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ICT Platform for EFL Students in Covid-19 Pandemic Era: Types, Perception and

Barriers viewed from Gender in Islamic University of Indonesia

Eka Apriani*,1
Safnil Arsyad2
Dadan Supardan4
Paidi Gusmuliana5
Irwan Fathurrochman8
English Tadris Study Program, Tarbiyah Faculty, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN)
Curup, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Magister of English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty,
University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Magister of English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty,
University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Primary Teacher Education Study Program, Tarbiyah Faculty, Institut Agama Islam Negeri
(IAIN) Curup, Bengkulu, Indonesia
English Tadris Study Program, Tarbiyah Faculty, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN)
Curup, Bengkulu, Indonesia
English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, University of
Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Tarbiyah Faculty, Institut Agama Islam Negeri
(IAIN) Curup, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Islamic Education Management Study Program, Tarbiyah Faculty, Institut Agama Islam
Negeri (IAIN) Curup, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Corresponding author, email:

The aims of this study are to find out (1) ICT platform using by male and female
students in Islamic University of Indonesia; (2) students’ perception of using ICT in
Islamic University of Indonesia; and (3) Students’ barriers of using ICT in Islamic
University of Indonesia. This research hoped can be as references to improve our
education quality in Indonesia especially in Islamic University of Indonesia online
learning quality. This study is a descriptive qualitative research design. The data
was coming from online questionnaire (Google Form). The subject was 210 English
Study Program Students from 7 Islamic University in Indonesia. Every university
consist of 30 male students and 30 female students. The data from questionnaire is
analysed by using qualitative analysis: collecting the data, coding the data,
reflecting the data, organizing the data, and interpreting the data. The results
showed that (1) Female students had various types of ICT in learning English Skill
than male students; (2) Female students give positive perception of using ICT than
male students; (3) Female students have some problems in using ICT rather than
male students. Male students are more expert in ICT literacy than female students.
Keywords: ICT Platform, ICT Types, Perception, Barriers, Gender

ICT is an important medium for teaching and studying in today's world. ICT relies on
all facets of our lives, such as education, economics, social life, etc. Because of the Covid-19
pandemic, the education system has moved from mainstream to technology. ICT is
responsible for all facets of education such as the lesson plan, methods, process, media,
content, and assessment (Apriani, Syafryadin, Supardan, Umami, Noermansyah, 2020). As a
learning media, ICT will inspire and involve students to strengthen their active learning
(Solano,, 2020). According to Apriani (2016, p1), Positive impact of technology is not
only improving students’ achievement but also to construct the personality of a successful
In using ICT, a lecturer needs to know how effective and productive adult learners
can practice in learning. Lecturers should teach, inspire and train students individually to
achieve their learning goals (Manangsa, Gusmuliana, Apriani, 2020). One avenue for adult
students to be educated separately is by ICT. ICT can develop students’ language literacy.
Students can understand learning language by using ICT (Gusmuliana, Apriani, Karolina,
2020). Alkaromah, Fauziati, Asib (2020), ICT portal supports the life, selection mission,
exercise and media learning tools of students and teachers It may be downloaded at anytime,
anyplace and also allows parents access to follow the achievement of pupils in the school.
There are two sorts of ICT may be employed in teaching and learning process. They are
both non-web-based and web-based instructional resources. (Alkanel & Chouthaiwale, 2018).
Non web based is ICT can be accessed by using non internet connection. Web based is ICT
can be accessed by using internet connection. In Covid 19 pandemic era, ICT web based
learning is used in teaching and learning process especially in Islamic University of
Islamic University in Indonesia was implemented online learning for two semesters of
learning. English lecturers use ICT Platform to help them in teaching English. all of teacher
and students must know about operating the ICT Platform. Many research found that ICT
platform gives positive effects for learner. Sanjaya, Apriani, and Edy (2020) also found that
students have a favorable view of weblogs based on five researcher-provided indicators: trust
of students in writing, development of writing skills, experience and awareness use of
information and communication technology, critical thinking promotion, and accessibility
Furthermore, Iqbal and Bhatti (2015) discovered that M-learning, such as
mobile/smartphones, iPods, MP3 players, and private digital assistants (PDAs), helps to
increase awareness and learning outside of the classroom and also helps to develop
relationships amongst students and instructor (Ekamayake & Wishart, 2010; Wishart, 2015).
During online learning, students faced some barriers in learning. According to
Octaberlina,, 2020), there are three obstacles namely e-learning unfamiliar, poor internet
access, and physical condition e.g., eye strain. Siddiquah and Salim (2017) states that
students’ barriers were poor working state of computers, lack Internet access, inaccessibility
of vital apps, a lack of technical assistance, virus threat, computer slowness, Internet signal
issues, and load shedding were all issues. The beneficial impact of ICT cannot be maximised
if students face impediments to adopting it.
In expectations of ICT usage, there is a difference between male and female students.
Male students offered more constructive answers to all things of importance and expense
(Charles & Issufu, 2015). The difference of using ICT by gender makes lecturer should find
out the best ICT that can be used by male and female students. The wrong in choosing ICT
for male and female students can make them uninterested in teaching and leaning process. So,
English lecturer must consider that.
Based on explanation about, this study wants to find out: (1) ICT platform using by male
and female students in Islamic University of Indonesia; (2) students’ perception of using ICT
in Islamic University of Indonesia; and (3) Students’ barriers of using ICT in Islamic
University of Indonesia. This research hoped can be as references to improve our education
quality in Indonesia especially in Islamic University of Indonesia online learning quality.

