W4 - Hanyu Pinyin 20221004

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Chinese Phonetics – Hanyu Pinyin

Week 4
I. Introduction
I. Introduction
 Today’s lecture is going to focus on the very basic practical
knowledge about Pinyin and its use in K-12 Chinese classroom
 At the end of the lecture, you will be familiar with the cruxes of
teaching and learning.
 I have divided my presentation into two parts. We’ll start with
pronunciation, tone, and phonetic spelling. Then, we’ll explain
how to teach special seven "zi, ci, si, zhi, chi, shi, ri“. And we will
finish with a role-play activity.
 Last time, we were looking at syllables, initials and their features,
finals and their features, and Chinese Pinyin Chart, so today
we’ll move on to tone marks, spelling of the finals, pronunciation
of the initials, and pronunciation of words.
I. Introduction
2. Cruxes of Teaching and Learning
1) Tone Marks 聲調標號
2) Spelling of the Finals 韻母的拼寫
3) Pronunciation of the Initials 聲母的讀法
4) Pronunciation of Words 拼讀
II. Body
II. Cruxes of Teaching and Learning
1) Tone Marks
1. If there is “a”, mark “a” first.
2. If there is no “a” , mark “o” or “e”.
3. If “i” and “u” are together, mark the back one.
4. Don't miss a single vowel.

Please place the tone mark.

1) 腦 nao 怪 guai
2) 壘 lei 寇 kou
3) 丟 diu 退 tui
4) 襪 wa 伯 bo
Practical Audio-visual Chinese (新版實用視聽華語)
Book 1, Drills 1, 6
Drills 1 Vocabulary
 媽、馬、貓、毛、糖、狗、報(紙)、筆、大樓、可

 mā 媽、mǎ 馬、māo 貓、máo 毛、táng 糖、 gǒu

狗、bào 報 (zhǐ紙)、bǐ 筆、dàlóu 大樓、 kělè 可
樂、kāfēi 咖啡、dìtú 地圖
Drills 6 Vocabulary
 蘋果、西瓜、葡萄、橘子、咖啡、可樂、果汁
 píngguǒ 蘋果、xīguā 西瓜、pútao 葡萄、júzi 橘子、
kāfēi 咖啡、kělè 可樂、guǒzhī 果汁
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Spelling of the Finals 一 i、ㄨ u、ㄩ ü
1. When proceeded by a consonant, nothing
changes, e.g. 皮 pí、肚 dǔ 、綠 lǜ.
2. When standing alone as a word, a “y” or “w” will
be added at the front when the final has only
one vowel, e.g.
 一 yī
 五 wǔ
 雨 yǔ (remove the two dots from the ü)
Practical Audio-visual Chinese (新版實用視聽華語)
Book 1, Drills 5
Drills 5 Vocabulary
 鳥、馬、狗、貓、雞、魚
 niǎo 鳥、mǎ 馬、gǒu 狗、māo 貓、jī 雞、yú 魚

雲端學園 Cloud E-Learning

→評量區 Assessment Center
→測驗/考試 Tests
→Hanyu Pinyin Quiz 1
Group I
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group I: Independent vowels. When standing
alone as a word, nothing changes, e.g.

啊ā 愛 ài 澳 ào 安 ān
盎 àng 餓è 诶 ēi 恩 ēn
鞥 ēng 二 èr 喔ō 歐 ōu
Group II
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group II: Any word started with an “i”.
 iㄧ, iaㄧㄚ, iaoㄧㄠ, ianㄧㄢ, iangㄧㄤ, ieㄧㄝ, in
ㄧㄣ, ingㄧㄥ, iu (iou)ㄧㄡ, iongㄩㄥ.
家 jiā 頰 jiá 假 jiǎ 嫁 jià
交 嚼 腳 叫
間 -- 剪 見
江 -- 獎 醬
街 捷 姊 借
今 -- 緊 進
鯨 -- 井 靜
鳩 -- 九 就
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group II: Any word started with an “i”.

家 jiā 頰 jiá 假 jiǎ 嫁 jià

交 jiāo 嚼 jiáo 腳 jiǎo 叫 jiào
間 jiān -- 剪 jiǎn 見 jiàn
江 jiāng -- 獎 jiǎng 醬 jiàng
街 jiē 捷 jié 姐 jiě 借 jiè
今 jīn -- 緊 jǐn 進 jìn
鯨 jīng -- 井 jǐng 靜 jìng
鳩 jiū -- 九 jiǔ 就 jiù
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group II: Any word started with an “i”.
 When standing alone, two situations occur:
 A “y” will be added at the front when the final
has only one vowel.

衣 yī 姨 yí 蟻 yǐ 億 yì
音 銀 飲 印
英 迎 影 硬
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group II: Any word started with an “i”.
 When standing alone, two situations occur:
 A “y” will be added at the front when the final
has only one vowel.

