Sample Lesson Plan in Reading

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With the use of the story read, the pupils should be able to:
a. tell the cause-effect relationship of given incidents;
b. answer comprehension questions correctly; and
c. give the meaning of difficult words.


Skill : Perceiving Cause Effect Relationship

Story : The Princess Who Could Not Cry
References : Everyday English 4, pp. 38-41
Reading Exercises for Level 9


Pictures, strips, charts


1. Vocabulary Development
2. Story Introduction
There was once a princess who did not know how to cry. Her
parents, the king and queen, were worried because she was
not like the others who could cry. So, the king and the queen
announced to the whole land that a reward would be given to
anybody who could make the princess cry without hurting
her. many wise men came but they failed. Then a country
girl came and made the princess cry. What would you like to
find out in this story?
3. Raising a Motive Question

How did the country girl came and make the princess cry?

4. Reading the Story

5. Comprehension Check-Up

A. Answering the motive question

B. Answering dimensional questions
1. Who made the princess cry?
2. Why didn’t the country girl stay in the palace?
3. If you were the parents, would you be worried if your
daughter would not know how to cry? Why?
4. Like the country girl who solved the problem of the king and
the queen, can you share to the class a problem in your
family or a problem of your neighbor that you helped solve?

6. Skill Development

Perceiving Cause-Effect Relationship

6.1 Preparation
When the king and queen were sad there was a reason or cause.
What was the cause?
When the princess peeled the onions, what was the result or

6.2 Read the sentences. Complete the sentence that tells about the
cause and answer the question why.

Effect: The king and the queen were troubled. Why?

Cause: They were troubled because the _____ could not _____.
Effect: The laughing princess finally cried. Why?
Cause: She cried because the _____ hurt her eyes.
Effect: The country girl did not want to live in the palace. Why?
Cause: She refused to live in the palace so that her _____ will not
_____ her.
Effect: Did you like the story “The Princess Who Could Not Cry?”
Cause: I like the story because _____.
I don’t like the story because _____.

6. Skill Reinforcement

After reading this fable, do as you are told.

(The Fox and the Crow)


1. Effect: The crow sang her best. Why?

Cause: The fox _____.

2. Effect: The fox told the crow how good she was in singing even if
was not. Why?
Cause: The fox wanted _____.
3. Effect: The cheese fell to the ground. Why?
Cause: The crow _____.

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