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Forced Motion In this last lecture on the applications of second order linear differential equations, we consider aA vibrational system consisting of a body of mass m attached to a spring. The motion of the body is being driven by an external force /(r) ie. forced motion. @ Flow of current in an electrical circuit that consists of an inductor, resistor and a capacitor connected in series, because of its similarity with the foreed motion. Forced motion with damping Suppose that we now take into consideration an external force f(r). Then, the forces acting on the system are a) Weight of the body b) The restoring force ©) The damping effect = ~A(de/ dt) d) The external force = f(r). Hence xdenotes the distance of the mass nr from the equilibrium position. Thus the total foree acting on the mass m is given by va Force = mg —K(s +x)- | & + sl) By the Newton’s 2" law of motion, we have Therefore But So that ax, a de Slt) ar m\dt m or where F (1) = Note that @ The last equation is a non-homogeneouss differential equation governing the forced motion with damping @ To solve this equation, we use either the method of undetermined coefficients or the variation of parameters Example 1 Interpret and solve the initial value problem, ld? Interpretation ‘The problem represents a vibrational system consisting of A mass i 1 <5 slugs or kilograms @ The mass is attached to a spring having spring constant & = 21b/ ft or N/m The mass is released from rest 41 or meter below the equilibrium position The motion is damped with damping constant # = 1.2 2 The motion is being driven by an extemal periodic foree /(¢) a 2 ‘cos 41 that has petiod T= Solution Given the differential equation. or First consider the associated homogeneous differential equation. #16 stax =0 de dt Put xem, & mem dt Then the auxiliary equation is. m+ 6m-+1 => m=-34i ‘Thus the auxiliary equation has complex roots m,=—3+i, m, So that the complementary function of the equation is 3-1 o- ¥(e,cosr-+eysint) To find a particular integral of non-homogeneous differential equation we use the undetermined coefficients, we assume that Xp(t)= Acos4r+ Bsindr Then xp(t)=—4Asin dt + 4B cosdr x} (t)= 16 Acos4r—16R sin dr So that x} + 6x) +10xp, =—16A cos 4t—16B sin 4r— 24 Asin 4t +24B cos 4t+104cos 4r+10Bsin 4t =(-64+24B cos 4¢+(—244-6B)sin 4r Substituting in the given non-homogeneous differential equation, we obtain (- 64+ 24B)cos4t+(- 244 -6B)sin dt = 25cos4t Equating coefficients, we have ~6A424, -244-6B=0 Selving these equations, we obtain Thus Hence the general solution of the differential equation is: 5 102 5 5 x(t) =e [ey cost +c sint]-—cos 4¢ + Bonar a 30 10st +e sint]+ e~* (—q sint +e cost)+— sin 4 Now “ 31 Also x(0)=0 gives 34, te, +20 0 3 200 _114__ 86 or c= 2ST Transient and Steady-State Terms Due to the presence of the factore™* we notice that the complementary function 86 | cost— sins | 31 31 sel)ae possesses the property that lim xe(r)=0 ron Tims for large time, the displacements of the weight are closely approximated by the particular solution 25 50 xplt)=~ jp cee4et Sy sine 102 Since x,(t) 4 Oast > , it is said to be transient term or transient solution. The particular solution x, (ris called the steady-state solution Hence, when Fis a periodic function, such as F(t)=Fosinyt or Fl(t)=Fycosyt The general solution of the equation > #4 B® e2x= F(t) ae dt consists of x(t) = Transient solution + Steady State Solution Example 2 Solve the initial value problem £498 oy, — dcosr + 2sint dt dt x(0)=0, x"(0)=3 Solution First consider the associated homogeneous linear differential equation dx F422 r= ae am Put xt=me™, x" Then the auxiliary equation is m?+2m+2=0 -22 4-8 | or m= -1hi Tins the complementary function is (c;cost+c> sin) For the particular integral we assume that cost + Beint xp =—Asint + Beost x} = —Acost—Bsinr cost —Bsint— 24sint + 2B cost +2A4cost+2Bsint or A+2B)cost+(-24+B)sint Substituting in the given differential equation, we have (4+2B)cosr+(- 24+ B)sint =4cos¢+2sint Equating coefficients, we obtain At2B=4 -24+B Solving these two equations, we have: 4=0, B Thus Xp =2sint Hence general solution of the differential equation is, x= + Xp or x(r)= e“(c, cost +c, sinr)+ 2sinr Thus x'(t)=-e(e, cost +e) sins) +e*( ‘Now we apply the boundary conditions x(0)=0=c,.14c).0+0=0 e,sint +¢, cost) + 2eost => =0 x(0)=3> -e,.1+¢).142=3 Sey Thus solution of the initial value problem is x=e'sint+2sint Since e“sinr>0 as r30 Therefore e7' sint = Transient Term, 2sint = Steady State Hence xee‘sint + 2Qsint “sing + Qsing Trantient — Seady-stae ‘We notice that the effect of the transient term becomes negligible for about t>2r ‘Motion without Damping If the system is impressed upon by a periodic force and there is no damping force the there is no transient term in the solution. Example 3 Solve the initial value Where F, is a constant Solution For complementary function, consider the associated homogencous differential equation x sox =0 ae Put x=e™ x Then the auxiliary equation is m? +0? =0> m=401 Thus the complementary function is Tlt)ae eover-+e, sineot To find a particular solution, we assume thet "= em Acosyt+ Bsin Then {ysin yt + Bycos yt 25 (6)=~Ay? cost ~ By? sin yt Therefore. cosyt— By” sin yt + deo” cosyt + Be sinyt Ay th 40%, = Alo? - 7? kos 2+ B(0? -7?)sin 2 Substituting in the given differential equation, we have Alo? —y")cos yt + Blo? —y? )sin yt = F, sin t Equating coefficients, we have dlo?-)7)=0, Blo? -; Solving these two equations, we obtain ‘Therefore Hence, the general solution of the differential equation is x(i)=«,coser+c,sinot +| |smnyr For Then ¥ (t)=-qwosine! +cy0coseot+ 2" 50s) Now we apply the boundary conditions x(0)=0=¢,.1+¢.0+0=0 => =0 ¥(0)=0> q.0+e0.1+ Thus solution of the initial value problem is Oia a ranot 1 osia0. (veo) Note that the solution is not defined for y = @ , However lim x(+)can be obtained using Po the L'Hépital’s rule x(t)= hm F, ye L(-ysinar+osinyr) 7 =F, tim o 2 (02-7) in et + wt cos yt ay =F, lima 10 = oy nent toreoset | = 207 fo sin ot ~2 tcoseot 20 Clearly |x(¢)| +00 as too Therefore there is no transient term when there is no damping force in the presence of a periodic impressed force.

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