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Roberto H.

Tirol High School

The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students


Background of the Study

Education is the most priceless gift that parents can

provide for their children anywhere in the world, regardless

of where they live. Education attainment is essential for

the development of knowledge and skills. Instilling skills

and talents in future generation is a method that may be

used to achieve this goal. Families should be involved in

the school of their children’s character and thinking in

order to ensure that they grow up healthily.

According to substantial international research,

children do better in school when their parents are actively

involved in their education (kainuwa and Yusuf,2013).

However, according to Bobbet (2018) the effect of

parental involvement on student’s academic performance on

the hand, was not on significant. Also in several studies

have even found that the influence of parents to their

children’s homework and communication with the school had a

negative effect on the student’s academic progress by

decreasing their test result.

The manner of child is raised has consequences not just

for the child, but also for the community. The purpose of

this study is to determine the common parental influence

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

encountered by the students and to know if there is a huge

impact to their academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

The investigation of this study is to determine the

effect of parental influence in the academic performance of

Senior High School Students of Roberto H. Tirol High School.

Specifically, this sought to answer the following


1.What are the profile of respondents?

a) Sex

b) Grade level

2.What are the effect of parental influence in the academic

performance of Senior High School Students as to sex and

year level?

3.Is there a significant difference on the effect of

parental influence in the academic performance of Senior

High School Students?


There is no significant difference on the effect of

parental influence in the academic performance of Senior

High School Students as to sex and year level.

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

Conceptual Framework

Independent Intervening Dependent

Variable Variable Variable

Sex Academic
Parental performance of
Influence Grade Level
Senior High
School Students

Figure 1: Shows the schematic diagram of the variables in

the effect of parental influence in academic performance.

Scope and delimitation

This study will focus on determining on the effect of

parental influence in the academic performance among 92 out

of 1,153 Senior High School Students of Roberto H. Tirol

High School.

The effect of parental influence in the academic

performance was assessed thoroughly by Senior High School

Students using a questionnaire adopted and modified from

Emeke Precious Nwaoboli. The data will be gathered,

analyzed, interpreted, using statistical tools.

Significance of the Study

This study will be benefited by the various sectors as

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

Students. This study can help the students to be able to

deal with parental influence in a more effective manner.

They will gain more knowledge on how to balance their


Parents. This study can helps parents to identify the causes

and effect of parental influence to their child’s behavior

and academic performance.

Teacher. This study helps the teacher to guide the students

in their own problems that they have to deal with such as

parental influence.

School Administrator. This study helps the School

Administrator to guide and understand the student’s struggle

and how it affects the students mentally and socially.

Future Researcher. The result of this study will help

researchers cope up with more researcher on effect of

parental influence on the students using different


Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarity and understanding, the

following terms will be defined conceptually and

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

Academic Performance. Is the extent to which a student,

teacher, or institution has attained their short or

long term educational goals and is measured either by

continuous assessment or cumulative grade point average


In this study, academic performance refers to a

knowledge or learning of a student that can be affected of

parental influence.

Effect- A change which is a result or consequence of an

action or other cause (Oxford Language)

In this study, Effect refers to the result of parental

influence in the academic performance of the students.

Parental Influence- Occur most often when there is imbalance

of power in the relationship (Sanluis Obispo)

In this study, parental influence refers to the effect

in the academic performance of a students.

Students- A person who attend at School, College, or

University (Miriam Webster)

In this study, Student refers to Senior High School

Students as a respondent of a study.

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students



Parental influence has been identified as an important

factor affecting student’s achievement (Miler, 2015,

Dryfoos, 2017) The child rearing attitudes or parental

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

behavior may be viewed in terms of many different dimensions

such as acceptance, affection, control, warmth,

permissiveness, restrictiveness and demanding behavior

Typically warmth and control art thought to be the most

important ways in which parents influence the developing of

their offspring or children (Maccoby and Marth, 2021)

According to Khan (2018), Parental influence may occur

at different levels, ranging from simplistic tasks such as

motivating children, being positive about school, or

assisting their children’s homework to move complicated and

skill demanding tasks such as assisting educators or the

official management of schools, which demands higher skill


Many parents believe that academic excellence

is the foundation for success.(Yam Dela Cruz, 2013)

According to Laura Lara, (2019), the existence of three

different profiles of parental involvement (high, medium

and low) considering different scales of parental

involvement (at home, at school through the invitations made

by the children, the teachers and the school). Secondly,

results showed that there was difference in academic

achievement scores between the parent involvement profiles,

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

where high and medium involved parents had children with

higher academic achievement than low involved patents.

According to Schmuck Jessica (2015), Parents need to be

actively involved in their adolescent’s life, support and

provide assistance with school and help instill motivation

and confidence.

