Tsai 1998

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Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol.

, 31, 78–83 (1998)

Water and Absorptive Properties of Restructured Beef

Products with Five Binders at Four Isothermal
Shwu-Jene Tsai, Nan Unklesbay*, Kenneth Unklesbay and Andrew Clarke

S. Tsai, N. Unklesbay, A. Clarke: Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, College of Agriculture,
Food and Natural Resources, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 (U.S.A)
K. Unklesbay: Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia,
Columbia, MO 65211 (U.S.A)
(Received April 25, 1997; accepted June 23, 1997)

Water and absorptive properties of five restructured meat products with binders were determined at 35, 45, 55 and 65 °C. Binders
were: isolated soy protein, sodium caseinate, waxy modified corn starch, carrageenan, and hydrolysed oat flour. Forty gram meat
samples were heated (25–30 min) in a water-bath set at the desired internal temperature. Properties were measured with standard
techniques: drip loss after freezing and before heating, cooking losses, pH, aw, water-holding capacity and water-absorption
capacity. Randomized complete block designs were used. Water absorptive properties were highly affected by binders, heating
temperatures and their interactions. The influence of the binders on the quality of restructured beef products during heat
processing was temperature-dependent.

©1998 Academic Press Limited

Keywords: meat binders; restructured beef; water-binding capacity

Introduction fillers and extenders to improve their quality (5–7).

These ingredients are primarily used for their water-
As water is the major constituent of meat, the ability of binding ability and/or texture-modification function-
restructured meat products to retain moisture is eco- ality (8–10). Limited research has focused on the effect
nomically important to meat processors. As moisture is of binders on the thermal-dependent quality of restruc-
lost from meat, product yield and other quality attrib- tured meat during heating (11, 12).
utes such as tenderness, texture, and flavor are neg- Using binders that possess unique functionality which
atively affected (1, 2). may be a function of temperature, the objective of this
About 95% of the muscle water, termed ‘free’ or study was to evaluate the water and absorptive charac-
‘loose,’ is bound by electrostatic forces and capillary teristics of restructured meat products with various
action, and is responsible for the changes in water- binders, when raw, and when heat processed at four
holding capacity. About 5% of the tissue water is tightly isothermal temperatures (35, 45, 55 and 65 °C).
bound on the surface of the protein molecules as
hydration water and is minimally influenced by changes
in the structure and charges of the muscle proteins (3). Materials and Methods
The term ‘free’ water is somewhat artificial because a
continuum of states exist with no clear-cut differentiate. Preparation of restructured beef products
Also, it is unlikely that any water molecule in food can Beef rounds (USDA Choice) from a commercial
be either totally free or totally bound, with the trivial operation (IBP®, Inc., Dakota City, NE) were trimmed
exception of that added or adhering after processing of most subcutaneous and intermuscular fat and con-
(4). nective tissue. For each replication, ca. 11 kg denuded
Restructuring of meat products enables the use of less- chilled lean beef rounds were coarsely ground through
valuable meat components to produce palatable meat a 10 mm plate using a Hobart grinder (Model 4732A,
products at reduced cost. To achieve this goal, numer- Hobart Corp., Troy, OH U.S.A.). The crude fat level was
ous nonmeat functional ingredients, mainly proteins adjusted to 50 g/kg using the Modified Babcock rapid
and polysaccharides, have been applied as binders, method (13). Beef was then finely ground through a 3.1
mm plate and divided into six batches for a control and
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. five binder treatments. Ground beef was mixed with 10
0023-6438/98/010078 + 06 $25.00/0/fs970293 ©1998 Academic Press Limited

lwt/vol. 31 (1998) No. 1

g/kg salt and 3 g/kg sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) Water activity(aw)