2.1 ICT Platform for EFL Students
Technology has provided extremely useful tools to aid schooling (Seliaman & Al-
Turki, 2012). New innovations have revolutionized language education by making learning
resources open online and usable at any time and everywhere bu ysing ICT (Pardede, 2020).
ICT is described as "forms of information creation, display, storage, manipulation, and
exchange technology" (Donnelly, McGarr, & O'Reilly, 2011). Asabere and Enguah (2012)
described ICT as the tools, facilities, processes, and facilities that offer the physical
infrastructure and services for the creation, transmission, processing, storage, and
dissemination of all sorts of information, including speech, text, data, images, and video, to
provide the necessary environment. Cakici (2016) notes that ICT is a powerful method for
teaching for EFL students. Naturally, the exponential development of ICT has impacted every
part of the method of language teaching. Technology has a positive impact on English
teaching and learning. Technologies may be integrated into educational activities to improve
and enhance foreign language acquisition. ICT may be utilised as a teaching media by
teachers in the teaching and learning processes, particularly in English skills (Apriani, 2017).
Non-web-based and web-based learning ICT tools are divided into two categories
tools (Alkanel & Chouthaiwale, 2018). Non-web-based learning is a type of ICT that can be
accessed without an Internet connection by teachers and students. Web-based learning is a
type of ICT that can be accessed by teachers and students through internet connections. ICT
can used in learning English were Computer, LCD, television, speaker, radio, blog, email,
youtube, internet connection, video, telephone, online databases, audio graphics, Online
library, Audio and video conferencing, as well as computer conferencing, are all options.
Radio and television broadcasts, teleconferencing, audio and videotapes CDs, virtual
conferences, etc. Transferring computer files, Audio recording, social media, and e-learning,
e-book, online discussion forum, interactive whiteboard Games for learning, Website
resources, online journal (Apriani and Hidayah, 2019).
According to Hartono (2012), ICT (computers and other supporting equipment) may
also function as a "teacher" or "tutor." Using special software, such as a multimedia
programme or language learning software, to learn the lessons with advice, teaching,
information, or extra explanation for certain terminology blended on the programme.
According to Soler (2002), possibilities for student engagement play a favourable
impact in language acquisition. When students take the initiative to ask questions and seek
assistance, they are provided with real communicative possibilities. According to Asabere
and Enguah (2012), information and communication technology (ICT) consists of tools,
facilities, procedures, and equipment that offer the necessary physical infrastructure and
services for the creation, transmission, processing, storing, and dissemination of information
in all forms, including speech, text, data, graphics, and video.
ICT Paltform includes innumerable apps and resources that make learning more
dynamic and accessible, so that students are no longer limited to their classrooms while
interacting with learning processes (Callum, 2014). Using ICT as a learning tool enables
students to quickly and effectively access digital content to assist in investigating issues,
solving problems, and making decisions, to build novel ways to promote learning and build
new understandings in areas of learning, to connect, share, and operate cooperatively in local
and global contexts, and to acquire new thought and learning abilities (Adu & Olatundum,,
In this study, the researcher is analyzed ICT Platform used by English Study Program
Students. ICT Platform such as Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet, WA, Facebook,
Youtube, Ig, Email, Skype, Kahoot and Others ICT Platform.

