a length of characteristics of the pier (for example, the quantity of shear
yielding on each side of the section subjected to Mmax reinforcement). The plastic hinge length lp over which
varying from 0.3d to 0.9d. Baker and Amarakone11 observed curvatures are assumed to be uniform is equal to 1/2lp* plus
that beams and columns with cold-worked reinforcement the second term in Eq. (5), which accounts for strain penetration
had an approximately 30% increase in plastic hinge length beyond the base of the bridge pier.
and that an increase in axial compression or a decrease in
concrete compression strength resulted in a longer plastic Concrete walls
hinge length due to increased cover spalling. Paulay and Uzumeri21 modified Eq. (4) for application to
Sawyer12 developed a seminal equation for plastic hinge concrete walls by assuming that d = 0.8lw and z = hw,
length in beams. He assumed that My /Mmax = 0.85 and deter- resulting in the following modified Sawyer’s12 equation
mined lp* = 0.15z from Eq. (2). Sawyer12 recognized that
inelastic curvatures vary linearly from the maximum value to
lp = α0.8lw + βhw (7)
zero over this length, and that the same inelastic rotation results
from the maximum inelastic curvature being uniform over half
this length. Sawyer12 assumed that plasticity would spread over where lw is the wall length and hw is the wall height. An
a length of d/4, resulting in a total plastic hinge length of upper-bound estimate of lp results from using Joint ACI-
ASCE Committee 42816 recommendations of α = 0.5 and β
lp = 0.25d + 0.075z (3) = 0.10. Paulay and Priestley22 recommended α = 0.25 and β
= 0.044 in Eq. (7) for a lower-bound estimate of lp of walls.
For a given hw/lw ratio, lp depends only on wall length lw
A general form of Sawyer’s12 equation is
according to Eq. (7). For a typical value of hw /lw = 7, the
upper-bound plastic hinge length is 1.1lw , whereas the
lp = αd + βz (4) lower-bound plastic hinge length is 0.5lw, as is commonly
assumed.3,5 Over the range of hw /lw from 5 to 12, lp varies
where, according to Sawyer,12 α = 0.25 and β = 0.075. from 0.4lw to 1.6lw with the lower- and upper-bound values
Mattock13 and Corley14 conducted tests on a large number of α and β, respectively.
of beams up to 750 mm (30 in.) deep and observed that Sasani and Der Kiureghian23 reexamined the beam test
plastic hinge length increases with effective depth d and data and proposed that
shear span-depth ratio z/d and decreases with the quantity of
flexural tension reinforcement. Based on all results,
Mattock15 proposed that the mean plastic hinge length is l p = 0.43d + 0.077 z ⁄ d (8)
given by Eq. (4) with α = 0.5 and β = 0.05. Using the same
test results, Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 42816 recommended for the mean plastic hinge length in concrete walls, where
that a lower-bound estimate of plastic hinge length is given 0.077 has units of m3/2.
by Eq. (4) with α = 0.25 and β = 0.03 and an upper-bound The database that Panagiotakos and Fardis19 used to
estimate of plastic hinge length is given by Eq. (4) with α = develop Eq. (6) included 61 tests of concrete walls; however,
0.5 and β = 0.10. only 12 walls had an hw /lw ratio greater than 2.5, and only
A number of studies on plastic hinging in columns were four of these had an aspect ratio greater than 3. When predictions
conducted in New Zealand (for example, Reference 17). The from Eq. (6)—which is a best fit to 875 tests on mostly
initial recommendation was simply lp = 0.4h, but this was beams, columns, and squat walls—are compared with results
subsequently18 generalized to for the 12 more slender walls, poor correlation is observed.
The ratio of predicted-to-observed lp ranges from 0.25 to 5.
lp = 0.08z + 0.022db fy (5)
where db is the diameter; fy is the yield strength of vertical As there is insufficient data available to develop an empirical
column reinforcement that pulls out of the foundation below model for plastic hinge lengths in high-rise concrete walls,

ACI Structural Journal/March-April 2011 149

axial stiffness and strength. To simulate the influence of slabs
in reducing the horizontal normal strain of the walls at the slab
level, wall elements at the level of the slabs were given a high
axial stiffness in the horizontal direction. These wall elements
had a height equal to the slab thickness of 8 in. (203 mm).
Axial compression due to gravity loads was held constant
during the analyses, whereas the lateral load applied at the top
of the wall was monotonically increased in a displacement-control
mode to varying drift levels. Comparisons with predictions that
included numerous reverse cycles of lateral load confirmed that
monotonic predictions of vertical strains in reinforcement and
concrete are similar to the envelope of cycle predictions, whereas
the strain of horizontal reinforcement and shear strains
are somewhat increased due to cyclic lateral loading.

