CESC 4th Quarter WEEK1 1

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Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship

4th Quarter, Week 1

4.1 Concepts in Community Action Initiatives

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
*All human beings are free and equal regardless of color, age, gender, nationality, religion, and state in life.

*The Universal Declaration of Human Rights serves as the inspiration, platform, and reference for community action.

Core Values and Principles of Community Action

1.Human Rights

According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights:
“These universal rights are inherent to us all, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion,
language, or any other status.”
2. Social Justice
According to the National Association of Social Workers:
“The view that everyone deserves equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities”
3. Empowerment and Advocacy
● Empowerment is gaining control over decisions to promote quality of life and effectively respond to issues
confronting the community.
● Advocacy is promoting a cause and enabling marginalized groups to know and exercise their rights to a larger
4. Participatory Development
● It is a process through which stakeholders can influence and share control over development initiatives.
● Local communities must be engaged in the process of development.
5. Gender Equality
According to the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women:
“The equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of women and men and girls and boys”

● The Universal Declaration of Human Rights serves as the inspiration, platform, and reference for community
action. Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings.
● Social justice will take place if there are equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal treatment for every member
of the community.
● Advocacy refers to promoting a cause and enabling marginalized groups to know and exercise their rights to a
larger sphere.
● Empowerment refers to gaining control over decisions to promote quality of life and effectively respond to
issues confronting the community.

● Participatory development highlights that the success and sustainability of a project will be more attainable if
the local community is engaged in the process of development.
● Gender equality recognizes that men and women are of equal value and should be accorded equal treatment
and opportunity.

4.2 Human Rights in Community Action Initiatives

Each person, even before birth, has rights.

Human rights are inherent in all of us simply because we are humans.

Classes of Human Rights

Human rights belong to all people.
1. Natural Rights- Possessed by every citizen without being granted by the state and cannot be repealed by human
Examples: right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
2. Constitutional Rights- Rights protected by the constitution:
● Civil rights provide equal social opportunities and protection under the law.
Example: right to property
● Political rights enable us to take part in the establishment or administration of the government.
Examples: right to suffrage and election to public office
● Social, economic, and cultural rights are intended to ensure human well-being and economic security.
Example: right to education
Principles of Life, Liberty, and Property
“No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the
equal protection of the laws.”
Article III, Section I of the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines
There should be equal protection of the laws so that all persons must be treated equally.
● Life is the existence of humans from birth to death.
● A person has the right and duty to preserve life.
*Liberty- A person is free to decide and use things as long as there is no interference with the rights of others.
* Property
● This may refer to a thing itself or the ownership.
● A person can own, sell, and give away things like land and goods.
The 1987 Philippine Constitution prohibits the deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
Deprivation of Life - taking away any limb or faculty from a person
Deprivation of Liberty - unduly preventing a person from acting the way he or she wishes to do
Principles of Life, Liberty, and Property
Deprivation of Property
● physically taking away property from the one entitled to it
● destroying or impairing the value of the property
“The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.” John F. Kennedy

4.3 Social Justice in Community Action Initiatives

The Importance of Social Justice

Social Justice- This is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political, and social rights and
Takes place if there are:
● equal rights
● equal opportunity
● equal treatment for every member of the community

Freedom of Initiative is the ability to assess and do things independently.

Self-reliance is the ability to do things and make decisions independently.
The Importance of Social Justice
Social justice cannot be achieved without these four essential goals:
1. Human Rights- When a society is just, it protects and respects everyone’s human rights.
2. Access- Being able to access essentials like shelter, food, and education is crucial for a just society.
3. Participation- Social justice is not possible if only some voices are heard.
4. Equity- Everyone is given access to what they need to ensure they do their best.
The government starts at the bottom and moves upward for the government exists for the welfare of the masses of the
nation… those who are less in life should have more in law. —President Ramon Magsaysay, 1956

The goal of social justice is to guarantee the dignity, welfare, and security of all.

Social Justice and Equity

Social justice and equity both encompass various areas and aim to transform many types of oppression.
Implementing inclusive policies and advocating for the marginalized and oppressed are progressive first steps to
encourage everyone.
Social Justice in the Community
Communities should be the forerunners of promoting social justice.
Communities should do this work purposefully and proactively, with the commitment of gaining positive
The community should be building capacity to support and assist their members’ needs with a dedicated focus
on matters of social justice and equity.

