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I CI-O 1-6-2

Why Did I Buy Such an Oversized Pump?

Roy C. E. Ahlgren
Associate Member ASHRAE

ABSTRACT impeller’s best efficiency point (BEP) for a constant speed

pump. Typical recommended intervals around the BEP are
Centrifugalpump oversizing results in higher initial cost,
shown in Figure I . A more detailed version can be found in
higher operating costs, and increased maintenanceproblems
ASHRAE (2000a). All else being equal, this will minimize the
over the life of the system when compared to a properly sized
energy costs of operating the pump. For typical HVAC load
pump. It is easy to preach that pumps must not be oversized,
profiles, selection close to BEP will result in obtaining a pump
in spite of publications and guidance that goes well back in
that will operate most of the time in the middle of its curve at
time, pumps are still being specified for much greater head
higher efficiencies. The expected range of flow rate variation
than actually required by the system. Experience in working
should be considered in order to determine if the pump would
with a large number of designers has uncovered manyfactors
be operating at very low or very high flow rates far away from
that lead to pump oversizing. Some of these are pure misun-
the BEP. Constant flow components or controls may be added
derstanding orfailure to adequately analyze the systempump-
to the system to help avoid long periods of operation at low
ing requirements. Thesefactors can be addressed by training,
flow rates.
making sure designers know the elements of pump selection
and sizing. Other factors are not so easy to reme&, leaving A pump that operates toward either the far right or left of
even experienced, knowledgeable designers with the real the curve will usually be operating at a lower efficiency. It will
possibility that the pumps they specify will be oversized. This also experience unbalanced forces on the impeller that can
paper will detail the reasons thatpumpsget oversizedandoffer impose large radial loads on the bearings. This will result in
some suggestions about how to solve the problem.
Pumps are selected from printed curves or, more
commonly today, from computer-based selection programs. ti ead
Whatever the means, the specifier must determine the desired
head and flow. After that, it is simply a matter of choosing a
pump design suitable for the installation and selecting a model
and impeller size that have the best combination of efficiency
and flexibility. The pump performance curves are plotted on
headlflow coordinates, based on actual tests of the pump 1.15
model, using test procedures specified by the Hydraulic Insti-
The intersection of required head and flow on the pump Figure 1 Typical recommended intervals around the
curve should occur close to, or perhaps a little to the left of, the impeller S best eficiency point (BEP).

Roy Ahlgren is the director of training and education at ITT Bell & Gossett, Morton Grove, Ill.

566 --```,,,``,,`,`,``,,,,,``,,,,`,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