Fig. 1—Comparison of predicted and observed strains at MODEL VALIDATION: COMPARISON

base of wall tested by Thomsen and Wallace.28 WITH WALL TESTS
To validate the analytical model, comparisons were made
an analytical study was undertaken. The selected nonlinear with the wall test results. In tests by Thomsen and Wallace,28
finite element program was VecTor2,24 as it uses state-of-the- extensive measurements of concrete strains were made along
art material models for cracked reinforced concrete subjected the wall base. Specimen RW2 was a rectangular wall that
to shear combined with axial load and bending moment. was 3.66 m (12 ft) high, 1.22 m (4 ft) long (hw /lw = 3), and
VecTor224 uses the disturbed stress field model,25 which is 102 mm (4 in.) thick. The vertical reinforcement in the 191 mm
a refinement of the modified compression field theory.26 (7.5 in.) confined boundary zones consisted of eight No. 3
The concrete model in VecTor224 accounts for the reduction bars. The distributed reinforcement consisted of two No. 2
of compressive strength and stiffness due to transverse bars spaced at 191 mm (7.5 in.) vertically and horizontally.
cracking and tensile straining. Crack shear-slip deformations Thus, the total vertical reinforcement in the wall consisted of
are accounted for by relating shear slip along cracks to local 16 No. 3 and eight No. 2 bars, which gives a total steel area
shear stresses along cracks. A rotation lag is used to relate equal to 1.1% of the total cross section. The compressive
post-cracking rotation of the principal stress field to the post- strength of concrete near the base of the wall was 44 MPa
cracking rotation of the principal strain field.25 The post-cracking (6.38 ksi). The wall was subjected to an axial compression of
response of concrete includes tensile stresses between cracks due 7% fc′ Ag and cyclic lateral displacements due to a lateral load
to the bond between concrete and reinforcement (tension applied at the top of the wall.
stiffening). The reduction in concrete cracking strength due The vertical strains measured over a 229 mm (9 in.) gauge
to transverse compressive stresses is accounted for. length at the base of Wall RW2 are shown in Fig. 1 at four
The constitutive relationship used for reinforcing steel in drift levels: ±1.5 and ±2%. The strains observed on one side
tension has an initial linear-elastic response, a yield plateau, and of the wall for positive drifts are shown with the strains
a linear strain-hardening phase until rupture. For the predictions observed on the opposite side of the wall due to negative
of the two wall tests, the curves were fit to the measured bare- strains to see the experimental variation in strains. The
bar stress-strain relationships of the reinforcement. For the predicted strains at 1.5 and 2% drift are shown as lines.
parametric study, the assumed stress-strain relationship is Generally, there is good agreement between the measured
defined by a modulus of elasticity of 200,000 MPa (29,000 ksi), and predicted strains. The predictions accounted for 12 mm
a yield strength of 400 MPa (58 ksi), strain hardening beginning (0.47 in.) of concrete cover spalling around the confined
at a strain of 0.010, and an ultimate stress of 650 MPa (94 ksi) boundary zone at the wall ends. Surprisingly, both the
occurring at a strain of 0.061. The reinforcement did not reach experimental and analytical results indicate nonlinear strain
the ultimate stress in any of the wall analyses. profiles. This was investigated analytically and it was found
VecTor224 uses three-node constant strain triangular that before cracking, the strain profiles are linear. After
elements with six degrees of freedom (DOF) and four-node cracking, the linearity of the strain profile depends on the
plane stress rectangular elements with eight DOF to model amount of vertical reinforcement—increasing the amount of
concrete with distributed reinforcement and uses two-node reinforcement results in the strains being more linear. When
truss bar elements with four DOF to model discrete reinforcement. the wall is pushed to larger drift levels, the strain profiles
Different concrete material types with different percentages of become more nonlinear.27
distributed horizontal and vertical reinforcement were used to Adebar et al.29 conducted a test on a slender concrete wall
represent the various wall regions. As the purpose of the with a height hw = 11.33 m (37.2 ft) from the base of the
study was to investigate flexural hinging near the base of the plastic hinge to the level of measured lateral wall displacement,
walls, a refined mesh was used over the lower half of the a length lw = 1.625 m (64 in.) and height-to-length ratio hw/lw = 7.
walls. Typically 20 (approximately square) rectangular elements The wall had a flanged cross section, a low percentage of
were used over the wall length for the lower portion of the vertical reinforcement (0.45%), and was subjected to a
wall. The total mesh for a typical wall consisted of approximately constant axial compression of 10% fc′ Ag. The maximum
2000 elements.27 displacement at the top of the wall was 281 mm (11.06 in.)
Concrete flat slabs are flexible in bending and have limited (2.4% global drift), and the displacement prior to reinforcement
shear strength but have a very high in-plane stiffness and yielding was 46 mm (1.8 in.). The total curvature capacity of the
strength. The slabs interconnecting the walls at each floor wall was 22 rad/km (6.71 × 10–3 rad/ft), and the elastic portion
level were modeled using truss bar elements with very high of the curvature capacity was 2 rad/km (0.61 × 10–3 rad/ft).

