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Past Simple
A: Where did you go yesterday?
B: I went to the shopping centre. I wanted to buy a
new mobile phone but I didn’t find a good one.
Used to
When mobile phones were invented, they didn’t use
to be small. They used to be big and heavy.
C. Look at the highlighted words / phrases in the text be / get used to
and try to guess what they mean. Then match them
I know you aren’t used to using the menu on your
with the meanings 1-7 below.
new phone yet, but you’ll soon get used to using it.
1. think of, suggest: It’s very easy.
2. not strong:
3. easy to bend:
Choose a, b or c.
4. information:
5. group of people with special skills working 1. Eddie and Mike be good friends, but they

together: don’t talk to each other any more.

a. use to b. used to c. were used to
6. keep information:
7. gadget: 2. A:
B: Because I couldn’t hear you. The signal was very
D. Read the text again and write T for True, F for False weak.
or NM for Not Mentioned. a. you b. did you c. did you use to
1. DynaTAC phones weren’t very popular when
they first appeared in shops. 3. A: How can you study while listening to such loud

2. People complained about the heavy shoulder

packs. B: I it.
3. The first mobile phone was nicknamed a. used to b. be used to c. ’m used to
4. A: I almost crashed my new car again today. I can’t
4. You couldn’t send SMS messages before the
get used it!
B: Don’t worry. It takes time.
5. Videos from mobile phones of the Indian
a. driving b. to driving c. to drive
Ocean earthquake weren’t allowed to be
used on news programmes.
5. A:
6. Smartphones became possible because of B: No, I have time to speak to anyone
3G network technology.
7. Solar-powered mobile phones will be available A: But it was her birthday!
in the next ten years.
a. didn’t b. wasn’t used to c. didn’t use to

E. Discuss. 6. A few years ago, Larry work for a

• computer company. Now he works in a bank.
• a. used to b. didn’t c. was used to

7. I my grandparents twice a week when I

Project was young.
a. visit b. use to visit c. visited
Make a timeline presenting the evolution of the
8. Nowadays, teenagers to sending text
mobile phone. Use information from the text and do
some research on the Internet to find important messages to their friends instead of calling them.
dates and pictures showing how mobile phones a. got used b. used c. are used
have changed over the years. Present your timeline
to the class.


FB_Plus_4_SB_MAL_Module_1.indd 15

A. Read. What do the verbs in bold mean? Match them with the definitions a-h.
1. My sister and I are always arguing about who will a. talk about something in order to come to a
do the washing-up. decision
2. Did Sam mention where he was going? b. shout
3. Mr Smith explained the rules of the game so
everyone could play. c. say that you are not pleased with something

4. ‘Be quiet!’ Linda yelled at me. d. make somebody understand something

5. We need to discuss the problem with Mark. e. talk about other people and their private lives
6. I spent all morning chatting
f. speak about or refer to something without using
many words
7. I’m going to complain to the manager about the
service. It’s horrible. g. talk informally, usually with a friend
8. You shouldn’t gossip about other people. It’s rude. h. speak angrily because you disagree

B. Look at the nouns below. Which verbs do they derive NOTE: lot of nouns are formed by adding a su ix
from? such as -ion, -ation and -ment to a verb. ay
attention to spelling irregularities:
invention information development introduce introduction receive reception
decide decision explain explanation
Complete with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Danny, try to use your a bit more when writing stories. (imagine)
2. Did you see the on her face when we told her the news? She was shocked! (express)
3. After the with his parents, Ted stayed in his room all evening. (argue)
4. I can’t come to the concert, but thanks for the . (invite)
5. This dress is the fashion designer’s latest . (create)
6. I’ve noticed great in your work since you started studying more. (improve)
7. The teachers had a about what to do for this year’s school play. (discuss)

A. Discuss.

B. Listen to a radio programme with body language expert, Dr Susan Maddison, and complete the
sentences below.
1. Understanding body language can be useful for worried .

2. Confident people usually stand .

3. Apart from meaning something negative, slumped body posture can mean
that someone is .

4. Someone with their hands could be worried or bored.

5. Teenagers don’t look adults in the eye when they haven’t developed
self-confidence or when they .

6. People look up and to the when they are lying.

7. Experts say that we should look for or more

signals before we decide what the body is saying.


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 16 8/8/2019 6:37:12 µµ

1 Round-up D. Choose a, b or c.
1. Alice is creative person I know.
a. the most b. more c. as
A. Choose a, b or c. 2. The journey was than expected.
1. I’m sick doing housework every weekend. a. long b. as long c. longer
a. with b. to c. of 3. The we leave for the train station, the
2. I’ve got a
a. weak b. nasty c. challenging
a. early b. earlier c. earliest
3. You shouldn’t about your friends.
4. Postcards are not popular as emails.
a. gossip b. discuss c. mention
a. as b. more c. much
4. I’m fed with Mike’s behaviour. He’s so rude!
5. Betty is getting taller and every day.
a. off b. up c. out
a. taller b. tallest c. much tall
5. Andy to talk to anyone about his problem
because he was embarrassed. 6. I think Science is difficult than History.
a. refused b. accepted c. argued a. much more b. a lot c. the most
Score: /6
6. Fay’s jokes are . I can’t stop laughing.
a. powerful b. hilarious c. flexible E. Choose the correct response. There are two extra
responses which you do not need to use.
7. I need to an antivirus program on my new
computer. 1. Give me a call on Monday so we can chat.
a. install b. charge c. store
2. What are you going to tell your brother
8. Let me fill you on what happened yesterday.
now that you broke his mobile phone?
a. out b. up c. in
3. I need to have a word with Tom.
Score: /8
B. Complete with the Present Simple or the Present
Continuous of the verbs in brackets. 5. I’m visiting Sam next weekend.
1. A: I (think) of going to the cinema 6. Are you coming to my football match on
on Saturday. you Saturday?
a. Absolutely. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
B: I (not think) so. My brother
b. Sure. What’s your phone number?
(need) help with his Maths, so
c. You can bring him along.
I have to stay at home.
d. That’s too bad. You were such good friends.
2. My sister (always / talk) on the
e. You can count him in.
phone! When she’s at home, I (never
f. Really? Give my regards to him.
/ get) the chance to use the phone!
g. Why? Is he in trouble again?
3. A: Peter (work out)
h. I’ll come up with something.
every day? Score: /6
B: Usually, but these days he (study) TOTAL SCORE: / 35
for an exam, so he hasn’t been to the gym much.
4. Ethan (receive) emails from his Now I can…
cousins in Australia every day. At the moment, he talk about various aspects of communication
(send) a reply to one of them. distinguish between permanent and
Score: / 10 temporary situations
C. Circle the correct words. make comparisons
talk about what I like or dislike
1. I still can’t get used to wake / waking up early in write a personal webpage
the morning. refer to past habits and events
2. Did you downloaded / download any new songs write an informal letter / email based on prompts
yesterday? express enthusiasm, accept or refuse an
3. Linda isn’t used to live / living alone, so invitation and give news
sometimes she feels lonely.
4. Monica come / came across some old pictures as
she was tidying her desk. Culture Page 1 p. 128 Exam Practice p. 140
5. My father didn’t use to walk / walking to work, but
now he does. Score: /5
Video Worksheet p. 148


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A. Read the sentences below and look at the words in bold. What do you notice? NOTE: ome words can be both
a. We should all help raise money for charity. b. Thanks for your help. verbs and nouns. heir
meanings could be quite
Now complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. similar e.g. dance or uite
Use the same word for each pair of sentences. di ferent e.g. watch .

stay start support need experience harm

1. a. This organisation the homeless. 4. a. Did you enjoy your in Berlin?
b. My family have given me a lot of . b. Are you for lunch? I’ve made
2. a. Don’t be afraid of my pet parrot. It won’t do you any pasta.
. 5. a. We had some amazing at the
b. Pollution the environment. adventure camp last summer.
3. a. new trainers. Her old ones b. When I went skydiving, I a
are torn. moment of fear just before jumping out of the plane.
b. We’re raising money for children with special 6. a. It raining at 6am.
. b. The party was a disaster from the .

B. Look at the prepositional phrases in the table and circle the correct words in the sentences 1-7.

1. Danny loves adventure sports, bungee jumping in IN OUT OF IN / OUT OF

general / particular. a hurry work danger
2. Fay is out of breath / control because she was running. a good/bad mood breath control
3. I’ve only got RM20 left, so going to a restaurant common the question sight
for lunch is out of the question / ordinary.
case of one’s mind trouble
4. Always have your mobile with you, in trouble / case
particular date order
of an emergency.
5. We watched the plane until it flew in / out of sight. general the ordinary use

6. Don’t use this map. It’s out of date / use. need (one’s) reach shape

7. Children’s lives were in / out of danger whenever they wanted to cross the street. That’s why the footbridge was built.

C. Complete with the words in the boxes.

ground land raise gain earn

1. After three days at sea, the sailors were glad to see 7. Teachers do a lot of hard work but don’t
. much money.
2. The camp leader told us all to sit on 8. All the money we will go to
the while he showed us how local charities.
to put up a tent. 9. It’s not a great job, but at least you’ll
manage succeed some work experience.
3. Did you to find tickets for the old elderly ancient mature
10. My sister is very for a sixteen-
4. Henry didn’t in passing all his year-old.
11. The Olympic Games took
fee tip donation place in Olympia, Greece from the 8th century BC
5. Did you leave a for the waiter? to the 5th century AD.
6. Nowadays, many museums don’t have an entrance 12. My neighbour looks after her
, but they ask you to make a
13. My grandmother is quite ,
small .
but she’s still very active.


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 24 8/8/2019 6:37:44 µµ

C. Read the text again and answer the questions. D. Look at the highlighted words in the text and try
Choose a, b or c. to guess what they mean. Then match them with the
meanings 1-8 below.
1. What did the first floor room in Baker Street remind
Watson of? 1. looking exactly like a real person or thing:
a. How untidy Holmes was.
b. The many adventures he had been on with 2. serious, very important:
3. kill someone on purpose:
c. Some equipment that they had used in a case.
2. What was Watson’s reaction to Holmes being 4. incredible, extraordinary:
asleep? 5. something investigated by the police:
a. He was surprised because it was early in the
b. He was used to Holmes sleeping at strange times in 6. look quickly:
the day. 7. make a short stop before continuing:
c. He wanted to wake him up and discuss the case.
3. What did Holmes promise the Prime Minister and
the Home Secretary? 8. take a quick, deep breath, especially when
a. That he would find a hundred-thousand pounds. surprised:
b. That he would not tell anyone about the case.
c. That he would find the stolen diamond.
E. Discuss.
4. Why does Billy open the blinds?
a. To allow Watson to see the wax figure better. •
about Sherlock
b. To show Watson something.
Holmes from the
c. To let some people see the wax figure of Holmes. extract?
5. What does Holmes believe? •
a. That the blinds should be shut at all times. the rest of the story?

b. That Billy will be murdered. •
c. That the wax figure will be attacked.