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premature wear and failure of the bearings and seals. The The constant (C) depends upon the units ofmeasurement,
intersection of required head and flow should occur neither on the specific gravity, and the specific heat of the liquid. In many
the maximum nor the minimum impeller diameter for a given flow formulas using conventional units and water, the value is
volute. By avoiding the extremes, the specifier can build in a 500. At temperatures higher than standard, or if other chemi-
little “wiggle room” to adjust pump performance after it is cals are added to the water, that constant must be adjusted (see
installed in the system and actual flow and head measurements ASHRAE 2000b for additional details).
can be made. Based on these actual performance data, the Load calculations tend to be on the conservative side,
impeller can be trimmed to a smaller diameter or replaced with overstating, at least a little, the rate of heat transfer for a given
a larger diameter impeller if need be. structure. Those who carry out these calculations will proba-
bly err on the side of anticipating more, rather than less, heat
Unders¡zed Pumps load. Thus, there is likely to be at least a small overestimation
Pump oversizing is still more common than undersizing, of flow requirements from the very beginning of the design
but undersizing is becoming an issue too. Sometimes a prop- process. This is a minor factor in explaining why pumps are
erly sized pump gets downsized in order to reduce the first cost oversized.
of the project. This undersized pump will operate far to the In other applications, the flow would be determined
right of its best efficiency flow and be susceptible to high bear- differently. For example,
ing loads and perhaps even cavitation damage that will
increase the cost of ownership over the life of the system. a cooling tower manufacturer might require that the
Cavitation can result because the pump operates at the extreme condenser pump provide three gallons per minute per
flow rates allowed, with consequently high values of NPSHR ton (O. 19 L/s per 35 17 W);
(Net Positive Suction Head Required). in sewage pumps, a local code may require some mini-
mum flow per bathroom;
Oversized Pumps a process flow requirement may be specified without
any further explanation.
By “oversizing” let’s assume we mean the specifier has
selected a pump that is capable of providing a lot more head The point is that most of the time flow requirements are
at required system flow than the system will ever need. The pretty well defined, at least initially.
consequences, in terms of the effects on the pump, are similar A problem may arise when there is reason to expect a
to the undersized situation in many respects, but there is the change in flow demand sometime in the future. The specifier
additional factor of higher initial and higher operating costs. In must then decide how to handle the change, if and when it
an extreme case of oversizing, even the minimum diameter occurs. The choices include
impeller is too large. It can be very expensive to remove and
replace this oversized pump, but it can also be very costly to installing a pump now that is large enough to handle the
operate it at low efficiency, at excess flow, or with excess increased demand later or
throttling at the pump discharge. Less severe oversizing can be installing two parallel pumps now, but only using one
remedied by replacing the large impeller with a smaller one. (the second pump can be staged on when the increased
flow demand occurs).
Flow requirement is relatively easy to determine in In the first choice, the pump is oversized until the
hydronic systems. The whole point in these systems is to trans- increased demand occurs. This alternative has the disadvan-
fer heat using water, or perhaps another liquid, as the heat tages of
transfer medium between the high temperature of the boiler

high initial cost, providing pump capacity that might

and the more moderate temperature of the terminal unit. In the
never be actually required, and
case of a chilled water system, heat transfer is from the higher
temperature of the terminal unit to the lower temperature of high operating costs of throttling until the expected flow
the chiller evaporator or some other low-temperature heat demand actually occurs.
sink. A load calculation program can be used to calculate the
In the second case, careful design of the piping for the
required rate of heat transfer. Then the designer selects a
expected flow increase, and providing a large enough motor
design temperature difference (At). In a heating system, the At for single pump operation in the interim, will provide a good
is the temperature drop across the terminals (rise across the
compromise design.
boiler). In a cooling system, it is the temperature rise across the
system (drop through the chiller). The flow required is then DETERMINING DESIGN PUMP HEAD REQUIRED
calculated by:
There is often misunderstanding of the term “pump head”
Flow =
H e a t Load because it is measured in feet (meters), apparently the same
C x At unit used to measure system height. Later we’ll discuss how

ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia 567

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine
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that misunderstanding sometimes contributes to oversizing ine a fountain or spray pond where velocity head would repre-
pumps. But for now, let’s define pump head in terms of the job sent a major factor in determining pump head, but those are
that the pump is required to d o - move a liquid from one place rare applications in HVAC. For this reason, the velocity head
to another in spite of its weight and the friction that always difference is often ignored, leaving pressure differences,
exists in a real system. It takes work to move anything that has elevation differences, and friction head loss as the primary
weight. The amount of work is determined by the force components of pump head.
required to accelerate the weight against the frictional resis-
tance that tends to keep it in place and the distance the weight Closed Systems
is to be moved. If a pump is doing Xamount of work on each
pound (kg) of water, we can more correctly think of pump A special case is the closed, or circulating system.
head as specific work, or work per unit weight. Systems such as these are very common in HVAC design
Bernoulli’s statement of total fluid head is a convenient work; chilled water systems and hot water heating systems are
way to discuss pump head requirements. examples. Since they are circulating the same liquid through
the same piping system, points A and B in Bernoulli’s equa-
tion could be arbitrarily chosen to be the same point. Looking