4.4 Gender Equality in Community Action Initiatives

Gender Equality
“Gender equality is reached when men and women have equal rights, freedoms, conditions, and opportunities”
(Hamelin 2012, 3).
Gender Equality
● Implies that the interests, needs, and priorities of both genders are taken into account, and the diversity of
different groups of women and men is recognized
Gender Equity and Gender Discrimination
Gender Equity
“The process of being fair to men and women, and at times, compensating for historical and social disadvantages”
(Hamelin 2012, 3).
Gender Equity and Gender Discrimination
Gender Discrimination
“any distinction, exclusion, or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or
nullifying the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise by women” (UN CEDAW).
Women Empowerment
Data suggests a disparity between the experiences and privileges of men and women in society.
Women’s Empowerment
● Promoting women’s self-worth by strengthening their capacity to make their own decisions and practice their
rights to contribute to social change
● Women empowerment is a major movement that fights against discrimination and violence toward women.
● International Women’s Day is celebrated every 8th day of March.
● The autonomy and empowerment of women and the improvement of their social, political, economic, and
health status are vital in the community.
● It is important for the achievement of the sustainable development of the community.
Gender Equality in Participatory Development
Participatory Development
Aims to engage every member of the population in community development
Gender Equality in Participatory Development
Women must be given more opportunities to participate by involving them in civil society, enabling them to vote, giving
them positions as leaders, and making their voices heard.
Allowing women to speak and become more involved not only affects them but also their families and communities.

Seven Principles on Women’s Empowerment by the UN Global Compact

1. Establish high-level corporate leadership for gender equality.
2. Treat all women and men fairly at work—respect and support human rights and nondiscrimination.
3. Ensure the health, safety, and well-being of all women and men workers.
4. Promote education, training, and professional development for women.
5. Implement enterprise development, supply chain, and marketing practices that empower women.
6. Promote equality through community initiatives and advocacy.
7. Measure and publicly report on progress to achieve gender equality.

I. Arrange the jumbled letters to identify the words being described by each statement.
1. It highlights that the success and sustainability of a project will be more attainable if the local community is
engaged in the process of development. YTTRRPPCAAIIO VTPNMLDOEEE - __________________
2. It recognizes that men and women are of equal value and should be accorded equal treatment and
opportunity. NREEGD YTEUAILQ _________________________
3. It will take place if there are equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal treatment for every member of the
community. OIACLS CJSTUIE- ____________________________
4. These are two external drives of social change. REMENPTEWOM DAN AVOCADYC- ___________________
5. These are rights inherent to all human beings. NHMUA SHTIGR - ________________________

II. True or False. Read the statement carefully. Write true if the statement is correct or false if it is incorrect.
1. Suffrage is an example of a constitutional right.
2. A person is free to decide and use things even if it interferes with the rights of others.
3. Due process should be done under the authority of law that is compliant and valid under the constitution.
4. A person may be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
5. Human rights are for select individuals.
6. Social justice will take place if there are equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal treatment for every member
of the community.
7. Everyone can exercise the same rights all at the same time.
8. The promotion of social justice includes a commitment to creating economic opportunities.
9. The sole beneficiary of social justice is the privileged members of our society.
10. The goal of social justice is to guarantee the dignity, welfare, and security of all the people.
11. Women empowerment is when men and women have equal rights, freedoms, conditions, and opportunities.
12. Gender equality in participatory development means that women, just like men, must be allowed to speak up
and be involved.
13. Today, there are as many women as men representing offices.
14. No data suggests a disparity between the experiences and privileges of men and women in society.
15. International Women’s Day is celebrated every 8th day of March.

III. Essay
1. Observe the children and youth in your community. Identify one human right that should be improved. Provide
reasons for your answer.
2. Explain what would be the role of the different groups (parents, school, government, and youth) in improving
this right.

B. Performance Task (Advocacy Campaign Ad)

Create an advocacy campaign ad focusing on one of the core values and principles of community action (human
rights, social justice, advocacy and empowerment, participatory development and gender equality). The video must be 2
to 3 minutes. Each group must be residing in the same barangay, and must have 2 to 3 members only. Your final output
should be posted in your FB account.


CONTENT- Explanation is related to the chosen topic. The main idea stands out and is 10
supported by detailed information. The message is empowering and clearly explains the
importance of advocacy.
CREATIVITY- Layout design, graphics, audios and use of colors are very attractive, creative 5
and appropriate.
ORGANIZATION OF IDEAS- Ideas are very organized. Ideas can be easily understood by 10
different types of viewers.
TOPIC- The topic is clear. The topic is timely and relevant. 5
TOTAL 30 points

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