Past Simple - Past Continuous
• While the detective was looking around the room, he noticed a footprint on the carpet.
• We were driving down Pershing Street when the police stopped us.

Complete using the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Last summer, my friend Tom and I (1) (be) in Kuala Lumpur.

On our last evening there, we (2) (decide) to visit the
Petronas Towers, but before going there, we (3) (go) to the
Central Market to buy some souvenirs. We (4) (see) lots of
beautiful things as we (5) (walk) around. Tom
(6) (buy) some beautiful gold earrings for his sister, which he (7) (put)
in his backpack, and then we (8) (leave). It was a nice evening, so we (9)
(choose) to walk through the park to get to the Petronas Towers. After a while, I (10) (want)
to sit down for a bit. While we (11) (sit), we (12) (see) a monkey. We
(13) (not go) near it, and we (14) (stay) where we were. The monkey
(15) (leave); at least that is what we (16) (think). Suddenly, while we
(17) (talk), Tom (18) (see) that the monkey (19)
(hold) his sister’s earrings. Luckily, when Tom (20) (stand) up, the monkey
(21) (drop) the earrings and (22) (run) away.


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 29 8/8/2019 6:38:25 µµ

C. Read the text again and answer the questions. E. Answer the following questions.
Choose a, b, c or d. Underline the parts of the text • What does the writer mean by the phrase ‘a sea
where you found the answers.
monster worthy of myth and legend’ (lines 2-3)?
1. Who is narrating the story? • How would you characterise Captain Nemo? Which
a. a sailor incidents from the story justify your answer?
b. the lieutenant
F. Read the PLAN and the Tips below and write a
c. a marine biologist summary of the story.
d. the captain of the Nautilus
2. After getting over his initial fear, what did the
narrator want to do?
a. speak to the captain
b. draw the sea monster
c. find out why the Nautilus had stopped A summary paragraph of an extract from a novel
d. find out what the captain and his THE FIRST ONE OR TWO SENTENCES
lieutenant were talking about Describe the main characters (the who)
3. Why did the Nautilus stop? appearing in the extract and the setting (the
where and when things take place).
a. A squid had caused engine problems.
b. Mr Aronnax wanted to draw the squid. THE NEXT TWO OR THREE SENTENCES
c. Captain Nemo wanted to catch the squid. Outline the main theme of the extract and
d. Captain Nemo did not want to hit the squid. describe the main events that happen (the
4. Why did the captain order the Nautilus to rise to
a. to repair the propeller Discuss the details of the extract that support
b. to escape from the squid the main theme, such as how the characters try
to deal with a situation or react to events (the
c. so they could fight the squid
how and why).
d. so they could get their weapons
5. Which of the following is true? Explain the message or moral of the extract, if
a. A squid grabbed Captain Nemo. there is one.
b. Captain Nemo opened the door of the Nautilus.
c. Some men grabbed weapons and went to fight
the squid.
d. Mr Aronnax killed a squid as soon as the door
was opened.
• ead the extract you are going to summarise
6. What happened to the sailor trapped in the squid’s once to get the main idea then read it again
tentacle? and make notes on the who what when
a. He was blinded by the squid. where why and how of the part of the story
b. He was dragged into the sea. you are summarising. hen turn your notes
into a paragraph using the plan.
c. He was covered in black liquid.
• Do not include your own ideas or opinions
d. He was saved by captain Nemo. about the characters or events mentioned.
D. Look at the highlighted words in the text and match • Do not copy sentences or parts of sentences
them with their meanings a-j. you must summarise the writer’s ideas in your
own words.
a. to make it difficult or impossible for somebody to • se mostly present tenses.
see • emember to include the title and author of
b. to successfully control a feeling the original text.
c. to look at somebody or something for a long • se the following phrases
time; to stare The scene takes place in a..., The incident
occurred because..., The main character in this
d. a person that you spend a lot of time with extract is…, The story takes place during…
because you are friends or are travelling together

e. to kick and fight so that you can escape from

Start as follows:
somebody/something In this extract from Twenty Thousand Leagues
f. to take or hold something with your hand in a under the Sea by Jules Verne...
sudden and violent way
g. something that many people believe, but which is Project
not true
h. to hear something by accident or without the
speaker knowing it Do some research on the Internet about
i. to use violence to hurt somebody or damage a another novel by Jules Verne. Take notes (plot,
place main characters, interesting features) and present
it to the class.
j. bigger than usual

FB_Plus_4_SB_MAL_Module_2.indd 35 26/8/2019 1:11:46 µµ

2 Round-up 3. Look at that old school. I used to go there.

4. Ms Robinson lives next door. She’s got four cats.

A. Circle the correct words. 5. These earrings are lovely. My sister bought them for
1. Alice was anxious / relieved about visiting the doctor. me.
She hates hospitals.
2. Mr Smith made / did a big donation to our school. Score: / 10
3. The shop assistant tried to persuade / support Tom
E. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the
to buy the most expensive jacket.
Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
4. This bowl is made of wood / woods.
5. I found two hair / hairs in my food. That’s disgusting! 1. While the passengers (get on) the
6. Unfortunately, Mark didn’t succeed / manage in train, a fire (break out) in one of the
winning the competition. carriages.
7. Will you keep an eye / a mind on our house while 2. The burglar (break into) the museum
we’re away? and (steal) the most expensive painting.
8. I’ve approached / searched everywhere for my 3. As soon as the receptionist (arrive), she
glasses but I can’t find them. (turn) on her computer.
Score: /8
4. The detective (investigate) the crime
B. Complete with the correct prepositions. scene when he (notice) some blood on
1. Hurry up. I’m a hurry. the curtains.
2. You can always rely your parents for good 5. The police officer (stop) me because I
advice. (talk) on my mobile while I
3. Slow ! I can’t keep with you. (drive).
4. I love hanging out with Tina. She’s got a great sense Score: / 11
humour. F. Choose the correct response. There are two extra
5. You can’t use that phone. It’s of order. responses which you do not need to use.
6. Try to become more sociable. instance, ring
up your friends more often and ask them to hang 1. What’s wrong with Fay?
out together. 2.
7. Are you familiar the way this machine
works? 3. Mum, can I go to the cinema tonight?
Score: /8
4. Please, keep it to yourself.
C. Complete the blanks with quantifiers.
1. Do you have idea where my 5. I hope we manage to raise a lot of money
sunglasses are? for the homeless.
2. I’m almost done with my homework. I only have a a. Let’s keep our promise.
more activities to do. b. That’s out of the question. You’ve got school
3. There are of wax figures of tomorrow.
celebrities at Madame Tussauds. c. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
4. I can’t go shopping because I have very d. Are you out of your mind? That’s dangerous.
money left. e. I guess she’s in a bad mood again.
5. I have read of books, but none f. She really likes to stand out.
were as good as the one I’m reading now. g. Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.
6. Whenever Peter’s got free time, he Score: /5
plays basketball. TOTAL SCORE: / 50
7. I have so chores to do that I don’t Now I can…
know where to begin.
8. We didn’t have time to discuss the talk about extreme activities
problem. use quantifiers
Score: /8 define people, places, things and ideas and
give additional information about them
D. Join the sentences using relative pronouns / describe a person
adverbs and adding commas where necessary. Make
narrate past events
any other necessary changes.
describe my feelings
1. use linking words / phrases
Rowling. write a story

2. Song 1 p. 132 Exam Practice p. 141

Video Worksheet p. 149


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 36 8/8/2019 6:39:03 µµ

C. Read the advertisements again and the • hen matching uestions with short texts scan each
statements below. Which advertisement(s) do text and look for the speci ic information mentioned in
they refer to? Write L for Laser Cosmos, M for each uestion.
Moon Shoes or N for Nappak. • ind the part of the text which correctly answers the
1. You don’t have to be a certain age • e careful Don’t choose a text ust because the
to use this item. vocabulary or phrasing in the text is similar to that of
2. You will pay less for this item if you the uestion.
order over the Internet.
3. This item comes with information D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
words in brackets. All the missing words are in the text.
about how to use it.
1. Polly doesn’t want to share a room with her sister so
4. You can arrange to receive this item
she can have a bit of . (private)
the day after you order it.
2. Before we assemble this table, I think we should read
5. This item makes you feel like
the . (instruct)
you are somewhere else. +
3. Do you think this skirt is for a
6. This item is for indoor use only. job interview? (suit)
7. This item suits different needs. 4. My sister lives in Italy so I make
8. You can get your money back if you visits there. (occasion)
don’t like this item. 5. In the wild, this fish can reach a
of 4 kilos. (weigh)
6. The pizza boy forgot to bring us
E. Discuss.
our garlic bread. (deliver)

items would you 7. Daniel fell from a great and broke
most like to buy? his leg. (high)
Why? Project

of these items
Do some research on the Internet and find an unusual product which you believe
might be appealing to young people. If you cannot find something online, you can
come up with your own product. Write an advertisement and present it to the class.
may / might / could
• Tanya may / might / could still be at home. Ring and see.
• I may not / might not I
must / can’t
• must be very hungry.
• can’t
must / have to / need (to) / can’t
•I must / have to read the instructions first.
• I need to
• mustn’t / can’t
• don’t have to / don’t need to / needn’t go to the shopping centre to buy a mobile phone.