at it this way, we see that the pressure head, elevation head,
and velocity head terms must be zero, since it’s impossible to
where have two different pressures, velocities, or elevations at the
P, pressure, in lb/@, (Pa) at either location a or b
= same point at the same time. In this special case, pump head
W = density of the liquid in lb/ft3 (kg/m3)
required is determined only by the system friction head loss.
Z, = elevation of the liquid at either location in ft (m)
compared to a reference level
V, = velocity of the liquid at either point, in Ws (m/s) Several experimenters have developed expressions for
g = standard gravitational constant in ft/s2(m/s2) calculating friction head loss.
Ep = pumpheadinft(m) ASHRAE (1 997) includes the Darcy-Weisbach equation
Hf = fixtion head loss in ft (m) for fully developed flow:
This relationship is completely general, covering the
amount of head required from the pump in any system. It
describes the total fluid head at Point A as the sum of the
Hf -- dL)(q
D 2g

pressure head at A, The friction head loss, Hr, represents the loss due to “fric-
elevation head at A, tional shear at the bounding walls.” This energy is converted
velocity head at A. to heat which, is “generally unrecoverable (a loss).” The units
for this term are the same as discussed above, in this case,
In order to move the water from A to B, The pump must specific work expended in overcoming friction. This repre-
provide Ep ft (m) of head, resulting in a new condition at point sents yet another reason to avoid oversizing pumps, especially
B, with new values for pressure, elevation, and velocity head. those in chilled water systems. A recently published rule of
Hfcovers the total friction head loss from A to B. Solving for thumb states that “each hp of chilled water pump power ...
the pump head required gives: must be offset with 1/5 ton of refrigeration” (Avery 2000).
This is true only if the water horsepower, not the brake horse-
power, is considered since motor inefficiencies do not gener-
ally serve to increase chilled water temperatures. Further,
there may be some small losses in the pump that do not raise
So pump head is the sum of pressure difference, elevation water temperatures (e.g., external bearing friction). But the
difference, velocity head difference, and friction head loss for point is certainly true that pump input power has an effect on
the system. chiller load.
In any specific system, one or more of these terms could In the Darcy-Weisbach equation,fis the friction factor, a
be zero.For example, if the source and the destination of the dimensionless number that is displayed as the ordinate of the
liquid are at the same pressure, there is no difference between well-known Moody diagram shown as Figure 13 on page 2.9
them, and the pressure head term goes to zero. Similarly, of ASHRAE (1 997). The factors that determine friction factor
elevations and velocities could be the same at both points, include the Reynolds number and the relative roughness of the
requiring no pump head to change them. pipe. The Reynolds number is a function of the fluid viscosity,
The velocity head term is often small enough compared to fluid velocity, and diameter of the pipe. The relative roughness
the other terms that it can be ignored without significant error is a dimensionless measure of the peaks and valleys on the
in typical HVAC systems. Of course, it is not difficult to imag- inside of a pipe or section of tubing.

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- 1
internal pressure is pushing back against the pump, so it must
be included in determining the required pump head.
A better way of looking at it would be to realize that the
system pressure is pushing back equally on both the pump
suction and discharge, so the net effect of system pressure is
zero, so far as pump head required is concerned.

Figure 2 System with multiple circuits. Some pump specifiers who have confused the system
height with the pump head requirement make a related
mistake. The thinking goes something like this: “I need to
L is the length of the pipe. D is the pipe diameter (both pump water through a system that’s 100 feet high, therefore,
L and D are measured in the same units). V is the velocity I must need 100 feet of pump head.” Since the system height
in Ws ( d s ) . G is the gravitational constant in Ws2( m / s 2 ) . and the pump head appear to be measured in the same units,
it’s an easy mistake to make. But as we have seen, the pump
Analog slide rules are available to quickly determine the head in a closed system is determined only by the friction head
friction loss rate for a given water flow through a given pipe. loss and the actual units are specific work, not length. On the
They can also compute the total head loss through an equiva- other hand, to say that system height is absolutely not related
lent system length for a given friction loss rate. Recently, a to required pump head is incorrect because the taller the
computer-based version of the slide rule has been published system, the longer the pipe runs, and the longer the pipe runs,
that is not limited to water but can be programmed for a wide the greater the friction head loss. In a closed system though, it
variety of fluids of different viscosities. The range of pipe is irrelevant whether the closed piping loop is vertical or hori-
sizes has been greatly increased too. These are available free- zontal. Pump head in a closed system is determined by the fric-
of-charge on the Internet. tion head loss regardless of loop orientation.So does that mean
The concept of “equivalent length” is used to account for that the system height is absolutely irrelevant in the selection