150 ACI Structural Journal/March-April 2011

Substituting these values into Eq. (1) and solving for plastic to the wall lengths, which are shown in the figure. This is
hinge length gives lp = 1.09 m, which is 67% of lw. consistent with Eq. (7), as hw/lw = 7.2 for Wall W1 and
The curvatures of the wall were measured at numerous 14.4 for Wall W2.
locations over the height, and these are compared with The maximum and minimum strains of the concentrated
predicted curvatures in Fig. 2 for global drifts between 0.9 and vertical reinforcement at the tension end of the wall are
1.6%. There is generally very good agreement between the shown in Fig. 4(b). These are helpful for identifying exactly
predicted and observed curvature distributions, both of where the curvatures exceed the yield curvature—where the
which indicate that inelastic curvatures vary approximately steel strain exceeds the reinforcement yield strain. Note that
linearly over approximately 2 m (6.6 ft). whereas the inelastic curvatures in Wall W1 are only slightly
larger than the inelastic curvatures in Wall W2, the
PLASTIC HINGES IN ISOLATED WALLS maximum steel strains are considerably larger in the longer
Figure 3 shows the cross sections of Walls W1 and W2 that Wall W1, and in fact exceed the strain at the onset of strain
were used to study plastic hinging in isolated walls. Wall W1 hardening over a considerable height. The increased steel
has a length lw1 = 7.6 m (25 ft), whereas Wall W2 is half as stress due to strain hardening results in a larger bending
long: lw2 = 3.8 m (12.5 ft). The walls were both 54.86 m moment capacity, which increases the height over which the
(180 ft) high and were subjected to an axial compression of bending moment exceeds the bending moment at first yield.
10% fc′ Ag. Each wall was analyzed separately, and the two This is an important reason why longer walls have longer
results are shown together in Fig. 4 when the global drift is plastic hinge lengths.
2%. Figure 4(a) confirms that inelastic curvatures vary The moment-shear ratio, which in this study is equal to the
approximately linearly. The vertical lengths of linearly wall height, was previously identified as having a significant
varying inelastic curvatures lp* are not directly proportional influence on plastic hinge length. Thus, four different wall
heights, 54.86, 36.60, 27.43, and 18.30 m (180, 120, 90, and
60 ft) were investigated. Equation (2) was used to predict the
length of linearly varying inelastic curvature lp*, ignoring
the influence of shear. The maximum bending moment at
the wall base Mmax in Eq. (2) was determined from
nonlinear finite element analysis (NLFEA), accounting for
strain hardening. For slender walls, lp* accounting for shear
was consistently 8% larger than when not accounting for
shear. When hw /lw was less than 5, the ratio of lp* accounting
for shear to lp* not accounting for shear increased to 1.12 at
hw /lw = 4.7, 1.25 at hw /lw = 3.6, and 1.42 at hw /lw = 2.5. This
confirms that shear has a significant influence on lp*.
The results summarized previously, as well as from four
additional walls, were used to develop a simple model for the
influence of shear on plastic hinge length. The four additional
walls were similar to Walls W1 and W2, except that the wall
thickness was reduced to 254 mm (10 in.) to increase the
shear stress. The heights of these walls were 27.43 and 18.30 m
Fig. 2—Comparison of predicted and observed curvatures (90 and 60 ft). Walls with significant diagonal cracking were
near base of wall tested by Adebar et al.29 found to have a larger lp*. For example, the wall subjected to