Choose a, b or c.
1. We pay anything. The concert is free. 5. We buy tickets for the football match.
a. mustn’t b. didn’t need c. don’t need to a. must b. need c. have
2. No way! That be Mr Roberts. He’s not old 6. A: I sleep on the floor last time my
enough. cousins slept over.
a. mustn’t b. may not c. can’t B: Next time get a Nappak.
3. What are you doing? Don’t you know that you a. needed to b. had to c. must
write on the desks? 7. My parents are thinking of getting me a computer
a. don’t have to b. mustn’t c. needn’t game for my birthday, but they get it in
4. Adelia come over tomorrow. She’ll call the end. They tend to change their minds easily.
and let us know. a. might not b. couldn’t c. needn’t
a. needs b. may c. must


FB_Plus_4_SB_MAL_Module_3.indd 39 23/8/2019 4:26:39 µµ


A. Complete the sentences with the words / phrases in the box.

afford cash machine change broke credit card notes cash

charge receipt an arm and a leg exchange coins
1. Andy’s motorbike wasn’t exactly cheap. In fact, he paid for it.
2. I haven’t got any on me. Can I pay by ?
3. We need to some ringgits into dollars.
4. Sheila can’t to buy a new game console because she’s .
5. are much lighter than , therefore they are a more convenient
form of money.
6. Here are your shoes and RM5.60 . Your is in the bag.
7. I wanted to get some money from the but I didn’t have my cash card.
8. Students and people over 65 can enter the museum free of .

B. Complete the sentences with the words in the boxes.

value price cost worth
1. She sold her car at a really reasonable .
2. The total of the holiday was RM3,000.
3. This hotel is lovely and cheap too, so it’s great for money.
4. I entered a competition online and won computer games RM200.

offers sales sale discounts bargain

5. My uncle gets on flights because he works at the airport.
6. A: I bought this jacket for RM50.
B: What a !
7. All the dresses at The Dressmaker are on this week. We should go.
8. Do you like my trainers? I got them in the .
9. You should get down to Style Store. It’s got some great special .

C. Read the dialogues and find phrases which mean the following:
Shop assistant: Can I help you?
1. It’s very expensive. Mrs Wayne: No thanks. I’m
just browsing.
2. I haven’t got enough money.
3. I’m looking around.
4. It’s open all day and night every day. Brad: Hey, Terry! Check out these
DVDs. Two for the price of one.
5. It’s not worth that much money. Terry: Cool! Let’s get some.
6. You buy one and you get one free.

Brandon: Excuse me. How much is this Jennifer: Hello, could you tell me about this digital
tracksuit? There’s no price tag picture frame?
on it. Shop assistant: Well, it’s 14 inches and it’s the latest
Shop assistant: It’s RM400. technology. And it comes with a year’s
Brandon: Thank you. guarantee.
Cindy: That’s a rip-off! I hope you’re Jennifer: Great. How much is it?
not thinking of getting it. It Shop assistant: RM120.
costs a fortune! Jennifer: Oh dear. I’m a bit short. Are you open
Brandon: I’ll try it on first. Where are the tomorrow?
fitting rooms? Shop assistant: Of course. We’re open 24 / 7. Except on
Cindy: Over there, near the cash desk. public holidays.


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ocabulary isten
Read the sentences and match the phrasal verbs in A. Discuss.
bold with their meanings. •

NOTE: A phrasal verb consists of a verb (e.g. get,
put) and an adverb (e.g. back) and / or one B. You will hear a radio interview with Nigel Eastman,
or more prepositions (e.g. for, on with). The a mystery shopper. The interview is in three parts.
meaning of the phrasal verb is different from Listen and answer the questions for each part.
the meaning of the verb and the adverb / Choose a, b or c.
preposition(s) it includes.

Phrasal verbs: ‘get’

• ead the options uickly before you hear
1. I meant to go to the shopping centre to buy each part of the interview.
• Don’t work on a uestion when the next
Debbie a gift yesterday, but I didn’t part is being spoken.
get round to doing it.
2. I really get along / on with my cousin and I
love going out with her. 1. What kinds of businesses use mystery shoppers?
a. any business that has customers
3. Mrs Griffin doesn’t earn a lot but she
b. only businesses that sell products
manages to get by.
c. any business that has a problem with its staff
4. Lucy was very unhappy about losing the
tennis match but she’ll get over it.
2. What should you do if you want to become a
5. Don’t lie to your teacher about losing your mystery shopper?
homework. You’ll never get away with it. a. write emails to businesses
b. register on a website
a. do something wrong without being punished c. attend a business and customer service course
b. have a friendly relationship with somebody
c. manage to live on little money
d. return to your usual health or happiness
e. find the time to do something 3. What is true about the job of a mystery shopper?
a. It’s a full-time job.
Phrasal verbs: ‘put’ b. It’s a part-time job.
c. You can work at weekends only.
1. We put the fire out before we left camp.
2. Paul’s saving up for a new mobile so he 4. How long does a typical job at a shop take?
puts some money aside every month. a. 30 minutes.
3. Working on a farm for a few months b. A few hours.
put me off meat for years. c. It’s not mentioned.

4. Unfortunately, they have put the talent show

off till the summer.
5. What happens to the things mystery shoppers buy?
5. I don’t know how you put up with a. Mystery shoppers can keep them, but they have
Elizabeth’s behaviour. I can’t. to pay for them.
6. You don’t have to book a hotel. I’ll put you b. Companies give you the money for them and
you can keep them.
up for a few nights.
c. They have to give them back to the companies.
a. delay doing something
b. make somebody lose interest in something 6. How did the waitress find out Nigel was a mystery
c. accept somebody / something annoying shopper?
without complaining
a. She asked his wife.
d. save something to be used at a later time
e. stop something from burning b. She used to be a mystery shopper, too.
f. let somebody stay at your house c. His wife said it by accident.


FB_Plus_4_SB_MAL_Module_3.indd 46 23/8/2019 4:24:18 µµ

3 Round-up E. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the
Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in the box.
cost create always / want find not know be have
1. A: Frank his own website last month.
A. Choose a, b or c. B: Really? I he had a computer.
1. Albert has interviewed eight for the position. A: Well, he it for a while now.
a. employers b. applicants c. customers 2. A: you ever to a second-hand
2. I can’t go to the cinema with you. I’m totally . shop?
a. afford b. broke c. free of charge B: Yes, last week, actually.
A: you anything worth buying?
3. I you buy the blue shirt.
B: Yes, a beautiful bag that I , but it still
a. recommend b. consider c. realise
a fortune! Score: /7
4. Olivia bought this dress in the .
a. sales b. offers c. discounts F. Complete with the Present Perfect Simple or the
5. I’d like a / an for this MP4 player. It’s broken. Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
a. guarantee b. refund c. exchange 1. A: I (look) for a fashionable pair of boots since
6. Have you ever seen a 500 euro ? last month but so far I (not find) anything.
a. cash b. receipt c. note B: Why don’t you check out the new department store?
7. If you further information, you should ask I think I (see) some nice boots there.
the receptionist. 2. A: So, Tina (save) up enough
a. involve b. warn c. require money to buy the bike she wants?
B: Yes, she (work) part-time for three months
Score: /7
B. Complete with the correct words. now and she (manage) to put 300 euros
aside. Score: /6
1. Mary and I get very well with each other.
2. Julie always finds a good excuse to put G. Choose the correct response. There are two extra
visiting the dentist. responses which you do not need to use.
3. This shop’s got a wide variety shoes to
choose from. 1. Would you like some help?
4. My cousins put me for a week when I 2. These boots are really nice, but they cost an
first moved to London. arm and a leg.
5. After my cat’s death, I felt horrible, but I soon got 3. Oh, no! I forgot to buy milk and the supermarket
it. is closed now.
6. This board game is suitable children 4. John! When are you going to tidy the garage?
over 5. It’s a mess.
Score: /6
C. Circle the correct words. 5. This skirt is really nice but I’m a bit short.
1. I may / must see Robert tonight. If I do, I’ll tell a. I know. I’ve been meaning to get round to it.
him that you’ve been trying to reach him. b. No, I’m just browsing.
2. You don’t need to / ’d rather not worry about c. Don’t worry. We can go to Mario’s Deli. It’s open 24 / 7.
your cat. I’ll look after her. d. Let’s shop till we drop!
3. Kelly can’t / mustn’t be asleep. I can hear her e. I can lend you some money so you can get it. It’s a
talking. real bargain.
4. Sandra doesn’t like pasta so she’d rather / f. I’ll take it into consideration.
better not go to an Italian restaurant. g. Well, I never buy things that cost a fortune. It’s just not
5. Ted better / ought to study more. His marks worth it!
Score: /5
are bad.
6. You mustn’t / don’t have to feed
Score: /6 Now I can…
the animals. It’s not allowed.
talk about my shopping habits
D. Rewrite the sentences using the words given. express possibility and make deductions
1. It’s a good idea to stop wasting all your pocket express obligation, prohibition and absence of
money so fast. (better) necessity
express preference and make suggestions
express threat or warning
2. You’d better not be late for the job interview. (should) express my opinion and give advice
complete a form
use appropriate tenses to link the past with the present
3. It isn’t necessary to ask Linda to come and help us. use language related to shopping
(need) distinguish between formal and informal language
write a letter of application
4. Jack doesn’t really want to go to the concert. (rather)
Culture Page 2 p. 129 Exam Practice p. 142
Score: /8
Video Worksheet p. 150

FB_Plus_4_SB_MAL_Module_3.indd 50
D. Read the text again and write T for True or F for False. E. Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the words in brackets. All the missing words are in
1. According to the text, learners can get individual the text.
attention both from teachers and computers. 1. Do you believe in the of
aliens? (exist)
2. Computers can help students who get
distracted easily. 2. It was a popular idea and quickly gained many
. (support)
3. Discoveries have shown that people with 3. Louis Pasteur made some important scientific
psychic powers use 100% of their brains. . (discover)
4. We don’t use all of our brain, all of the time. 4. Do you think the government spends enough
money on ? (educate)
5. Einstein did better in some subjects than he 5. Mrs Clarke helped us with the
did in others. of the event. (organise)
6. In the last year at the school where Einstein 6. Archimedes was a great of
studied, ‘6’ was considered a good mark. the ancient world. (mathematics)
7. There is a general
7. Teaching children at home, instead of at throughout the country that things will get worse
school, is not possible worldwide. before they get better. (believe)

8. Supporters of homeschooling believe that 8. Both my children are fast

and are doing very well at school. (learn)
homeschooled children socialise as much as
non-homeschooled children.
F. Discuss.
9. Homeschooling is a good solution for families •
who have financial problems. •

Future will
• Don’t walk to school. I’ll give you a lift.
• will pass
Future be going to
• Helena’s going to study Biology at university.
•I I’m going to get bad marks.
Future Perfect Simple
• Hopefully, by 8 o’clock I will have finished my

Complete with the correct Future form of the verbs in brackets.