(Monsanto Co., St Louis, MO U.S.A.). Except for the The aw of samples was measured using a temperature-
control, each batch was mixed separately with one of controlled water activity device (AquaLab CX-2, Deca-
five binders: 20 g/kg isolated soy protein (Supro 500E; gon Device Inc., Pullman, WA), in which aw was
Protein Technologies International, St. Louis, MO), 35 computed internally as the ratio of the vapor pressure
g/kg sodium caseinate (Alacen 180; New Zealand Milk to the saturation vapor pressure. About 4–5 g of
Products, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA), 20 g/kg waxy modified samples were placed in an open-lid plastic cup (diam. 4
corn starch (Consista; A.E. Staley Manufacturing Com- cm) and inserted into the device. After equilibration,
pany, Decatur, IL), 5 g/kg carrageenan (Gelcarin ME the aw and sample temperature were displayed.
621; FMC Corporation, Philadelphia, PA) or 50 g/kg
hydrolyzed oat flour (Trim Choice 5; A.E. Staley
Manufacturing Company, Decatur, IL). Water-holding capacity (WHC)
Chilled distilled water 200 g/kg was added during The WHC of samples was determined using a Carver
mixing, for a total mixing time of 2 min, using a press (Model C, Carver, Inc., Wabash, IN) using the
KitchenAid mixer (Model K5-A, Hobart Co., Troy, method recommended by Wierbicki and Deatherage.
OH) at speed 1. The formulae are shown in Table 1. Before analysis, Whatman filter papers (#1) were stored
With carrageenan as a binder, Shand et al. recom- overnight in a chamber above saturated KCl solution.
mended using 30 g/kg NaCl to improve product yield. Meat sample (0.5 g) was put on a filter paper, placed
In these experiments 10 g/kg NaCl was used with 3 g/kg between two sheets of plexiglas, and compressed for 5
STPP to demonstrate the binder effects. min at 500 psi. The inner circle area of meat film and the
The raw mixture was manually shaped into balls (40 g), outer circle area of expressible juice were measured
placed in a –12 °C freezer, continuously turned until the with a planimeter. The WHC was expressed as the ratio
balls were firm, and stored overnight. Each ball was of the meat film area to the expressible juice area
weighed and vacuum-packaged, separately, in polyeth- (17).
ylene bags, using a Multivac vacuum packer (Model
AG800, Koch Co., Kansas City, MO U.S.A.). All
samples were stored at –60 °C and thawed at 5 °C for 24
Water-absorption capacity (WAC)
h as needed.
A modified centrifugation method (18) was used. Five
grams of sample were blended with excess distilled
water (15 mL) for 1 min. The homogenized mixture was
Heat processing
then poured and rinsed into a preweighed tube and
A thermocouple (Type K; Omega Model 650, Omega
centrifuged (Omnifuge RT, American Scientific Prod-
Eng. Inc., Stamford, CT) was inserted into the center of
uct, McGraw Park, IL) at 1980 rpm for 25 min. The
a vacuum-packaged sample, and placed in a water-bath
remaining unabsorbed water was decanted after cen-
(Model RMT-20, Brinkmann Inst. Co., Westburg, NY
trifugation and the water absorbed by meat was
U.S.A.) set at 35, 45, 55 or 65 °C. Samples were
calculated. WAC was calculated as g H2O absorbed
removed when the temperature of the geometrical
per g of meat.
center reached the water temperature (25–30 min).
Heat processing was done separately and randomly for
different formulae and replications. Samples were
weighed after cooling at ambient temperature and Experimental design and statistical analysis
stored at 4 °C. Before analysis, samples were again Heating of samples with different formulae (five
placed at ambient temperature (20–25 °C.). replications) was done separately according to a ran-
domized complete block design (4 3 6 factorial: four
temperatures and six formulae). Cooking losses were
pH analysed according to this design. Drip losses of raw
Sample pH was determined according to the proce- products were analysed among six formulae. Samples
dures of Koniecko (15). for water absorptive properties were performed as a
randomized complete block design (5 3 6 factorial: five
temperatures and six formulae). ANOVA procedures
followed these factorial designs. Mean differences were
Table 1 Formulae of restructured beef products determined with Fisher’s least significance difference
Component (g/kg meat) (LSD) test (19).
Added Binder
Treatment Salt STPP water level
Isolated soy protein 10 3 200 20 Results and Discussion
Sodium caseinate 10 3 200 35
Waxy modified corn starch 10 3 200 20 Binders and temperature had significant (P < 0.05)
Carrageenan 10 3 200 5
Hydrolyzed oat flour 10 3 200 50
effects on all of the properties measured (Table 2).
Control 10 3 200 0 Interactive effects of binder and temperature were also
found for cooking losses, WHC and WAC.

lwt/vol. 31 (1998) No. 1

Cooking losses binders which reduced losses to 7.01–12.30 % at 65 °C.