the friction head loss through fittings.Recent ASHRAE-spon- process? No! The taller system will exert a greater static pres-
sored research is leading to a much better understanding of the sure against all of the components at the bottom, including the
actual fitting head loss. The details will be published in the pump. All the flanges, gaskets, seals, and other materials must
ASHRAE Handbook as they become available. be capable of withstanding the combination of static pressure
produced by the height of the system plus the pump head pres-
An interestingrelated example occurred where a designer
Pumps are sometimes selected without any clear analysis had properly calculated the pump head required for a closed
at all. This usually results in greatly overheaded pumps that
system in a tall building but found that the flow was well below
must then operate with severe throttling at the pump discharge design value at start-up. The first reaction was “we need more
in order to prevent excess flow. An analysis like this will illus-
pump head!” The problem was corrected when he checked the
trate the point. “Our current project is pretty similar to the one system fill pressure. Although the static head was substantial,
we did last year. We used a 100 horsepower pump in that it was less than was actually required to fill the system to the
project, and I haven’t heard any complaints, so I guess a 100 top. In reality, the pump was in an “open system,” and had to
horsepower pump will be OK for this one too.” An absence of lift water through the total static head measured from the “at
“complaints” is certainly not evidence of a good pump selec- rest” level to the top of the system. Once the system was prop-
tion. Flow noise or pipe erosion is cause for complaint, but erly filled, the pump head was adequate to overcome friction
excess flow may not be great enough to cause these obvious head loss at design flow.
problems. The oversized pump costs more initially and costs
It has been said the compression tank will get the water
more to operate than a properly selected pump. Aside from this
out to the end of the system. The implication is that the pump
obvious answer to “Why did I buy such an oversized pump?”
head has no role in getting the water out to the end of the
here are some other answers.
system. In a very limited sense, that is true, but only when the
empty system is being filled. In order to cause flow, there must
Some Errors in Determining Pump Head be a difference in pressure, and that is provided by the pump.
Involve the System Static Pressure
Pump head is sometimes incorrectly estimated by inciud- OTHER CAUSES OF POOR PUMP SELECTION
ing the system static pressure as a component of the required INVOLVE MISTAKES IN ANALYZING THE SYSTEM
pump head. Knowing that the system is designed to operate
Identification of the “Worst Case” Circuit
under some positive pressure in order to vent gasses or keep
the water from boiling, some specifiers have converted that In a system that has multiple circuits, such as the one
pressure to an equivalent value in ft of head, then added it to shown in Figure 2, designers correctly calculate the pump
the total pump head requirement. The thinking goes that this flow requirement by adding up all the individual flow require-

ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia 569

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coordination between the two activities, pump head being
provided may be in error. The valve specifier must be espe-
cially careful to ensure that the pump shutoff head is consid-
ered when the valve actuators are chosen to ensure that they
will be able to close against the action of the pump. If the
Total valves cannot close, flow control at low load is lost. Analysis
Static of the system to avoid pump oversizing is clearly an important
static Head issue in this respect.
Head I Aging Allowance in Friction Head Loss Calculations
Analysis of the friction head loss is especially important
in closed systems since it is the only component in determin-
Static Suction ing the pump head requirement. Sometimes an artificial aging
Head factor is included to account for a decrease in pipe diameter as
the system ages and deposits build up on the inside of the
pipes. Some older references on piping head loss suggest
using a 15% safety factor for piping in commercial installa-
Figure 3 Total static head. tions, then go on to state “No allowance for aging of pipe is
included.” The aging factor serves to increase friction loss by
some significant percentage; many designers simply apply an
ments. Then they add the friction head losses in all circuits to extra 15%. In a closed system using mechanical seal pumps
obtain a greatly overstated value for pump head. The subcir- and having a correctly sized compression tank, there will be
cuit that has the highest head loss at design flow is the one that very little loss of water in normal operation and consequently
establishes the pump head requirement. If the pump can very little need for makeup water. Under these conditions, the
develop enough differential head to handle this worst-case oxygen in the system will quickly be depleted as it combines
circuit, it clearly has more than enough to handle the lower with the metal to form rust. The rest of the system then
head loss circuits. Of course, there can be only one value of becomes chemically inert and no appreciable scale or deposits
differential pressure at one time between any two points such will be formed. The pump that was overheaded to account for
as A and B. In the direct return circuit, the higher-than-needed this buildup will require severe throttling to avoid excess flow.
differential in the nearer circuits will force a greater-than- In an open system that is continually exposed to new
required flow through those circuits. Careful selection of the sources of oxygen or other chemicals that could cause a
piping, terminals, control valves, and balance valves in these buildup of deposits, pipe aging should be taken into account.
nearby circuits can prevent excess flow. Since the most distant This topic is in the long-range research plan for ASHRAE
circuit determined the pump head required, and since there is Technical Committee 6.1, Hydronic and Steam Systems and
no need for a balance valve in that circuit, the balancing valves Equipment.
had no impact on the determination of pump head. If, by
mistake, a balance valve is adding extra head loss in the high- Safety Factors
est head loss circuit, then the required pump head will be larger There is a lot of pressure on contractors to make changes
than actually required. in the original design. Many events can cause an increase in
the friction head loss of the system:
Incorrect Allowance for Elevation Differences
Initial costs can be reduced by substituting the next size
A specifier selecting a condenser water pump used the smaller pipe or component.
static discharge head of the system to calculate the required The contractor has smaller pipe on hand and none of the
pump head rather than the total static head. As a result, the larger size specified in the design.
pump was considerably oversized, causing excess flow. The Last minute changes require re-routing the piping and
elevation term in the Bernoulli equation is interpreted as the increasing its length.
difference between the water levels, or the total static head A higher head loss terminal is substituted for the origi-
(Figure 3). na1 equipment, which is not available.

A careful designer who has faced these kinds of problems

Failure to Allow for Adequate Pressure in the past may add a significant safety factor to the pump head
Drop Across the Control Valves requirement to cover these possibilities. This is often a signif-
Often, the person who specifies the pump does not specify icant factor in oversizing.
the control valves. The modulating control valve must be
selected with an adequate pressure drop at design Bow to mini- Manufacturer’s Lead Times
mize the distortion of its inherent characteristic. ASHRAE Given long lead times, and sometimes uncertain delivery,
(2000b) covers this subject in detail. Unless there is some the pump must be ordered well in advance of the actual instal-