1. A: My mobile phone keeps turning off for no reason.

B: Don’t worry. I (buy) you a new one.
2. Come round my house at about 6pm. I (arrive) home by then.
3. Look out, Dad! You (crash) into that tree!
4. A: What plans have you got for Saturday?
B: I (visit) my cousins in Oxford.
5. Watch this DVD. I’m sure you (enjoy) it.
6. Kevin loves eating sweets. By the time you come home, he
(eat) all the chocolate bars that are in the fridge.
7. I believe robots (do) all the work in factories in the future.
8. Nigel (not return) home by lunchtime, so don’t wait for him.


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A. Complete the table forming the opposites of the adjectives in the box.
legal responsible possible likely formal patient regular willing correct mature
literate active able familiar capable practical relevant logical
NOTE: he opposites of many nglish words are formed by adding a negative pre ix un in il ir im to the words.

un- in- il- (+adj. starting with l) ir- (+adj. starting with r) im- (+adj. starting with m or p)
unlikely informal illegal irresponsible impossible

Now read the sentences and complete them with some of the opposites above.
1. Daisy was to sit for the exam because she was at home with the flu.
2. You may think I’m crazy and , but I’m afraid of rabbits!
3. All the answers we gave the teacher were , so she had to explain everything to us again.
4. Whether I think you’re good at French or not is . What matters is that you pass the test.
5. Tina may be eighteen, but she is very for her age. I don’t think she should get a driving
licence yet.
B. Look at the adjectives in the box. Which prepositions are they followed by? Complete the table. Then read the
sentences 1-6 and complete the gaps with prepositions.
familiar famous aware nervous capable anxious
responsible proud popular worried disappointed ready
about with for of

1. I’m quite capable doing the washing-up by myself, thank you.

2. A: Are you nervous the Physics exam?
B: Not really. It’s my favourite subject.
3. Mike, are you responsible this mess? Clean it up now!
4. Are you familiar this computer program?
5. Dean revised all day yesterday and now he’s ready the exam.
6. If I succeed at university, I know my parents will be very proud me.

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do to form phrases.
1. I’m going to really an effort to my best this time.
2. Right, I’ve up my mind. I’m going to the cooking this week.
3. A: I’m going to a project on the history of the world.
B: That sounds difficult. Are you sure you’ve the right decision?
4. I wasn’t paying attention to the teacher, so when it came to the experiment,
I a fool of myself.
5. Stuart isn’t very good at Geography but he really well in the test. He didn’t
any mistakes. It doesn’t sense. I think he cheated.
6. I think the Amazon is the longest river, but I will some research just to
7. A: Have you any plans for this afternoon?
B: No.
A: Could you me a favour? I need to move a wardrobe.
B: Sure, I’ll come round later.

Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 54 8/8/2019 6:39:37 µµ

C. Read again and write T for True or F for False. D. Look at the highlighted words in the text and try
to guess what they mean. Then match them with the
1. meanings 1-9 below.
and an MC were needed.
1. the state of being poor:
2. Herc began his career as an MC. 2. the place or culture where somebody / something
3. Herc came up with hip hop when he realised comes from, the origin:
people didn’t like the music he was playing. 3. a period of history:

4. The first hip-hop party spread to a park. 4. part of something:

5. a person that competes with
5. Hip hop got its name from the lyrics
of a song. another:
6. do or say something publicly because you
6. At parties, breakdancers competed against
each other.
7. do better than somebody else:
7. Lots of hip-hop songs which had to do with
social issues became hits. 8. a person who has come to live in a country
they are not from:
E. Discuss. 9. a person invited to a house or an
• event:
your country?

has its own culture?

Think of a type of music. Do some

research on the Internet and find
information about its history. Make a
PowerPoint presentation of the type of
music you have chosen and its history
and show it to the class.

Conditional Sentences Type 1 Zero Conditional
• If you need any help, ask me. • If you eat a lot of junk food, you put
• Tony may do some graffiti on his garage wall if his parents don’t mind. on weight.
• Unless I repair my laptop, I won’t be able • When you heat ice, it melts.
Conditional Sentences Type 2
• How would you feel if you won a song contest and became famous?
• If I were you, I’d tell my parents what happened.

Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given.

1. Tina doesn’t play a musical instrument so she can’t be a member of our band.
If Tina
2. People get thirsty when they don’t drink enough water.
If people
3. We won’t buy the CD if it isn’t on sale.
4. I’m not able to sleep because this bed isn’t comfortable.
If this bed were
5. Play music with a strong beat otherwise people won’t dance.
If you


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ocabulary isten
Complete with the correct form of the words in the boxes. A. Before you listen, read the definition of ‘peer
pressure’ and discuss the questions.
popular famous
‘Peer pressure’ means feeling that you have to
1. Hip hop is probably the most
do something so that you can be accepted by
type of music at our school. your peers and feel that you fit in.
2. My cousin is in a band but they aren’t very

yet. the way you dress or the way you behave?
common usual normal •
you feel peer pressure?
3. Last night I had my Friday •
night dinner of fish and chips. •
4. It’s very for the school B. You will hear a quiz which is part of a radio
president to be the best student at the school. programme. Listen and do the quiz. Mark your
answers in the boxes below.
5. For victims of crime, it takes time for their lives to
return to .
Are you a peer pressure victim?
include contain involve A B C
6. Does that price Question 1
accommodation and meals? Question 2
7. Being a writer spending a lot Question 3
of time in front of a computer. Question 4
8. They opened the box to see what it Question 5
. grow grow up bring up
C. Now listen to the continuation of the radio
9. When my brother , he wants programme. What does the quiz reveal about you?
Do you agree?
to be a football player.

10. Our neighbour vegetables
in his garden and they always taste great.
11. My grandmother had a difficult life as she had to
five children.

same similar like alike

12. In the UK, teens start voting at the age of 18. It’s
the in Ireland.
13. George and Thomas are twins but they don’t look
14. Can you hear that? It sounds
a wolf, but they don’t live in this part of the country.
15. I like hanging out with Kelly because we have

lively alive live

16. I forgot to feed the fish at the weekend. Luckily,
they’re still .
17. I’ve got all Coldplay CDs but I’ve never
seen them perform .
18. The youth club is a
place on Saturday evenings.


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C. Read the text again and answer the questions. E. Discuss.
Choose a, b, c or d. •
1. What’s the main message of the 1st paragraph? •
a. The food was awful.
b. The children needed new clothes. F. Look at the adjective ‘furious’ (line 38). What do
you think it means?
c. The children didn’t get enough food.
d. The children looked forward to special occasions.
2. The bowls didn’t need cleaning after the children
finished eating because
a. the soup tasted good.
b. the soup disappeared.
c. the children ate from the copper pot. furious very
d. the children cleaned everything with their tongues. angry.
3. What did the other boys want Oliver to do?
a. find a solution very, really,
extremely, incredibly, terribly a
b. eat more food
little (bit)
c. make a request
d. act in a performance
4. The first time Oliver asked for more soup, the master really, completely, absolutely
a. didn’t react. totally
b. was shocked.
c. started shouting.
G. Read the first paragraph of the text again and find
d. hit Oliver on the head. adjectives which mean:
5. What does ‘ladle’ (line 39) mean?
very thin
a. pot
b. hand very dirty
c. voice very hungry
d. spoon very small
6. What did the people responsible for the workhouse
want to do with Oliver? H. Replace the ‘strong’ adjectives in the sentences
a. punish him 1-7 below with an appropriate adverb and the ‘weak’
adjectives in the box.
b. get rid of him
c. help him escape surprised interesting hungry dirty hot
d. give him one more chance beautiful angry
D. Match the highlighted words below from the text
with their meanings. Then check your answers in a 1. I was furious with myself when I lost my
dictionary. mobile phone.
1. orphan 5. wink 2. It’s boiling outside. We should go for a swim.
3. I watched a fascinating documentary about
2. rags 6. nudge dolphins last night.
3. stare 7. courage 4. My cousin Stephanie has gorgeous blue eyes.
5. I was astonished to hear that Frank got fired.
4. whisper 8. speechless
6. Your hands are filthy. You’d better wash them
a. to quickly close and open one eye as a signal to before dinner!
somebody 7. I haven’t had anything for breakfast and I’m
b. old, torn clothes starving.
c. not able to speak because you are very angry,
surprised, etc.
d. to give a little push to somebody especially with
your elbow Project
e. the ability to do something difficult or dangerous
without showing fear
Do some research on the Internet and find
f. a child whose parents have died
another book written by Charles Dickens that
g. to speak very quietly so that other people cannot
you would like to read. Take notes (plot, main
hear you
characters, interesting features) and present it to
h. to look at something/someone for a long time
the class.
without moving your eyes

Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 65 8/8/2019 6:40:10 µµ

4 Round-up 4.
of them like hip hop. Isn’t that strange?
Paul nor Tom has got any siblings.
5. I watched two films this weekend. I didn’t like
A. Circle the correct words. of them though.
1. Big deal! Everybody makes / does mistakes. 6. When Kathy asked me if I wanted Chinese or Indian food
2. You should be ashamed / proud of yourself. What for dinner, I told her of the two. I don’t
you did was very rude! really like Asian food.
Score: /6
3. I’ve never seen a live / lively performance before.
4. Please give / pay attention to what I’m saying. E. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets to form Conditional Sentences.
5. The building was completely destroyed / dropped
by the earthquake. 1. The baby (start) crying if you wake her up.
6. It is compulsory / illegal for drivers to wear a seat 2. What would your mother say if she
belt. (know) you cheated in the exam?
7. I don’t like playing basketball with Peter. He’s too 3. If you don’t hurry, we (miss)
competitive / effective. the beginning of the film.
8. do / make your best. 4. Water (boil) if you heat it to 100 degrees.
Score: /8
5. I (not miss) out on the concert if I were
B. Complete with the correct prepositions. you.
1. I didn’t break your sunglasses purpose. It 6. Unless Olivia (apologise), Natalie won’t
was an accident. speak to her again.
2. There’s no point worrying. Henry will take 7. If Derek had more time, he (go) to the
care of everything. gym more often.
Score: /7
3. a History exam tomorrow.
4. Make your mind. What do you want to do? F. Choose the correct response. There are two extra
responses which you do not need to use.
5. Don’t blame me missing the bus! It’s not
my fault. 1. Do you understand what you need to do?
6. Alice grew in New York.
2. Can you do me a favour?
7. From my point view, Peter is right.
Score: /7 3. I failed my exam.