Raw products had significant (P < 0.05) differences in Hydrolysed oat flour (OF) had the lowest cooking
drip loss among binder treatments before heat process- losses at temperatures of 35–65 °C, followed by ISP.
ing, ranging from 0.45 % for isolated soy protein (ISP) Carrogeena (CA) and sodium caseinate (SC) gave the
to 1.50 % for modified corn starch (MCS) (Table 3). least improvement to product yields at 65 °C.
Both of these binders were incorporated at 20 g/kg Unlike other binders, MCS had higher cooking losses at
(Table 1), indicating functional differences by adding 55 °C than the control and less at 65 °C. This may be
either protein or carbohydrate components. The cook- due to the gelatinization temperature (62–72 °C) of the
ing losses of the restructured beef products are shown waxy MCS (21). (Skrede) found that the product
in Fig. 1. At 35 and 45 °C, cooking losses slightly quality of sausages with starch binders was greatly
increased. However, they significantly (P < 0.05) improved in the heat processing temperature was the
increased between 55 °C and 65 °C, with the highest same or higher than the gelatinization temperature of
losses occuring at 65 °C for all binder treatments. These the starch. When Shand et al. used 30 g/kg NaCl with
results were close to those of Patana-Anake and carrageenan, cooking losses were decreased.
Foegeding who reported that the cooking loss from
meat batter slightly increased at 40–50 °C and sharply
increased at 50–70 °C. The control had the highest pH
cooking losses (14.4 %), justifying the use of the pH was the lowest for all raw products and those
Table 2 Significance of ANOVA for beef products, raw and heated at 35 °C and increased at higher temperatures
at 35–65°C (Fig. 2). The pH of products, with or without binders,
Source of increased by 0.13–0.15 units. This agreed with the
variation CLa pH aw WHC WAC findings of (Correia and Mittal) who reported the pH of
Temperature **b ** ** ** **
meat emulsion increased by 0.15 units in the range
Binder ** ** * ** ** 30–70 °C.
Temp×Binder ** n.s. n.s. ** ** Binders altered pH in raw products. These differences
Replication ** ** ** ** ** remained relatively constant at all heating tempera-
aCL = cooking losses (%); aw = water activity; WHC = water- tures. (Correia and Mittal) also found that addition of
holding capacity; WAC=water-absorption capacity. various binders gave similar pH changes during heat
bSignificant at *P <0.05; **P<0.01; n.s.=non-significant.
processing. The increase in pH can be explained by the
loss of acidic protein groups (23) or the exposure of
Table 3 Drip loss of raw restructured beef products with
various binders basic protein groups (24), resulting from conformation
change due to the heat denaturation of myofibrillar
Drip loss (%)
proteins. The similarities in pH changes for all binder
Binder x̄a sx treatments during heating implied that the mechanisms
Isolated soy protein 0.45B 0.25 of heat-induced changes in pH were the same. The
Sodium caseinate 0.96AB 0.20 addition of binders could contribute additive effects on
Waxy modified corn starch 1.50A 0.49 the pH of meat products, but could not prevent the
Carrageenan 1.30AB 0.50
Hydrolyzed oat flour 0.68AB 0.34 exposure of basic groups or the loss of acidic ones
Control 1.13AB 0.26 during heat processing.
aMeans sharing a common letter are not significantly
different at P <0.05; LSD=0.877, n=5.