衣 yī 姨 yí 蟻 yǐ 億 yì
音 yīn 銀 yín 飲 yǐn 印 yìn
英 yīng 迎 yíng 影 yǐng 硬 yìng
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group II: Any word started with an “i”.
 When standing alone, two situations occur:
 “I” will be changed to “y” when the final
consists of more than one vowel.
鴨 yā 牙 yá 雅 yǎ 亞 yà
腰 搖 咬 要
菸 鹽 眼 厭
央 羊 養 樣
噎 爺 也 葉
優 油 有 右
雍 泳 用
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group II: Any word started with an “i”.
 When standing alone, two situations occur:
 “I” will be changed to “y” when the final
consists of more than one vowel.
鴨 yā 牙 yá 雅 yǎ 亞 yà
腰 yāo 搖 yáo 咬 yǎo 要 yào
菸 yān 鹽 yán 眼 yǎn 厭 yàn
央 yāng 羊 yáng 養 yǎng 樣 yàng
噎 yē 爺 yé 也 yě 葉 yè
優 yōu 油 yóu 有 yǒu 右 yòu
雍 yōng 泳 yǒng 用 yòng
Group III
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group III: Any vowel started with an “u”.
 uㄨ, uaㄨㄚ, uaiㄨㄞ, uanㄨㄢ, uangㄨㄤ, uengㄨ
ㄥ, ui (uei)ㄨㄟ, un (uen)ㄨㄣ, uoㄨㄛ.
菇 -- 骨 故
瓜 -- 寡 掛
乖 -- 拐 怪
關 -- 館 罐
光 -- 廣 逛
公 -- 拱 共
瑰 -- 鬼 貴
鍋 國 果 過
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group III: Any vowel started with an “u”.
 uㄨ, uaㄨㄚ, uaiㄨㄞ, uanㄨㄢ, uangㄨㄤ, uengㄨ
ㄥ, ui (uei)ㄨㄟ, un (uen)ㄨㄣ, uoㄨㄛ.
菇 gū -- 骨 gǔ 故 gù
瓜 guā -- 寡 guǎ 掛 guà
乖 guāi -- 拐 guài 怪 guài
關 guān -- 館 guǎn 罐 guàn
光 guāng -- 廣 guǎng 逛 guàng
公 gōng -- 拱 gǒng 共 gòng
瑰 guī -- 鬼 guǐ 貴 guì
鍋 guō 國 guó 果 guǒ 過 guò
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group III: Any vowel started with an “u”.
 When standing alone as a word, two situations
 “U” will be changed to “w” when the final
consists of more than one vowel.
蛙 wā 娃 wá 瓦 wǎ 襪 wà
歪 wāi -- -- 外 wài
灣 wān 玩 wán 晚 wǎn 萬 wàn
汪 wāng 王 wáng 網 wǎng 忘 wàng
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group III: Any vowel started with an “u”.
 When standing alone as a word, two situations
 “U” will be changed to “w” when the final
consists of more than one vowel.
翁 wēng -- -- 甕 wèng
威 wēi 圍 wéi 尾 wěi 位 wèi
溫 wēn 文 wén 吻 wěn 問 wèn
窩 wō -- 我 wǒ 握 wò
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group III: Any vowel started with an “u”.
 When standing alone as a word, two situations
 A “w” will be added at the front when the final
has only one vowel.
烏 吳 五 務
wū wú wǔ wù
Practical Audio-visual Chinese (新版實用視聽華語)
Book 1, Drills 2, 4
Drills 2 Vocabulary
 書、樹、山、人、湯匙、紅茶、果汁、雞、鳥、錢、
 shū 書、shù 樹、shān 山、rén 人、tāngchí湯匙、
hóngchá 紅茶、jī 雞、niǎo 鳥、 qián 錢、biǎo 錶、
miànbāo 麵包、shuǐguǒ 水果、 guǒzhī 果汁
Drills 2 Vocabulary
 書、樹、山、人、湯匙、紅茶、果汁、雞、鳥、錢、
 xīguā 西瓜、píngguǒ 蘋果、pútao 葡萄、chē 車、
zhuōzi 桌子、yǐzi 椅子、bēizi 杯子、pánzi 盤子、
kuàizi 筷子、háizi 孩子、fángzi 房子
Drills 4 Vocabulary
 昨天、今天、明天、現在、早上、中午、下午、晚
 zuótiān 昨天、jīntiān 今天、míngtiān 明天、
xiànzài 現在、zǎoshàng 早上、zhōngwǔ 中午、
xiàwǔ 下午、wǎnshàng 晚上
Drills 4 Vocabulary
 昨天、今天、明天、現在、早上、中午、下午、晚
 Lǐbàiyī 禮拜一、Lǐbàièr 禮拜二、Lǐbàisān 禮拜三、
Lǐbàisì禮拜四、Lǐbàiwǔ 禮拜五、Lǐbàiliù 禮拜六、
Lǐbàitiān 禮拜天