C. Complete with the Future will, be going to or the 4. Should I take part in the competition?
Future Perfect Simple.
5. How about going to the football match on
Linda Hey, Sally. What’s wrong? Saturday?
Sally Well, I (1) (fly) to Madrid
tomorrow and I have so many things to do. a. Well, it’s up to you, really.
Linda Don’t worry. I (2) (help) you. b. I promise, I’ll make up for it.
What can I do for you? c. Well, I think you’re making a fool of yourself.
Sally (3) you (take) d. Sorry. I’ve already made plans.
my cat to my cousin’s for me, please? e. Well, you didn’t really make an effort to pass.
Linda Of course. Anything else? f. No. It doesn’t make sense.
Sally Well, I probably (4) (not finish) g. Sure. What do you want?
Score: /5
with my shopping by then either. TOTAL SCORE: / 40
(5) you (stop)
Now I can…
at the supermarket and buy some things for me?
Linda No problem. By the way, I (6)
talk about issues related to teen life
(make) fish and chips for dinner. Why don’t you and education
drop by? That way you (7) refer to the future using appropriate tenses
(not have to) cook. form opposites of words
Sally Thanks. use linking words / phrases
Score: /7 write a paragraph expressing my opinion
D. Complete the sentences with all, both, neither, either express hypotheses about what is likely
or unlikely to happen in the future
or none.
write an essay presenting advantages and
1. Mandy and Harry are disadvantages
2. Sandy has got three cats. They are Song 2 p. 133 Beyond Language 1 p. 136
white with green eyes.
3. There are twenty students in my class, but Exam Practice p. 143 Video Worksheet p. 151


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 66 8/8/2019 6:40:10 µµ


A. Complete the table with nouns that refer to people. Use the words in the box and a suitable suffix. Make any
necessary changes.
travel visit reception inspect art hike hunt science collect trek survive
cycle explore instruct report hairstyle compete biology
-er -or -ist
traveller visitor receptionist

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the boxes.
trip voyage tour cruise journey flight set off set up
1. The from London to Glasgow 9. My mum wants to a charity
by car takes about seven hours. for the homeless in our town.
2. Last Sunday, Eddie and I went on a day 10. We had to early in the
to Lake Gloria. morning because we had to walk all day.

3. We had to wait for two hours at the airport because guide boss chief leader
11. The police explained what
had happened at the bank on the news.
4. When Diane and her friends arrived in Madrid, they
12. I asked my for a week off and
went on a of the city.
he said ‘Yes’.
13. We’re going to need a to take
to the Pacific Ocean.
us to the village in the middle of the jungle.
6. Last summer my parents went on a
14. The camp told us to put up
around the Mediterranean. the tents as quickly as possible.
expedition excursion reach arrive get approach
7. Next week my school is going on an all-day 15. What time will we our
to the beach. destination?
8. A team of scientists are planning to go on an 16. The plane at Heathrow Airport
to the South Pole. at 8pm last night.
17. As you the town, you’ll see
the castle on a hill.
C. Read the note, look at the text on page 68 and find 18. It took us half an hour to to
compound nouns. Can you think of any more? our hotel.

Now match the nouns on the left with the nouns on the NOTE: compound noun is a combination of
right to form as many compound nouns as you can. two nouns that function as one word. he
irst noun de ines the second one e.g. bus
1. forest a. guide stop a stop for buses .
2. travel b. destination
3. ski c. resort
4. tour d. reserve
5. tourist e. gear
6. camping f. fire
7. holiday g. attraction
8. nature h. agency


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 70 8/8/2019 6:40:15 µµ

C. Read the text again and answer the questions. D. Find words / phrases in the text and match them
with the definitions below.
1. Why was Amelie a useful person to visit Morocco 1. put something somewhere quickly and carelessly
(paragraph 1):
2. What did Amanda eat on her first night in
Marrakech? 2. get a small meal (paragraph 1):

3. Why did a man yell at Amanda? 3. excursion (paragraph 3):

4. Where did Amanda go to get a henna tattoo? 4. whole (paragraph 3):

5. How many fingers did Amanda hold up to hail a 5. wander or travel around an area (paragraph 3):
6. How long did it take the girls to get to Erg Chebbi? 6. not being as good as one hoped (paragraph 4):
7. What impressed Amanda the most on their trip to
the desert? 7. very easy (paragraph 4):
8. Why did Amanda want to get off her camel? 8. realise (paragraph 4):

E. Discuss.

on her trip? Which ones? Why? Make a poster about a trip you enjoyed very
much. Make notes and stick pictures from your
trip. Then present your poster to the class.

Reported Speech (Questions)
Direct Speech Reported Speech
• •
wondered Greg. buy for his friends.
• •
sand dune.
Reported Speech (Commands, Requests)
Direct Speech Reported Speech
• •

Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech and the correct form of the verbs given.

2. ‘Please, don’t step on my towel!’ Mary said to her brother. (ask)


4. ‘Can I invite my friends over for dinner, Mum?’ Fay wanted to know. (ask)

5. ‘Kelly, ring the travel agency and ask about the trip to Spain,’ Betty said. (tell)

6. ‘Why do you want to go to the market, Peter?’ Dave asked. (want to know)


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5 Round-up D. Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.

A. Choose a, b or c. 2. ‘Where can I get a henna tattoo?’ Sandy asked.

1. I think we should Tom a visit.
a. give b. make c. pay 3. ‘Will you drive me to school?’ Lisa asked her father.
2. There was a car accident at the near my
house yesterday.
a. aisle b. crossroads c. avenue 4. ‘Meet me outside the cinema tonight but don’t be late,’
3. Everyone burst laughing when they heard Fay said to me.
Peter’s joke.
a. off b. up c. out Score: /8
4. The man knowing the victim, but the
detective didn’t believe him. E. Rewrite the sentences using one of the verbs in the box.
a. denied b. insisted c. suggested remind order admit deny
5. This weather is ! I guess we can forget our
1. ‘I didn’t use your laptop,’ Greg said to Larry.
a. dreadful b. dizzy c. breathtaking
6. Alice was with her son’s behaviour, and she 2. ‘Go to your room immediately!’ my mother said.
didn’t allow him to go out all weekend.
a. furious b. exhausted c. delighted
3. ‘Don’t forget to call Victor,’ Oliver said.
Score: /6
B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of 4. ‘OK. I broke your mobile,’ Ann said.
the words in brackets.
1. He didn’t have the to continue his
Score: /8
journey. (strong)
2. The was seriously injured in an F. Choose the correct response. There are two extra
responses which you do not need to use.
accident. (trek)
3. Unfortunately, there was only one 1. I’m hungry.
from the accident. (survive) 2. Mike is such a pain in the neck.
4. All should wear helmets. (cycle)
5. Quiet please. I’d like to make an . 3. I was over the moon when our team won
(announce) the championship.
6. This hostel is quite , so we can 4. How was your backpacking holiday?
stay for a few more days. (expensive)
5. How did your brother do in the exam?
7. More than two hundred entered
the contest. (compete) a. Oh, we had the time of e. He jumped out of his
Score: /7 our life! skin.
b. Let’s go out and grab a bite. f. Yeah. He drives me up
C. Complete the text with the Past Simple, the Past c. Great. It was a piece of cake. the wall.
Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect Continuous of the d. Me too. I felt on top of the g. I wanted the ground to
verbs in brackets. world. open up and swallow me.
Mark (1) (not plan) to travel last
Score: /5
Sunday but he had to. It all (2) (start)
on Sunday morning. He (3) (work)
Now I can…
on a project for over an hour when his dad
(4) (call). He (5) talk about holiday and travelling experiences
(want) to see him and he (6) (book) sequence past actions and events
report statements, questions, commands and
a ticket for the 12 o’clock train. However, by the time requests
Mark (7) (arrive) at the railway use idioms and airport language
write an account of a true event
station, the train (8) (leave). So,
discuss the best ways to travel
he had to wait for about three hours and finally make offers and suggestions as well as give
(9) (get on) the 3 o’clock train. directions
He (10) (travel) for half an hour
when the train suddenly (11) (stop) Culture Page 3 p. 130 Exam Practice p. 144
because of a problem with the engine. It was the
worst day of his life! Score: / 11 Video Worksheet p. 152

Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 80 8/8/2019 6:40:42 µµ

C. Read again and write T for True or F for False. D. Find words / phrases in the text and match them
with the definitions below.
1. ‘Traceur’ means ‘to be chased’.
1. jump (introduction):
2. Parkour was invented by two young people
2. continue (introduction):
from Paris.
3. very impressive (paragraph 2):
3. Parkour and freerunning involve completely
different moves. 4. connected with a town / city (paragraph 2):
4. Parkour helps people gain control over body 5. somebody who plays against another in a game,
and mind.
sport, etc. (paragraph 3):
5. Parkour teaches people to interact with others
as well as with the environment. 6. suitable (paragraph 4):

6. Parkour and freerunning can be practised

anywhere there are obstacles. E. Discuss.

7. Parkour is very popular with active students

Why not?


Choose an extreme sport and do some

research on the Internet to find information about
its history and rules, the necessary equipment
and its popularity. Make a PowerPoint
presentation and show it to the class.
Passive Voice I Verbs with two objects
• The students at this school are taught parkour by Active Voice
Mr Simmons on Thursday afternoons. They showed Wayne the best place for freerunning.
• The skatepark won’t be completed by the summer or
holidays. They showed the best place for freerunning to Wayne.
• The fire had been put out by the firefighters by the Passive Voice
time we arrived home. Wayne was shown the best place for freerunning.
• Strong trainers should be worn while freerunning. or
The best place for freerunning was shown to Wayne.

Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice. Start with the words given.

1. Graham gave Fred some CDs.

Some CDs

2. Passengers must wear their seat belts at all times.

Seat belts

3. Somebody took my mobile out of my bag.

My mobile

4. They’ve built two new art galleries since 2005.

Two new art galleries

5. They sell helmets and knee pads at this shop.

Helmets and knee pads

6. They will deliver my new sofa by next Friday.

My new sofa


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 83 8/8/2019 6:41:06 µµ


A. Read the sentences and guess the meaning of the verbs in bold. What do these verbs have in common?
1. Luckily, the helmet the boy was wearing prevented him from getting seriously injured in the accident.
2. concentrated more on her schoolwork, she would get better marks.
3. One thing I can’t cope with is the extreme heat during the summer months.
4. In some poor areas of the city, you see lots of homeless people begging for money.