Cooking loss (%)

10 6

8 5.95
6 5.9

4 5.85

2 5.8
35 45 55 65 5.7
Temperature (°C) RAW 35 45 55 65
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 1 Cooking losses of restructured beef products with
various binders, raw and at isothermal temperatures 35–65 °C. Fig. 2 pH of restructured beef products with various binders,
(d) = ISP; (x) = SC; (h) = MCS; (j) = CA; (s) = OF; raw and at isothermal temperatures 35–65 °C. (d) = ISP;
(m) = CN (x) = SC; (h) = MCS; (j) = CA; (s) = OF; (m) = CN

lwt/vol. 31 (1998) No. 1

Table 4 The effect of isothermal temperature and binder on aw of restructured beef products
Raw 35 °C 45 °C 55 °C 65 °C Pooled binder
Binder Meana S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E.
Isolated soy proteina b0.979
A 0.001 a0.979
A 0.001 a0.980
A 0.001
A 0.001
A 0.001 b0.979 0.0005
Sodium caseinate A AB AB 0.002 AB 0.001 B
a0.982 0.001 a0.980 0.001 a0.980 a0.980 a0.980 0.001 a0.980 0.0005
Waxy modified corn 0.979AB 0.001 0.979 AB 0.002 0.980A 0.001 0.979 AB 0.001 0.978 B 0.001
b a a a a b0.979 0.0005
Carrageenan A A A 0.001 A 0.001 A
b0.979 0.001 a0.979 0.001 a0.980 a0.979 a0.978 0.001 b0.979 0.0004
Hydrolyzed oat flour 0.980A 0.001 0.979 A 0.001 0.979A 0.001 0.978 A 0.001 0.978 A 0.001
ab a a a a b0.979 0.0004
Control 0.980A 0.001 0.979 A 0.002 0.980A 0.001 0.979 A 0.001 0.980 A 0.001
ab a a a a ab0.980 0.0005
Pooled temperature 0.980A 0.0004 0.979A 0.0005 0.980A 0.0004 0.979AB 0.0004 0.978B 0.0004
and subscript letters represent the comparisons within a row (binder) and a column (temperature), respectively.
Means within a row (or a column) sharing a common letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05. Among treatments:
LSD=0.00221, n=5; Pooled binder: LSD=0.0010; n = 25; Pooled temperature; LSD = 0.0009, n = 30; MSE= 3.11E-6, df.=116.

Water activity temperature (62–72 °C). Skrede stated that gelatiniza-

aw can be expressed as the availability of water tion temperatures for starches used as binders in
molecules to enter into reactions. If the aw is high, water sausages were reflected in the characteristics of the
molecules are only loosely associated to other compo- sausage containing that starch. In this study, the WHC
nents and are free to act as both solvents and reactants. of OF was not significantly (P < 0.05) different between
A low aw indicates that water is more tightly bound. raw products, and those heated at 35 and 45 °C, but
The aw of all raw and heated products (Table 4) ranged decreased between 55 and 65 °C. These results disagree
from 0.978 to 0.982. (Fennema) reported that the aw with Hamm who concluded that WHC decreased at
range of bologna type sausage was 0.93–0.98, with a 30–50 °C, negligibly changed at 50–55 °C, and
mean of 0.97. decreased at 60–90 °C.
Basically, no significant (P > 0.05) difference in aw were Addition of binders affected the WHC of the products
found among temperatures for all binder treatments, and their influences varied with temperature. OF
except SC and MCS which had a slightly lower pH at contributed the highest WHC in raw and cooked
65 °C. Lind and Rask stated that aw was affected very products. SC had a WHC significantly (P < 0.05) higher
minutely by the moisture content when the water than the control at 35 and 45 °C but was the same as the
content in meat products exceeded 100 g per 100 g of control at 55 and 65 °C. By contrast, MCS had higher
dry meat matter. They also found that the aw of minced WHC values at 65 °C and no significant difference at
meat decreased (0.938 to 0.901) as temperature 35–55 °C, compared to the control. No difference in
increased (9.7 °C to 20.1 °C). These results indicated WHC was found among products ISP, CA and the
that the addition of these five binders at low levels (5 to control for all products.
50 g/kg) contributed little to the reduction of the aw.
Given that aw is frequently included as one of the
processing hurdles for microbial considerations, this Water-absorption capacity
was an important finding for the formulae tested (Table The WAC ranged from 0.179–0.410 gH2O/g meat (Table
1). 6). The WAC had no significant differences among raw
and products heated at 35–55 °C for all binder
treatments, except OF which had a steep decrease in
Water-holding capacity WAC at 45 °C. The WAC was increased significantly
Raw products processed higher WHC than cooked (P < 0.05) at 65 °C for all binders. This finding agreed
products (Table 5). With ISP, SC, CA and the control, with (Arganosa et al.) who found that WAC increased
WHC significantly (P < 0.05) decreased as temperature between 70–100 °C. The increase of WAC at 65 °C
increased at 35–55 °C and showed no differences at might be due to the entrapping of water into the space
55–65 °C. However, MCS had a slight increase in WHC among the myofibers, after the water had evaporated.
at 65 °C which was near or above its gelatinization Except for OF, the results of WAC, ranging from 0.322