Fig. 3—Cross section of Walls W1, W2, and W3 and Column C1 analyzed in current study.

ACI Structural Journal/March-April 2011 151

3.4 MPa (500 psi) shear stress was found to have an lp* that
was 1.8 times that predicted by Eq. (2).
Diagonal cracking in a wall causes additional tension
demand on vertical reinforcement a certain distance up from
the base but does not influence demand at the base of the
wall. This is equivalent to a localized increase in shear span
z (reduction in bending moment gradient) that results in an
increased height over which the applied bending moments
exceed the yield moment. A simple way to quantify the influence
of shear is to define a vertical tension force applied at the
center of the wall that must be resisted by the vertical
reinforcement up from the base of the wall. If it is assumed
for simplicity that there is no concrete contribution (all shear
resisted by horizontal reinforcement) and that diagonal
cracks are inclined at 45 degrees, this tension force is equal
to the applied shear force V. A simple estimate of the reduction
in My due to the applied tension force V results from
assuming that half the tension force must be resisted by the
flexural tension reinforcement, and the bending moment
resisted by this reinforcement is a force couple with an
internal flexural lever arm of 0.8lw. Thus, the reduction in the
yield bending moment due to shear is estimated as 0.4Vlw.
There is no influence of shear until significant diagonal
cracks form. For flexural members without significant axial
compression, the shear stress at diagonal cracking is typically
assumed to be 0.17√fc′ MPa or 2√fc′ psi. For walls subjected
to axial compression, the shear stress at diagonal cracking
will be larger. The results from the analyses of walls
subjected to axial compression equal to 10% fc′ Ag suggests
Fig. 4—Deformations of two isolated walls at 2% global drift: that the influence of diagonal cracking is significant for
(a) curvature distributions; and (b) maximum steel strains. shear stresses equal to or greater than 1.8 MPa (0.26 ksi),
Heights above base equivalent to wall lengths are indicated. which corresponds to a shear stress of 0.3√fc′ MPa or
3.4√fc′ psi for these walls. The simple model described
previously was used to predict lp* accounting for shear, and
the results were found to compare well with the NLFEA results.27
Another parameter identified from previous work on
columns as having a significant influence on plastic hinge
length is axial compression. Figure 5 summarizes the influence
of axial load on the length of inelastic curvature lp* of Wall W1
(Fig. 5(a)) and Wall W2 (Fig. 5(b)). The axial load was varied
from a compression of 30% fc′ Ag to a tension of 5% fc′ Ag.
Figure 5 clearly indicates that axial compression reduces the
plastic hinge length, which is the opposite of what was
observed in the column tests. The influence of axial load on
plastic hinging in walls, where there is little cover spalling,
is explained in Fig. 6. Figure 6(a) shows the bending
moment-curvature relationship for Wall W1 subjected to
four different levels of axial load. Figure 6(b) shows these
same curves normalized by the bending moment when the
reinforcement first yields (refer to Fig. 6(a)). When a wall is
subjected to reduced axial compression or increased axial
tension, the ratio of the maximum bending moment to the
yield bending moment (Mmax/My) increases, and thus the
plastic hinge length increases consistent with Eq. (2).
The results of 22 isolated wall analyses are summarized in
Table 1. The value of lp* is the length over which curvatures
were greater than yield. As the inelastic curvatures varied
linearly, the same rotation results if the maximum inelastic
curvature is uniform over a length lp = 0.5lp*. The following
simple expression gives a lower-bound estimate of plastic
hinge length in isolated walls
Fig. 5—Influence of axial load on length of linearly varying
inelastic curvatures (compression positive): (a) Wall W1;
and (b) Wall W2. l p = ( 0.2l w + 0.05z ) ( 1 – 1.5P ⁄ f c′ A g ) ≤ 0.8l w (9)