Now look at the verbs in the box. Which prepositions are they followed by? Complete the table.
apologise depend benefit search borrow deal interact insist
from on with for

B. Look at the following extract from the text on page 82 and read the note below.
What do the verbs beginning with over mean?
NOTE: Over at the beginning of a verb
can mean too much.
e.g. overeat = eat too much
owever this is not always the
e.g. overturn = turn upside down
Now read the sentences 1-6 and match the verbs beginning with over with or on the side
their meanings a-f.
1. I overheard my parents making arrangements for a a. pass a person or vehicle that is ahead of
surprise party for me.
you, moving in the same direction
2. Norman overslept this morning and he was late
for the exam. b. cook something for too long
3. The detective overlooked the fact that the window had c. be so full that the contents go over the
been broken from the inside. sides
4. Most people noticed that Maria’s cake was overcooked,
but they didn’t say anything. d. sleep longer than you should

5. We’ve been stuck behind this van for twenty minutes! e. hear something by accident or without
overtake it, will you! the speaker knowing it
6. I forgot to turn off the tap, so the bath overflowed and
flooded the bathroom. f. not notice or ignore something

C. Read the notes and complete the tables.

NOTE: ome nouns are formed by adding the su ix NOTE: ome nouns have an irregular formation.
–ness or –ity to an adjective
e.g. sad sadness able ability.

Adjective Noun Adjective or Verb Noun

active strong
popular weight
fit depth
lonely high
dark anger
aware belief
capable relieve
kind dead/die
possible thought
weak famous
similar growth


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 84 8/8/2019 6:41:07 µµ


ocabulary isten
Complete the sentences with the words in the boxes A. Discuss.
to make phrases with take. •

what control part place way time
B. You will hear radio presenters talking about TV
1. Ten singers will take in programmes. The radio programme is in three parts.
Sunday’s final of the talent contest. Listen and answer the questions for each part. Choose
a, b or c.
2. The TV awards ceremony will take

at a theatre in London. 1. Why was it a surprise to see Ken

3. Now, I don’t want you to take this the wrong Andrews in last night’s episode of
Albion Street?
, but I’d rather eat lunch a. Everyone thought he was dead.
alone. b. It seemed like he’d moved away.
c. He hadn’t been on the programme
4. Do you think you have it
for a long time.
takes to become an actor?
2. What will Veronica Daniels do in the
5. The actress is taking some future?
off before filming her next TV show. a. star in a film
b. present her own programme
6. Since Richard Timmons took
c. star in a different soap opera
of this TV channel, the

programmes have improved greatly.

time for seriously any more mind easy

3. What kind of performer was the winner
7. A: Do you want the TV guide back? I can look at of last year’s The Talent Show?
it later. a. a dancer
b. a singer
B: No, take your . I know
c. an acrobat
what I want to watch.
4. How can you vote for tonight’s winner?
8. There are so many commercials between a. by phone
programmes! I can’t take it . b. by SMS
c. both of the above
Give me the remote control so that I can turn

the TV off.

9. Kids nowadays haven’t known a world without

the Internet and they usually take it 5. What is the topic of Natural World this
granted. week?
a. insects
10. Let’s take it tonight. We’ll
b. life in the jungle
stay here, order a pizza and relax. c. marine life
11. I can’t take this documentary 6. What is not true about Family Matters?
because the presenter used to be a comedian. a. A new series is being made.
b. It’s a sitcom that’s not so funny.
12. This soap opera might be a bit boring but it helps
c. The last episode of this series is on
me take my off things. tonight.


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 90 8/8/2019 6:41:52 µµ

B. Read again and answer the questions. F. Put the adjectives in the box in the correct
category in the table below.
famous for? bald arrogant devoted irritated offended
2. What did the nobles take with them to witty well-built overjoyed underweight
reserved discouraged handsome
3. How did the princess treat the nobles?
4. How does the text suggest the nobles felt
about the princess’s requests? •
5. What finally made the Sultan decide he •
would not marry the princess?

6. How did the Sultan’s wish to marry the
princess affect his people? •


C. Discuss. •
• •
expected the sultan to fulfil her requests?
Why / Why not? What was she trying to do by Appearance
making these requests?

D. Read the sentences below from the extract. G. Use some of the adjectives in the previous
Decide whether the adjectives in bold express activity to complete the sentences.
feelings, character or appearance. 1. He was a / an husband
and father, and did his best to provide for his wife and
The Sultan sent several of his most devoted
nobles to speak to the princess.
2. Beatrice is very and
She was slim and graceful…
feels terribly uncomfortable when she has to speak to
When they had eaten, they relaxed, satisfied. people she doesn’t know.
3. The boy was terribly weak and
; it was obvious that he
Character descriptions usually provide had not eaten in days.
information about a character’s traits,
appearance and feelings. They are an 4. I was to hear that my
important feature of writing because brother who lives in Canada is visiting us in July.
they help readers create a picture in 5. I felt when Brian spoke
their minds of the character they are to me so rudely the other day.
reading about. This makes the reading 6. I had really made an effort, so when my boss criticised
experience more real, and helps the my work, I felt really .
reader connect with the characters they 7. Edgar is really ; his
are reading about. comments are not only clever but also funny.
8. I don’t like working with Derrick; he has a big idea of
himself and is terribly .

E. Read the extract again and find additional Project

adjectives that refer to the characters in the
story. Decide whether they express feelings or
appearance. Do some research on the Internet and find a
folk tale from another culture about a princess.
Take notes (plot, main characters, interesting
features) and present it to the class.


FB_Plus_4_SB_MAL_Module_6.indd 95
6 Round-up D. Circle the correct words.
1. They walked into the room quietly so as not to / to
not wake up the baby.
2. Despite / Although I was a bit scared, I decided to
A. Circle the correct words. try bungee jumping.
1. How many participants are going to take part / place 3. The ending of the film was such / so sad that I cried.
in the competition? 4. Although / In spite of being exhausted, she stayed
2. Every person’s personality is specific / unique. up late to finish her project.
3. The character / villain of the film was sent to prison 5. You should take a jacket with you in order / so that
for his crimes. you don’t get cold.
4. Penny always manages to overcome / overtake any 6. Andy bought lots of postcards in order to / so as
difficulties. send them to his friends back home.
5. I faced many problems when I was an adolescent / 7. Even though / Despite she was injured, she
opponent, especially at the age of 14. continued running.
6. This film is inappropriate / informative for children. 8. There were so / such a lot of people at the beach
They shouldn’t watch it. that we couldn’t play volleyball.
7. Paul just loves showing out / off. Look at him. Score: /8
8. The viewer / presenter of this chat show is very funny. E. Complete the dialogue with the sentences a-g.
9. The plot / setting was boring. The whole film was There are two extra sentences which you will not
need to use.
disappointing / superb.
a. He always winds me up.
Score: / 10
b. I was on the edge of my seat.
B. Complete with the correct prepositions. c. We had a whale of a time.
1. You really need to concentrate your d. It was a waste of time and money.
schoolwork more. e. We hooked up with Sam’s cousins and played
2. We had better book advance, otherwise football.
we won’t be able to find a seat. f. It always makes my day.
3. I ran Ms Tyler at the supermarket g. That was a bit of a downer.
yesterday. Tom So, how was your weekend with Sam?
4. the Pete Great! (1)
stress of losing his job. Tom What did you guys do?
5. Iris has always had a passion painting. Pete On Saturday we hung out at his house. Then
6. Mike really gets my nerves sometimes. we went to the cinema. I love going to the
7. making any silly cinema. (2)
decisions. Tom What did you see?
8. Guess what! I finally signed at the gym. Pete Wonder Woman. It was great.
9. I’m tired. I think that I need to take some Tom Really? I saw that film last weekend. (3)
time . Pete No way! We loved it.
10. Our plans for the weekend depend the Tom Anyway, what did you guys do on Sunday?
weather. Pete (4)
Score: / 10
Tom Cool.
C. Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice. Pete It was raining a little, though. (5) But it
1. They should show you how to overcome obstacles. was a good match.
Score: / 10

2. Customers have written many letters of complaint. TOTAL SCORE: / 50

Now I can…
3. They will give Tim a skateboard as a birthday present. talk about free-time activities
emphasise an action using the passive voice
4. Mrs Brown is informing the students about the event write a semi-formal letter / email asking for
and giving information
express result, concession and purpose
express my opinion about TV and films
5. They are serving dinner in the garden. write a film review

6. The chef was preparing the meal when Sally arrived.

Song 3 p. 134 Exam Practice p. 145

Score: / 12 Video Worksheet p. 153


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 96 8/8/2019 6:42:06 µµ

C. Read the text again and write E for Elephant, C for Crow or D for Dolphin.
Which animal...
1. uses its knowledge to help other 5. has been known to succeed where
species? people can’t?
2. doesn’t care about species when 6. has developed the ability to plan for future
building a relationship? events?
3. sometimes plays tricks on other 7. shows unusual levels of loyalty?
members of the same species? 8. uses humans to accomplish a task?
4. is intelligent despite the size of its brain?

D. Match the highlighted words/phrases in the text with their meanings. E. Discuss.
There are two extra meanings which you do not need to use. •
1. devoted a. drive over something other amazing facts
b. understand what’s happening about animals?
2. odd •
c. not deep
d. strange, unusual other stories similar
3. recover
to these?
e. come together to form a group
4. run over
f. succeed in doing something
5. shallow g. get well after an illness or injury
h. relax
6. gather
i. having great love for somebody and being loyal
7. accomplish to them

To-infinitive / Infinitive without to
• I’ve decided to get a new goldfish. Do you want to come to the pet
shop with me?
• Remind me to go to the supermarket to buy some milk, will you?
• Edna doesn’t know which hat to wear.
• We should all do something to save endangered species.
• It’s too hot to go out for a walk right now.
• Will you help me (to) clean out the rabbit cage?
-ing form (gerund)
• Working at a zoo can be a very tiring job.
• Will you stop talking with your mouth full? It’s disgusting.
• How about grabbing a bite to eat later?
• My parents are thinking of buying a house by the seaside.

Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Roger was very happy (see) his friends after the holidays.
2. My brother’s angry at me. I promised (help) him with a project, but in the end I
couldn’t make it and I forgot (call) home (say) I’d be late.
3. I don’t mind (stay) alone at home during the day, but I can’t stand
(be) alone in the house at night.
4. What would you like me (do) after I have finished (feed) the
5. There’s no point in (run) for the bus. It has already left.
6. Fay thinks she must (lose) some weight so she’s considering
(go) on a diet.
7. The authorities made all the people (leave) the scene of the accident.