Table 5 The effect of isothermal temperature and binder on WHC of restructured beef products
Raw 35 °C 45 °C 55 °C 65 °C Pooled binder
Binder Meana S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E.
Isolated soy proteina c0.779A 0.029 c0.557
B 0.041 c0.381
C 0.025
D 0.004 c0.218
D 0.006 d0.440 0.043
Sodium caseinate A B C 0.044 D D
b0.925 0.060 b 0.895 0.055 b 0.598 b0.303 0.004 c0.261 0.013 b0.596 0.060
Waxy modified corn A B C 0.020 D C
c0.797 0.032 c0.655 0.230 c0.407 b0.260 0.006 b0.373 0.026 c0.492 0.040
Carrageenan 0.734A 0.048 0.589 B 0.217 0.416C 0.031 0.270 D 0.010 0.208 D 0.006
c c c b c d0.443 0.042
Hydrolyzed oat flour A B AB 0.035 C D
a1.111 0.038 a1.024 0.038 a1.078 a0.636 0.011 a0.458 0.042 a0.861 0.056
Control 0.741A 0.038 0.632 B 0.027 0.391C 0.020 0.243 D 0.009 0.214 D 0.003
c c c b c c0.440 0.044
Pooled temperature 0.843A 0.030 0.725B 0.035 0.545C 0.048 0.329D 0.026 0.289E 0.019
and subscript letters represent the comparisons within a row (binder) and a column (temperature), respectively.
Means within a row (or a column) sharing a common letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05. Among treatments:
LSD=0.0773, n=5; Pooled binder: LSD=0.0346; n= 25; Pooled temperature; LSD = 0.0315, n = 30; MSE= 0.00381, df. =116.

lwt/vol. 31 (1998) No. 1

Table 6 The effect of isothermal temperature and binder on WAC of restructured beef products
Raw 35 °C 45 °C 55 °C 65 °C Pooled binder
Binder Meana S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E. Mean S.E.
Isolated soy proteina bc0.254
B 0.018 b0.238
B 0.016 ab0.227
B 0.014
B 0.005 bc0.345
A 0.016 b0.258 0.011
Sodium caseinate B C C 0.008 C A
ab0.282 0.012 b0.239 0.016 bc0.207 bc0.211 0.003 c0.322 0.010 b0.252 0.010
Waxy modified corn 0.179B 0.019 0.177 B 0.014 0.184B 0.012 0.180 B 0.011 0.335 A 0.011
d c c cd bc c0.211 0.014
Carrageenan B B B 0.006 B A
a0.294 0.030 a0.275 0.011 a0.272 a0.275 0.006 a0.410 0.015 a0.305 0.013
Hydrolyzed oat flour 0.295A 0.014 0.256 B 0.018 0.142C 0.010 0.160 C 0.009 0.266 AB 0.008
a ab d d d c0.224 0.013
Control 0.244B 0.017 0.236 B 0.015 0.211BC 0.023 0.189 C 0.008 0.358 A 0.020
c b bc cd b b0.248 0.013
Pooled temperature 0.258B 0.010 0.237C 0.008 0.207D 0.008 0.207D 0.007 0.339E 0.010
and subscript letters represent the comparisons within a row (binder) and a column (temperature), respectively.
Means within a row (or a column) sharing a common letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05. Among treatments:
LSD=0.0353, n=5; Pooled binder: LSD=0.0158; n= 25; Pooled temperature; LSD = 0.0144, n = 30; MSE= 0.000796, df. =116.

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