2.2 Students’ Perception of Using ICT

The perception of students using ICT in the classroom was more costly to obtain
information, deep coverage of topics, easier to obtain information, quicker to obtain
information, easier to obtain information, sources are more available to obtain information,
more accurate, provide information on more subjects, sources are easier for students to obtain
assignments (Adesoji, 2012). In other words, Pardede (2020) indicates that 6 (six)
perceptions of need arise in the learning process. Second, the capacity of ICT is to increase
their interest and motivation for learning. The effect of the application of ICT in education
English comes in second. The third connotation of the use of ICT in teaching is educational.
Self-efficacy in the use of ICT for learning is ranked fourth. Fifth, it is critical to educate ICT.
Sixth, ICT is being used for a variety of high-intensity applications.
Houcine (2011) reported that the concept of the influence of ICT in Foreign Language
Teaching was that (1) ICT enables to respond to and utilise recent/daily news; (2) the
capacity to combine/use alternatively (basic) abilities (text and images, audio and video clip;
(3) become more exciting and less ordinary, improving student engagement; and (4) ICT
enables concentrate on one specific feature of the Foreign Language Teaching
(pronunciation, vocabulary, etc). According to Schoepp and Erogul (2001), demonstrating the
benefit of ICT in English language teaching and learning includes motivation enhancement,
learner independence, and skill acquisition.
Jayanthi and Kumar (2016) categorise the beneficial effects of ICT for ELT under the
following broad headings: material availability, student attitudes, learner autonomy,
authenticity, assisting instructors, student-centered, and self-assessment. Using ICT as a
learning tool enables students to rapidly and effectively obtain digital information to aid with
exploring issues, solving problems and making decisions, producing creative solutions to
help learning and developing new understandings in areas of learning, communicating,
sharing, and working collaboratively in a local and global setting, developing new thinking
and learning abilities that aid in learning (Adu & Olatundum,, 2013). Furthermore, according
to Sanyal (2001), there are four ways in which ICT might support basic education: I
promoting school-based education; and (ii) offering non-formal education for out-of-school
children and adults, (iii) promoting pre-service distance learning for teachers and their in-
service professional growth, and (iv) improving school management.
Based on the experts’ opinion above, the researcher used the benefit of ICT in the
learning process as the statement to find out the students’ perception of using ICT Platform in
Covid 19 Pandemic Era. The main benefits of ICT were enhancing students’ motivation and
students’ learning autonomy. They are:
1. ICT Platforms can access material anytime and anywhere in Covid-19 Pandemic Era;
2. ICT Platforms can help search relevant information or material of my course easier in
Covid-19 Pandemic Era;
3. ICT Platforms can help improve my English skills in Covid-19 Pandemic Era;
4. ICT Platforms can help improve my knowledge in Covid-19 Pandemic Era;
5. ICT Platforms can help me to submit task/assignment in Covid-19 Pandemic Era;
6. ICT Platforms can help me to make up for my educational deficit in the Covid-19
Pandemic Era;
7. ICT Platforms can improve my drive to complete my studies on time in the Covid-19
Pandemic Era;
8. ICT Platforms can help me to solve my study problem in Covid-19 Pandemic Era;
9. ICT Platforms is a faster way to get lecturers’ feedback in Covid-19 Pandemic Era;
10. ICT Platforms can enhance interaction between student and teachers in Covid-19
Pandemic Era;