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 99 8/8/2019 6:42:17 µµ


A. Match the collective nouns on the left to the animals
they apply to on the right.
a herd of fish, dolphins, whales
a flock of bees, ants
a school of birds, sheep, goats
a pack of cows, deer, elephants
a swarm of wolves
B. Read the sentences and match the phrasal verbs in bold with their meanings.
Phrasal verbs with ‘up’
a. stop trying
1. The hiking trip was cancelled because not many people turned up.
b. find yourself in a place or
2. After spending two hours trying to find the castle, we just gave up.
situation that you didn’t
3. Fay walked all the way round the farm and ended up intend or expect to be in
where she had begun. c. finish something so there’s
4. I made up a story about a wolf that lives in the woods none left
near our house and my little cousin believed me. d. appear or arrive
5. Dad, can you pick me up from the station at seven o’clock? e. collect someone who is
6. Don’t use up all the milk. We won’t have any for breakfast waiting for you, in your car
in the morning. f. invent something, such as a
story or an excuse
Phrasal verbs with ‘down’
1. Our cat was suffering a lot so the vet suggested we a. relax or make someone relax
put her down.
2. Stop shouting! Why don’t you calm down and tell me what b. stop working (for vehicles or
3. Our car broke down just outside the city and we had
to wait for the tow truck to come. c. become ill
4. My uncle and aunt invited me to stay at their cottage in
the mountains for the weekend, but I turned down their d. reduce the size or amount of
invitation because I had to study. something
5. I’ve got a terrible headache and my stomach hurts. I think
I’m coming down with something. e. refuse an offer
6. Simon is trying to cut down on sugar in his diet, but it’s f. kill an animal because it’s old or ill
very difficult. He just loves chocolate!

C. Complete the sentences with the prepositional phrases in the box.

at once at a loss at least at a later time at last at the end at first sight at present
at the age of at the beginning at the latest

1. It took several days, but the scientists found where the eagle’s nest was located.
2. When I heard the news, I was for words.
3. Baby chimpanzees leave their mothers six.
4. of the race Richard was full of energy, but of the race he was
exhausted and almost didn’t finish.
5. All students should be outside the school gates at 8:15 a.m. so we can set off for the
6. this looks like a leaf, but if you look closer, you can see it’s actually an insect.
7. There aren’t any baby elephants in the wildlife park , but there will be in the future.
8. Come here ! I need to speak to you immediately.
9. I can’t talk to you right now. Is it OK if we meet ?
10. I know I didn’t help you make the fire or prepare the meal, but I put up the tents. So stop


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 100 8/8/2019 6:42:19 µµ

C. Read the text again and answer the questions. rammar
1. Where does the eco-friendly showerhead get its power from?
Modal verbs + have + past participle
2. How can you tell if the water is too hot with the eco-friendly
showerhead? • The computer isn’t turning on.
I may / might have broken it.
3. What usually happens to mobile phones after 18 months?
• I could have won the race. But I
4. What do you do with the mobile developed by English
hurt my ankle on the last lap.
researchers when you’ve finished with it?
• It must have been difficult to keep
5. What happens to the biodegradable case?
in touch without telephones in the
6. Where does the company that makes fashionable handbags past.
get materials from?
• Tonia can’t / couldn’t have seen the
7. How can you get a personalised handbag made? film because she didn’t even know
what it was called.
• You needn’t have washed the car. I
D. Find words / phrases in the text and match them with the was planning on doing it today.
definitions below. • The pizza was horrible. I’d rather
1. get rid of (introduction): have ordered pasta.
2. provide energy so that something works (paragraph 1): • We should have started recycling
our rubbish years ago.
3. produce a soft, steady light (paragraph 1): • Governments shouldn’t have let
4. often (paragraph 2): this environmental disaster happen
in the first place.
5. very keen and excited about something one wants to do
(paragraph 2):
6. dangerous, harmful (paragraph 2):
7. a place where old cars, machines, etc. are collected Circle the correct words.
(paragraph 3):
1. I should have told / may have told
my parents the truth. Now I’m in
E. Discuss.

2. Look out! You must have broken /

• could have broken that window
with the football.

3. My bike isn’t in the garage. My

Project brother must have taken /
should have taken it.
Do some research on the Internet about an eco-
friendly product and find information showing in what way 4. Freddie can’t have slept /
it is eco-friendly. Make a poster and present it to the class.
shouldn’t have slept well last night.
He’s very tired today.

5. Mum, you couldn’t have bought

/ needn’t have bought me a new
MP4 player. I repaired my old one
and it works fine.

6. The film was awful.

We might have stayed /
’d rather have stayed at home.

7. A: Someone stole my handbag!

B: Well, you shouldn’t have left /
couldn’t have left it in the car!


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 105 8/8/2019 6:42:36 µµ

7 Round-up D. Circle the correct words.
1. What / How awful weather!
2. Alice is so / such a delightful person.
A. Choose a, b or c. 3. What / How hot it is today!
1. My dad was attacked by a of bees last summer. 4. This hotel is so / such luxurious.
a. swarm b. flock c. school 5. These are so / such impressive paintings.
2. The children up all the tomatoes to make a salad 6. What / How beautifully she sings!
yesterday, so we need to go to the supermarket to buy 7. The sea here is so / such shallow. Score: /7
some more.
a. ended b. turned c. used E. Rewrite the sentences using the words given.
3. I thanked him for the offer but it down. 1. It wasn’t a good idea to leave your rubbish on the beach.
a. put b. cut c. turned (shouldn’t)
4. He may be a bit annoying but at he gets the You
work done.
2. The most logical explanation is that someone stole the
a. latest b. least c. last
paintings from the art gallery. (must)
5. Working out three times a week is to our health.
a. luxurious b. dull c. beneficial Someone
6. How will these changes our company? 3. It wasn’t necessary to ask Paul to come and help us.
a. effect b. affect c. form (need)
7. In some countries, exhaust are blamed for over You
80% of the air pollution. 4. I think Louise drew the dragon on the wall. (may)
a. chemicals b. fumes c. fuels
8. The of our town has decided to make the
pavements wider. Score: /8
a. mayor b. editor c. protester Score: /8 F. Choose the correct response. There are two extra
responses which you do not need to use.
B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
words in brackets. 1. Oh, no. I made a mistake.
1. This place is very . I always come 2. Come on! Let me borrow your laptop
here to relax. (peace) for the weekend.
2. Your behaviour is not ! (accept) 3. He’s been playing football from a very young age.
3. The film we saw was very . (entertain) 4. I went to the shops to buy myself a new jacket, and I
4. If you want to try something more also bought Dina’s birthday present while I was there.
, go trekking. (adventure) 5. How was your holiday in Mexico?
5. Some parents give their children too much
. (free) a. Great! You killed two birds with one stone.
6. Is this bottle ? (recycle) b. So what? I don’t even like him.
7. More measures should be taken to c. Don’t worry. It’s only human nature.
protect the environment. (effect) d. I’ll give it some thought and let you know tomorrow.
e. So, it comes as second nature to him.
8. The restaurant provides some nice f. I really need to escape from my daily routine.
dishes. (tradition) Score: /8
g. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Score: /5
C. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I can’t afford (buy) a new car yet.
2. Fay offered (help) me Now I can…
(finish) my project on alternative energy.
3. Chimpanzees are very clever animals. I remember talk about nature and environmental problems
group animals using collective nouns
(read) about their intelligence.
express surprise, alarm and joy
4. Would you mind (wait) for a few
write an article describing a place
minutes? express criticism, possibility, certainty and
5. Iris is excited about (take) part in the absence of necessity in the past
protest demonstration. brainstorm ideas using a mind map
6. At the zoo they let you (feed) some of write a letter (to the editor) expressing my opinion
the animals.
7. I was amazed (see) how many people
Culture page 4 p. 131 Exam Practice p. 146
turned up at the fundraiser.
8. Have you decided where (go)
birdwatching next weekend? Video Worksheet p. 154
Score: /9


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 110 8/8/2019 6:42:43 µµ

C. Read the text again. Complete the gaps 1-6 with the sentences a-g below.
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
a. Take the famous portrait of Abraham Lincoln standing at a desk from the 1860s, for example.
b. Nowadays, it’s very rare to find a photo in a magazine that hasn’t been photoshopped in some way.
c. They are strongly influenced by the images presented to them in the media, and they enjoy
copying a celebrity’s look.
d. History has shown us that photo manipulation works best on celebrities.
e. This would allow people to get a clearer picture of what’s real and what’s not.
f. Most people disapprove of photo manipulation because they feel that a photograph should
represent reality.
g. However, it’s important to be aware of the effects these images can have.

D. Match the highlighted words / phrases in the text with their meanings. E. Discuss.
There are two extra meanings which you do not need to use. •
1. conform a. change something so that it is not exactly true manipulation is wrong?
Why / Why not?
b. make something illegal •
2. take off
c. recognise somebody’s or something’s value look at pictures of
3. bend the truth d. think that somebody / something is not good celebrities differently
after reading this text?
4. rebel e. follow other people’s rules or ideas
f. show, reveal
5. appreciate
g. fight against
6. disapprove h. become successful suddenly

Causative Form
• Our neighbours usually have their lawn mown by a gardener.
• Did you get your car checked out after the accident you had last week?
• Mr Taylor isn’t having his house painted by decorators. He’s going to do it

Read and complete the sentences using the Causative Form.

1. The man at the computer shop fixed Ray’s computer.

2. Tina won’t wash her car herself. She will ask someone at the petrol station to do it.
3. The doctor didn’t check my eyes.

5. My brother must ask a photographer to take his picture because he needs a new passport.
My brother
6. A street artist is painting my portrait at the moment.


Full Blast_Plus_4_MAL_SB.indb 113 8/8/2019 6:42:58 µµ


A. Read the ‘note’ and complete the table using the words in the box.

NOTE: • he pre ix dis- is used before ad ectives nouns and verbs to give them the opposite meaning e.g.
like dislike .
• he pre ix mis- is used before verbs and means do wrongly or badly understand misunderstand .
• he su ix -less is used after a noun to form an ad ective which means without that uality or characteristic
e.g. harm harmless .

lead meaning obey end organised approve behave worth

inform hope judge satisfied rest spell respect

dis- mis- -less

disobey mislead meaningless

Now complete the sentences below with the correct form of some of the words from the table above.
1. If you in Mr Varney’s lesson, you have to stand at the front of the class.
2. After an hour of waiting for the fashion show to begin, the audience started to get .
3. Your wardrobe is so . How can you find anything?
4. You will be punished if you any of my orders.
5. I’m sorry but you’ve my name. It’s with an ‘i’ not a ‘y’.
6. I have a / an list of things to do today. I don’t know when I’m going to finish.

