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Republic of the Philippint TANKUANUERY | Department of Ed cif d CEIVED REGION IV - CALABARZO! CITY SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TANAUAN Gp 9 7 2021 gu DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 220 8.2021 INTERNAL GUIDELINES ON APPOINTMENT AND PROMOTION OF OTHER TEACHING, RELATED TEACHING AND NON-TEACHING [ONS (Based on D.O. No. 66, s. 2007 and DepEd Regional Memorandum O1a-17-434) OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned 1, The field is hereby informed of the SDO Internal Guidelines on the Ranking and Promotion of Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel. 2. Widest dissemination of this Memorandum to all concerned is highly expected. ROGELI@ F CICLaRe ia Assistant Schools Diyision Superintendent Officer-In-Charge Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Date8. Time Posted: By. RN: DIVTAN-OM-001-02 Page 2 of a | ‘Address: Pres.J.P. Laurel Highway, Poblacion 1, Tanauan City, Batangas 4232 Telephone Wo: (043) 405-0827 } Email Addres:tanauan.cty@deped gov oh Website: its:// Pot aie en caze INTERNAL GUIDELINES ON THE APPOINTMENT AND IN OF OTHER TEACHING, RELATED TEACHING AND NON ING POSITIONS | (Based on D.0. no. 66, s. 2007 and DepEd | Memorandum 01a-17-434) ‘SPECIFIC NUMBER OF POINT/S. Asta TO EACH CRITERION | CRITERIA Teaching and Non-Teaching Group | Related Teachir Tevet Level? | A. Performance Rating IPCRF/OPCRF 35 35 30 1 must be at least VS l IPCRF/OPCRF average of three ratings then multiply by the percentage for the level applied for 8. Experience 5 5 10 ‘Experience must be relevant fo the | Every year given fh | Every year vena _ | Every year given a duties and functions of the position to | point but not to: point but not to point but not to be filled. exceed five (5) exceed five (5) exceed ten (10) ee points. points. points. Non-teaching and teaching related postion w2 Teaching position W2 C. Outstanding Accomplishments 20 5 20 C.1 Outstanding Employee Award 4 1 4 (Given by an Award giving-body) *Awardee in the school 0.5 0.2 0.5 “Nomination in the division/ awardee 1.0 250 10 [In the district "'Nomination in the region/ awardee in 20 a3 20 the division *Nomination in the department/ 3.0 500 3.0 awardee in the region | *National awardee. 40 1.00 40 =} | C.2. Innovations 4 1 4 Innovative Work plan properly documented, approved by immediate chief and attested by authorized Regional/Division Official “Conceptuaized a 0.5 2 0.5 “Started Implementation z 0.250 1 “Fully implemented In the School 2 333 ef “Adopted in the District 3 500 3 “Adopted in the Division 4 1 4 Address: Pres..P, Laurel Highway, Poblacion 2, Tanavan City, Batangas 4232 Telephone No. (043) 405 — 0927 mall Address: tanauancty@deped gov.oh Website: itps://tanauancitydeped com etfog eo Se Republic of the PI Department of Ed REGION IV- CITY SCHOOLS ‘ON C.3 Research, Development Projects(must be relevant to the position to be filled) *Action research conducted in the School level. 1.333 1.333 Action research conducted in the District level “Action research conducted in the Division Level C. 4 Publication/Authorship al “Articles published in a Joumal/newspaper/magazine of wide circulation 1333 *Co-authorship of a book(shail be divided by the number of authors) 20 “Sole authorship of a book 40 C.5 Consultant/Resource Speaker in Trainings /Seminars/ Workshops/Symposium(Must be relevant to the position to be filled strict Level 'o| Gl “Division Level [Regional Level ‘National Level international Level > [oo] no] =| D. Education Bl ale|n|-[9| D.1 Education Bachelors’ Degree 5 2year course 3 *Eamed units in MA. 18-25 +2 +3 26-33 +4 +6 34nd above +6 +9 “Completed Academic Requirements for Master's Degree|with Certification of CAR) “Master's Degree / LLB / Medicine With Eamed Doctoral Units 5 18-25 +i +2 +3 26-33 +2 +4 +6 34nd above +3 +6 +9 “CAR for Doctoral Degree: 13 *Doctoral Degree 10 15 Training (last five (5) years) 10 ‘Address: Pres, Laurel Highway, Poblacion 2, Tanauan City, Batangas 4232 Telephone No. (043) 405-0827 Email Address: tanauan.cty@deped Website: https:/ Participant in a Specialized Training, | One (1) point ‘One[i) point for | _One() point for ‘@.g. Scholarship Programs, Short ‘every month ‘every month of every month of ‘Courses, Study Grants attendance attendance but not | attendance but not not to exceed to exceed ten(10) to exceed (5) points. points. fifteen(15) points Pariicipant in three (3) or more training activities in each level conducted for at least three (3) days not credited during the last promotions. (Must be relevant to the position to be Med) “District Level *T day 0.111 +1 day 0.222 *1 day 0.222 *2days 0.222 #2 days 0.444 #2 days0.444 #3 days 0.333, +3 days 0.666 lays 0.666 “Division Level ‘1 day 0.222 *1 day 0.444 1 day 0.444 *2days 0.444 #2 days 0.888 +2 days 0.888 #3 days 0.666 #3 days 1.332 +3 days 1.332 "Regional Level *1 day 0.333 *1 day 0.666 1 dy 0.666 *#=2days 0.666 #2 days 1.332 #2 days 1.332 #3 days 1 +3. days 2 #3. doys 2 *National Level *1 doy 1.33 #1 day 2.66 *1 day 2.66 #2 days 2.66 #2 days 5.32 +2 doys 5.32 +3 days 4 +3 days 8 +3. days 8 “intemational Level *1 day 1.666 *1 day 3.332 1 day 3.332 +2 days 3.333, +2 days 6.664 s2 days 6.664 °3 days 5 #3 days 10 #3 days 10 ‘Chair/ Co-chairin a Technical Planning Committee “District Level 1 2. 2 “Division Level 2 4 4 "Regional Level 3 6 6 National Level 4 8 8 “international Level 5 10 10 [E.Potential 5 20 10 | Communication Skils 1 4 2 Abily to Present Ideas 1 4 2 ‘Aleriness 1 4 2 Judgement 1 4 2 Leadership Ability i 4 2 F. Psycho-Social Atfributes 5 15 5 Human Relations 2 6 2 Decisiveness 2 5 2 Stress Tolerance 1 4 1 ‘Address: Pres... Laurel Highway, Poblacion 1, Tanauan City, Batangas 4232 © Republic of the Philippines REGION IV - CALABAI CITY SCHOOLS DIVISION OF Department of curon IN * Level 2 Teaching and Non-teaching positions will undergo background investigation nd job assessment. authority. Applicability: | Master Teacher applicant should meet 50 points to be recommended to the appointing These internal guidelines shall be used by the compre Selection Board. Any Division Memorandum inconsistent with these guidelines are su PERSONNEL SELECTION Kom bs RHINA ©. ILAGAN Chairman maximo € MemBer DIO JR. RONA\ Member wontees ‘sLVA ‘Secretariat APPROVED: ROGELIO fF. Assistant Sch Officer-in: harge Office of the Schools Division ‘and theretore rescinded. YARD ‘V. FARAL intendent ‘Superintendent ‘Address: Pres .P. Laurel Highway, Poblacion 1, Tanavan City, Batangas 4232 Telephone No.: (043) 405-0827 Email Address: tanauan.cty @deped gov ph ‘Website: https:/ corres footw oe

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