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The blind side is a movie which came in the year 2009 and was directed by John
Lee Hancock. I watched this movie, and it is worth watching, it is packed full of
positive messages and has a great story. It is a heart touching story of an orphaned
boy who was black. We will see how his life is changed by the acts of a family
which adopted him. The film is an excellent representation of the socio political
and legal concepts which are violated in the present days. It also promotes the
value of the SDGs given by the UN.
The main issue which the movie portrays is race. The movie is based on true story
of American boy who was black, and a family of white people adopts him which
further leads to change in life of the boy. At that time and in present days we know
that racial discrimination is always at its peak in the United Nations. The name of
the boy is Michael Oher, he was facing discrimination and stereotyping from his
peers. The goal 10 of the SDGs is to reduce inequality which the family fulfilled
by adopting that child. The Tuohy's family helped to break the chain of this racial
discrimination and promote a inclusive environment.
One more socio-political issue which the movie shows is poverty. Michael was
born poverty stricken so as a result he also does not have the necessities to sustain
his life such as food, shelter and education. The movie portrays how a person suf-
fers a lot due to poverty. Tuohy’s family was so kind to keep Ohio with him and
solved the problem of poverty for him. The goal number 1 of the SDGs of UN is
also no poverty. The Tuohy’s family contributed to take Ohio out of poverty and
provided Michael with necessities for his upliftment in life.
Thye film also puts light on how education helps in social mobility and progress.
The film clearly shows that Tuohy's family provided Michael with the resources to
educate him. Michael was also encouraged to play games in which he did so well,
this thing further changed his future. The college started to call him for admissions,
which shows how education has changed Michael’s fate. Quality education is also
goal number 4 of the UN’s SDG’s.
Another legal idea that plays a major role in the movie's plot is adoption. Michael's
life had a critical turning point when the Tuohys decided to adopt him. Through
adoption, individuals or couples can obtain the legal authority to parent a child
who is not their biological child. Children who are adopted may have a stable, car-
ing family and a better opportunity at life. The film also illustrates some of the
complicated legal issues and difficulties of adoption, including the selection of
adoptive parents and the legal obligations of birth parents.
The SDGs are a set of 17 goals set by the United Nations in 2015 to promote sus-
tainable development and improve the lives of people around the world. The film
promotes several of these goals, including:
No Poverty (Goal 1): The movie shows the challenges and struggles of poverty and
the importance of breaking the cycle of poverty.
Good Health and Well-being (Goal 3): The film portrays the importance of mental
and physical health and how a stable, loving home can positively impact an indi-
vidual's well-being.
Quality Education (Goal 4): The movie highlights the importance of education in
breaking the cycle of poverty and promoting social mobility.
Reduced Inequalities (Goal 10): The film shows how racial and social inequality
can be broken down through inclusivity and support.
Partnerships for the Goals (Goal 17): The movie illustrates how individuals and
communities can work together to promote sustainable development and achieve
the SDGs.
Now, we will look at the synopsis of this film for better understanding of how all
the above goals were achieved. The movie tells the tale of how a prosperous white
family, the Tuohys, adopts Michael Oher, a homeless black youngster, and helps
him reach his football and personal goals.

The movie opens with Michael, a homeless youngster from Memphis, Tennessee,
who has a bad past and lives in a run-down area. He meets affluent and prominent
interior designer Leigh Anne Tuohy, who shows interest in him and offers him a
place to stay. Michael finally gains Leigh Anne and her husband Sean as legal
guardians, who also assist him in overcoming his obstacles and becoming a top
football player. Michael's relationship with his biological mother and how it im-
pacts his life are also explored in the movie. On and off the football pitch, Michael
encounters several difficulties throughout the movie, but with the Tuohys' assis-
tance, he triumphs over them.
"The Blind Side" is a touching and motivational movie that emphasises the value
of family and community support as well as the strength of human goodwill. The
movie was a critical and financial hit, and Sandra Bullock, who played Leigh Anne
Tuohy, won the Academy Award for Best Actress.
When I personally saw this movie, I was deeply touched by its message the efforts
of Tuohy’s family is commendable. The efforts changed the whole life of the boy
Michael. It is a heart touching and everyone should watch it.

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