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Strengthening the

Barangay Violence Against

Women (VAW) Desk
Module Objective
To provide comprehensive information on
how Barangay Officials and other
stakeholders ensure that the Barangay VAW
Desk will optimally perform in the subsequent
VAW Desk functionality audits.
Outline of Presentation
Session 1: Barangay VAW Desk Audit Results
Session 2: Legal Bases and Functions
Session 3: Strengthening the Barangay VAW
Session 1: Barangay VAW Desk
Functionality Audit Results
To learn the areas of strength and areas for
improvement as regards the Barangay VAW
Desk Functionality Audit results.
Barangay VAW Desk Functionality Assessment
Results 2022
Performance Areas
Ideal VAW
6% Desk
Average Score 12 Barangays
Policies, Plans, and Budget
(High Functionality)
Mature VAW

Areas for Improvement Critical Areas of Concern

51% Desk
• Inclusion of VAW referral system in the GAD
Plan and Budget
• Allocation of funds for VAW in the GAD Plan
and Budget
• Use of VAW forms
0% Progressive
VAW Desk
• Establishment of private room for intake Functionality
• Training of Barangay VAW Desk Officers
• Inclusion of VAW Desk Accomplishment Report
in the State of Barangay Address (SOBA) 0%%
16 Basic VAW
Resources Functionality
Session 2: Legal Bases and
Functions of VAW Desk
To increase the awareness of VAW Desk Officers as
regards their role in addressing VAW cases in a
gender-responsive manner.
VAW Desk Legal Basis
• Republic Act 9262
Functions of the Barangay VAW Desk
• Respond to gender-based violence cases brought to
the barangay;
• Record the number of gender-based violence handled
by the barangay and submit a quarterly report on all
cases of VAW to the DILG City/Municipal Field Office
and the City/Municipal Social Welfare Development
Functions of the Barangay VAW Desk
• Keep VAW case records confidential and secured,
and ensure that only authorized personnel can access
• Assist victims of VAW in securing Barangay Protection
Order (BPO) and access necessary services;
• Develop the barangay’s gender-responsive plan in
addressing gender-based violence, including support
services, capability building and referral system;
Functions of the Barangay VAW Desk
• Coordinate with and refer cases to government
agencies, non-government organizations (NGOs),
institutions, and other service providers as necessary;
• Address other forms of abuse committed against
women, especially senior citizens, women with
disabilities, and other marginalized groups;
• Lead advocacies on the elimination of VAW in the
community; and
• Perform other related functions as may be assigned.
Session 3: Strengthening the Barngay
VAW Desk
To provide strategies to strengthen the
Barangay VAW Desk
Ways to strengthen the Barangay
VAW Desk
• Ensure that the Barangay VAW Desk attends training
on Anti-VAW Laws, Gender Sensitivity Training, and
Basic Crisis Intervention
• If possible, establish a separate room at the Barangay
Hall or within the compound of the Barangay Hall
where the intake interview can be conducted
Ways to strengthen the Barangay
VAW Desk
• Ensure that there are furniture for the VAW victim
• Ensure that there is available vehicle and/or
transportation expense to convey victim-survivors
• Provide equipment and supplies such as landline or
mobile phone, camera, tape or voice recorder, first aid
kit and other medicines
Ways to strengthen the Barangay
VAW Desk
• Ensure that there is a logbook for RA 9262 cases and
other VAW related cases
• Ensure that VAW Intake forms and other documents
(referral form, feedback form, and BPO application
form) are available and accessible
Ways to strengthen the Barangay
VAW Desk
• Display available references or provide them to the
VAW victim. Reference such as directory of service
providers, VAW Desk Handbook, VAW-related
reference books and brochures, flowchart on BPO
issuance, flowchart on handling VAW cases to include
VAW hotline
Ways to strengthen the Barangay
VAW Desk
• Reflect the approved GAD Plan and Budget in the AIP
• Design gender-responsive programs and activities to
address gender-based violence
• Integrate the gender-responsive programs and
activities to address gender-based violence
Ways to strengthen the Barangay
VAW Desk
• Prepare the annual accomplishment report based on
the approved GAD Plan and Budget
• Submit quarterly accomplishment reports to CSWD
and DILG Field Office
Ways to strengthen the Barangay
VAW Desk
Reports must contain:
• Number of VAWC victim survivors
• Number of other VAW-related victim survivors
• Number and forms of VAWC and other VAW-related
cases handled
• Number of referred VAWC and other VAW-related
Ways to strengthen the Barangay
VAW Desk
Reports must contain:
• Number of VAWC victim survivors applied for BPO
• Number of BPOs issued
Ways to strengthen the Barangay
VAW Desk
• Updated database/records of all VAW cases reported
in the Barangay
• Include the VAW Desk Accomplishment in the State of
Barangay Address (SOBA) which is held twice a year
Maraming salamat po sa pakikinig!

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