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Student Teaching Reflection

When reflecting on this semester of student teaching, there have been so many
challenges, so many celebrations, and so much that I have learned. Everyone around me said this
would be one of the most challenging years of my life. It held its truth. I spent the last year
undergoing my studies at Herbert Slater Middle School, based in Santa Rosa, California. I fully
took over two 7th-grade ELA classes. I assisted and co-taught drama, an EL course, and another
ELA class with other mentors. I gained tremendous amounts of valuable insight into the role of a
teacher. Who knew so many hats could be worn at a time? It was a transformative period that
challenged me and pushed me to grow both physically and professionally. It solidified my
passion to pursue education.
One of the most significant reflections from my student teaching experiences was the
realization that effective classroom management is essential for creating a conducive learning
environment. This also must be implemented extremely early on in the school year. Giving your
students clear expectations, setting routines, and minimizing disruptions by obtaining a positive
classroom are some key essentials. We also must note that creating this positive classroom
environment first comes from giving respect to your students, building positive relationships
with your students, implementing behavior management techniques, and fostering a sense of
Lesson planning was another critical aspect of my student teaching experience. It taught
me the importance of effective teaching. By aligning lessons with curriculum standards,
incorporating various instructional methods, and considering the diverse needs and interests of
my students, I was able to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences. I also
discovered the significance of scaffolding instruction, breaking down complex concepts into
manageable steps, and providing opportunities for active student participation to enhance
comprehension and promote deeper learning. This was crucial to design lessons that are not only
aligned with curriculum standards, but also cater to the diverse needs, and interests of my
students. By incorporating various instructional strategies, differentiating the content, and
providing opportunities for student choice, I can ensure that all learners are actively involved and
motivated to achieve their potential. It essentially provides a roadmap for instruction. It is a key
tool that allows you to be intentional, organized and enhances the overall quality of instruction
for students to be successful.
Instructing is an art that requires flexibility, adaptability, and a deep understanding of
student's individual strengths and challenges. I have discovered that building meaningful
relationships with my students allows me to effectively deliver instruction that resonates with
their unique backgrounds and learning styles. I quickly realized that only some approaches
would work for all students, and differentiation was key to addressing their varying abilities and
learning styles. By employing a range of instructional strategies, incorporating multimedia
resources, and encouraging collaborative learning, I was able to create a dynamic and inclusive
classroom environment where every student felt valued and supported in their educational
journey. By incorporating hands-on activities, collaborative learning experiences, and real-world
connections, I can make the content more accessible and relevant, thus enhancing student
engagement and comprehension.
Assessing student learning was an integral part of my student-teaching experience. It was
an important process to help me gauge their progress, identify areas of improvement, and tailor
instruction accordingly. It allowed me to gauge student understanding, identify areas of
improvement, and tailor my instruction accordingly. Through various formative and informative
assessment methods, such as quizzes, projects, class discussions, exit tickets, and thumbs
up-down-sideways. I gained valuable insights into individual student progress and growth as
well as being able to gather real-time feedback on student understanding. This enabled me to
provide targeted feedback, offer additional support where needed, and create student
Student teaching has allowed me to witness the transformative power of education and
reinforced my belief that teaching is not just about imparting knowledge but also about inspiring
and nurturing every student. Aside from the hands-on teaching portion of this experience, I also
gained an abundance of intel about how school systems work. I’ve learned how to implement
outside sources to help assist when students are struggling. I’ve come to understand how to
handle out-of-control situations, professionally. Through my experiences of student teaching, I
have come to find new beliefs about the profession as a whole. I strongly believe in the
importance of lifelong learning for both students and educators. Education is a dynamic field,
and as a teacher, I am committed to continuous professional development. I seek out
opportunities to expand my knowledge, explore new teaching strategies, and stay updated on the
latest research and best practices. By modeling a growth mindset and a love for learning, I hope
to inspire my students to become lifelong learners themselves. I strive to create an inclusive and
supportive learning environment where all students can thrive academically, socially, and
emotionally. I firmly believe that every student has unique abilities, strengths, and interests, and
it is the responsibility of educators to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment
that recognizes and nurtures these individual qualities. Recognizing this, I aim to offer multiple
pathways for students to access and demonstrate their understanding. This includes adapting
instructional materials, providing scaffolding, and offering opportunities for choice and
personalization. These beliefs guide my instructional decisions and motivate me to create a
nurturing and engaging learning environment where all students can thrive and reach their full

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