2.3 Students’ Barriers in Using ICT

Some barriers of using ICT in ELT slassroom External hurdles include things like
insufficient money, a lack of time, and a lack of technical help, whereas internal hurdles
include things like teachers' unfavourable attitudes and a lack of confidence (Bingimlas 2009;
Al- Senaidi et al. 2009). In addition, Siddiquah and Salim (2017) states that students’ barriers
were poor working state of computers, lack of Internet access, non-accessibility of the
necessary applications, lack of technical help, virus danger, slow speed of computers, signal
issue on the Internet, and load shedding were a problem for Bangladesh students using ICT
for learning English.
In other words, Kopcha (2012) and Wachira & Keegwe (2011) states that the usage of
ICT in the ELT classroom has been driven into two factors. Hardware (computers, tablets,
smartphones, and internet networks), apps (ICT systems or applications), and policy and
leadership help are the external variables. The internal element relates to the behaviors,
values, skills, and ICT abilities of teachers and students. Furthermore, Snoeyink and Ertmer
(2001) demonstrate that in Bangladesh, there are two issues with the use of ICT in the
classroom. The initial issues include a lack of resources, unreliability of equipment, a lack of
technical help, and other resource-related constraints. Second, all impacts at the school level
include business culture and teacher-level elements such as teaching and technological ideals,
as well as tolerance for change.
Khan, (2011) suggests that ICT use has issues for both teachers and students.
They are: (1) slow speed; (2) insufficient number of PCs; (3) a lack of time to use
technological resources; a poor internet connection; a lack of printer access; a loss of energy;
and a lack of service Lack of access, ineffective training, teachers' attitudes, students'
attitudes, and time constraints (Risati, 2012).
In the same opinion, According to Snoeyink and Ertmer (2001), first order hurdles
include a lack of equipment, equipment unreliability, a lack of technical assistance, and other
resource-related concerns. Second-order impediments include both school-level
characteristics like organisational culture and teacher-level ones like teaching and
technological views and receptivity to change. Barriers in using ICT consists of Inadequate
hardware and software upkeep, Outage of power, Inadequate finance, a lack of ICT
integration insufficient ICT infrastructure Insufficient connections, a scarcity of trained
employees Insecurities, a lack of motivation, and a lack of confidence There is a lack of
understanding about the advantages of ICT (Prasad, Lalitha, and Srikar: 2015).
Based on the theories above, Students Problems in using ICT in ELT Classroom are
Lack of Equipment, Lack of Confidence, Lack of Motivation, Lack of Funding, and Lack of
ICT Abilities.
1. Lack of Resources/Equipments consists of lack of handphone, lack of computer, lack
of speaker, lack of wifi, lack of printer, incompatible device, sharing device with
others family low internet connection, do not have electricity.
2. Lack of funding consists of Low-income families, internet cost, and buying laptop or
handphone/ etc.
3. Lack of ICT Abilities consists of lack of knowledge of use ICT, Lack of technological
competence, and Lack of ICT Training.