They are the one who guides their children through

hardships and success. They want their children to have a

bright future to push them to exceed in school. They want

them to become the best among the rest, so they force them

to spare their children from disappointment and feelings of

failure that may come along if they don’t study hard.

Anxiety in a child can generate negative consequences for

the child’s functioning (Jacob et al., 2014).

Children should be motivated to explore the world in

their way. Parent involvement was defined as the teacher's

perception of “the positive attitude parents have towards

their child's education, teacher, and school” (Topor et al.,


According to Brown & Iyengar (2018), noted that

adolescents who lack parental acceptance, behavioral

supervision and psychological autonomy start out at a

disadvantage by lacking vital skills needed to be

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

academically successful. Adolescents gain and build upon

values and academic goals based on those of their parents.

When parents are supportive listeners, caring and active in

their adolescent’s life then there is less home life stress,

allowing the adolescent to have a positive and esteemed

attitude towards school.

Parents should facilitate and encourage independent

problem solving, choices and self-determination in their

adolescent if parents want them to be independent and

motivated in school.

According to Ochoa and Torre’s study (2014), it is

stated that in the studies focusing on parental

socialization, it is apparent that these behaviors are

strongly associated with discipline, even if there is

actually a wide range of practices that parents may use to

raise their children. During less stressful instances,

parents may be more likely to turn to other discipline

practices that are non-punitive and guide children both

through verbal and behavioral means. This suggests that

positive practices already exist in parents’ discipline

repertoire, but they may not always choose to use these.

(De Leon, 2012; Ochoa, 2014).

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

According to Wong (2013), analyzed the effects of

parental involvement and autonomy support in relation to

academic performance of adolescents. Accurate and

informative results were produced from interviewing 171

adolescents with different socioeconomic backgrounds,

ethnicities and parental education. The study evaluated the

participant’s response to the impact of parental involvement

such as, the extent to which parents are interested in,

knowledgeable about, and willing to take an active role in

the day-to-day activities of their children (Wong, 2013).

Proven through multi-group analysis, statistics and results

from the participating adolescents, parental involvement had

a positive relation with an adolescent’s successful academic

performance. Parents who actively participate and are

interested in their child’s life will result in them having

greater academic performances in school.

According to Spera (2013), analyzed184 adolescents’

perception of parental involvement in school, authoritative

parenting styles and parental monitoring at home proving

that parental values and interaction positively related to

the adolescent’s interest in school, internal academic self-

regulation and goal pursuit. According to the same study

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

authoritative parents provided a higher level of emotional

security supplying their children with comfort, independence

and success in school. Critical analysis of the results

confirmed that aspects of parenting are strong predictors of

adolescent school achievement and motivation (Spera, 2013).

Authoritative parents who engage in bidirectional

communication with their children boost the development of

interpersonal skills creating positive student adjustment

and peer relations, increasing success levels in school both

socially and academically. Numerous studies within this

research article have been conducted to provide accurate and

in-depth analysis on the positive results of parental

involvement and authoritative parenting in relation to an

adolescent’s success in school.

According to Cassidy & Conroy (2020), established the

idea that parents’ interactions with adolescent’s shape how

they evaluate themselves through self-esteem and achievement

levels. Adolescents’ perceptions of their own abilities are

strongly linked to their parent’s beliefs rather than to the

adolescent’s actual level of ability. The higher level of

parental support and interest in the adolescent the greater

amount of self-esteem and confidence the adolescent will

feel, thus creating strong, more motivated attitudes towards

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

academics. When an adolescent is confident and content with

who they are, it produces self-confidence in school when

answering questions and taking exams. Parents who play an

active role in their adolescent’s school attend school

activities and help with homework, have proven to increase

the adolescent’s academic performance and the amount of time

they are willing to put into homework.

According to Spera (2015) analyzed and proved that

parental monitoring, goals, values and aspirations were the

basis of where and how their adolescent developed their own.

Adolescents who come from parents of a positive, loving,

authoritative structure, tend to be more motivated, focused

and academically successful. Parents who provide a rationale

for behavior and actions at home are teaching self-control

and respect in their adolescent at school towards their

teachers and fellow students. When life at home is

satisfactory, then life at school becomes much better.

According to Schultz (2021) noticed that if adolescents

from unstable homes are to be compared with those from

stable homes it would be seen that those from unstable homes

have more social academic and emotional problems.

According to Omolewa (2012) affirmed that academic

performance of the child could be traced to the home he

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

comes from. Synder et al (2013) claimed that the family

environment is the most powerful influence in determining

the child’s academic performance. It is obvious that

substantial influence on a child’s academic performance.