152 ACI Structural Journal/March-April 2011

where z = M/V in the plastic hinge region of the wall, and a not connected (A = alone), which are the same results shown
compressive axial load P is taken as positive. The plastic in Fig. 4, and when the walls are connected (C). When the
hinge lengths resulting from Eq. (9) are also given in Table 1. two walls are connected, the curvatures in the upper portion
It was found that when plastic hinge length is related to both of the walls above approximately 10 m (33 ft) from the base
shear span and wall length, it is not necessary to account for
the level of shear stress to make a reasonable estimate of lp.
Figure 7 compares the plastic hinge lengths predicted by
simplified procedures for walls with the results of nonlinear
finite element analyses. As plastic hinge lengths vary from
0.28lw to 0.82lw, the simple lp = 0.5lw does not give a good result
(Fig. 7(a)). Equation (8) was empirically fit to beams and is not
suitable for walls that are approximately 10 times larger
(Fig. 7(b)). Equation (7) with α = 0.25 and β = 0.044 was
suggested as a lower-bound estimate but is a better estimate of the
mean plastic hinge length (Fig. 7(c)). Finally, Eq. (9) is a
good estimate of the lower-bound plastic hinge length (Fig. 7(d)).


In high-rise buildings, different length walls and columns
are interconnected by floor slabs, which have very high in-
plane stiffness. To study how plastic hinge lengths in walls
of different lengths are influenced when walls are connected
together, a series of simplified two-dimensional (2-D) analyses
were performed using the nonlinear finite element model
that was verified by tests on isolated walls. These analyses
included Wall W1 connected to Wall W2, Wall W1
connected to Wall W3, and Wall W1 connected to Column C1
(refer to Fig. 3). Rigid floor slabs were provided every
2.74 m (9 ft) over the 54.86 m (180 ft) high 20-story
building. In the 2-D analysis, the two walls (or wall and
column) had equal horizontal displacements at every floor level.
The analyses of Walls W1 and W2 giving the results
shown in Fig. 4 were repeated with the two walls connected
together. Figure 8(a) shows the curvature distributions up to Fig. 6—Influence of axial load on bending moment-curvature
the midheight of both walls at 2% drift when the walls are response of Wall W1.

Table 1—Summary of isolated wall results

Wall parameters From finite element analysis From Eq. (9)
lw, m (ft) hw, m (ft) P/fc′ Ag v, MPa (psi) lp*, m (ft) lp = 0.5lp*, m (ft) lp, m (ft)
7.62 25 54.9 180 –0.05 0.17 25 11.19 36.71 5.60 18.35 4.59 15.0
7.62 25 54.9 180 –0.02 0.25 36 10.01 32.85 5.01 16.42 4.40 14.4
7.62 25 54.9 180 –0.00 0.32 46 10.10 33.13 5.05 16.57 4.27 14.0
7.62 25 54.9 180 0.10 0.60 87 8.39 27.51 4.19 13.75 3.63 11.9
7.62 25 54.9 180 0.20 0.80 116 5.93 19.44 2.96 9.72 2.99 9.8
7.62 25 54.9 180 0.30 1.00 145 4.28 14.04 2.14 7.02 2.35 7.7
7.62 25 36.6 120 0.10 0.95 138 6.06 19.89 3.03 9.94 2.85 9.3
7.62 25 27.4 90 0.10 1.25 181 5.55 18.22 2.78 9.11 2.46 8.1
7.62 25 18.3 60 0.10 1.80 261 4.45 14.59 2.22 7.29 2.07 6.8
7.62 25 27.4 90 0.10 2.30 334 5.90 19.35 2.95 9.68 2.46 8.1
7.62 25 18.3 60 0.10 3.35 486 5.78 18.95 2.89 9.48 2.07 6.8
3.81 12.5 54.9 180 –0.05 0.08 12 6.04 19.81 3.02 9.91 3.05 10.0
3.81 12.5 54.9 180 –0.02 0.12 17 6.18 20.28 3.09 10.14 3.05 10.0
3.81 12.5 54.9 180 0 0.16 23 6.24 20.47 3.12 10.24 3.05 10.0
3.81 12.5 54.9 180 0.10 0.30 44 6.21 20.36 3.10 10.18 2.98 9.8
3.81 12.5 54.9 180 0.20 0.40 58 5.38 17.65 2.69 8.83 2.45 8.0
3.81 12.5 54.9 180 0.30 0.50 73 3.94 12.94 1.97 6.47 1.93 6.3
3.81 12.5 36.6 120 0.10 0.45 65 4.74 15.56 2.37 7.78 2.20 7.2
3.81 12.5 27.4 90 0.10 0.60 87 4.28 14.04 2.14 7.02 1.81 5.9
3.81 12.5 27.4 90 0.10 1.15 167 4.09 13.41 2.04 6.70 1.81 5.9
3.81 12.5 18.3 60 0.10 0.85 123 3.16 10.37 1.58 5.19 1.43 4.7
3.81 12.5 18.3 60 0.10 1.65 239 3.45 11.30 1.72 5.65 1.43 4.7