2.5 Gender Differences in English Learning

Gender gaps also Language, information technology, science, and math, for example,
have a significant impact in influencing students' learning preferences and outcomes, but the
margin of gender disparities is shrinking as culture and times change, according to Macleod
et al. (2002). According to the study's findings, when they try to use computer technology
and its assisted language learning services to improve their English language learning, there
is a Gender disparities among Taiwanese EFL students While both male and female students
have indicated that CALL programmes are useful for improving their English abilities, male
students had a more hopeful learning attitude and less learning anxiety about utilising CALL
programmes for English learning than female students (Lai & Kuo, 2007).
In various motivational research on gender disparities in the sense of foreign language
learning, it has been found that women are more inspired than boys to study foreign
languages (Dornyei, Csizer, & Nemeth, 2006; Mori & Gobel, 2006). Javid (2012) found
that due to their gender and university main, substantial variations occurred in the extrinsic
motivational orientations of the participants. Gender disparities manifestly impair the
Students' academic objectives, needs, and successes (Halpern, 1986; Collins, Kenway and
McLeod, 2000; Swiatek & Lupkowski-Shoplik, 2000). The memory of female learners is
slightly higher than that of male students studying foreign languages (This includes
comprehension, mechanical memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory). in
addition the recollection of female is still much greater than that of male. In a word, learning
foreign languages is a recollection of (Jia, 1996).
Volman et al (2005) found that when working together on the computing, the
computer attitude of girls appears to be less optimistic than that of boys, girls and boys, and
they cope with ICT tasks differently. The findings, however, show that there is a gender
discrepancy in the usage of ICT in language education among male and female students.
Female instructors reported using less ICT in their classrooms than male teachers. Several
proposals exist for improving the inclusion of ICT into language learning in EFL situations.
(Mahdi,, 2013). There is a distinction between male and female languages, expressed in
vocabulary, grammar, etc (Ning, DHang, & Zai, 2010). Severiens and Dam (2005)
investigated the tight relationship between gender differences and styles of learning and
discovered that males preferred the abstract conceptualization method of learning more than
women. Logan and Johnston (2009) found that girls had a greater grasp of reading, read more
often, and had a more optimistic reading attitude.
Based on the experts' opinions, the researcher found that there are certain disparities
between male and female language learners when it comes to utilising ICT to improve their
language learning. The researcher is curious about gender disparities in perspectives when
students utilise ICT for language acquisition (reading, speaking listening, and writing). This
study is also seeing the differences in their perception and barriers in using ICT in learning

This study is a descriptive qualitative research design. The data was comes from
online questionnaire (Google Form). The subject was 210 English Study Program Students
from 7 Islamic University in Indonesia. Every university consist of 30 male students and 30
female students. There are three questionnaires: ICT Type, Perception (10 statements), and
Problem (10 statements). Questionnaires are validated by two English experts from
University of Sriwijaya and University of Bengkulu. The researchers also doing
questionnaires try out to 30 students. The result showed that the mean validity is >0.5 and
reliability is 0,835.
Table 1. Subject of the Research
No University Students
1. IAIN Curup 30 30
2. IAIN Bengkulu 30 30
3. UIN Raden Fatah Palembang 30 30
4. IAIN Salatiga 30 30
5. UIN Mataram 30 30
6. UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifudin Jambi 30 30
7. IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua 30 30
Total 210 210

The data from questionnaire is analysed by using qualitative analysis: collecting the
data, data coding, data reflection, data organisation, and data interpretation. In step collecting
the data, the researcher gets the information from the subject by using questionnaire. The
researcher highlights the essential points or crucial points in coding data to answer research
questions. The researcher is conducting a data reflection into a file by reflecting the data. The
researcher separated the data into particular aspects based on the point of research questions
while arranging the data. In interpreting the data, the researcher gives the interpretation about
the data result and supports the data with the expert opinion.

4.1 ICT Types Viewed From Gender
Based on the ICT Type questionnaire, the researchers found that There were
inequalities in the use of ICT in learning English skills between male and female students
(Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking). The discrepancies are shown in the table below:
Tabel 2. ICT Types used by Students in Learning English Skills
No Types of ICT Reading Listening Writing Speaking
Male Female Male Female Mal Female Mal Female
e e
1. Google Classroom √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
2. Zoom √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3. Google Meet √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4. WhatApp √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5. Facebook - √ √ √ - √ √ √
6. Youtube - √ √ - - √ √ √
7. Instagram √ √ - √ √ √ - √
8. Email √ √ - √ √ √ - √
9. Skype - - - - - - - -
10 Kahoot √ √ - √ - √ - √
11 Other ICT - - - - - - - -
. Platform

