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Damped Motion In the previous lecture, we discussed the free harmonic motion that assumes no retarding forces acting on the moving mass. However No retarding forces acting on the moving body is not realistic, because There always exists at least a resisting force due to surrounding medium, For example a mass can be suspended in a viscous medium. Hence, the damping forees need to be included in a realistic analysis Damping Force In the study of mechanics, the damping forces acting on a body are considered to be ae proportional to a power of the instantaneous velocity <". In the hydro dynamical It problems, the damping force is proportional to(dx/dr)*. So that in these problems | | Damping force ping fe a ‘Where f is a positive damping constant and negative sign indicates that the damping force acts in a direction opposite to the direction of motion In the present discussion, we shall assume that the damping force is proportional to the ar instantaneous velocity“. Thus for us ar as) Damping force = pss Lar) ‘The Differential Equation Suppose That A body of mass m is attached to a spring The spring stretches by an amount s to attain the equilibrium position. Q The mass is fither displaced by an amount x and then released. No extemal forces are impressed on the system, Therefore, there are three forces acting on the mass, namely’ a) Weight mg of the body b) Restoring force —#(s +x) ©) Damping force -f{ « ) (ar) Therefore, total force acting on the mass is mg —k(s-+ AS) So that by Newton’s second law of motion, we have Aw) m— = mg — ks + dr Since in the equilibrium position mg —ks =0 Therefore mE = he A) dt™ dt Dividing with m , we obtain the differential equation of fiee damped motion £(e) k Bia) dv om\ dr) om For algebraic convenience, we suppose that 2-8 2_k Then the equation becomes: Ls Hg ar dt Solution of the Differential Equation Consider the equation of the free damped motion Put x Then the auxiliary equation is: me? + 2am +o h+y Depending upon the sign of the quantity. cases of the roots of the auxiliary equation. —co , we can now distinguish three possible Case 1 Real and distinet roots If 22 -@* > Othen f > k and the system is said to be over-damped. The solution of the equation of free damped motion is x(t)= je" +e,e"" or a(i)= 0 ye + 00° This equation represents smooth and non oscillatory motion, Case 2 Real and equal roots 122 —@* =0, then f =k and the system is said to be critically damped, because any slight decrease in the damping force would result in oscillatory motion. The general solution of the differential equation of free damped force is ae alt) =e" + ese or x0) Case 3. Complex roots 1f#? —w? <0. then { because of the coefficient e~” Note that Each of the three solutions contain the damping factor e“ , 2 > 0, the displacements of the mass become negligible for larger times. Alternative form of the Solution When J* —@* <0. the solution of the differential equation of free damped motion is )=e"[a cosVo? 21+, sinvo® =F | Suppose that 4 and ¢ are two real numbers such that ¢ ©. sing=" cosg A z ¢, P4e. tangs“ 6 So that A=y. The number ¢ is known as the phase angle. Then the solution of the equation beco x(t)= de |sinvoo? —B teos+cosvo +8) or a(t)= de sin! Wo Note that at a The coefficient 4e~“ is called the damped amplitude of vibrations. a The time interval between two successive maxima of x(f)is called quasi pe. and is given by the number 2a Vo? a The following number is known as the quasi frequency. fp vo 2a @ The graph of the solution a(t)= de“ sinly o tte ) crosses positive avis, ie the linex = 0, at times that are given by Vor — Where »r = 1.2.3, For example, if we have Then or or ha . . 6 6 ‘We notice that difference between two successive roots is te te £ quasi period n/N Qa a. Therefore Since quasi perio writ te fe == quasi period a Sinee |x(r|< 4e% whenfin Vo —#1+¢@ |<1, the graph of the solution xe) = 40 sin Vr 2h +o) touches the graphs of the exponential functions se“ +o at the values of ¢ for which 46 )=41 This means those values of for which Vo? Bi d= nt _Qn+iKa/2)-¢ vo* or where = 0,1,2,3, Again, if we consider (2) x(r) =e sin 27 | 3) Then Or Again, we notice that the difference between successive values is te tha a The values of ¢ for which the graph of the solution alt)= de sinlVo® —771+9) touches the exponential graph are not the values for which the function attains its relative extremum. Interpret and solve the initial value problem x(0) Find extreme values of the solution and check whether the graph crosses the equilibrium position, Interpretation ‘Comparing the given differential equation we see that so that Therefore, the problem represents the over-damped motion of a mass on a spring. Inspection of the boundary conditions x(0) x'(0) reveals that the mass starts 1 unit below the equilibrium position with a downward velocity of | ft/sec. Solution To solve the differential equation d°x dx X45 