ACI Structural Journal/March-April 2011 153

Fig. 7—Comparison of lp / lw determined from nonlinear finite element analysis and
simplified procedures.

are equal to the curvatures in the longer Wall W1 when not

connected to Wall W2. That is, the much higher flexural
stiffness of the longer Wall W1 controls the displacements of
the smaller Wall W2 where the two walls are elastic.
Over the height where curvatures (Fig. 8(a)) and steel
strains (Fig. 8(b)) are greater than yield, the following
observations are made: 1) curvatures are not similar in the
two connected walls; 2) due to the walls being connected, the
height of inelastic curvatures and inelastic steel strains in the
longer Wall W1 is slightly increased, whereas the height of
inelastic curvatures and inelastic steel strains in smaller Wall W2
is slightly reduced; 3) maximum curvatures and steel strains
of longer Wall W1 are only slightly influenced by the wall
being connected to a smaller wall; and 4) maximum curvatures
and maximum steel strains at the base of the smaller wall are
significantly increased.
To examine the reason for the changed height of linearly
varying inelastic curvatures, the forces in the slabs
connecting the walls were used to determine the variation of
bending moments in the two walls. When the walls are not
connected, the bending moments vary linearly due to the
lateral load applied at the top of the wall. When the walls are
interconnected, there is a shift in bending moments due to a
redistribution of shear force from Walls W1 to W2 at the
base where shear deformations have an influence. The
reason for the redistribution is that the ratio of the flexural
Fig. 8—Comparison of wall deformations at 2% global drift strengths of Walls W1 to W2 is approximately four, whereas
for: Wall W1 alone, Wall W2 alone (A) and Walls W1 and the ratio of the shear stiffnesses of Walls W1 to W2 is
W2 connected (C) by floor slabs: (a) curvature distributions; and approximately two. The reduction in shear in Wall W1
(b) maximum steel strains. Solid markers are isolated walls (A), causes the bending-moment diagram to have a lower
and hollow markers are connected walls (C). gradient, whereas the increase in shear in Wall W2 causes

154 ACI Structural Journal/March-April 2011

Fig. 10—Assumed curvature profiles used to predict
maximum curvatures in more slender Wall W2 connected by
floor slabs to longer Wall W1.