In English Reading Skill, there are differences in using ICT type viewed from
gender (male and female). Male Students used Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet,
WhatsApp, Instagram, Email, dan Kahoot. But, Female students used Google Classroom,
Zoom, Google Meet, WhatsApp, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Email, dan Kahoot. Male
students did not used Facebook, Youtube, and Skype but Female Students did not used skype
In English Listening Skill, Male and Female had difference using ICT Type. Male
used Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet, WhatApp, Facebook, and Youtube. Female
used Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet, WhatApp, Facebook, Instagram, Email, and
Kahoot. Male did not used Instagram, Email, Skype, and Kahoot. Female did not used
Youtube and Skype.
In English Writing Skill, Male used Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet,
WhatApp, Instagram, and Email. Female used Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet,
WhatApp, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Email, and Kahoot. Male did not used Facebook,
Youtube, Skype, and Kahoot. Female did not used skype only.

In English Speaking Skill, ICT used by male students are Google Classroom, Zoom,
Google Meet, WhatApp, Facebook, Youtube. ICT used by female students are Google
Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet, WhatApp, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Email, and
Kahoot. Male did not used Instagram, Email, Skype, and Kahoot. Female did not used skype
It is clear from the table above that ICT used by male and female students in four (4)
English skills are Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet, and WhatApp. Both male n
female students, they did not used Skype in learning Reading, Speaking, Writing, and
Listening skill. Male students used same ICT type in Listening and Speaking Skill. Female
students used same ICT type in Reading, Writing, and Speaking. From the result, It may be
stated that female students used more forms of ICT to improve their English skills than male

4.2 Students’ Perception of Using ICT Viewed From Gender

Students’ Perception of using ICT Questionnaire consists of ten (10) statements.
Based on the result of Students’ Perception of Using ICT Questionnaire, the result showed
that there are some differences of Students’ Perception of Using ICT viewed from gender.
The result can be seen in the following table:
Table 3. Students’ Perception of Using ICT
No Statement Male Female
Yes No Yes No
1. ICT Platforms can access material anytime and anywhere in √ √
Covid-19 Pandemic Era;
2. ICT Platforms can help search relevant information or material √ √
of my course easier in Covid-19 Pandemic Era;
3. ICT Platforms can help improve my English skills in Covid-19 √ √
Pandemic Era;
4. ICT Platforms can help improve my knowledge in Covid-19 √ √
Pandemic Era;
5. ICT Platforms can help me to submit task/assignment in Covid- √ √
19 Pandemic Era;
6. ICT Platforms can help me to recover my study gap in Covid- √ √
19 Pandemic Era;
7. ICT Platforms can enhance my motivation to finish my studies √ √
on time in Covid-19 Pandemic Era;
8. ICT Platforms can help me to solve my study problem in √ √
Covid-19 Pandemic Era;
9. ICT Platforms is a faster way to get lecturers’ feedback in √ √
Covid-19 Pandemic Era;
10. ICT Platforms can enhance interaction between student and √ √
teachers in Covid-19 Pandemic Era;

