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Doubts Session - HTML

Assignments 1

1. Use the HTML headings and Formatting to build a food menu like the image
below. No need to color or use fancy fonts.

2. Further readings:

a. Go to w3schools and read about HTML topics from w3schools:

Assignments 2

1. Build a School timetable

1. Doubts Session - HTML 1

2. Build a Responsive Photo Gallery webpage. It should have:

a. 2 rows and 3 columns in desktop mode (width > 1024px)

b. 2 columns in tablet mode (width > 768px)

c. 1 column in Phone mode (width > 480px)

Assignments 3

1. Extend our Personal Website Project to include these 2 sections:

a. Places I want to visit (with images)

b. My favorite Food Recipes (with images and recipes)

2. Make a Website where you teach about the concepts of Semantic Tags. Use
Tables, Lists, Links, Images, etc.

1. Doubts Session - HTML 2

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