Fig. 9—Comparison of displacement profiles of longer Wall W1

and smaller Wall W2: (a) over first four stories; and (b) close-
up of first story.
Fig. 11—Comparison of curvature profiles at 2% global
the bending-moment gradient to increase. Thus, the height at drift for three different analyses: Wall W1 alone, Wall W3
which the applied bending moment exceeds the yield alone (A), and Walls W1 and W3 connected (C) by floor slabs.
moment in Wall W1 increases slightly, whereas the reverse
happens in Wall W2.
To understand why the maximum inelastic curvature is curvatures. Figure 10 summarizes the curvature profiles
larger in Wall W2, the deflected shapes of the two walls were according to this simple model. Setting the rotation in Wall W1
examined. The total horizontal displacements were obtained equal to the rotation in Wall W2 (equal areas under curvature
from the analysis output, whereas flexural displacements profiles) and rearranging gives
were calculated by integrating curvatures. Shear displacements
are the difference between total and flexural displacements.
Figure 9(a) summarizes the displacements at the adjacent φ max, 2 = φ y, 1 + ( φ max, 1 – φ y, 2 ) ( l p, 1 ⁄ l p, 2 ) (10)
faces of the two connected walls over four floors. The total
horizontal displacements of the two walls are equal at the where φmax is the maximum curvature at the base of the wall,
floor slabs but vary somewhat between floor slabs. The φy is the yield curvature, and subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the
largest difference occurs between the base and the first floor, longer and smaller walls, respectively. To predict the
and this is shown in Fig. 9(b). maximum curvature in Wall W2, the yield curvatures of the
The longer Wall W1 is subjected to considerably larger two walls φy,1 = 0.00045 rad/m (0.00137 rad/ft) and φy,2 =
shear stresses than Wall W2 due to the relative flexural 0.00090 rad/m (0.00027 rad/ft) were used, along with the
capacity being approximately twice the relative shear stiffness. observations from the analysis of Wall W1 alone: φmax,1 =
Thus, the longer Wall W1 has considerably larger shear 0.00326 rad/m (0.00099 rad/ft), lp,1 = 8.39 m (27.5 ft), and
deformations and smaller flexural displacements, as shown the observation from the connected walls: lp,2 = 4.64 m
in Fig. 9. The larger flexural displacements of Wall W2 are (15.2 ft). This results in a predicted φmax,2 of 0.00472 rad/m
what cause the larger curvatures at the base of Wall W2. (0.00144 rad/ft) compared to an observed value of
A simple model was developed to predict maximum 0.00456 rad/m (0.00139 rad/ft).
curvature in a smaller wall connected to a longer wall using As a second example, Wall W1 was connected to Wall W3,
the following assumptions: 1) the lengths of linearly varying which is 1.9 m (6.2 ft) long and was subjected to an axial
inelastic curvatures in the two walls do not change (this is a compression equal to 20% fc′ Ag. Figure 11 shows the curvature
reasonable simplification); 2) the maximum curvature in the distributions up to the midheight of the walls at 2% drift when the
longer wall (Wall W1) does not change; and 3) the slope of walls are alone (A) and connected together (C). Similar
the walls due to flexural displacement—that is, the integral results are observed as the previous example. The curvature
of curvatures—is equal above the region with inelastic distribution in Wall W1 is not changed significantly, whereas