Based on the table above, we can see distinctions between male and female pupils
Male pupils provide excellent feedback of positive perception about using ICT in learning
language were (1) ICT Platforms can access material anytime and anywhere; (2) ICT
Platforms can help search relevant information or material of my course easier; (3) ICT
Platforms can help me to submit task/assignment. But, female students gives positive
perception about using ICT in learning language were (1) ICT Platforms can access material
anytime and anywhere; ICT Platforms can help search relevant information or material of my
course easier; (3) ICT Platforms can help improve my English skills; (4) ICT Platforms can
help improve my knowledge; (5) ICT Platforms can help me to submit task/assignment; (6)
ICT Platforms can aid me to recover from my study gap; (7) ICT Platforms can boost my
enthusiasm to complete my studies on time; and (8) ICT Platforms can assist me in resolving
my study difficulty.
In negative perception, male students state that (1) ICT Platforms can not help
improve my English skills; (2) ICT Platforms can not help improve my knowledge; (3) ICT
Platforms can not help me to recover my study gap; (4) ICT Platforms can enhance my
motivation to finish my studies on time; (5) ICT Platforms can not help me to solve my study
problem;(6) ICT Platforms is a slower way to get lecturers’ feedback; (7) ICT Platforms can
not enhance interaction between student and teachers. But, Male students state that (1) ICT
Platforms can not enhance interaction between student and teachers; (2) ICT Platforms is a
slower way to get lecturers’ feedback.
Form the table above, we can also seen that the similarities viewed from gender of
students positive perception using ICT in learning English skill, they are: (1) ICT Platforms
can access material anytime and anywhere; (2) ICT Platforms can help search relevant
information or material of my course easier; (3) ICT Platforms can help me to submit
task/assignment. There are also some similarities viewed from gender of students negative
perception using ICT in learning English skill, they are: (1) ICT Platforms is not a faster way
to get lecturers’ feedback; (2) ICT Platforms can not enhance interaction between student and
Based on the finding, it can be concluded that students perception of using ICT in
learning language is difference viewed from gender (male and female). Male students give
negative perception of using ICT in learning English skill. It means that, ICT did not give a
crucial effect for male students in learning English in Covid-19 Pandemic Era. Female
students give positive perception of using ICT in learning English skill. It means that, ICT
gives a crucial effect for female students in learning English in Covid-19 Pandemic Era.
4.3 Students Barriers in Using ICT Viewed From Gender
Students’ barriers of using ICT Questionnaire is also consists of ten (10) statements.
The result showed that there are some differences of Students’ Barriers of Using ICT viewed
from gender (Male and Female). The result of questionnaire can be seen in the following
Table 4. Students’ Barriers in Using ICT
No Students’ Problems Male Female
a. Lack of Resources/Equipment
1. Lack of handphone/Computer/Laptop/Speaker/Printer - -
2. Do not have electricity. - √
3. Incompatible device - √
4. Sharing device with others family √ √
5. Lack of wifi/Low internet connection √ √

b. Lack of funding
6. Low-income families √ √
7. Internet cost √ √
8. Equipment Cost (Buying laptop or handphone/ etc.) - -

c. Lack of ICT Abilities

9. Lack of Knowledge and Skills of use ICT - √
10. Lack of ICT Platform Training - √

Male students state that some barriers in using ICT when they learn English skills.
They are: (1) Lack of Resources/Equipment (Sharing device with others family and Lack of
wifi/Low internet connection), (2) Lack of funding (Low-income families and Internet cost).
Female students is also show some barrier of using ICT, they are (1) Lack of
Resources/Equipment (Do not have electricity, Incompatible device, Sharing device with
others family, Lack of wifi/Low internet connection); (2) Lack of funding (Low-income
families and Internet cost); (3) Lack of ICT Abilities (Lack of Knowledge and Skills of use
ICT, Lack of ICT Training). Both Male and Female students have problems in using ICT,
they are: Sharing device with others family, Lack of wifi/Low internet connection, Low-
income families, and Internet cost.
Male students’ states that they are not have barriers in using ICT. Male students
states that they have handphone/Computer/Laptop/ Speaker/Printer, they have electricity,
they have compatible device, they have Equipment Cost, they have Knowledge and Skills to
use ICT, and they have ICT Platform Training with their friends. Female students’ is also not
having barriers in using ICT. They have handphone/Computer/Laptop/Speaker/Printer and
they have Equipment Cost. Male students have not barriers using ICT in aspect Lack of ICT
Based on the finding above, it can be summarizes that female students have some
problems in using ICT rather than male students. Female students have barriers in aspects
Lack of Resources/Equipment, Lack of funding, and Lack of ICT Abilities. But, Male
students have barriers in aspects Lack of Resources/Equipment and Lack of funding. It can be
said that, male students more expert in ICT literacy than female students.