According to Abiriri (2010), education is seen as an

instrument per excellence for development and as such it is

the engine that promotes development. Aside from the

intellectual capacity of the child, the academic performance

of the child is also largely determined by the family


According to Obeyan (2018) states that the family is

the bedrock of any society. It is also the foundation of

academic achievements of the child.

According to Uwifu (2008), further affirmed that the

recent wave of moral decadence and all sorts of anti-social

behavior could be traced to poor home background.

According to Ogulu (2014), the high socio-economic

status parents are able to provide their children with books

and toys to encourage them in their various learning

activities at home. Parents face major challenges when it

comes to providing optimal care and education for their

children. However, the challenges are more accurately

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

devastating among the poor income families that struggle to

provide the basic needs to sustain the family.

According to Birtch et al (2020), analyses that the

relationship between parental involvement and students’

academic achievement is stronger when academic achievement

is represented by a more global indicator of academic

achievement rather than by academic subject indicators.



Research Design

The research study used quantitative research and

descriptive design. Descriptive research design aims to

systematically obtain information to describe.

According to John Dudovsky (2017) descriptive research

maybe categorized as simply the attempt to determine,

describe or identify what is. It is used to describe various

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

aspects of the phenomenon and describe and/ or behavior or

some population. Three main purposes of descriptive studies

can be explained as describing, explaining and validity

research findings.

Respondents of the Study

The participants of the study are Senior High School

Students. The sample size of the study will be 92

respondents using the Slovin’s formula with the margin of

error at 10%.

Research Environment

This study will be conducted at Roberto H. Tirol High

School (Concepcion National High School) of Brgy.Bacjawan

Sur, Concepcion Iloilo. (92) Senior High School Students

will serve as the respondents of the study

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

Fig. 2 Shows the locale or area of the research.

Research Instrument

The researcher will use questionnaire to gather the

needed information about the effect of parental influence in

the academic performance of Senior High School Students. It

was adopted and modified from “A survey on parental

influence on academic performance of Secondary School

Students in Oredo (LGA), Edo state” by Emeke Precious

Nwaoboli (2022). It consist of 10 items likert scale with

the choices strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree,

Strongly disagree.

Ethical Considerations

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

The researchers will ensure that all information

provided by the students will be kept confidential and will

only be used for research purposes.

Confidentiality refers to the practice of protecting

sensitive information from unauthorized access or

disclosure. It is a critical aspect of research ethics,

particularly in studies involving human subjects, where

maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of participants

is essential to protect their rights and ensure their trust

in the research process (McGraw, 2010).

Inform Consent

The respondents are being invited to participate in

this research study that focuses on determining the effect

of parental influence in the academic performance of Senior

High School Students. The participation in this study is

entirely voluntary, and they have the right to decline to

participate without any negative consequences.

Informed consent is a process by which potential

research participants. The process of informed consent is

designed to ensure that participants are fully informed

about the research they are agreeing to participate in and

can make an autonomous decision about whether or not to

participate. Informed consent is considered a fundamental

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

principle of research ethics, and is required by law in many

countries, including the United States (U.S. Department of

Health and Human Services, 2018).

Data Gathering Procedure

In determining the effect of parental influence among

the respondents, the researcher undertook the following

steps: First, the researcher constructed a questionnaire for

the students to collect the necessary data. Second, the

researcher asks permission from the Campus Director. Third,

the questionnaire was distributed to the respondents after

securing the permit. Copies of the approved questionnaire

were distributed in order to gather the relevant data. The

instruments were retrieved after they were finished

answering. The data collected were scored, tallied and


Data Analysis

After the data gathered, it will be computed and

analyzed using the statistical tools.

Mean – to determine the parental influence encountered

by the senior high school students.

Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

T-test – to determine the academic performance of

Senior High School as a group and classified as to sex and

grade level.

Scale in the Level of Parental Influence

Score Range Interpretation

45 -50 Highly influence

35 - 44 Moderately influence

25 -34 Slightly influence

15 - 24 Not influence

10 - 14 Highly not influence

Question Agree Strongly Neutral Disagree Stro

Agree disa
Roberto H. Tirol High School
The effect of Parental Influence in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students

1)Parental influence has an

effect on my academic
2)Parental influence
determines my level of
academic performance.
3) Parental influence
facilitate my academic
4)Extent to which Parental
influence effect my
academic performance.
5) Academic discipline from
my parents facilitate my
academic performance.

6)My parents involvement in

my academic reinforces my
academic performance.

7) Rewards from my parents

for my academic performance
make me study harder

8)Parental arrangement for

supportive teachers for
subject which find
difficult in school makes
learning easier for me.

9)My parents socio-economic

status have great impact on
my academic performance.
10)students from high-
income status parents
achieve better academically
than those from low income
status parents
Please select the most appropriate answer.

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