ACI Structural Journal/March-April 2011 155

the curvatures in Wall W3 at the base are significantly increased a larger maximum bending moment due to strain hardening,
to a level much larger than the maximum curvature in and hence a longer height over which the bending moments
Wall W1. When not connected to Wall W1, Wall W3 is so exceed the bending moment at yielding. Diagonal cracking
flexible that, when displaced to 2% drift, no yielding occurs has a significant influence on the plastic hinge length in
at the base of the wall. When connected to Wall W1, the walls, and a simple model was presented to account for this;
maximum steel strain increased from 0.0012 (less than yield) however, it was found that when plastic hinge length is
to 0.008 (four times yield). related to both moment-shear ratio and wall length, it is not
The maximum curvature in Wall W3 was predicted using necessary to explicitly account for the shear force.
Eq. (10) and the yield curvatures of the two walls φy,1 = In high-rise buildings, walls are interconnected at
0.00045 rad/m (0.00137 rad/ft) and φy,2 = 0.00207 rad/m numerous levels by floor slabs that force the horizontal
(0.00063 rad/ft), along with the observations from the analysis displacements of walls to be equal (assuming no floor rotation
of Wall W1 alone—φmax,1 = 0.00326 rad/m (0.00099 rad/ft) or walls along line of equal horizontal displacement). The
and lp,1 = 8.39 m (27.5 ft)—and the observation from the results of this study have shown that longer walls (with a
connected walls lp,2 = 2.06 m (6.8 ft), resulting in a predicted larger lw) have larger shear deformations, and hence smaller
φmax,2 of 0.00530 rad/m (0.00162 rad/ft) compared to the walls have correspondingly larger flexural displacements
observed value of 0.00581 rad/m (0.00177 rad/ft). (curvatures) near the base to maintain the same total
The final example involves Wall W1 connected to Column C1, displacements at the floor levels. Longer walls are generally
which is 0.95 m (3.1 ft) long (one-eighth the length of Wall W1). subjected to larger shear stresses due to the relative flexural
Column C1 was subjected to an axial compression equal to stiffness and relative flexural capacity being larger than
40% fc′ Ag. As expected, the curvatures in Wall W1 did not the relative shear stiffness. For example, the flexural
change significantly as a result of being connected to the capacity of a rectangular wall with a certain percentage
column, whereas the maximum curvature in the column of vertical reinforcement and level of axial compression
increased considerably. When Column C1 is alone, the stress is approximately proportional to lw2, whereas the
maximum curvatures at 2% drift are small enough that for shear stiffness of that wall is proportional to lw. Longer walls
the level of applied axial compression, the column is also have a smaller M/(Vlw) ratio.
uncracked. When the column is connected to Wall W1, the A simple model was developed to predict maximum
curvatures increase sufficiently to cause the column to crack curvature in a smaller wall connected to a longer wall. The
over a certain height. As this height is less than the plastic assumptions are: 1) curvatures of a longer wall are not
hinge length of Wall W1, the maximum curvature in the influenced by being connected to a smaller wall; 2) elastic
column is considerably larger than the maximum curvature curvatures in the upper portion of a smaller wall are the same
in Wall W1. Whereas the curvatures in the column are not as curvatures in a longer wall; and 3) plastic hinge lengths of
large enough to cause the column to yield, they are large all walls are unchanged. The two walls have the same flexural
enough to cause a significant reduction in the compression rotation at the top of the plastic hinge length lp* of the longer
capacity of the column and this must be accounted for in the wall but the smaller wall has a concentration of curvatures at
design of gravity load columns.30 the base, and hence larger flexural displacement. The
maximum curvatures at the base of the smaller wall from
CONCLUSIONS Eq. (10), which is based on this simple model, compare well
Results of this study have shown that inelastic curvatures with maximum curvatures determined from nonlinear finite
in concrete walls vary linearly, as was previously observed20 element analysis.
in bridge piers. The same inelastic rotation of an isolated The scope of this study was limited to isolated cantilever
wall results from using the traditional assumption that walls with uniform properties. In an actual building, the axial
maximum curvature is uniform over a plastic hinge length lp compression will decrease linearly over the wall height,
equal to half the length lp* over which inelastic curvatures which will result in a linear decrease in bending-moment
actually vary linearly; however, the actual linear variation of capacity where reinforcement is uniform (variation will be
inelastic curvature is needed to model the interaction of gradual in tall buildings). The decrease in bending-moment
different length walls in a high-rise building and to decide capacity of the wall will cause the plasticity to spread further
where to provide special seismic detailing. as the critical section undergoes strain hardening. A reduction in the
Equation (9) is proposed for estimating the lower-bound amount of vertical reinforcement may result in further
plastic hinge length lp of isolated walls as a function of wall spreading of plasticity, and both these issues need to be
length lw, bending moment-to-shear force ratio z = M/V, and considered. Additional work is needed to examine plastic hinge
axial compression stress ratio P/fc′ Ag. The ratio z = M/V can lengths in coupled walls, which are complicated by varying axial
either be determined from analysis or estimated as 0.7hw for load in the walls due to changing coupling forces.
plastic hinging near the base of a wall, which is primarily due
to “first mode” displacement demands. The axial compression NOTATION
force P can either be determined from analysis or estimated Ag = gross area of wall cross section
d = effective flexural depth
from the gravity load at the top of the plastic hinge region db = bar diameter
of the wall. fc′ = cylinder compression strength of concrete
In columns, increased axial compression causes increased fy = yield strength of reinforcement
cover spalling and thus an increased plastic hinge length. In hw = height of wall
walls, increased axial compression reduces the plastic hinge lp = equivalent length of uniform maximum inelastic curvature
used to estimate rotation
length because it reduces the ratio of maximum bending
lp * = actual length of linearly varying inelastic curvature
moment (capacity) to yield bending moment. One reason lw = length of wall (horizontal dimension)
plastic hinge length lp is related to wall length lw is that a M = bending moment
longer wall has larger maximum tension strains that result in Mmax = maximum bending moment in member

156 ACI Structural Journal/March-April 2011

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