yay =0 dr dt We put Then the auxiliary equation is m? +5m+4=0 = (m+4)(m+1) = m=-1 m=- Therefore, the auxiliary equation has distinct real roots m=-l m=-4 Thus the solution of the differential equation is: Mi)=ee" eye So that x(r)= ce" —de,e* Now, we apply the boundary conditions x(0)=1=> ¢,.1+e,.1= x'(0)= 1-5 -¢, ~4ey Thus ep te =1 ~¢, —4e Solving these two equations, we have. © 2 ‘Therefore, solution of the initial value problem is 2 a Extremum Since Therefore So that or or Since _ 32-0628 3 =1.425-5,692 = -4.267 <0 So that the solution.x(r) has a maximum at = 0.157 and maximum value of x is x(0.157)= 1.069 Hence the mass attains an extreme displacement of 1.069 ft below the equilibrium position, Cheek Suppose that the graph of x(/) does cross the/ — avis, that is, the mass passes through the equilibrium position. Then a value of r exists for which ax()=0 2 ie -2ew 3 sew -2 5 2 or =4+in2 =-0.305 375 This value of ¢ is physically irrelevant because time can never be negative. Hence, the mass never passes through the equilibrium position. Example 2 An 8-Ib weight stretches a spring 2ft. Assuming that a damping force numerically equals to two times the instantaneous velocity acts on the system. Determine the equation of motion if the weight is released from the equilibrium position with an upward velocity of 3 ft/sec. Solution Since Weight = 8 Ibs. ait ‘Therefore, by Hook’s law 8 = 2k => k=4 Ibi ft since Damping force = (4) i ‘Therefore p=2 Weight 8 => m= Also, mas m 2 2 slugs ale ‘Thus, the differential equation of motion of the free damped motion is given by (dx) AG or = 4x ©) tae (adr or #8 9 16x =0 de dt Since the mass is released from equilibrium position with an upward velocity 3 ft /s ‘Therefore the initial conditions are: 2(0)=0, x0) Thus we need to solve the initial value problem_ Solve +84 16x=0 ar Subject to x{0)=0, x(0) Put xae™, Benen, FE tem dt de Thus the auxiliary equation is m? 48m +1 or (m+4) =0> m=-4, -4 So that roots of the auxiliary equation are real and equal m,=-4=m, Hence the system is critically damped and the solution of the goveming differential equation is x)= oe + ete" ‘Moreover, the system is critically damped. ‘We now apply the boundary conditions. x{0)=0=> e.14e2.0=0 Se =0 Thus ale) =eqte > Be eye So that x(0)=-3 3 en.1-0=-3 er ‘Thus solution of the initial value problem is x(r)=—3re* Extremum Since —3re* ‘Therefore =e" + 12te se" (1 ar) Thus a 1 dt 4 ‘The comesponding extreme displacement is (3G Thus the weight reaches a maximum height of 0.276 ftabove the equilibrium position. 0.276 ft Example 3 A 16-Ib weight is attached to a 5- fi long spring. At equilibrium the spring measures 8.2ft If the weight is pushed up and released fiom rest at a point 2-ft above the equilibrium position. Find the displacement x(/) if it is farther known that the surrounding medium offers a resistance numerically equal to the instantaneous velocity. Solution ft Length of spring at equilibrium = 8.2 ft Length of un - stretched spring ‘Thus Elongation of spring = s = 3.2 ft By Hook’s law, we have 16=k(3.2)> & =SIb/ ft Weight 161 Further mass = ———— m=—~=~— slugs s 322 . dx Since Damping force = = a Therefore B Thus the differential equation of the free damped motion is given by or or Since the spring is released from rest at a point 2 ft above the equilibrium position The initial conditions are: x(0)= , x (0)=0 Hence we need to solve the initial value problem , x(0)=0 To solve the differential equation, we put me ax me PX 2 mr e™, me", —* . dt dt” Then the auxiliary equation is m? +2m+10=0 or 1437 So that the auxiliary equation has complex roots m,=-1+3i, 1m The system is under-damped and the solution of the differential equation is: x(7) =e" (cy 00831 +e sin3r) Now we apply the boundary conditions == Thus *(—2cos3r+e5 sin 3r) x = e7! (6sin 3 + 3c cos3t)— e~! (— 2c08 37 + ¢ sin 31) ‘Therefore Hence, solution of the initial value problem is x(t) = e7!{ —2c0s3r— 3sin 31 Example 4 ‘Write the solution of the initial value problem Ts 42% yox=0 dt* dt x(0)=-2, x(0)= in the alternative form x(t)= de“ sin(3 +8) Solution ‘We know fiom previous example that the solution of the initial value problem is a(r)=0 Suppose that 4 and ¢ are real numbers sueh that —2cos3r-= sing=-2, cos A Then 42 ho 9°38 Also tang =——— 955 ‘Therefore tan*(3)= 1.249 radian Since sing < 0,cos¢ <0, the phase angle ¢ must be in 3 quadrant. ‘Therefore =7 +1249 391 radians Hence xr sin(3r + 4.391) , where the graph of the solution crosses positive t-axis and the ‘The values of f= values += 1,” where the graph of the solution touches the graphs of. [5 |Vl0e~ are given in the following table y . T= a) 1 [61 Lisa [0.665 2 [167s [2.202 | 0233 3 [2725 [3249 [0.082 4 [3772 [4.296 | -0.029 Quasi Period Since x(c) = 2 V10e* sin(3r + 4.391) Therefore Ve So that the quasi period is given by Qt ar po =F seconds V2 —0 Hence, difference between the successive f, and’ is units.

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