B. Complete with the correct form of the words in the boxes.

fake false unreal

1. Ryan wanted to dress up as an old man so he wore a / an beard.
2. I thought these jeans were made by a famous designer, but it turns out they’re .
3. It seemed to be talking to someone so famous.

genuine realistic real

4. This painting of the seaside is very .
5. A: Are those flowers?
B: Yes, they’re from my garden.
6. Is this sculpture a Degas?
beautiful handsome good-looking
7. Jeremy has grown into a young man.
8. Susan looked on the day she got married.
9. Graham and Linda are a couple.

approve agree accept

10. I’m writing to your invitation.
11. Philip told his mum he wanted to spend all his money on an expensive pair of trainers
but she didn’t of his idea.
12. A: The clothes in this shop are too expensive.
B: I with you on that. Let’s go somewhere else.

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C. Complete the sentences with the words in the box to form expressions related
to appearance and fashion.

casual image victim looks statement into

1. People call her a fashion because she wears only the latest fashions.
2. make a fashion with that hat, but she just looks silly.
3. As her mother was a model, it’s easy to see where she gets her good from.
4. It’s not really a good idea to wear clothes to a job interview. Something formal
would be more appropriate.
5. My dad is amazed to see shirts that he used to wear twenty years ago coming back
6. Paul is hoping a new haircut will improve his .

Conditional Sentences Type 3
Mary Hey, nice highlights!
Tina Thanks. I was thinking of dyeing my hair red, but the hairdresser persuaded me not to.
Mary If you had dyed it red, it would have made you look older. Highlights suit you.
Tina Well, if I had known, I would have done it earlier.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to form Conditional Sentences Type 3.
1. Ellis (wear) a suit if he (know) that the dinner
party was formal.
2. If colourful skirts (not come) into fashion last summer,
I (not buy) one.
3. My brother (not gain) weight if he (not stop)
4. We (avoid) being misunderstood if someone
(tell) us the correct word in French.
5. If you (ask) me for advice on how to change your appearance,
I (suggest) going shopping together.
6. If Linda (inform) the hotel manager that she was dissatisfied with her room,
he (move) her to another one.

Listen to five people talking about clothes and appearance and match the speakers 1-5 with the statements a-f.
There is one extra statement which you do not need to use.

Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5

a. I changed b. I bought c. If I had taken d. I hate it when e. I would f. I borrowed

my lifestyle clothes but someone’s people borrow have got in something
in order to never wore advice, I my clothes. trouble if I had and didn’t
improve my them. would have changed my remember to
image. made a appearance. give it back.

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C. Read again and answer the questions. D. Find words / phrases in the text and match
Choose a, b, c or d. them with the definitions below.
1. What is the main purpose of installation art? 1. idea (paragraph 1):
a. to make people see the world differently 2. allowed (paragraph 1):
b. to confuse the viewer
c. to encourage people to visit art galleries more 3. put in a public place for people to look
often at (paragraph 1):
d. to encourage artists to be more creative 4. strong wish (paragraph 2):
2. What did visitors to The Weather Project at the Tate 5. change the form of something
Modern do?
(paragraph 2):
a. recreate different weather conditions
b. look at themselves in a huge mirror 6. an image in a mirror or on a shiny surface
c. lie on the floor and look at the sunlight on the (paragraph 3):
ceiling 7. located (paragraph 4):
d. walk around drinking sugar and water
8. make people notice
3. Why did Pierre Vivant create The Traffic Light Tree?
a. to try and combine nature with city life (paragraph 5):
b. to show the effect of cars in the city centre 9. a powerful effect (paragraph 5):
c. to try and show how busy the area can be
10. people in general (paragraph 5):
d. to try and attract visitors from the surrounding
4. What was the purpose of Azevedo’s Melting Men? E. Discuss.
a. to entertain people at a Berlin concert hall

b. to raise awareness of an environmental issue
appeals to you the most and why?
c. to show how art isn’t harmful to the environment
d. to prove that installations can be installed in •
various places Why / Why not?
5. Which statement isn’t true about crate men?
a. Crate men are made of old crates that are
used to carry milk. Project
b. We don’t know the artists who make them.
c. You can find crate men in different places.
d. People have started getting fed up with the Do some research on the Internet about
appearances of crate men. an art installation that you find interesting. What
is it? Where has it been installed? What is the
message behind it? Make a PowerPoint
presentation and show it to the class.
wish / if only
wish / if only + Past Simple wish / if only + would + infinitive
• I wish / If only I lived closer to the city centre. • I wish / If only you wouldn’t keep telling me
wish / if only + could + infinitive what to do.
• I wish / If only I could draw as well as my sister. wish / if only + Past Perfect Simple
• I wish / If only I hadn’t stepped in that puddle.
Now both my feet are wet.

Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given.

1. I’d love to be able to buy that painting but I can’t.
I wish
2. I hate it when my brother listens to music while I’m trying to sleep.
I wish
3. Yesterday I had a fight with my best friend and now I feel bad about it.
If only
4. Unfortunately, I was ill last Saturday and I missed the concert.
I wish
5. My sister never comes to art galleries with me. I hate that.
Crate Man If only


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C. Read again and answer the questions. D. Read the note and answer the questions.
Choose a, b, c or d.
NOTE: The writer of the story uses the following
1. What is characteristic of the landscape? techniques:
a. It is always covered with grey dust. • Foreshadowing: giving the reader a hint of what
will happen later
b. It consists only of enormous plains.
• Cliffhanger: ending a chapter or an episode in
c. It combines various natural features.
d. It is inhabited by a wide variety of animal
• Direct Speech: citing the character’s exact words
in quotation marks
2. The pathway proves that
a. the man was not alone. 1. What effect does the direct speech have on the
b. there was no reason to despair. reader?
c. other travellers had found water.
2. From the exchange between the man and the girl
d. other travellers had tried to cross the desert.
(lines 59-83), what can you infer about the character
3. What does the traveller see on the pathway? of the girl’s father and mother?
a. man-made objects
3. From the same exchange as above, what
b. white sand assumptions can you make about what has
c. bones happened to the girl’s mother?
d. men and oxen
4. The story ends in a cliffhanger. What are you led to
4. What conclusion do we reach after reading believe may happen?
the description of the traveller?
a. The nomads will get lost in the desert.
a. He is very weak. b. The man and the girl may never wake up.
b. He is sixty but looks forty. c. The girl’s mother will return with the nomads.
c. He is tired but feels optimistic. d. The man and the girl may be saved by the
d. He has a strong chance of survival. nomads.

5. Why had the man climbed the Sierra Blanco?

a. to see the dry land E. Look at the highlighted words in the text and
match them with their meanings.
b. to look for signs of water
Then check your answers in a dictionary.
c. to find the pathway
1. inhospitable a. great
d. to view the plain from above
2. barren b. complete
6. What do we learn about the girl?
a. She is dying. c. not pleasant to live in
3. miserable
b. She is big for her age. d. causing unhappiness
4. absolute
c. She has injured herself badly. e. dry and without any
d. She is healthier than the man. 5. indicate plants

7. It is evident from the passage that f. a person you are

6. immense
travelling with
a. the man doesn’t care about the girl.
7. companion g. show
b. the man is concerned about the girl.
c. the girl’s mother is going to join them.
d. the man is sure that everything is going
to be alright.

Do some research on the Internet and find

another story that takes place in the desert. Take
notes (plot, main characters, interesting features)
and present it to the class.


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8 Round-up E. Read the situations below and write sentences using
wish or if only.
1. I didn’t wear comfortable shoes today and now my
A. Circle the correct words. feet hurt.
1. Sandra was wearing a beautiful gold bracelet / ring on
her wrist.
2. A triangle / square has got three sides. 2. Can’t my sisters stop making so much noise? I want to
3. I don’t like dark colours so I don’t want to buy a navy / study.
light blue jumper.
4. I’ve always been self- sensitive / conscious about
being chubby.
5. Tony criticised / challenged Frank to a game of tennis. 3. Tina spends all her money on clothes, which is a
6. We were disorganised / dissatisfied with the service problem.
at the restaurant.
7. We need to find more ways to motivate / desire
students to participate in school events.
4. I woke up early because I had to go to work and I was
8. I never buy bags made of realistic / genuine leather.
exhausted for the rest of the day.
I’m against killing animals for such
a purpose. Score: /8

B. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

Score: /8
1. The soldiers carried their orders successfully.
2. Dina is very upset and she doesn’t know who to turn F. Choose the correct response. There are two extra
for help. responses which you do not need to use.
3. Mandy’s singing career had just began to take . 1. I have to study for three exams and I’m so
4. Paul looks to his older brother, Mike. stressed out.
5. Ann just loves drawing attention herself. 2. I didn’t lie to you.
She’s such a show-off! 3. Mary got the highest mark in the exam
6. Harry has stood me through many difficult because she cheated.
times. That’s why he’s my best friend! Score: 4. I’m planning on getting some highlights done.
5. If only people would do something to help
C. Rewrite the following sentences using the Causative Form. save the environment!
1. Rita will ask a famous designer to make her a dress. a. Come on, meet me halfway.
Rita b. Well, bending the truth is the same thing!
2. Dr Roberts should fix that tooth of yours. c. That’s so unfair!
d. Yeah, the situation is getting out of hand.
e. I understand what you’re going through.
3. Alison hired a gardener to plant some new trees in her f. I wish you wouldn’t.
garden. Alison g. You’re right. I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes.
4. My mother always prepares breakfast for me. Score: /5
5. The travel agent is organising our trip to Asia. Now I can…
Score: / 10 talk about issues related to appearance,
D. Complete the sentences with the
fashion and art
correct form of the verbs in brackets to
form Conditional Sentences Type 3. form opposites of words
refer to hypothetical situations in the past
1. If we (not help) George, he
ask for and give advice
(never / finish) on time.
write a letter giving advice
2. (buy) a car if he express wishes and regret about something in
(have) enough money. the past
3. If Karen (disobey) her parents, write a report suggesting ways to improve
she (get) in serious trouble. something
4. The burglar (not get) caught if
the old woman (not see) him. Song 4 p. 135 Beyond Language 2 p. 138

Score: /8 Exam Practice p. 147 Video Worksheet p. 155


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