Based on the finding, there are 3 (three) keypoints of this study. First, Based on the
table above, it can be seen that ICT used by male and female students in four (4) English
skills are Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet, and WhatApp. This Four ICT platform is
usually used by male and female students because this platform is easier to operate. Female
students had various types of ICT in learning English Skill than male students. Both male n
female students, they did not used Skype in learning Reading, Speaking, Writing, and
Listening skill. They did not use Skype because it is the same like Zoom meeting and Google
Meet. Male students used same ICT type in Listening and Speaking Skill. They are Google
Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet, WhatApp, Facebook, and Youtube. Female students used
same ICT type in Reading, Writing, and Speaking. They are Google Classroom, Zoom,
Google Meet, WhatsApp, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Email, dan Kahoot. This study is
same with Jia (1996) findings. She found that the memory of female learners is slightly
higher than that of male students studying foreign languages (including understanding,
mechanical memory, short-term memory and long-term memory) in Using ICT. And the
recollection of female is still much greater than that of male.
Second, Male students give more negative perception of using ICT than female
students in learning English skill. Negative perception are (1) ICT Platforms is not a faster
way to get lecturers’ feedback; (2) ICT Platforms can not enhance interaction between
student and teachers. It means that, Female students give positive perception of using ICT in
learning English skill. Female students gives positive perception of using ICT than male
students. they said that (1) ICT Platforms can access material anytime and anywhere in
Covid-19 Pandemic Era; (2) ICT Platforms can help search relevant information or material
of my course easier in Covid-19 Pandemic Era; (3) ICT Platforms can help improve my
English skills in Covid-19 Pandemic Era; (4) ICT Platforms can help improve my knowledge
in Covid-19 Pandemic Era; (5) ICT Platforms can help me to submit task/assignment in
Covid-19 Pandemic Era; (6) ICT Platforms can help me to recover my study gap in Covid-19
Pandemic Era; (7) ICT Platforms can enhance my motivation to finish my studies on time in
Covid-19 Pandemic Era; and (8) ICT Platforms can help me to solve my study problem in
Covid-19 Pandemic Era. Dornyei, Csizer, & Nemeth (2006) and Mori & Gobel (2006) found
that women are more inspired than boys to study foreign languages. This result is different
finding with the study of Lai & Kuo (2007). They found that male students have a more
optimistic learning than female students about using ICT programs for their English learning.

Third, Female students have some problems in using ICT rather than male students.
Male students have barriers in aspects Lack of Resources/Equipment and Lack of funding.
Lack of Resources/Equipment are Sharing device with others family and Lack of wifi/Low
internet connection. Lacks Funding are Low-income families and Internet cost. Female
students have barriers in aspects lack of resources/equipment, lack of funding, and Lack of
ICT Abilities. Lack of Resources/Equipment are Do not have electricity, Sharing device with
others family, Incompatible device, and lack of wifi/Low internet connection. Lack of
funding are Low-income families and Internet cost. Lack of ICT Abilities are Lack of
Knowledge and Skills of use ICT, and Lack of ICT Platform Training. Male students are
more expert in ICT literacy than female students. Volman et al (2005) also found that when
working together on the computing, the computer attitude of girls appears to be less
optimistic in using ICT than that of boys.

Based on the findings and discussion above, the researcher makes conclusions of this
study were:
1. There is a difference in using ICT types by male and female of English Study
Program in Indonesia Islamic University. Female students had various types of ICT in
learning English Skill than male students.
2. There is a difference in students’ perception of using ICT between male and female of
English Study Program in Islamic University in Indonesia. Female students give
positive perception of using ICT than male students.
3. There is a difference in students’ barriers of using ICT between male and female of
English Study Program in Islamic University in Indonesia. Female students have
some problems in using ICT rather than male students. Male students are more expert
in ICT literacy than female students.

The funding of this research was from the researchers themselves. The researchers
give many thanks to Rector of IAIN Curup, Rector of University of Bengkulu, Dean of
Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Curup, Dean of FKIP, Head of Library, Head of Education
Doctoral Study Program of University of Bengkulu, Head of English Tadris Study Program
of IAIN Curup, all English lecturer and all English Education Study Program students from 7
(seven) universities who supported this research.


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