570 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia


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lation date. The specifier may be forced to make decisions greater head and flow than the system actually needs. The
about pump head before all the data are available. A conser- pumping system sensors and controller will limit the rpm of
vative approach would be to speci@ “more than enough” the impeller even at full load, making it perform like a trimmed
pump head. Of course, the safety factor mentioned above will impeller, but drive efficiency falls off slightly as rpm drops,
then be applied to this ballpark value. and the drive will never be at full rpm with the oversized
impeller. At part load, the pump will be slowed even further,
“There’s Not Enough Time to do the Analysis” but there is a minimum speed below which the system differ-
Some designers complain that the time and money avail- ential pressure sensors will not be satisfied. For a given
able do not allow for the detailed analysis that would avoid system, the oversized impeller could be operating at lower
pump oversizing. If that is true, then just what does it mean to efficiency compared to the right-sized impeller. As a result,
“design” a system? If the analysis cannot be done, then just the expected energy savings may not be realized. The solution,
how are the system components being selected? Is it really a of course, is to avoid grossly oversizingthe pump, and the only
system, or just a collection of components? way to do that is to carry out the analysis in order to determine
There is no question that time and money are always tight, the highest head loss circuit because it determines the pump
but it is also true that the engineering analysis required to do head required. The properly sized impeller will need close to
the job right is fundamental to the process. The answer lies in full speed at full load. At part load, the drive slows down the
using the resources that are already available to get the job impeller as before, but, properly selected, it can operate at a
done in the time available and within the budget established. higher efficiency more of the time. If the system has a signif-
For example, many universities and manufacturers offer very icant constant head component, it is often useful to select the
practical, short training courses that can provide the designer variable speed pump a little to the right of the BEP in order to
with the understanding required to get the design done right maintain higher pump efficiency over a wider range of speed
without the need for time-consuming revisions and correc- variation.
tions. A few days spent in learning how to design and analyze In the case of variable speed pumps, there is another very
the system is time well spent. important reason to do the analysis. Location of the sensor that
Computer-based design aids speed the piping layout and supplies the controllerwith the differential pressure at the load
pipe-sizing decisions. is an important element in permitting the variable speed
Modern equipment selection programs slash the time that system to save the greatest amount of energy. It is often
used to be spent poring through catalogs. pointed out that this sensor must be located as far away from
the pump as possible. In this context, “far away” really means
“Variable Speed Eliminates the “at the terminai that is in the greatest head loss circuit.” How
Need for this Analysis” will the designer know which circuit has the highest head loss
Many designers have incorporated variable speed drives if the analysis has not been carried out? That same analysis is
for the hydronic pumps in their systems with the goal of reduc- fundamental to achieving flow balance, since the balancing
ing operating costs during periods of part load. The success of valve in that circuit is the one that must be left wide open.
these variable speed systems in saving money has been
impressive. The power electronics industry promises contin- RECOMMENDATIONS TO AVOID THE PROBLEMS
ued improvement of the variable speed drives in terms of Pump sizing is an integral part of the design process. In
reduced cost, size, and cooling requirements, making variable order to avoid the problems caused by improperly sized
speed a real option for smaller and smaller pumps. pumps, a designer must
One unfortunate result of this success has been an attitude
that the specifier no longer has to analyze the pump head understand how pump head must be calculated in order
required by the system, since the drive will act like an auto- to provide adequate flow for heat transfer,
matic impeller trimmer. analyze the system using the tools available to find the
In a very real sense, this is true, because a properly correct value,
controlled drive system will slow down an oversized impeller avoid excessive safety factors, and
to provide only the head and flow required by the system at the
provide a way to adjust the pump performance after
time. A careful analysis is still required since the higher initial
actual head and flow measurements can be taken in
cost of the drive system is justified by the reduction in energy
costs expected to result from its use at part load. These savings
are not automatic. A careful analysis is required in order to
achieve them. An oversized pump could require a larger motor
and drive compared to a properly sized pump. In order to real- ASHRAE. 2000. 2000 ASHRAE handbook-Systems and
ize maximum energy savings, the pump impeller must still be equipment, chapter 39, Figure 3 1. Atlanta: American
selected by analyzing the system. To see why this is true, Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning
imagine an oversized impeller capable of delivering much Engineers, Inc.

ASH RAE Transactions: Symposia 571


Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

Provided by IHS Markit under license with ASHRAE Licensee=Parsons - Locations 5 - 44/9989682108, User=Badr, Youssef
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 11/29/2017 04:15:07 MST
ASHRAE. 2000. 2000 ASHRAE handbook-Systems and Avery, G. 2000. HPAC Engineering, p. 87. Penton Publish-
equipment, chapter 12. Atlanta: American Society of ing.
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers, Hegberg, M.C. 2000. Control valve selection for hydronic
Inc. systems. ASHRAE Journal, November.
ASHRAE. 1997. 1997 ASHRAE handbook-Fundamentals. HPAC Engineering. 2000. Penton Publishing.
Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating Standards of the Hydraulic Institute, Data Section, Table
and Air-conditioning Engineers, Inc. ET- 1.

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ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

Provided by IHS Markit under license with ASHRAE Licensee=Parsons - Locations 5 - 44/9989682108, User=Badr, Youssef
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 11/29/2017 04:15:07 MST

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