雲端學園 Cloud E-Learning

→評量區 Assessment Center
→測驗/考試 Tests
→Hanyu Pinyin Quiz 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2
Group IV
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group IV: Any vowel started with an “ü”.
 üㄩ, üeㄩㄝ, üanㄩㄢ, ünㄩㄣ.
 When standing alone as a word, spelling changes
and a “y” will be added at the front.
瘀 yū 魚 yú 雨 yǔ 玉 yù
約 yuē -- -- 月 yuè
鴛 yuān 元 yuán 遠 yuǎn 院 yuàn
暈 yūn 雲 yún 允 yǔn 運 yùn
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Spelling exceptions:
 Group I: Trouble free.
 Group II:
 “iou” when spelled with a consonant, appears as “iu”
as in 六 liù.
 When standing alone as a word, it becomes “you”,
as in 有 yǒu.
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group III:
 “uei” when spelled with a consonant, appears as
“ui” as in 會huì.
 When standing alone as a word, it becomes “wei”,
as in 為 wèi.
 “uen” when spelled with a consonant, appears as
“un”,as in 混 hùn. When standing alone as a
word, it becomes “wen” as in 問 wèn.
2) Spelling of the Finals
 Group IV:
 This group goes with only five initials “j, q, x, n,
and l”.
 When spelled with “j, q, x” , they drop the two
dots on the top of the vowel, as in 句 jù, 群qún,
and 學 xué.
 When spelled with “n, l”, they keep the two dots
on the top of the vowel, as in 女 nǚ and 綠 lǜ.
Practical Audio-visual Chinese (新版實用視聽華語)
Book 1, Drills 3
Drills 3 Vocabulary
 學校、圖書館、宿舍、體育館、教室、餐廳、家、
 xuéxiào 學校、túshūguǎn 圖書館、sùshè 宿舍、
tǐyùguǎn 體育館、jiàoshì教室、cāntīng 餐廳、
jiā 家、yú 魚、yún 雲、júzi 橘子
Drills 3 Vocabulary
 學校、圖書館、宿舍、體育館、教室、餐廳、家、
 yuèliàng 月亮、xiǎoniǎor 小鳥兒、 huàr 畫兒
xiǎogǒur 小狗兒、xiǎoháir 小孩兒

雲端學園 Cloud E-Learning

→評量區 Assessment Center
→測驗/考試 Tests
→Hanyu Pinyin Quiz 4-1, 4-2, 5-1, 5-2
3) Pronunciation of Initials
 漢語的聲母本身不發音,只有在跟韻母結合時才發
 由於漢語拼音用英文的字母做書寫符號,請注意發
 幼小的學生如果同時學習英文的拼讀,更要在教學
4) Pronunciation of Words
 在語流中,拼讀時有  演講 yǎn jiǎng
變聲變調的情況。  指導 zhǐ dǎo
 變調  勇敢 yǒng gǎn
1. 兩個三聲相遇,第一  老虎 lǎo hǔ
個三聲變成二聲。如:  診所 zhěn suǒ
 你好 nǐ hǎo  保守 bǎo shǒu
 總統 zǒng tǒng  展覽 zhǎn lǎn
 打手 dǎ shou  領導 lǐng dǎo
 好酒 hǎo jiǔ
 水彩 shuǐ cǎi
4) Pronunciation of Words
3. 「一」的本調是第一聲。如:
 一二三 yī èr sān
 一些 yìxiē 一天 yìtiān 一張 yìzhāng
 一直 yìzhí 一流 yìliú 一瓶 yìpíng
 一點 yìdiǎn 一起 yìqǐ 一碗 yìwǎn
 一件 yíjiàn 一定 yídìng 一共 yígòng、
 一下 yíxià 一樣 yíyàng 一切 yíqiè
4) Pronunciation of Words
2. 「不」是第四聲。當「不」後面跟了四聲詞時,
 不必 bù bì → bú bì
 不要 bù yào → bú yào
 不會 bù huì → bú huì
 不對 bù duì → bú duì
 不去 bù qù → bú qù
 不貴 bù guì → bú guì
 不錯 bù guì → bú cuò
 不過 bù guò → bú guò
III. Conclusion

1. 一 1. yī
2. 腰 2. yāo
3. 煙 3. yān
4. 因 4. yīn
5. 英 5. yīng
6. 休 6. xiū
7. 新 7. xīn
8. 星 8. xīng
1. 花 1. huā
2. 火 2. huǒ
3. 我 3. wǒ
4. 為 4. wèi
5. 灰 5. huī
6. 葷 6. hūn
7. 轟 7. hōng
8. 翁 8. wēng
1. 靴 1. xuē
2. 宣 2. xuān
3. 薰 3. xūn
4. 兄 4. xiōng
5. 雨 5. yǔ
6. 元 6. yuán
7. 暈 7. yūn
8. 泳 8. yǒng
 孔子學院總部/國家漢辦(編)。2014。《國際
 傅海燕。2007。《漢語教與學必備:教什麼?怎
Extended Readings
Extended Readings
 International Curriculum for Chinese Language
Education (Revised Edition)《國際漢語教學通用
課程大綱》(修訂版). Beijing Language and
Culture University Press. 2014.
Thank you!

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